I'm using the latest build of DCEF3 and I'm trying to run ChromiumOSR programmatically in a console application. I naively tried this code at first:
Chromium := TChromiumOSR.Create(Self);
Chromium.OnLoadEnd := ChromiumLoadEnd;
But it didn't work and raised an Access Violation. I then found this thread Getting errors creating ChromiumOSR programatically and modified my code accordingly:
Chromium := TChromiumOSR.Create(Self);
Chromium.OnLoadEnd := ChromiumLoadEnd;
While I do not get any Access Violations anymore, my code is still not working. In fact, I plugged in a proxy and sniffed the connection: no requests are ever made to http://google.com. I do get the following error in my console application: ERROR - running without renderer sandbox. However, according to my searches on Google, the error can be "ignored" and the code should still work.
Of course, everything works fine if I create TChromiumOSR at design-time in a form application. However, I need to use it programmatically in a console application instead.
I am currently working on a simple app to store workout routines in Nuxt 3 and Appwrite. The link to the source code is here.
After logging in and adding in some workouts in the app's UI, whenever I try to call the deleteWorkout function, I get an error in the console saying that the function is not defined, whereas I have clearly defined in the workoutStore. I can't seem to figure out the reason for the same.
The same can be seen in the given screenshot.
Console on clicking the delete button
Most probably the error should be originating from either /pages/workouts.vue, /components/WorkoutDetails.vue or /stores/workout.js.
I am using Appwrite to manage the back-end of the web app, and the instructions to setup the same can be found in the README.md. (Though I don't think the error I am facing is related to the same.)
In your code the problem is, you declear your deleteWorkout() function outside of the actions block in workout.js file.
Make sure all your functions in the workout store are inside the actions block. Then it will be accessable from the vue component
I'm running a set of automated UI tests using Appium/Winappdriver on Windows 10. The test framework is compiled in Visual Studio 2017 using mstest.
The problem that I am having is with tests that use a right-click to open a context menu, then select an element from the resulting menu. Locally, it works. It also works on our remote CI/CD machine. However, it does not work for the other two developers on the project, and we've spent two business days fruitlessly trying to figure out why.
We have the same Windows version (Windows 10, version 1903), we have the same Visual Studio 2017 (we also tried it with 2019, no luck), we have the same monitor resolution (1920 x 1080), we are targeting the same .NET framework (4.72), we have the same WinAppDriver, etc.
Everything else works just fine. But when the UI Test reaches that context menu, the test fails with the error "An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters."
I used the WinAppDriver UI Recorder to find the XPath for the element. We also used it on the other user's machine and confirmed that, as far as the UI Recorder is concerned, the path is identical on both machines.
The specific call that fails:
Session.FindElementByXPath("/Pane[#ClassName=\"#32769\"][#Name=\"Desktop 1\"]/Menu[#ClassName=\"#32768\"][#Name=\"Context\"]/MenuItem[#Name=\"" + itemName + "\"]");
The WinAppDriver call on my machine (success):
{"using":"xpath","value":"/Pane[#ClassName=\"#32769\"][#Name=\"Desktop 1\"]/Menu[#ClassName=\"#32768\"][#Name=\"Context\"]/MenuItem[#Name=\"New Location\"]"}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 125
Content-Type: application/json
and the same call on the other user's machine (fail):
{"using":"xpath","value":"/Pane[#ClassName=\"#32769\"][#Name=\"Desktop 1\"]/Menu[#ClassName=\"#32768\"][#Name=\"Context\"]/MenuItem[#Name=\"New Location\"]"}
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Length: 139
Content-Type: application/json
{"status":7,"value":{"error":"no such element","message":"An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters."}}
Again, everything else works. Other UI tests that don't use the right-click context menus work just fine. It's only this particular area that fails.
What I've tried so far:
Using Thread.Sleep to force a long wait before making the call
Wrapping the call with a DefaultWait and polling it over a period of several seconds to see if the element becomes available during that time.
When the "An element could not be located" is thrown, retry up to a set number of times to find the element.
Lots and lots of double-checking to make sure we're both on the same version of the code, same libraries, same nuget packages, etc.
Trying a much broader locator ( Session.FindElementByName(itemName); )
The biggest head-scratcher is that when we check with UI Recorder, the element is there. When we check on my machine or the remote build machine, WinAppDriver can find it normally. But for some reason WinAppDriver can't find it on my coworker's machines.
This is a peculiar issue indeed.
I'd like to rule out the XPath selector as a potential problem here. Based on your syntax, it looks like you are using an absolute XPath. These can be extremely brittle depending on the circumstances. Not saying it's the root problem, but I would like to try a different selector to rule this out.
