I currently have a stand alone instance of Youtrack 6 installed from the ZIP distribution.
When I try to import the database from the Youtrack 5 instance into Youtrack 6, Youtrack 6 starts up using the host and port of Youtrack 5, which is a WAR file running on Tomcat.
ie. My Youtrack 5 instance could be access at <server>:8080/youtrack, and I setup my Youtrack 6 instance to run on <server>:8081. After importing the database, all visits to <server>:8081 is immediately directed to <server>:8080/youtrack.
I followed these steps to import the database from Youtrack 5 to Youtrack 6.
Database left baseURL without changes. Please, restart YouTrack 6 instance with following parameter:
Refer to https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/YTD6/Providing+Java+Start+Parameters to learn how to provide Java parameters directly for ZIP and MSI distributives.
I'm unable to migrate an application from OpenShift2 to OpenShift3.
I've an instance of Fuseki installed on Openshift2. It is viewed as being on a 'redHat type' account.
It uses a cartridge of type "Do-It-Yourself 0.1"
I'm able to copy the content in a local git by using ssh link at the right of my config page.
Then, I created a new account in Openshift3 and I don't see any documentation or tool useful to install my application on OpenShift3.
The migration must be done before the end of the month and I'm stuck at that point.
Any help?
I have a licenced enterprise version of ODOO installed (on premise) on one of my aws servers. I am getting an error that says
Your database is expiring in 10 days. you have more users than your subscription allows.
Before this error came in i had around 10 users, but i think my subscription only allowed 5 users. Anyways i have removed the rest and now i just have 5 users in the system. Why am i still getting this error? Do i have to do something on my end?
I am using the latest version of odoo.
What you will have to do in order to be sure that your DB and your license are aligned is to proceed manually to a user check.
Here is the process to follow:
1/ go to debug mode
2/ go to "Settings
This should then have as a result that your license and DB will be aligned and then the message shouldn't appear anymore.
I'm getting following error while trying to login as a user. But i'm able to login as an admin.
Authentication is temporarily unavailable. Please contact your server administrators.
The youtrack license that i'm using is free license, installed on a D1 azure server. YouTrack 6.0
Build 12124 [30-Oct-2014 22:27]
I googled the error message and found this https://github.com/JetBrains/youtrack-l10n/blob/master/translations/en_US/all_en.properties, in which it talks about the exception # jetbrains.charisma.authentication.LoginIsAllowedForAdminsOnlyException
But there is not such setting in the admin.
This message is a signal of incorrect installation, that can be caused by several various reasons. As a solution please do the following:
Upgrade to the latest bugfix build (we fix installation problems ASAP).
If the message remains please submit a bug at youtrack.jetbrains.com with information about your installation type (JAR, ZIP or MSI) and build number. Please attach you instance logs to the issue.
I have just install the developer edition of documentum it was working successfully on window 7. but whenever I restart my system then login page don’t have any repository in drop down list. kindly help me
Startup sequence is very important for Documentum.
Correct startup Sequence is
Documentum DocBroker Service
Documentum Docbase Service "Repository Name"
Documentum Java Method Server
your application (for example Apache Tomcat with Webtop or Taskspace)
Usually on Windows it is Windows Services. When you just restart your server windows can start it in different order. To automate this procedure it is possible to configure Windows Service Dependencies.
Most of the times when this problem occurs, repository didn't start yet, and docbroker doesn't have information about it (repository didn't informed docbroker about its availlability).
If you look in the repository log (located under %DOCUMENTUM%\dba\log) you will see at the end of the startup process line like
Thu Jul 31 15:55:33 2014 301000 [DM_DOCBROKER_I_PROJECTING]info: "Sending information to
Docbroker located on host (TESTSERVER) with port (1489). Information: (Config(documentum),
Proximity(1), Status(Open))."
At this point docbroker knows about this repository and your client applications will have it in the list of available repositories.
I am using IBM Worklight 6 and for auditing purposes would like to know if I it is possible to log the details of tasks performed on the Worklight Console, i.e. log the details when deploying new version of app/adapter?
Worklight, or more specifically, the application server that Worklight Server is deployed to (WAS, WAS Liberty profile, Tomcat), does not have the ability to filter logs into seperate files, for example for the purpose you have mentioned.
What you might be able to do is take the server log, and create your own manual filtering (by script, of course). What you will need to do is to find the prefix for each action done and filter using it.
In Eclipse (or your production environment) open server.xml > Logging and change the Console log level from Audit (default) to Info.
This in turn will produce the following log lines in the sever log:
[INFO ] FWLSE0084I: Adapter 'aaa' was deployed successfully. [project test]
In your script you can now filter for FWLSE0084I for adapters and similar prefixes for other actions, likely. I am not sure if all Worklight Console actions have prefixes, but if they are ones that require a connection to the server, then likely that they do.