Figures with lots of data points in matplotlib - pdf

I generated the attached image using matplotlib (png format). I would like to use eps or pdf, but I find that with all the data points, the figure is really slow to render on the screen. Other than just plotting less of the data, is there anyway to optimize it so that it loads faster?

I think you have three options:
As you mentioned yourself, you can plot fewer points. For the plot you showed in your question I think it would be fine to only plot every other point.
As #tcaswell stated in his comment, you can use a line instead of points which will be rendered more efficiently.
You could rasterize the blue dots. Matplotlib allows you to selectively rasterize single artists, so if you pass rasterized=True to the plotting command you will get a bitmapped version of the points in the output file. This will be way faster to load at the price of limited zooming due to the resolution of the bitmap. (Note that the axes and all the other elements of the plot will remain as vector graphics and font elements).

First, if you want to show a "trend" in your plot , and considering the x,y arrays you are plotting are "huge" you could apply a random sub-sampling to your x,y arrays, as a fraction of your data:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fraction = 0.50
x_resampled = []
y_resampled = []
for k in range(0,len(x)):
if np.random.rand() < fraction:
plt.scatter(x_resampled,y_resampled , s=6)
Second, have you considered using log-scale in the x-axis to increase visibility?

In this example, only the plotting area is rasterized, the axis are still in vector format:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.random.uniform(size=400000)
y = np.random.uniform(size=400000)
plt.scatter(x, y, marker='x', rasterized=False)
plt.savefig("norm.pdf", format='pdf')


How to fix lines of axes overlapping imshow plot?

When plotting matrices using matplotlib's imshow function the lines of the axes can overlap the actual plot, see the following minimal example (matshow is just a simple wrapper around imshow):
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3,3))
ax.matshow(np.random.random((50, 50)), interpolation="none", cmap="Blues")
plt.savefig("example.png", dpi=300)
I would expect every entry of the matrix to be represented by a square, but in the top row it is quite obvious that the axis is hiding a bit of the plot resulting in non-square entries. The same is happening for the last column. Since I want the complete matrix to be seen - every entry with the same importance - is there any way this can be fixed?
To me, this is just a visualisation issue. If I run your code and maximise the window, I do not see the overlapping you are talking about:
Otherwise, remove the spines but without hiding the ticks:
Reduce the thickness of the borders:
[x.set_linewidth(0.3) for x in ax.spines.values()]
The following is the exported image:
With 0.2 the exported image looks like this:

Draw an ordinary plot with the same style as in plt.hist(histtype='step')

The method plt.hist() in pyplot has a way to create a 'step-like' plot style when calling
plt.hist(data, histtype='step')
but the 'ordinary' methods that plot raw data without processing (plt.plot(), plt.scatter(), etc.) apparently do not have style options to obtain the same result. My goal is to plot a given set of points using that style, without making histogram of these points.
Is that achievable with standard library methods for plotting a given 2-D set of points?
I also think that there is at least one hack (generating a fake distribution which would have histogram equal to our data) and a 'low-level' solution to draw each segment manually, but none of these ways seems favorable.
Maybe you are looking for drawstyle="steps".
import numpy as np; np.random.seed(42)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data = np.cumsum(np.random.randn(10))
plt.plot(data, drawstyle="steps")
Note that this is slightly different from histograms, because the lines do not go to zero at the ends.

How do I use colourmaps with variable alpha in a Seaborn kdeplot without seeing the contour lines?

Python version: 3.6.4 (Anaconda on Windows)
Seaborn: 0.8.1
Matplotlib: 2.1.2
I'm trying to create a 2D Kernel Density plot using Seaborn but I want each step in the colourmap to have a different alpha value. I had a look at this question to create a matplotlib colourmap with alpha values: Add alpha to an existing matplotlib colormap.
I have a problem in that the lines between contours are visible. The result I get is here:
I thought that I had found the answer when I found this question: Hide contour linestroke on pyplot.contourf to get only fills. I tried the method outlined in the answer (using set_edgecolor("face") but it did not work in this case. That question also seemed to be related to vector graphics formats and I am just writing out a PNG.
Here is my script:
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.colors as cols
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def alpha_cmap(cmap):
my_cmap = cmap(np.arange(cmap.N))
# Set a square root alpha.
x = np.linspace(0, 1, cmap.N)
my_cmap[:,-1] = x ** (0.5)
my_cmap = cols.ListedColormap(my_cmap)
return my_cmap
xs = np.random.uniform(size=100)
ys = np.random.uniform(size=100)
kplot = sns.kdeplot(data=xs, data2=ys,
Guided by some comments on this question I have tried some other methods that have been successful when this problem has come up. Based on this question (Matplotlib Contourf Plots Unwanted Outlines when Alpha < 1) I have tried altering the plot call to:
sns.kdeplot(data=xs, data2=ys,
With antialiased=True the lines between contours are replaced by a narrow white line:
I have also tried an approach similar to this question - Pyplot pcolormesh confused when alpha not 1. This approach is based on looping over the PathCollections in kplot.collections and tuning the parameters of the edges so that they become invisible. I have tried adding this code and tweaking the linewidth -
for thing in kplot.collections:
This results in a mix of white and dark lines - .
I believe that I will not be able to tune the line width to make the lines disappear because of the variable width of the contour bands.
Using both methods (antialiasing + linewidth) makes this version, which looks cool but isn't quite what I want:
I also found this question - Changing Transparency of/Remove Contour Lines in Matplotlib
This one suggests overplotting a second plot with a different number of contour levels on the same axis, like:
kplot = sns.kdeplot(data=xs, data2=ys,
kplot = sns.kdeplot(data=xs, data2=ys,
This results in:
This is better, and almost works. The problem here is I need variable (and non-linear) alpha throughout the colourmap. The variable banding and lines seem to be a result of the combinations of alpha when contours are plotted over each other. I also still see some clear/white lines in the result.

