SQL Server | Is my stored procedure is OK? - sql

#TblName VARCHAR(50),
#TblID VARCHAR(10) = 'Id',
#WhereClause NVARCHAR(500) = '1=1'
DECLARE #ParamDefinition NVARCHAR(40)
SET #Query = 'SELECT #C = COUNT('+#TblID+') FROM '+#TblName+' WHERE '+#WhereClause
SET #ParamDefinition = '#C INT OUTPUT'
EXECUTE SP_EXECUTESQL #Query, #ParamDefinition, #C = #Count OUTPUT
I am wondering if this kind of procedure is better than a separate procedures for different tables.

The short answer is no.
The long answer is that it is an opening to sql injection attacks.
Think what will happen if someone will put the following string in your where clause argument: 1=1; drop table myTable.


Why does storing a value from sp_executesql return NULL?

Once more I stumble upon an SQL mishappening. The following code:
create trigger tc_trigger_olt_UPDATE on tick_orderline_type
for update as
declare #UserId varchar(32) --
declare #ClientId varchar(32) --
declare #CaseId varchar(32) --
declare #TableName varchar(64) --Used
declare #RecordId varchar(512) --Used
declare #Descr varchar(128) --
declare #RemoteIP varchar(16) --Used
select #TableName = object_name(parent_id) from sys.triggers where object_id = ##procid
select #RemoteIP = client_net_address from sys.dm_exec_connections where Session_id = ##SPID
if exists(select * from information_schema.columns where table_name = #TableName and column_name = 'id')
select #RecordId = id from inserted
declare #sql nvarchar(max)
set #sql = 'select case_id from '+#TableName+' where id = '''+#RecordId+'''';
exec sp_executesql #sql, N'#out_param varchar(32) OUTPUT', #out_param=#CaseId OUTPUT
execute update_tick_orderline_type #UserId, #ClientId, #CaseId, #TableName, #RecordId, #Descr, #RemoteIP
Is used for filling and audit-table in SSMS, which works. It stores which table, which record, on which date and from which IP-Address the table has been edited.
I am currently trying to get which client's data, for which case, has been edited using the following snipped from above:
declare #sql nvarchar(max)
set #sql = 'select case_id from '+#TableName+' where id = '''+#RecordId+'''';
exec sp_executesql #sql, N'#out_param varchar(32) OUTPUT', #out_param=#CaseId OUTPUT
In my Results window (the one that shows select statement results), I can see that the #sql statement has selected the correct case_id; storing it in the #CaseId variable however, returns NULL. Once I have the #CaseId I can get the #ClientId, so I'm stumped here.
Why is the statement outputting the correct case_id, but stores it as NULL?
A little sidenote: the case_id is only being output when the exec statement is present, otherwise it is not
I managed to fix my own predicament, by changing the previous 'select x from #TableName' block, to this:
declare #sql nvarchar(max)
declare #params nvarchar(max)
set #params = N'#iCaseId varchar(max) output'
select #sql = N'select #iCaseId = case_id from '+quotename(#TableName)+
' where id = '''+#RecordId+''''
execute sp_executesql #sql, #params, #CaseId output
What changed?
I declared an additional #params variable, for readability
Instead of set I select-ed the #sql variable
quotename now surrounds the #TableName variable
instead of the last param for sp_executesql being #x = #y output I simply replaced it with #y output
After several tests (mainly removing some of the changes), I can conclude that the last point on that list was key to solving the issue.
With quotename removed from the statement, I still manage to save the result in a variable, and since the #param variable is not mandatory, but rather a personal preference, it also had no real significance.

SP_ExecuteSQL with Parameters doesn't like Contains clause

I've been tasked with modifying a stored procedure so that it goes from looking like this:
DECLARE #ID nvarchar(10)
SET #ID = '0000000001'
DECLARE #SQL nvarchar(200)
SET #SQL = 'SELECT AppN FROM Apps WHERE CONTAINS(ID, ''"*'' + #ID + ''*"'')'
to using the parameter list for SP_EXECUTESQL and not string concatenation. The issue is that the following doesn't appear to work:
DECLARE #CID nvarchar(10)
SET #CID = '0000000001'
DECLARE #ID2 nvarchar(14)
SET #ID2 = '"*' + #ID + '*"'
DECLARE #SQL nvarchar(200)
DECLARE #ParamDefinition NCHAR(300)
SET #ParamDefinition = '#ID2 nvarchar(10)'
For whatever reason, the first set of statements works fine. The second does not. I get the following error message: Syntax error near '"' in the full-text search condition '"*00000000'.
If I remove 4 characters from #ID the second set of statements also works. Clearly it has something to do with the length of either #ID or the column ID but I can't figure out what.
You define #ID2 as nvarchar(10) in your parameters for the dynamic SQL.
It's actually 14 characters, so you are cutting off the end of it.
This outputs the correct variable for me:
DECLARE #CID nvarchar(10)
SET #CID = '0000000001'
DECLARE #ID2 nvarchar(14)
SET #ID2 = '"*' + #CID + '*"'
DECLARE #SQL nvarchar(200)
DECLARE #ParamDefinition NCHAR(300)
SET #ParamDefinition = '#ID2 nvarchar(14)'

