How to determine number of clients listening for broadcasting? - redis

I am using laravel 5.1 and I want to know how many clients are listening to a particular channel say Test-Channel. I want this number on server? Is there any way I can get it? Further I am using Broadcasting with Redis.
The link to broadcasting document is as follows:
Laravel 5.1 Event Broadcasting

There is command for this in redis. Check out PUBSUB NUMSUB:
Returns the number of subscribers (not counting clients subscribed to patterns) for the specified channels.
Returns the number of subscriptions to patterns (that are performed using the PSUBSCRIBE command). Note that this is not just the count of clients subscribed to patterns but the total number of patterns all the clients are subscribed to.
Edit: It's also worth noting that the PUBLISH command also returns number of receivers:
Return value
Integer reply: the number of clients that received the message.


What is the difference between correlation id and delivery tag

I've searched for a good explanation for the difference between these two,
but didn't really find one.
What I know till now is that:
correlation id is a string (Guid which was converted to string), and delivery tag is an int.
correlation id is unique for each message, and delivery tag is unique only in
the channel (The channel is the scope).
That's fine....but what is the difference in the purposes? why do we need two identifiers for a message?
The two identifiers exist at two different conceptual layers of communication, and have different properties that are useful in each case. While a protocol could probably be designed that had one identifier serving both purposes, keeping them separate makes both implementations simpler.
Delivery tags
Part of the AMQP communication layer, built into RabbitMQ itself.
Example use: a consumer process can acknowledge that a message has been processed and can be permanently discarded on the broker (RabbitMQ server).
Automatically assigned within the open channel for every message delivered.
Must be unique within that channel in order for the protocol to function correctly. Does not need to be unique across different channels, so a simple incrementing integer is simple to implement.
The same message may be delivered at different times with different delivery tags, or even exist on multiple queues and be delivered simultaneously to different consumers.
Correlation IDs
Part of the logic of the application that is using RabbitMQ, not the broker itself.
Example use: using a matching correlation ID and "reply to" on two separate messages, which the application wants to treat as a request and a response in an RPC pattern.
Needs to be manually added when the message is first created, and is optional.
Not guaranteed to be unique by the protocol, which just sees it as an arbitrary string. It is up to an application to generate in a way that is sufficiently unlikely to collide for its use case, such as an appropriate form of UUID.
Will stay the same every time a message is delivered, no matter how many times it is forwarded or duplicated into multiple queues.
Correlation ID is generally used in the context of RabbitMQ when I want to see a synchronous behavior in which a message is sent and in response to it another sender will send a response but will have the correlationID in the reply-to tag . The common pattern which is replicated in RabbitMQ is the RPC call which is more like a Synchronous messaging.
Delivery Tag is however an indicator of the delivery of the message per channel and generally comes in scope when Acknowledged Delivery model is being followed.
Both have completely different purpose and are not message identifier as such.

RabbitMQ for chat channel-multicasting

Let‘s assume I have a simple chat application where some clients can post messages to some channel X and some clients want to subscribe to all messages in X (channel-based multicasting).
Would I create a Fanout Exchange for each channel or is there a way to utilize Topic for this use-case?
Also a new client that is added to a channel X should be able to read the last message from X. How is that done?
Would it scale for millions of channels?
(Or should I rather look at MQTT?)
A RabbitMQ Topic Exchange (using pub/sub) is definitely an option to create this kind of distribution pattern... producers would ensure their messages' routing key corresponds to "Channel X", and consumers (via their queues) would bind to this Exchange with a matching pattern. This should mean you don't need to have a specific Exchange for each of your channels. But unknown whether it can scale to millions of channels.
If considering other messaging technologies, maybe take a look at Solace? (FYI, I work for them). We actually have a free Udemy dev course where you build a chat app! Solace supports MQTT natively if you want to go that route, and also has a built-in Replay capability that could be used to retrieve the last n messages on a given topic.

Is it a good practice to create a channel for each user in redis message bus

We are using redis message bus and handling messages using a channel. But if our application is deployed in multiple instances then the request and response is passed to all the instances. To avoid this scenario which of the below approach is better?
Create a channel for each instance of the application
Create a channel for each user
Any suggestions will be highly appreciated
The limiting factor here is the number of subscribers to the same channel. Number of channels can be large as such. So you can choose the granularity accordingly. Read more here:!topic/redis-db/R09u__3Jzfk
All the complexity on the end is on the PUBLISH command, that performs
an amount of work that is proportional to:
a) The number of clients receiving the message.
b) The number of clients subscribed to a pattern, even if they'll not
match the message.
This means that if you have N clients subscribed to 100000 different
channels, everything will be super fast.
If you have instead 10000 clients subscribed to the same channel,
PUBLISH commands against this channel will be slow, and take maybe a
few milliseconds (not sure about the actual time taken). Since we have
to send the same message to everybody.
Similar question asked before : How does Redis PubSub subscribe mechanism works?

