Delete user from iTunesConnect - app-store-connect

I have added my developer as iTunesConnect User for the development period. Now that the development is done, I want to remove him from the users but I get the option of only unticking him which only stops him from getting the emails for new builds but he can still login into my account and access my apps, users & roles and the previlidges assigned to him as technical guy. I want to remove him from the users list.

I refer you to check this page


iTunesConnect Users and Roles

Man this sucks....I am trying to set up ApplePay using stripe. It's documentation states I need to log into iTunesConnect and click Users and Roles.....
And when looking at the actual Apple docs, it says the same thing:
and here:
But, when I log into iTunesConnect I see this screen:
I just can't seem to find where I am supposed to find users and roles.....
Does anyone know how I can get to this elusive screen?
This is because you are not a team agent for your developer account or you are not added as a user to itunes connect.
The Team Agent of the apple developer program will have access to add other users and assign roles to them. Please refer to on how to add user and assign roles in iTunes connect.
Refer to to know about the iTunes connect and developer account roles in detail.
I'd look down the Apps route there.
If this is your first interaction with iTunes Connect, there will be a certain amount of setup you need to do before you get to view/edit users and roles.
It's because you have to register as a developer. Once I had done that, the options showed.

Instagram Sandbox Invites page redirects to the developer register page

I have an app in sandbox mode and I have a sandbox user that is pending. (It has also been at least a day since the user was added). The user can successfully use my app and has given authorization; however, the user's likes returns an empty response (I know they can only access liked media from other authorized sandbox users, but the user has liked media from my account that is set as the admin). The Instagram API documentation states that the user may go to their developer site and accept/decline sandbox invites from the Sandbox Invites tab except my user is shown the developer register page instead. Does anyone know what is going on/how to fix this?
Instagram made sweeping changes to it's API and the way it is accessed recently. As a result of the lockdown the Sandbox Invite process is glitchy at best. I myself just ran into this issue of invites not showing up.
It seems, for the moment, the only way to access the invite is to fill out the developer form(I just used a http://localhost:8000 URL and a random phone number that is not likely to exist, although try without one as it might not be necessary). That should automatically forward you to the invite page where the invited user can then accept or decline a Sandbox Invite.
It's a bit of a mess and the lack of documentation / indication to indicate that this step is mandatory doesn't help matters. Hope this helps save some time and headaches!

How to add internal testers with iTunes Connect

iTunes Connect and Test Flight have changed yet again!
Does anyone know how to add internal testers?
When I try to add testers I can only select existing testers - but how do I invite new testers that are NOT in this list?
You can add new internal testers to the list in the Users and Roles section of iTunes Connect.
Note that to be eligible for internal testing, they'll have to be in the Admin, Legal, or Technical role. Once you add them in this section, they'll be available for selection in the list of testers in TestFlight.
I believe the current answer is out of date. Internal testers are now added under App Store Connect Users in the Testers & Groups section of Test Flight.
See the description in the screen shot.
The answer is not outdated still if you need to add internal testers, they will appear under App Store Connect Users if you have add them already from "User and Roles" section, only change is that you are now not limited to the Admin, Legal, or Technical role to make them eligible for testing. All roles are valid for testing.
Current list of roles for internal testers is: Account Holder, Admin, App Manager, Developer, or Marketing role

what android permission causes "device & app history"

