Combine columns from three different tables into a single column - sql

I am new to SQL and I am not sure what to Google. I have three tables with different numbers of columns. I would like to combine these following three tables into a single column(no duplicates).
Col1 Col2 Col3
1 a aa
2 b ab
3 c bb
Col1 Col2
123 Test
456 Test2
346 Test3
Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
5695 93234 ABC CDE
4534 92349 MSF KSK
3244 12323 SLE SNE
Expected Output:
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

The term you would want to Google would be: UNION and CONCAT.
Note: CONCAT is not supported in prior versions to SQL Server 2012.
To get your expected output, I would do this:
concat(cast(col1 as varchar(10)),col2,col3) as FileOutput
from table1
concat(cast(col1 as varchar(10)),col2) as FileOutput
from table2
concat(cast(col1 as varchar(10)),cast(col2 as varchar(10)),col3,col4) as FileOutput
from table3
SQL Fiddle Demo

Not sure how you would parse the data, but you could do this:
select convert(varchar(100), col1) + convert(varchar(100), col2) + convert(varchar(100), col3) as fileOutput
from table1
union all
select convert(varchar(100), col1) + convert(varchar(100), col2) as fileOutput
from table2
union all
select convert(varchar(100), col1) + convert(varchar(100), col2) +
convert(varchar(100), col3) + convert(varchar(100), col4) as fileOutput
from table4
note not knowing your column data types, your varchar(100) may need to expand, or could potentially shrink depending on your data.

You can combine them using + (may need to cast your ints as varchars for this to work), then put them all in one table using union all. Example:
Select cast(col1 as varchar(100)) + col2 + col3
from Table1
union all
select cast(col1 as varchar(100)) + col2
from Table2
Note: be sure to use union all rather than union if you want to keep any duplicates you may create.


Concatenate rows into columns (NO FOR XML PATH('') and recursive CTEs) - SQL Server 2012

I have a very particular problem at hand.
Brief introduction: I have two columns at a database that I need to "group concatenate", in MySQL I would simply use GROUP_CONCAT to get the desired result, in SQL Server 2017 and on I would use STRING_AGG, the problem that I have is in the SQL Server 2012, which doesn't have this function.
Now, under normal circumstances I would use FOR XML PATH('') to get the solution, this is not viable since I'm running the query from the editor inside a third source application, the error that I get is
FOR XML PATH('') can't be used inside a cursor
For the sake of the argument let's assume that it's completely out of question to use this function.
I have tried using recursive CTE, however, it's not viable due to execution time, UNION ALL takes too much resources and can't execute properly (I am using the data for reporting).
I will no post the screenshots of the data due to the sensitivity of the same, imagine just having two columns, one with an id (multiple same id's), and a column with the data that needs to be concatenated (some string). The goal is to concatenate the second columns for all of the same id's in the first columns, obviously make it distinct in the process.
col1 col2
1 a
1 b
2 a
3 c
col1 col2
1 a/b
2 a
3 c
Does anyone have a creative idea on how to do this?
If you know the maximum number of values that need to be concatenated together, you can use conditional aggregation:
select col1,
stuff( concat(max(case when seqnum = 1 then '/' + col2 end),
max(case when seqnum = 2 then '/' + col2 end),
max(case when seqnum = 3 then '/' + col2 end),
max(case when seqnum = 4 then '/' + col2 end),
max(case when seqnum = 5 then '/' + col2 end)
), 1, 1, ''
) as col2s
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by col1 order by col2) as seqnum
from t
) t
group by col1;
You can get the maximum number using:
select top (1) count(*)
from t
group by col1;
Your sample output seems wrong as 'a/b' should come for value 2.
try the following:
declare #t table (col1 int, col2 varchar(100))
insert into #t select 1, 'a'
insert into #t select 2, 'b'
insert into #t select 2, 'a'
insert into #t select 3, 'c'
declare #final_table table (col1 int, col2 varchar(100), col2_all varchar(1000))
insert into #final_table (col1, col2)
select * from #t
declare #col2_all varchar(1000)
declare #Name sysname
update #final_table
SET #col2_all = col2_all = COALESCE(CASE COALESCE(#Name, '')
WHEN col1 THEN #col2_all + '/' + col2
ELSE col2 END, ''),
#Name = col1;
select col1, col2_grouped = MAX(col2_all)
from #final_table
group by col1
Using CTE:
;with cte(col1,col2_grouped,rn)
select col1, col2 , rn=ROW_NUMBER() over (PARTITION by col1 order by col1)
from #t
select col1, convert(varchar(max),col2_grouped), 1 from cte where rn=1
union all
select cte2.col1, convert(varchar(max),cte2.final_grouped+'/'+cte.col2_grouped), cte2.rn+1
from cte2
inner join cte on cte.col1 = cte2.col1 and cte.rn=cte2.rn+1
select col1, MAX(final_grouped) col2_grouped from cte2 group by col1
Please see db<>fiddle here.