How does Redis PubSub subscribe mechanism works?

I want to create a Publish-Subscribe infrastructure in which every subscriber will listen to multiple (say 100k) channels.
I think to use Redis PubSub for that purpose but I'm not sure if subscribing to thousands of channels is the best practice here.
To answer this I want to know how subscribing mechanism in Redis works in the background.
Another option is to create a channel per subscriber and put some component in between, that will get all messages and publish it to relevant channels.
Any other Idea?
Salvatore/creator of Redis has answered this here:!topic/redis-db/R09u__3Jzfk
All the complexity on the end is on the PUBLISH command, that performs
an amount of work that is proportional to:
a) The number of clients receiving the message.
b) The number of clients subscribed to a pattern, even if they'll not
match the message.
This means that if you have N clients subscribed to 100000 different
channels, everything will be super fast.
If you have instead 10000 clients subscribed to the same channel,
PUBLISH commands against this channel will be slow, and take maybe a
few milliseconds (not sure about the actual time taken). Since we have
to send the same message to everybody.

Redis publish/subscribe: see what channels are currently subscribed to

I am currently interested in seeing what channels are subscribed to in a Redis pub/sub application I have. When a client connects to our server, we register them to a channel that looks like:
The reason for this is I want to be able to see who's "online". I currently blindly fire off messages to a channel without knowing if a client is online since it's not critical that they receive these types of messages.
In an effort to make my application smarter, I'd like to be able to discover if a client is online or not using the pub/sub API, and if they are offline, cache their messages to a separate redis queue which I can push to them when they get back online.
This does not have to be 100% accurate, but the more accurate it is, the better. I'm assuming a generic key does not get created when a channel gets subscribed to, so I cannot do something as trivial as:
redis-cli keys user* to find all online users.
The other strategy I've thought of is just maintaining my own Redis Set whenever a user published or removes themselves from a channel (which the client automatically handles when they hop online and close the app). That would be an additional layer of complexity that I need to manage and I'm hoping there is a more trivial approach with the data that's already available.
As of Redis 2.8 you can do:
The PUBSUB CHANNELS command has O(N) complexity, where N is the number of active channels.
So in your case:
redis-cli PUBSUB CHANNELS user*
would give you want you want.
There is currently no command for showing what channels "exist" by way of being subscribed to, but there is and "approved" issue and a pull request that implements this.
Due to the nature of this call, it is not something that can scale, and is thus a "DEBUG" command.
There are a few other ways to solve your problem, however.
If you have reason to believe that a channel may be subscribed to, you can send it a message and look at the result. The result is the number of subscribers that got the message. If you got 0, you know that they're not there.
Assuming that your user_ids are incremental, you might be interested in using SETBIT to set a 1 or 0 to a user's offset bit to track presence. You can then do cool things like the new BITCOUNT to see how many users are online, and GETBIT to determine if a specific user is online.
The way I have solved your problem more specifically in the past is by signaling a subscription manager that I have subscribed to a channel. The manager then "pings" the channel by sending a blank message to confirm that there is a subscriber, and occasionally pings the channel thereafter to determine if the user is still online. Not ideal, but better than using DEBUG CHANNELS in production.
From version 2.8.0 redis has a pubsub command that would help in this case:
Remark: currently the state of 2.8.0 is not stable yet (RC2)
I am unaware of any specific way to query what channels are being subscribed to, and you are correct that there isn't any key created when this happens. Also, I wouldn't use the KEYS command in production anyway, as it's really a debugging command.
You have the right idea about using a set to add the user when they're online, and then query this with SISMEMBER <set> <user_id> to determine if the messages should be sent to them or added to a Redis list for processing once they do come online.
You will need to figure out when a user logs off so you can remove them from the list of online users, but I don't know enough about your system to know exactly how you would go about that.
If the connected clients have the ability to send a message back to inform the server that the message(s) were consumed, you could use this to keep track of which messages should be stored for later retrieval.
* PUBSUB NUMSUB [channel-1 ... channel-N]
Returns the number of subscribers (not counting clients subscribed to patterns) for the specified channels.