I am trying to install an app from Google Play store and I see Device & app history permission.
does anyone know what android permission in manifest causes "Device & app history" permission?
Device & app history
Allows the app to view one or more of: information about activity on the device, which apps are running, browsing history and bookmarks
OK, after researching about this mysteries Android permissions, I got my answer from Adam P. in Android Communities. Thanks Adam.
If you look at the picture below, you will see a description for Device & app history permission for an Android app. At first, this permission description sounds really bad. If you don't know the reasoning behind why all those 3 permissions listed under one group, you would think that this app is really accessing your list of apps, your browsing history and bookmarks. WOW! what a scary thing!
We all know that Google's Android permission system is really broken. From the non tech-savvy people's point of view, this message will scare them and they may not even install your app. Simply, this message on the permission dialog is misleading. Why? actually this sample app needs "retrieve running apps" permission only.
Now, if you pay attention to the message, it reads "one or more of:". What do you mean by "one or more of:"?
Why can't you just display it in a simple format instead of confusing users?
Lesson learned: apparently, one permission from that group is enough to trigger to show that message shown in #1.
Here are the permissions under Device & app history group permission:
Read sensitive log data (android.permission.READ_LOGS)
Retrieve system internal state (android.permission.DUMP)
Read your web bookmarks and history (
Retrieve running apps (android.permission.GET_TASKS)
Now, if you close the dialog shown on #1 screenshot and then scroll down on the Google Play Store app, you will see a text link reads "View details" shown on #2 screenshot. Click that to see a little bit different version of these permissions. By the way, this link is hidden down in the page and I wonder how many users find that link.
This is what I like. It's clear and concise. Whereas in #1 screenshot, you need to be a linguistic teacher to understand what Google's copyeditors' message mean. Obviously, the first permission dialog in #1 confused me.
OK, this is an extra bonus for you to get confused even more. This sample app apparently requires your phone number to create an account. Nowadays, a lot of social apps started doing that.
Now, if you hold down your app's launcher icon and drag onto App Info button, you will go to your app's details section. Suddenly, you will see this yellow scary message reads "this may cost you money". Well, I know this app does not make a call at all. It just used your phone number to register an account. Google, is it fair to scare people off with that message when the app doesn't really do that?
Lesson learned; the group permission can be triggered by one permission within and that can cause to show those scary messages.
I am still waiting for the day that Google changes these permissions system. Instead of asking me Yes or No question before installing, I would like to customize the app permissions while I am installing.
Wouldn't it be nice if you check/uncheck each permission and install the app? And, you can turn on more permissions in the app's settings view if necessary. By the way, App Ops won't help with that much.
some more info at:
You're leaving out an essential point concerning these permissions groups. According to Google's Review app permissions (your source) it states the following:
Permissions groups
Permissions groups are designed to show what an app will be able to
access on your device. With permissions groups, you can quickly see
what capabilities or information an app may use before downloading it.
Also, you can review individual permissions at any time using the
Google Play Store Play Store app.
It's a good idea to review permissions groups before downloading an
app. Once you've allowed an app to access a permissions group, the app
may use any of the individual permissions that are part of that group.
You won't need to manually approve individual permissions updates that
belong to a permissions group you've already accepted.
I got an app on my phone that I wanted to update today and noticed that it now asks for access to the Device & app history permission group. As you suggested, the drill down via the Permissions details shows that in reality, it is only requiring the 'retrieve running apps' permission. Great! .. you might think ... but NOT!
If I proceed and accept this now in good faith that I'm OK for this app to see what apps I got running, a subsequent update of this app is NOT going to ask again for access to the Device & app history permission group if they ADD another permission from this same permission group. In other words, today I approve this, granting access to Retrieve running apps (android.permission.GET_TASKS), but as a consequence of that I will not get a new approval request if a next app update adds any of these permissions:
Read sensitive log data (android.permission.READ_LOGS)
Retrieve system internal state (android.permission.DUMP)
Read your web bookmarks and history (
My conclusion is that if the developers of this app decides they want to obtain eg. my browser history for whatever reason (ads?), they can just add the to their app and I will not be notified when it automatically updates since I have already granted the Device & app history permission group.
Device & app history
Allows the app to view one or more of: information about activity on the device, which apps are running, browsing history and bookmarks

