How to Handle DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '00:00', '24:20') Like scenario? - sql

There is a column in my Table. In which we are storing string value in format 'HH:MM'.During fetching records with this table every things works ok with
DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '00:00', ColumnName)
Problem is when we have Value greater than 23:59.
Its showing error like
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
Can anybody suggest me the right approach for achieving this scenario.

If you are storing the value as something other than a time, why not just store the number of minutes and convert to whatever format you want on output?
Otherwise, I would suggest that you simply convert the value to minutes:
select (cast(left(ColumnName, 2) as int) * 60 +
cast(right(ColumnName, 2) as int)
) as Minutes
If you are not using date/time values, there is no requirement for using the functions specifically designed for them.
To handle hours longer than 99, use charindex():
select (cast(left(ColumnName, charindex(':', ColumnName) - 1) as int) * 60 +
cast(right(ColumnName, 2) as int)
) as Minutes

So it sounds like your saving the length of a time period. Try storing it in minutes. My query can handle numbers of different lengths since it's based on the colon.
DECLARE #yourTable TABLE (ColumnName VARCHAR(10));
INSERT INTO #yourTable
VALUES ('100:00'),
SELECT ColumnName,
(hr * 60) + minut AS time_period_in_minutes
FROM #yourTable
CAST(SUBSTRING(ColumnName,CHARINDEX(':',ColumnName) + 1,LEN(ColumnName)) AS INT)) CA(hr,minut)
ColumnName time_period_in_minutes
---------- ----------------------
100:00 6000
24:20 1460

Try to this
select DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '00:00', case when ISDATE(ColumnName)=0 then '00:00' else ColumnName end )


SQL Server: convert and merge separate date and time columns (both integers)

I am working on a query, where I have to fill a table's column ([Result_DateTime]) with datetime values.
The datetime based on two columns, both integer. One contains the date and the other is the time, as it is.
As you can see from the picture, it is a bit difficult to merge and convert these values to an actual datetime, because of the way they are stored. Mainly the time value causing problems.
I concluded how to convert the date column:
but then I got stuck - what to do with the time and how to merge the two into one datetime effectively?
Using function STUFF looks nasty...
Could you help me out please? I am using SQL Server 2014
Below is one method to do it:
I think I found one solution. What I tried is to avoid using varchar conversions because of how the time column's zeros are cut off. However, I am not convinced that this is the most effective way to do so:
DECLARE #DateInt int = 20200131
DECLARE #TimeInt int = 345 -- 03:45:00
CAST(DATEADD(second, FLOOR(#TimeInt / 100) * 3600 + FLOOR(#TimeInt / 1) % 100 * 60, 0) as datetime)
I was testing it with various time values, it is working.

Convert varchar of HH:MM:SS to minutes value

Using SQL Server, I have a column with varchar data coming from another source that is formatted in pseudo HH:MM:SS string representing a duration time like:
I wanted to convert it to a simple minutes (int) value for each
Duration MinuteDuration
00:43:46 43
01:30:06 90
43:56:38 2636
89:24:00 5364
5890:01:00 353401
I looked around stackoverflow and found several people suggesting CONVERT with the TIME param
SELECT [User],
(SELECT CONVERT(TIME, Duration, 8)) as DurationMinutes,
FROM [dbo].[MyTable]
but I cannot use that since my hours values may be larger than 24/12 (my hours value could be in the thousands). Since the original data is in a varchar, I need to interpret the string first, then multiple the hours by 60* and add it to the minutes value (and just drop the seconds value).
Although parsing the components of the time is definitely a possibility, the string manipulation is pretty simple too:
select duration,
(convert(int, left(duration, charindex(':', duration) - 1)) * 60 +
convert(int, left(right(duration, 5), 2))
from t;
Here is a db<>fiddle.
Another option is ParseName() in concert with a CROSS APPLY
Declare #YourTable Table ([Duration] varchar(50))
Insert Into #YourTable Values
Select A.Duration
,Minutes = parsename(NewValue,2) + (parsename(NewValue,3)*60)
from #YourTable A
Cross Apply ( values (replace(Duration,':','.') ) ) B(NewValue)
Duration Minutes
00:43:46 43
01:30:06 90
43:56:38 2636
89:24:00 5364
5890:01:00 353401