Cubic spline interpolation drops out halfway

I am trying to make a cubic spline interpolation and for some reason, the interpolation drops off in the middle of it. It's very mysterious and I can't find any mention of similar occurrences anywhere online.
This is for my dissertation so I have excluded some labels etc. to keep it obscure intentionally, but all the relevant code is as follows. For context, this is an astronomy related plot.
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
W = np.array([0.435,0.606,0.814,1.05,1.25,1.40,1.60])
sum_all = np.array([sum435,sum606,sum814,sum105,sum125,sum140,sum160])
sum_can = np.array([sumc435,sumc606,sumc814,sumc105,sumc125,sumc140,sumc160])
fall = CubicSpline(W,sum_all)
fcan = CubicSpline(W,sum_can)
plt.ylabel("Flux S$_v$ [erg s$^-$$^1$ cm$^-$$^2$ Hz$^-$$^1$]")
plt.xlabel("Wavelength [n$\lambda$]")
The plot that I get from that comes out like this, with a clear gap in the interpolation:
And in case you are wondering, these are the values in the sum_all and sum_can arrays (I assume it doesn't matter, but just in case you want the numbers to plot it yourself):
[ 3.87282732e+32 8.79993191e+32 1.74866333e+33 1.59946687e+33
9.08556547e+33 6.70458731e+33 9.84832359e+33]
[ 2.98381061e+28 1.26194810e+28 3.30328780e+28 2.90254609e+29
3.65117723e+29 3.46256846e+29 3.64483736e+29]
The gap happens between [0.606,1.26194810e+28] and [0.814,3.30328780e+28]. If I change the intervals from 0.001 to something higher, it's obvious that the plot doesn't actually break off but merely dips below 0 on the y-axis (but the plot is continuous). So why does it do that? Surely that's not a correct interpolation? Just looking with our eyes, that's clearly not a well-interpolated connection between those two points.
Any tips or comments would be extremely appreciated. Thank you so much in advance!
The reason for the breakdown can be better observed on a linear scale.
We see that the spline actually passes below 0, which is undefined on a log scale.
So I would suggest to first take the logarithm of the data, perform the spline interpolation on the logarithmically scaled data, and then scale back by the 10th power.
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
W = np.array([0.435,0.606,0.814,1.05,1.25,1.40,1.60])
sum_all = np.array([ 3.87282732e+32, 8.79993191e+32, 1.74866333e+33, 1.59946687e+33,
9.08556547e+33, 6.70458731e+33, 9.84832359e+33])
sum_can = np.array([ 2.98381061e+28, 1.26194810e+28, 3.30328780e+28, 2.90254609e+29,
3.65117723e+29, 3.46256846e+29, 3.64483736e+29])
fall = CubicSpline(W,np.log10(sum_all))
fcan = CubicSpline(W,np.log10(sum_can))
plt.ylabel("Flux S$_v$ [erg s$^-$$^1$ cm$^-$$^2$ Hz$^-$$^1$]")
plt.xlabel("Wavelength [n$\lambda$]")

Is it possible to display 2D array as polar plot using Matplotlib imshow()?

I'm new to matplotlib (and am loving it!), but am getting frustrated. I have a polar grid represented as a a 2D array. (rows are radial sections, columns are azimuthal sections)
I've been able to display the 2D array as both a rectangular image (R vs. theta) using pyplot.imshow() and as a polar plot using pyplot.pcolor(). However, pcolor() is painfully slow for the size of the arrays I'm using, so I want to be able to display the array as a polar grid using imshow().
Using pcolor(), this is as simple as setting polar=True for the subplot. Is there any way to display the 2D array as a polar plot using imshow()? without having to do coordinate transformations on the entire array?
Thanks in advance
After some research I discovered the pcolormesh() function, which has proven to be significantly faster than using pcolor() and comparable to the speed of imshow().
Here is my solution:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
#...some data processing
theta,rad = np.meshgrid(used_theta, used_rad) #rectangular plot of polar data
X = theta
Y = rad
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.pcolormesh(X, Y, data2D) #X,Y & data2D must all be same dimensions