combine distinct row values into a string - sql

I would like to take cells in every row and make them into a string of names... My method already deals with casing.
For example, the table;
'john' | | 'smith' | 'smith'
'john' | 'paul' | | 'smith'
'john' | 'john' | 'john' |
'john smith'
'john paul smith'
This would need to run postgreSQL 8.2.15 of postgres so I can't make use of potentially useful functions like CONCAT, and data is in a greenplum db.
Alternatively, a method to directly delete duplicate tokens in a list of strings would let me achieve the larger objective. For example:
'john smith john smith'
'john john smith'
'smith john smith'
'john smith'
'john smith'
'smith john'
The order of the tokens is not important, as long as all the unique values are returned, once only.
Normalize your table structure, select distinct name values from that table, create a function to aggregate strings (see, e.g., How to concatenate strings of a string field in a PostgreSQL 'group by' query?), and apply that function. Except for the aggregate function creation, this could all be done in a single statement or view.
I've come up with a solution for you! :)
The following query returns the four columns (which I named col_1,2,3and 4) and removes the duplicates by joining the test_table with itself.
Here is the code:
SELECT t1.col_1, t2.col_2, t3.col_3, t4.col_4
SELECT id, col_1
FROM test_table
) AS t1
SELECT id, col_2
FROM test_table
) as t2
ON ( = and t2.col_2 <> t1.col_1)
SELECT id, col_3
FROM test_table
) as t3
ON ( = and t3.col_3 <> t1.col_1 and t3.col_3 <> t2.col_2)
SELECT id, col_4
FROM test_table
) as t4
ON ( = and t4.col_4 <> t1.col_1 and t4.col_4 <> t2.col_2 and t4.col_4 <> t3.col_3);
If you want to obtain the final string, you just substitute the "SELECT" row with this one:
SELECT trim(both ' ' FROM (COALESCE(t1.col_1, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(t2.col_2, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(t3.col_3, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(t4.col_4, '')))
this should work with your version of postgres, according with the docs:
[for the trim and concatenation functions]
[for the coalesce function]
Please let me know if I've been of help :)
P.S. Your question sounds like a bad database design: I would have those columns moved on a table in which you could do this operation by using a group by or something similar. Moreover I would do the string concatenation on a separate script.
But that's my way of doing :)
I would do this by unpivoting the data and then reaggregation:
select id, string_agg(distinct col)
from (select id, col1 from t union all
select id, col2 from t union all
select id, col3 from t union all
select id, col4 from t
) t
where col is not null
group by id;
This assumes that each row has an unique id.
You can also use a giant case:
select concat_ws(',',
(case when col2 <> col1 then col2 end),
(case when col3 <> col2 and col3 <> col1 then col3 end),
(case when col4 <> col3 and col4 <> col2 and col4 <> col1 then col4 end)
) as newcol
from t;
In ancient versions of Postgres, you can phrase this as:
select trim(leading ',' from
(coalesce(',' || col1, '') ||
(case when col2 <> col1 then ',' || col2 else '' end) ||
(case when col3 <> col2 and col3 <> col1 then ',' || col3 else '' end),
(case when col4 <> col3 and col4 <> col2 and col4 <> col1 then ',' || col4 else '' end)
) as newcol
from t;