Pass a TABLE variable to sp_executesql

I'm trying to pass a TABLE variable to the sp_executesql procedure:
SET #params = '#workingData TABLE ( col1 VARCHAR(20),
col2 VARCHAR(50) )'
EXEC sp_executesql #sql, #params, #workingData
I get the error:
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'TABLE'.
I tried omitting the column specification after 'TABLE'. I also tried to declare the table as a variable inside the dynamic SQL. But no luck...
Seems to me that TABLE variables aren't allowed to be passed as parameters in this procedure?. BTW: I'm running MSSQL2008 R2.
I'm not interested in using a local temp table like #workingData because I load the working data from another procedure:
INSERT INTO #workingData
EXEC myProc #param1, #param2
Which I cannot do directly into a temp varaible (right?)...
Any help appreciated!
If you are using SQL Server 2008, to pass a table variable to a stored procedure you must first define the table type, e.g.:
CREATE TYPE SalesHistoryTableType AS TABLE
[Product] [varchar](10) NULL,
[SaleDate] [datetime] NULL,
[SalePrice] [money] NULL
or use an existing table type stored in the database.
Use this query to locate existing table types
SELECT * FROM sys.table_types
To use in an stored procedure, declare an input variable to be the table:
#TableVariable SalesHistoryTableType READONLY
--Do stuff
Populate the table variable before passing to the stored procedure:
DECLARE #DataTable AS SalesHistoryTableType
SELECT * FROM (Some data)
Call the stored procedure:
EXECUTE usp_myproc
#TableVariable = #DataTable
Further discussions here.
OK, this will get me what I want, but surely isn't pretty:
DECLARE #workingData TABLE ( col1 VARCHAR(20),
col2 VARCHAR(20) )
INSERT INTO #workingData
EXEC myProc
/* Unfortunately table variables are outside scope
for the dynamic SQL later run. We copy the
table to a temp table.
The table variable is needed to extract data directly
from the strored procedure call above...
INTO #workingData
FROM #workingData
SET #sql = 'SELECT * FROM #workingData'
EXEC sp_executesql #sql
There must be a better way to pass this temporary resultset into sp_executesql!?
While this may not directly answer your question, it should solve your issue overall.
You can indeed capture the results of a Stored Procedure execution into a temporary table:
INSERT INTO #workingData
EXEC myProc
So change your code to look like the following:
CREATE TABLE #workingData ( col1 VARCHAR(20),
col2 VARCHAR(20) )
INSERT INTO #workingData
EXEC myProc
SET #sql = 'SELECT * FROM #workingData'
EXEC sp_executesql #sql
Alter PROCEDURE sp_table_getcount
#tblname nvarchar(50) ,
#totalrow int output
Declare #params nvarchar(1000)
Declare #sql nvarchar(1000)
set #sql = N'Select #cnt= count(*) From #tbl'
set #params = N'#tbl nvarchar(50) , #cnt int OUTPUT'
Exec sp_executesql #sql , #params ,#tbl=#tblname , #cnt = #totalrow OUTPUT
Please note that the above code will not work as table as a object is out of the scope.It will give you the error: must declare table variable.In order to work around we can do the following.
Alter PROCEDURE sp_table_getcount
#tblname nvarchar(50) ,
#totalrow int output
Declare #params nvarchar(1000)
Declare #sql nvarchar(1000)
set #sql = N'Select #cnt= count(*) From dbo.' + #tblname
set #params = N'#cnt int OUTPUT'
Exec sp_executesql #sql , #params , #cnt = #totalrow OUTPUT
So-called TableType is tricky. #Alex version should work. However, to simplify and faster performance, go check sys.tables for matching table name while not compromise security and performance.
Here it is
create proc [dbo].Test11
#t1 AS nvarchar(250), #t2 nvarchar(250)
SET nocount ON;
DECLARE #query AS nvarchar(MAX)
if exists (select * from sys.tables where name = #t1) and
exists (select * from sys.tables where name = #t2)
SET #query = N'select * FROM '+ #t1 + N' join ' + #t2 + N' ON ...' ;
select 'Safe and fast'
print #query
exec sp_executesql #query
select 'Bad, no way Jose.'
SET nocount OFF;