iTunes connect will not let me add myself as a user

I am working on an app in iTunes connect for a client, under their iTunes connect account. I want to add myself as a user so that I can get email notifications of updates in app status. When I try to add myself as a user I get the following message:
The email address you entered already belongs to an iTunes Connect account. To continue, enter a different email address
I am using this email address on my own company's iTunes connect account, but not on my client's account. How can I add myself as a user?
#sarnold Turning your comment into an answer because it worked for me.
Two Separate Websites
Apparently for historical and organizational reasons, Apple operates their developer and app store business in a bifurcated manner.
The web site for all the technical resources, including documentation, WWDC videos and such.
This completely separate web site handles the business end:
Contracts, banking, payments.
Uploading your finished app.
Defining your In-App Purchase products.
Problem: Different Handling Of Accounts
The site is slick in that a programmer can have a single Apple ID used to join multiple developer accounts. She may work for three different companies, and be assigned a role on each of those companies’ Developer accounts all on the same Apple ID. When she logs in to the Developer site, she is presented with a popup menu asking which of the three companies’ Developer accounts she wants to access during this work session. Nice.
The problem: in iTunesConnect, not so nice. In iTunesConnect, the "admin" person cannot assign existing Apple IDs as members with a role. Very strange. The admin is forced to create a new ID for each person being adding to the team. That means the person joining must have multiple email address. If an admin tries to add you to their iTunesConnect with an email address already used on some other company's iTunesAccount, an error message reports that email address / Apple ID is already in use. Obviously the programming team running the iTunesConnect site could use some help from the Developer site's team. ☹
Workaround: Email Address Trick
The workaround cited by sarnold involves a feature of email addresses. The spec for email servers has a feature where you can extend your email address. You can add a suffix to the first part of your email name by appending a "+" PLUS SIGN. From what I could figure out, the email software first looks for the extended name. If no such name is found, it drops the extension and looks again. If found, the shorter version of the email address is actually used.
So if the programmer Susan wants to use her email address for a second or third iTunesAccount, she tells her client's admin person at Acme Corporation to use something like this as her email address: Apple will still create a needless extra Apple ID for Susan, but at least Susan does not have to bother with creating and accessing extra email accounts. The emails sent by Apple will arrive at her address.
Susan double-checked this would work before talking to the admin person. She sent herself an email to to make sure it arrived at the account.
Effectively, the email servers are not fooled by the extended email address, but iTunesConnect is fooled into creating an new Apple ID using an old email account.
Basically, you can't invite other iOS devs to review your efforts seems to be the result of this policy.
I had (and have) the exact same problem... what makes me kinda like FlavorScape's suggestion ;)
What I did is something similar to sarnold's comment: I used an alternative email address ( instead of and this actually created a new AppleID with this email address.
It works fine, but it would be so much better to just connect my actual Developer account to my client's.
The way it's like at the moment, I can not even access the developer resources and (most importantly) the provisioning center with the new Apple ID, so my client has to do create new provisioning profiles and stuff, which is pretty frustrating and complicated.
Additionally, it is a pain to let him test the Apps on his own devices, because of the developer certificate is installed on my Mac, not his, and I am therefore the only one (or better, my Mac is the only computer) that can install new provisioning profiles on his devices.
Is there a better way to connect the accounts and solve these problems?
Apple now will allow the same email address to be invited to multiple itunes connect accounts and no longer allows new emails to be added with the +. Just a word of warning to others who were doing this the original post is now out of date with Apples new policy it seems.
#knl: The problem in the original question is specifically with iTunes Connect. If you want to be able to manage the Provisioning center -- to make profiles etc -- ask your client to add you to that account. Here are the steps:
Go to "Member Center"
Select the "People" tab
Click on invitations
Select "Invite person"
in the next screen they can select your role including "Member" (limited access) and "Admin" (full access)
From apple documentation:
You can only create test user accounts using an iTunes Connect
accounts with the Admin or Technical role assigned to it. Test users
do not have access to iTunes Connect, but will be able to test in-app
purchases in a development environment on a registered test device.
Link here