SQL Server : Reuse calculated variable in select clause

I have the following table structure:
col1 col2 col3 col4
aK Mbcd ABc defgh
col2, col3 and col4 columns are of type varchar(100) and col1 has type varchar(500).
I need a select query to have the output as following
col1 col2 col3 col4
aK,Mb cd,A Bc,d efgh
Logic is explained as mentioned below:
In the result, Col2, col3 and col4 can have maximum 4 characters but col1 can have more than 4 characters upto 100.
If any column has more characters, last 4 characters will be retained in the same column and other extra columns will be concatenated with previous column's value separated by comma , and the same rule will be applied on the concatenated values as well.
I've written the following T-SQL statement. It works fine for last two columns. But I want to use new calculated value of col3 to strip out extra characters after adding some from col4
WHEN X.Col4Length > 4
THEN concat(X.col3, ',', substring(x.col4, 0, X.Col4Length - 3))
ELSE X.col3
END AS col3,
WHEN X.Col4Length > 4
THEN substring(x.col4, X.Col4Length - 3, x.Col4Length)
ELSE X.col4
END AS col4
Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4,
Len(Col1) AS Col1Length,
Len(Col2) AS Col2Length,
Len(Col3) AS Col3Length,
Len(Col4) AS Col4Length
mytable) X
My try with a simple sub-query
with t1 as (
select 'aK' col1, 'Mbcd' col2, 'ABc' col3, 'defgh' col4
SELECT LEFT(col, LEN(col) - 12) col1,
RIGHT(LEFT(col, LEN(col) - 8), 4) col2,
RIGHT(LEFT(col, LEN(col) - 4), 4) col3,
RIGHT(col, 4) AS col4
SELECT col1+','+col2+','+col3+','+col4 AS col
) t;
You want to reuse calculated variables
There are two set-based /inline / adhoc approaches (and many more ugly procedural):
CTEs to do this for the whole set in advance
CROSS APPLY for the same on row level
Try it like this (CTE approach)
DECLARE #tbl TABLE(col1 VARCHAR(100),col2 VARCHAR(100),col3 VARCHAR(100),col4 VARCHAR(100));
WITH ResolveCol4 AS
,RIGHT(col4,4) AS Col4_resolved
,col3 + ',' + CASE WHEN LEN(col4)>4 THEN SUBSTRING(col4,1,LEN(col4)-4) ELSE '' END AS col3_New
FROM #tbl
,ResolveCol3 AS
,RIGHT(col3_New,4) AS Col3_resolved
,col2 + ',' + CASE WHEN LEN(col3_New)>4 THEN SUBSTRING(col3_New,1,LEN(col3_New)-4) ELSE '' END AS col2_New
FROM ResolveCol4
,ResolveCol2 AS
,RIGHT(col2_New,4) AS Col2_resolved
,col1 + ',' + CASE WHEN LEN(col2_New)>4 THEN SUBSTRING(col2_New,1,LEN(col2_New)-4) ELSE '' END AS col1_New
FROM ResolveCol3
SELECT col1_new,Col2_resolved,Col3_resolved,Col4_resolved
FROM ResolveCol2
The result
aK,Mb cd,A Bc,d efgh
123456,abc,34 56,1 2345 6789

SQL Server: select value, split on a delimiter, then update two columns

I have a SQL Server 2008 database table with three varchar Columns - Col1, Col2, Col3. Col1 has data in it with a single space in between, Col2 and Col3 are empty.
I need to write a query to select the data from Col1, break up each value using the space as the delimiter, and inserting the data on either side of the space into Col2 and Col3 respectively.
I am not too sure how to proceed. Can this be accomplished in SQL, or should I create a small program to do the work for me? I'd appreciate a pointer in the right direction if this can be accomplished via SQL.
Col2 = SUBSTRING(Col1, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', Col1)-1),
Col3 = SUBSTRING(Col1, CHARINDEX(' ', Col1)+1, 8000)
WHERE Col1 LIKE '% %';
If you can guarantee there is only one space:
create table #temp (col1 varchar(50),col2 varchar(50), col3 varchar(50))
insert into #temp (col1)
select 'test 1'
union all
select 'test 2'
union all
select 'test 3'
update #temp
set col2 = left(col1, charindex (' ', col1)),
col3 = substring(col1,charindex (' ', col1)+1, len(col1))
from #temp

Grouping between consecutive rows in a table without cursor

I trying to get a grouping done between 2 rows without a cursor, can some one help me reg this
Col1(int) Col2(int)
--------- ---------
1 20
2 30
3 40
I want output like this
Col1 Col2
---- ----
1-2 50
2-3 70
Are you sure you aren't missing any rows...
Select cast(a.col1 as varchar(10)) + '-' + cast(b.col1 as varchar(10)) as col1,
a.col2 + b.Col2 as Col2
From mytable a
Inner Join mytable b on b.col1 = (a.col1 + 1)
if you might be missing rows, you might need to be more complicated.
That's a tricky one if you don't want to repeat the rows (1-2, 2-3) and you can expect there to be some missing ids (as would be normal if you have an identity field).
Try this:
CREATE TABLE #temp (id INT, value INT)
SELECT id, value, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY id) AS rownumber
INTO #temp2
FROM #temp
SELECT * FROM #temp2
a.value + b.value as Col2
FROM #temp2 a
JOIN #temp2 b
ON a.rownumber = b.rownumber+1
WHERE ABS(a.rownumber)%2 = 0
Assuming that col1 is integer
SELECT CAST(a.col1 as VARCHAR(10))+ '-' + CAST(b.col1 as VARCHAR(10)), COALESCE(a.col2,0)+COALESCE(b.col2,0)
FROM table a
JOIN table b a.col1 = b.col1 + 1
you can test following query also...
I have oracle in my machine that's why I can run and say only oracle queries..
please check whether this will work on sql server also or not and tell me about ...
select * from
(Select lag (col1) over (order by col1)|| '-' || col1 as col1
col2 + lag (col2) over (order by col1) as Col2
From mytable
where col2 is not null;
in oracle lag () function used to fatch last row values.. and if it is first row then this function will give null values.. so that by appling addition on null values you will get null only
by this concept we will get desired output...