Selecting from a table where the name is passed as a variable

I am trying to write a simple stored proc which takes three arguments 'database name one', 'database name two' and 'table name'. The sql will then perform a row count for the defined table in each database and store it.
Working on it piecemeal I have hit the first problem in that you can't do
select * from #tablename
I know you can use dynamic sql with the exec command but this is not ideal as I can't return values.
The following example looks like it should work but doesn't.
declare #tablename as nvarchar(500)
declare #sqlstring as nvarchar(500)
declare #parmdefinition as nvarchar(500)
declare #numrows as bigint
set #tablename = N'dummy_customer'
set #parmdefinition = N'#tablenameIN nvarchar(500), #numrowsOUT as bigint OUTPUT'
select #sqlstring = 'select #numrowsOUT = count(*) from #tablenameIN'
select #sqlstring
exec sp_executesql #sqlstring, #parmdefinition, #tablenameIN = #tablename, #numrowsOUT = #numrows OUTPUT
select #numrows
The error message given is
Msg 1087, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Must declare the table variable "#tablenameIN".
Currently using SQL Server 2008 SP2.
We're doing this because we are doing a migration and the customer wants a report which shows the row count for each table in the source and destination database. As there are many tables being able to use sp_MSForEachTable to call the stored proc seems ideal.
The final solution for future reference is
declare #tablename as nvarchar(500)
declare #sqlstring as nvarchar(500)
declare #parmdefinition as nvarchar(500)
declare #numrows as bigint
set #tablename = N'dummy_customers'
set #parmdefinition = N'#tablename nvarchar(500), #numrowsOUT as bigint OUTPUT'
select #sqlstring = 'select #numrowsOUT = count(*) from ' + quotename(#tablename)
exec sp_executesql #sqlstring, #parmdefinition, #tablename = #tablename, #numrowsOUT = #numrows OUTPUT
select #numrows
You'd have to use dynamic sql, and concatenate the table name into the SQL string to then execute via sp_executsql:
select #sqlstring = 'select #numrowsOUT = count(*) from ' + QUOTENAME(#tablename)
EXECUTE sp_executesql ....

Dynamic sql statement to update a variable

my sql statement is something like this below
SELECT #OLD_NAV_VALUE = [col1] from TBL_BA where DATE = #id_Date
But the problem i am haveing here is that the column name in the select statement which is given as [col1] is a dynamic value. So i am trying something like this below.
EXEC('SELECT #OLD_NAV_VALUE = [' + #DYNAMIC_COL_NAME + '] from TBL_BA where DATE = ' + #id_Date)
this gives an error that #OLD_NAV_VALUE has to be declared. So i tried declaring #OLD_NAV_VALUE inside the EXEC statement. But if i do this i am not able to use the same outside the EXEC statement.
Please let me know how to do this.
You can also use the sp_executesql statement with an output parameter:
declare #field nvarchar(50);
set #field = N'FieldToSelect';
declare #sql nvarchar(3000);
declare #parmDefinition nvarchar(500);
SET #parmDefinition = N'#returnValueOUT nvarchar(50) OUTPUT';
set #sql = N'SELECT #ReturnValueOUT = ' + #Field + ' FROM [TableName] WHERE [SomeCondition]'
declare #returnValue nvarchar(50);
EXECUTE sp_executesql #sql, #parmDefinition, #returnValueOut = #returnValue OUTPUT;
SELECT #returnValue
First, I'd suggest that you do a Google on "Erland dynamic SQL" and read his white paper on the subject.
Your design is probably not the best if it requires that you use a dynamic column name like this.
The reason that you can't do what you're trying to do is that everything in the EXEC is entirely in its own scope. If you absolutely have to do it this way though then you could use a table (either a normal table, or a global temporary table) to store the value for use outside of the EXEC.
We've used sp_executesql. Here's another example of a parameterized record count:
DECLARE #sql AS nvarchar(MAX)
SET #sql = N'SELECT #RecordCount = COUNT(*) FROM [{#SchemaName}].[{#TableName}]'
SET #sql = REPLACE(#sql, '{#SchemaName}', #SchemaName)
SET #sql = REPLACE(#sql, '{#TableName}', #TableName)
DECLARE #RecordCount AS int
EXEC sp_executesql
#query = #sql,
#params = N'#RecordCount INT OUTPUT',
#RecordCount = #RecordCount OUTPUT
This worked for me.
I declared a temp table and used it to receive the values from the select statement.
Something like below.
declare #i int
declare #v int
create table #t (val int)
insert into #t
exec ('declare #i int set #i = 0 select #i+1')
select * from #t