{"using":"xpath","value":"//MenuItem[#Name=\"New Location\"]"}
Using relative // notation tells your path to look anywhere on the page, rather than following a specific path down to the element itself.
Give this a try, and let me know if it helps at all.
For my application context menu is listed out of the DOM of actual application in inspect.exe. So switching back to desktop session after selecting the context menu worked fine for me.
var regressionChannelRow = labelProcessorSession.FindElementByName("5000");
Actions action1 = new Actions(labelProcessorSession);
Now creating a desktop session to get the "Stop" option from the context menu
AppiumOptions appCapabilities = new AppiumOptions();
appCapabilities.AddAdditionalCapability("app", "Root");
WindowsDriver<WindowsElement> desktopSession;
desktopSession = new WindowsDriver<WindowsElement>(new Uri(""), appCapabilities);
below is the context menu option which I need to select, remember to use desktop session here
var stopService = desktopSession.FindElementByName("Stop");
I've just replicated this issue. I was working on a test that I wrote last week, which was now getting stuck trying to find the context menu from a desktop session. I tried using various XPaths, searching by class name or just name, but it didn't seem to make any difference.
Eventually I tried closing Spotify, and that solved the issue! If you're experiencing this problem then try closing every application window possible.
I'm building a React-Native app and whenever I run it on my Android emulator, I get this error:
Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys
{$$typeof, type, key, ref, props, _owner, _store}). If you meant to
render a collection of children, use an array instead.
Because this error means nothing to me, I decide to enable "Debug JS Remotely" in Chrome to see if I can get an error I understand. But with Debug Remotely enabled, the error goes away.
If I build the project and install the app on a real device, the errors come back.
But I feel like I'm stuck in a catch-22 because if I try to debug, I get no errors, and if I turn off debugging, I get errors.
Is there anyway to get around this?
The error mentions you use an object in your render() method where you shouldn't. Since you did not post any code, here is what you could do:
Keep removing elements from your render() method until you no longer get the error. Once it is gone, start placing code back until you hit the error again. The code causing the error will be or return an object, possibly a typo causing an object to be returned instead of a string for instance.
TL;DR: Stopped using firebase and used react-native-firebase instead
The problem for me wasn't the render method in any of my components or classes. I realized after trying the answer above, I basically removed all my files, and was left with one file. I changed the render method to display text inside one view, but I still got the error.
Then I started removing the modules I was importing inside that file one by one and found that it was the firebase module uninstalled firebase and installed react-native-firebase.
I have a Vue2 application which runs perfectly in chrome. However, when I launch the site in IE 11, it gives a blank page. On further investigation, I observed the following -
1. From developer tool Emulator tab, If I change the document type to Edge or 10, my solution works perfectly fine., and there is no error in console
2. If I change the document type back to 7 (default), the page becomes blank and it gives three errors in console - "SCRIPT1028 - Expected identifier, string or number"
For the script error mentioned in point 2, I have checked my code and removed any unwanted commas, if applicable, but that did not help much.
I am using axios in my code.
Note: I get these errors only from deployed code (in dev, SIT, or UAT box). When I run it locally, IE does not give any error because when I run it locally, the default document type is Edge. It is only when I run from server, the default document type takes 7.
I believe if I take care of the script errors I get, it should resolve my problem. However, I am not too sure how to solve the script error.
I am pretty new to Vue. Any help would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
I have console applicaiotn that currently uses CAsyncSocket.
I need to implement SSL so after some searching I found this project: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/3915/CAsyncSslSocketLayer-SSL-layer-class-for-CAsyncSoc
For some reason same simple code that works fine on GUI code does not work in console app.
Has anyone exp. with CAsyncSslSocketLayer ?
CAsyncSocketEx uses a window as a sort of cheap thread to handle the event notifications that come from select(). Unfortunately, if you don't have a message loop, then the window which it creates will not receive these events.
This article explains that a call to CreateWindow() needs to be called from a thread which has a message loop. And if you don't, then anything sent via PostMessage() won't get there.
I've recently started to tinker with this -- I want to remove the annoying hidden window and replace it with a normal thread. Their code relies on WSAAsyncSelect() in order to receive socket events... to a window. Yuk!
It's been a while since I had the same problem, but if I remember correctly, to use CAsyncSocket in a console app you need to add something like DECLARE_CONSOLEAPP (first two links shown below) to your console app. This should give your console a message pump to generate the socket notifications (OnReceive, etc.) GUI apps have these pumps but console apps don't, generally. The third (msdn) link below might also apply, it has more info and a different way.
If these still don't work, you should put breakpoints in your socket code and make sure your socket isn't instantiated in a thread or callback other than the main console app (the one that now has the message pump).
I think googling around for 'CAsyncSocket WinApp' or 'CAsyncSocket console app' would show more.