How to add two time values together in SQL

I have a table with 'accumulate_low_risk' and 'accumulate_high_risk'. Both are timedata (time(7)) in the format 00:00:00.0000000.
I want to add them together and place them into another timedata called 'combined_shift_total'
I have tried to convert them to seconds, add the results together and convert them back to timedata but i'm getting lost.
The table is as follows:
CREATE TABLE accumulate_time ('id INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,time DATETIME NOT NULL,worker_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES worker_table(worker_id),shift_start DATETIME NOT NULL,accumulate_low_risk TIME NOT NULL,accumulate_high_risk TIME NOT NULL,combined_shift_total TIME NOT NULL)
I was trying something along the lines of....
select Sum(Left (CONVERT(nvarchar(30),accumulate_low_risk, 126),2) * 3600 + substring(accumulate_low_risk, 4,2) * 60 + substring(accumulate_low_risk, 7,2))
from accumulate_time WHERE id IN (SELECT max(id) FROM accumulate_time WHERE worker_id = 6)
But this is way too messy.
My knowledge of SQL is limited so I'm sure there's a simple way to achieve this.
I would be very grateful for any and all help.
To me it looks like SQL Server. You can achieve it by counting how many seconds you have in your columns using datediff() and then add it to 00:00:00.0000000 using dateadd(). Please note that I don't know how precise is your data, so if you want it to me more precise you need to i.e. change second to milisecond. It's shift data so it shouldn't excess 24 hours, but please note what in this case it wouldn't work.
select cast(dateadd(second, datediff(second, '00:00:00.0000000', accumulate_low_risk) + datediff(second, '00:00:00.0000000', accumulate_high_risk), '2019-01-01') as time(7))
from accumulate_time
An examply how it works on a temp table:
create table #time (t1 time(7), t2 time(7))
insert into #time values ('01:12:04.0000000','00:12:04.0000000')
select cast(dateadd(second, datediff(second, '00:00:00.0000000', t1) + datediff(second, '00:00:00.0000000', t2), '2019-01-01') as time(7))
from #time

SELECT SUM for time

I have a Table in SQL server with a column "Time" having data type as time(7). Need to call the sum of this column, and when I use the following statement, it returns result as integer only.
Eg. If total time is 1:30:00,I expect result as 1.5. But the code I use doesn't get me this, it get me result as 1. Please check if you have a solution.
The code I used is
SELECT SUM(DATEPART(ss,Time) + DATEPART(mi,Time)*60 + DATEPART(hh,Time)*3600)/3600 AS TotalTime FROM dbo.Table
DATEPART(hh,Time) +
DATEPART(mi,Time) / 60.0 +
DATEPART(ss,Time) / 3600.0
) AS TotalTime
FROM dbo.Table
Try below - you don't need sum() function here and in your case, it is showing 1 because your result is 5400/3600 which is 1 but you need to add a float value as you are expecting float result
SELECT (DATEPART(ss,'1:30:00') + DATEPART(mi,'1:30:00')*60 +
AS TotalTime FROM dbo.Table
Try this, you can change the datepart argument based on your needs here is the full list
SELECT SUM(CAST(DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '00:00:00', [Time]) as float)/60) AS TotalHours FROM [dbo].[Table]
When you divide some value by int type, the result will be also int (the fraction is just dropped). Therefore, you need to convert a divider of 3600 from int to decimal:
SELECT SUM(DATEPART(ss,Time) + DATEPART(mi,Time)*60 + DATEPART(hh,Time)*3600)/CONVERT(DECIMAL(16,4), 3600) AS TotalTime FROM dbo.Table
If you want the difference in decimal hours, then do the following:
Convert the time values to seconds.
Sum the seconds.
Divide by 60 * 60
select sum(datediff(second, 0, v.t)) / (60.0 * 60)
from (values (convert(time, '00:10:01')),
(convert(time, '01:00:03'))
) v(t)
There is no reason to break the value in to component parts. That just seems unnecessarily complicated.

SQL convert single int to a time value

I am trying to convert a single integer which represents the hour value into a time. I've tried using cast but this converts the value to a date
cast(datepart(hh,tstart) as datetime) as test
I've also tried casting it as a time and the conversion is not allowed.
The numbers I am working with are 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,...,23, 0
The format I would like is convert 7 to 7:00, 23 to 23:00, etc
Thank you
There are many ways to do that:
WITH table_name AS
) T(H)
CONVERT(time, DATEADD(HOUR, H, 0)) TimeValue,
CONVERT(varchar(2), H)+':00' TextValue
FROM table_name T1
I would recomend storing value as TIME datatype.
You can try this:
select cast(dateadd(hour,3,'00:00:00') as time)
which gives result:
Use your int values in place of 3 in above statement
Use convert datetime to varchar datatype and use case statement
DECLARE #date datetime ='2016-05-01 10:00:000'
SELECT CASE cast(DATEPART(hh,#date)as varchar(10))
WHEN '10'then '10:00'
WHEN '11'then '11:00'
WHEN '12'then '12:00'
WHEN '23' then '23:00'
END 'Hourpart'
You can concatenate a minute to the time and cast it to time
select cast(concat(20,':00') as time(7)) as 'time'
If you wanted to display like 'HH:MM',use the below query.
If you wanted to get the result as time format,use the below query.
SELECT CAST(DATEADD(HOUR,23,'00:00:00') as time)
here is the sample output :
Assuming all of your potential values are integers between 1 and 24, I think FORMAT is the simplest way.