Rest API to request a build passing parameters TFS 2013 - api

I need to queue a build on TFS 2013 passing MSBuild arguments. I am currently making the below mentioned REST API call. This does not allow me to pass any other arguments other than Build definition id, reason and priority.
I need to pass MSBUild argument like targetName for every build I queue. I need to achieve this using REST API and can not use TFS SDK . I have
looked all the APIS in the below link
Could someone please suggest ways to achieve this?


Nifi API - Update parameter context

We've created a parameter context within Nifi which is allocated to several process groups. We would like to update the value of one parameter within the parameter context. Is there any option to do this via the API?
NiFi CLI from nifi-toolkit has commands for interacting with parameters, there is one for set-param:
You could use that, or look at the code to see how it uses the API.
Also, anything you can do from NiFi UI has go through the REST API. So you can always open Chrome Dev Tools, take some action in the UI like updating a parameter, and then look at which calls are made.

How to invoke a Rest API from BAMBOO

I need to create a Bamboo task that task needs to invoke my project Rest API(http://host:port/api/......) to perform the business logic. Is it any way is there to achieve this? Where i need to mention my API URL and how it will pick my code?
You can use Script task to invoke curl command as part of job. Project REST endpoint can be plan variable, if it doesn't change often.

Mule APIKit and multiple RAMLs

It is possible using multiple RAML files in one APIKit Mule Project?
Let's say I have two functions /api/func1 and /api/func2.
Each of the functions is defined in its own raml - func1.raml and func2.raml.
I've generated a flow in Anypoint for the first function using the APIKit wizard. It's working ok.
Now, I'm trying generating a flow for the second function. The flow is generated with no errors. However, it just doesn't work. I've tried fixing the URLs, bindings, configurations and nothing really helps.
Note, that I don't wanna bind both the RAMLs into one file. The reason is that it's easier to develop/maintain the functions separately.
The only solution I can see is to define two separate projects. But this is not really what I'd like to do.
So, looking for an advice of how to deal with this situation.
Ok, actually, it's possible.
What you need to do is make the "Path"es different in the HTTP connectors for the flows generated.
The apikit wizard generates the default path that looks like this: "/api/*".
So, Mule generates an error when attempting to deploy the app. What you need to do is changing paths to "/api/func1/" and "/api/func2/"
You can continue having a single RAML file and make external references to simplify your raml, here is an example:
#%RAML 0.8
title: Eventlog API
version: 1.0
- eventJson: !include eventSchema.json
eventListJson: !include eventlistSchema.json
Also going by strict REST design it is recommended to have a resource related details maintained in a single RAML file.
Optionally you may edit the url's to resolve any context related conflict.

Update build definition in team foundation 2015 API

I am busy with configuring our new TFS 2015 server (on premises) and trying to get the new vnext builds to work properly.
What I now have are some extra powershell scripts that increase the version number of my assemblies.
It also changes the buildnumber in TFS by calling the API method (see tfs rest api). My json body only sends the new build number (eg. {"buildNumber": ""}) and this works fine.
Now I have added some major, minor and patch version variables in the build definition for the version. Once the build is done this should be updated and so I thought to do the same kind of thing and just send an update API call to the corresponding builddefinition endpoint. The documentation says the revision number is mandatory so I have added that. For the rest I only added the changed variables.
The api call works, but the nasty thing is that it will update the whole definition and clear out all the other settings which I did not provide in the json body. I also tried first getting the defintion through the API, changing the json values for the variables and send that back but that didnt work correct also.
So does anybody know a good solution for this?
As a workaround what I did for now is adding a dummy build definition (eg. "_ProjectVersion") totally empty except for the variables and my build task now uses that build definition to get the latest version numbers and update them. So the api call still empties that whole build definition but since it only contains my variables I dont mind.
I am also doing this in powershell since all scripting should be automated and done in powershell.
The problem I have is that the API call to get the json of an existing BuildDefinition returns invalid json when managed in powershell.
For example the "#{multipliers=[]; will fail with 'must have at least one value' even though a 'json validator' may report as Valid. The correct json is {"multipliers": "[]",

TeamCity: How to get a list of last builds for each build configuration that are currently not running?

I am using TeamCity 7.1. I want to get a list including the last build of each build configuration (build type) that is currently not running. I found this question: TeamCity - How do you get a list of the last finished build of each project through rest api? but the REST URI in the answer did not work for me.
seems to work and gives me all builds that succeeded after failing before.
But the opposite
does not return any builds.
I know that I can get all build types, iterate though them and get the most recent finished build using
("count=1&start=0" may not be necessary)
but I am not really sure that what I get is really the latest build. Also this requires many REST calls for all build types. A neat solution would use only one REST call.
Any ideas?
As per the TeamCity REST API documentation from JetBrains, the builds can be located either of the following ways:
This is must to have the buildType is being suffixed by a <buildTypeLocator> as per the current REST API if you are trying to query something under the buildType and <buildTypeLocator> can be id:<btXXX_internal_buildConfiguration_id> or name:<Build_Configuration_name> (Quote from documentation). So it is must that you need to specify build id or build name.
But, the ideal way as you expected will be something like:
Probably, you can raise this up in TeamCity Support I suppose.