SQL Change View Name / Joins - sql

I am trying to join two views I created, however I am joining them using their common field (cAuditNumber).
The issue is, once I have done the joins, it will not let me create the view as it cannot have the field name cAuditNumber twice.
Is the cAuditNumber the PK I should use?
How do I correct this and still join the tables?
CREATE VIEW KFF_Sales_Data_Updated AS
SELECT CustSalesUpdated.*, StkSalesUpdated.*
FROM CustSalesUpdated
INNER JOIN StkSalesUpdated
ON StkSalesUpdated.cAuditNumber = CustSalesUpdated.cAuditNumber
I get the following error:
Msg 4506, Level 16, State 1, Procedure KFF_Sales_Data_Updated, Line 2
Column names in each view or function must be unique. Column name 'cAuditNumber' in view or function 'KFF_Sales_Data_Updated' is specified more than once.

Substitute your own column names instead of ColumnA, Column B, etc, but it should follow this format:
CREATE VIEW KFF_Sales_Data_Updated AS
SELECT CustSalesUpdated.cAuditNumber
,StkSalesUpdated.ColumnA as StkColumnA
,StkSalesUpdated.ColumnB as StkColumnB
,StkSalesUpdated.ColumnC as StkColumnC
FROM CustSalesUpdated
INNER JOIN StkSalesUpdated
ON StkSalesUpdated.cAuditNumber = CustSalesUpdated.cAuditNumber
You only have to alias duplicate columns using "as", or you can use it to rename any column that you so desire.

CREATE VIEW KFF_Sales_Data_Updated AS
SELECT csu.cAuditNumber cAuditNumber1 , ssu.cAuditNumber cAuditNumber2
FROM CustSalesUpdated csu
INNER JOIN StkSalesUpdated ssu
ON StkSalesUpdated.cAuditNumber = CustSalesUpdated.cAuditNumber
You could add any other column in the select statement from the two tables but if there are two column with the same name you should give them aliases

Using select * is a bad practice in general. On the other hand, it is a good practice to alias your table names and columns. Especially in your case, your table names as well as your same columns name(across two tables) could use aliases. The database is confused as to which cAuditNumber is coming from where. So, alias comes in handy.
CREATE VIEW KFF_Sales_Data_Updated
,ssu.Col1 AS StkCol1
,ssu.Col2 AS StkCol2
,ssu.Col3 AS StkCol3
FROM CustSalesUpdated csu
INNER JOIN StkSalesUpdated ssu ON csu.cAuditNumber = ssu.cAuditNumber


Why is Big Query creating a new column instead of joining two columns when using a Join?

When I use a Join in BigQuery, it completes it but creates a new column which are named Id_1 and Date_1 with the same information from the primary key. What could cause this? Here is the code.
`bellabeat-case-study-373821.bellabeat_case_study.daily_Activity`.Id = `bellabeat-case-study-373821.bellabeat_case_study.sleep_day`.Id
AND `bellabeat-case-study-373821.bellabeat_case_study.daily_Activity`.Date = `bellabeat-case-study-373821.bellabeat_case_study.sleep_day`.Date
I made the query and expected the tables to join by the Primary keys of Id and Date, but instead this created two new columns with the same information.
When you use * in the select list the ON variant of a JOIN clause produces all columns from both tables in the result set. If there are columns with the same name on both sides, then both will show up in the result [with slightly different names] as you can see.
You can use the USING variant of the JOIN clause instead, that merges the columns and produces only one resulting column for each column mentioned in the USING clause. This is probably what you want. See BigQuery - INNER JOIN.
Your query could take the form:
USING (Id, Date)
Note: USING can only be used when the columns you want to join with have the exact same name. It won't be possible to use it if a column is, for example, called id in one table and employee_id in the other one.

Unnesting 3rd level dependency in Google BigQuery

I'm trying to Replace the schema in existing table using BQ. There are certain fields in BQ which have 3-5 level schema dependency.
For Ex. comsalesorders.comSalesOrdersInfo.storetransactionid this field is nested under two fields.
Since I'm using this to replace existing table, I can not change the field names in query.
The query looks similar to this
SELECT * REPLACE(comsalesorders.comSalesOrdersInfo.storetransactionid AS STRING) FROM CentralizedOrders_streaming.orderStatusUpdated, UNNEST(comsalesorders) AS comsalesorders, UNNEST(comsalesorders.comSalesOrdersInfo) AS comsalesorders.comSalesOrdersInfo
BQ enables unnesting first schema field but presents problem for 2nd nesting.
What changes do I need to make to this query to use UNNEST() for such depedndent schemas ?
Given that you don't have a schema, I will try to provide a generalized answer. Please try to understand the difference between the 2 queries.
-- Provide an alias for each unnest (as if each is a separate table)
select c.stuff
from table
left join unnest(table.first_level_nested) a
left join unnest(a.second_level_nested) b
left join unnest(b.third_level_nested) c
-- b and c won't work here because you are 'double unnesting'
select c.stuff
from table
left join unnest(table.first_level_nested) a
left join unnest(first_level_nested.second_level_nested) b
left join unnest(first_level_nested.second_level_nested.third_level_nested) c
I'm not sure I understand your question, but as I could guess, you want to change one column type to another type, such as STRING.
The UNNEST function is only used with columns that are array types, for example:
"comsalesorders":["comSalesOrdersInfo":{}, comSalesOrdersInfo:{}, comSalesOrdersInfo:{}]
But not with this kind of columns:
Therefore, if a didn't misunderstand your question, I would make a query like this:
SELECT *, CAST(A.comSalesOrdersInfo.storeTransactionID as STRING)
FROM `TABLE`, UNNEST(comsalesorders) as A

# of columns in two selected tables or a query of a union query do not match

I have a simple qry that give me error
FROM qry_ExecSum
inner join qry_IDS_IT_Everything on qry_ExecSum.P_Code = qry_IDS_IT_Everything.P_Code
It works good If change the * to column names like this :
SELECT qry_ExecSum.P_Code
FROM qry_ExecSum
inner join qry_IDS_IT_Everything on qry_ExecSum.P_Code = qry_IDS_IT_Everything.P_Code
All individual queries run good!!
Hope you are receiving error The multi-part identifier could not be bound, since both tables have the column named P_Code.
To avoid this you can specify the table name or table alias infront of the column name in the SELECT. That is the reason the second query doesn't return the error.

Column in field list is ambiguous error

i've been recently working in mysql and in one of the requests i wrote :
FROM mef_edi.eep a, mef_edi.envoi e, mef_edi.sous_module s
and they told me :
Column ID_SOUS_MODULE in field list is ambiguous
What should i do ?
More than one table has a column named ID_SOUS_MODULE.
So you need to name the table every time you mention the column to specify which table you mean.
for instance to
I agree with the answer above, you may have duplicate column names across your 3 tables, assigning the table id (a, e, s) as noted above will avoid that issue in the select. In addition to what #juergen said you may want to get rid of that cartesian join by using an inner or left join (inner seems to be what your going for). The way you are joining your table you are joining every possible combination of rows together than filtering. using a proper join will get you better performance in the long run as your table line counts grow. Here is an example of a non cartesian join:
FROM mef_edi.eep a
INNER JOIN mef_edi.envoi e ON (a.ID_EEP = e.ID_EEP)
INNER JOIN mef_edi.sous_module s ON (a.ID_SOUS_MODULE = s.ID_SOUS_MODULE)

How to span mulitiple tables with a view, when the tables have same structure

So we have a db that receives constant input and then we have it moved after x days to a different db as a type of archive/reporting db. So the question is when I try to create a view that combines two of the tables (one from each db):
FROM [Front].dbo.[DATA] AS A
Inner Join Back.dbo.DATA AS B
I get the following error: "Column names in each view or function must be unique. Column name 'PARTNO' in view or function 'Table_Full' is specified more than once."
So, is there a better way to accomplish what I am trying to do or ?
Given your use case, I think you want a union. That is
select * from table_a
Union all
Select * from table_b
Instead of an asterisk, you have to specify each field and provide aliases for the duplicate field names:
a.ID as A_ID,
b.ID as B_ID,
a.Thingy as A_Thingy,
a.Etcetera as Atcetera
FROM [Front].dbo.[DATA] AS A
Inner Join Back.dbo.DATA AS B