how to create a pdf editor for grails - pdf

In my Grails project I'm using the PDF plugin to generate PDFs from gsp page.
It works well, but I would like to add more functionalities to users, so I would like to allow user to edit the PDF basic template (defined in a gsp page), in particular I would like to allow the editing of the text inside the template and store it somewhere.
Anybody knows how could it be done?

If you only want to change the text, you could store the edited text in a database with the user id and loading it into the gsp page instead of the standard text.
If you also want to change the style of the page you could try to store the whole gsp page in the database and let the user editing it with an HTML Editor.
that's how i would start with, maybe someone has an better idea

The underlying components of the pdf plugin don't strictly require a .gsp file. It simply uses .gsps rendered as strings and feeds those into the flyingsaucer lib. So you could use a WYSIWYG type editor to allow users to create html snippets, save those strings somehow and then feed those though to the flyingsaucer libs yourself. just look into the included service methods of the plugin for an example. That might sound scary, but it really isn't very complicated.
You might want to wrap the user generated content with some of your own HTML markup for sanity and styling purposes of course, but the idea you are going for is entirely doable.

You could have a GSP that behaves of two different ways. First of all the GSP will be rendered in a Editable state. In this state the user could do some edits in some parts of the GSP. After that, the GSP will be rendered in a Preview state, where user could check the modifications that he has done in the previous step (nothing can be edited in this state). Finally, the GSP will be rendered as a PDF (using Grails Rendering Plugin).
Note that user will not edit the GSP itself. You need to allow him to edit through HTML elements as Text Areas, for instance. In this case we're using an WYSWYG editor. This editor allows the user to put text as Bold, Italic, etc.
Therefore, the most important step of this solution is to distinguish the two states in the same GSP. To do that you can use a boolean variable (called editing, for instance). This variable, if true, will render the GSP with the elements that will allow him to perform changes in the document. For other side, if the editing variable is false, the GSP will be rendered just with texts, not allowing any kind of editing.
The user could Check or Uncheck checkboxes (to show or hide some part of the document) and write or change texts in the Text Areas elements.
Below I'll show how this solution works.
The GSP is a template GSP and is called _quote.gsp
The piece of code below shows the use of the editing variable. Note that if editing = true, then a textarea is rendered and user can edit the text. There is a standard text that can be changed.
The post variable keeps what user has done after the editing phase. We use JQuery serialize to get all paramaters and pass it to a Grails Controller.
<g:if test="${editing}">
<pgs:textArea html="true" autosize="true" name="fraseInicial" rows="2" cols="80">
${post?.fraseInicial?post.fraseInicial:"Conforme sua solicitação, a empresa tem a satisfação de informar-lhe os métodos e preços."}
pgs:textArea is a specific taglib of this system and is used to render a WYSWYG editor, you can replace it for a simple TextArea HTML element.
An example with checkbox:
<g:if test="${editing || post.temPrazoAnalise}">
Teste teste
<g:if test="${editing}"><g:checkBox name="temPrazoAnalise" value="${!post?true:post?.temPrazoAnalise == null?false:true}"/></g:if>
<g:if test="${editing || post.temPrazoAnalise}">
<p>Teste teste teste </p>
The previewQuote() is called from an AJAX call that serializes (via JQuery) all parameters of GSP.
The back() action allows the user to back to the editing state from the preview state. This is the reason why we set session["paramsReport"] = params inside previewQuote(). Doing this way it's possible to use session["paramsReport"] inside back() and restore the values changed by the user.
def editQuote() {
def quote = Quote.get(
render(template: "/quote/report/quote", model: [editing:true, quote:quote])
def previewQuote() {
Quote quote = Quote.get(
session["paramsReport"] = params
render(template: "/quote/report/quote", model: [quote:quote, post:params])
def back() {
def quote = Quote.get(
if (session["paramsReport"]) {
render(template: "/quote/report/quote", model: [editing:true, post:session["paramsReport"], quote:quote])
def generateQuote() {
Quote quote = Quote.get(
def f = new File(grailsApplication.mainContext.servletContext.getRealPath("/app/temp/${quote.code}.pdf"))
if (f.exists())
f.withOutputStream { os ->
pdfRenderingService.render([template: '/quote/report/quote', model: [quote:this, post:session["paramsReport"], pdf:true]], os)
This solution was developed by wanderson-santos ( and me.
I hope you understand the overall idea of the solution. I understand that could be a bit complicated at a first view. Anyway, is a solution that allows flexibility for this kind of requirement (i.e. allow the user to customize a report before the PDF is generated).


Make button text A/B testable - Sitecore MVC

I have an MVC/angularJS page with a button, the button needs to call code to process the current page and proceed to the next step in the application, but they want the button text to be a/b testable with different variations. I'm new to Sitecore so am struggling to know the best way of doing things.
I thought of having a simple text component/template which just has a single line text property, but if I add that to the page template then it doesn't seem a/b testable because when you click on the test option it asks you to select content. Whereas the content was text they entered as part of the page template.
The only way I know of making a/b testable content so that they can click on the page in page editor and choose to select content / add test variation. I wouldn't add the button to the placeholder as it needs to call specific angular code and always be there, but should I be adding a placeholder where the text is? It seems like overkill to have to define a placeholder there, define a rendering, create a partial view, define placeholder settings to limit it to the simple text component, and then hope they don't try adding multiple items to the placeholder.
I would make a separate template (ie with the text field for your button) to represent your form, then either create the two test variation items as children of your page, or maybe place them in a shared components folder outside of your 'home' node.
In order to move your form component into a new A/B testable component you would need to create a new Sublayout in Sitecore, then create a new ascx control for the sublayout. In the Page_Load handler of this control, you would use the following code to retrieve the datasource of the sublayout:
//assume you have a button on your usercontrol called btnSubmit
//assume your template has a single-line text field called 'SubmitButtonText'
Guid dataSourceId;
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item dataSource;
if (Guid.TryParse(sublayout.DataSource, out dataSourceId))
dataSource = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(new ID(dataSourceId));
btnSubmit.Text = dataSource["SubmitButtonText"];
So I created a new template which just had a single line of text as a field, and added a content item in a shared data node.
In my partial view:
#model Digital.Models.SimpleTextItem
<button ....>
<span class="hidden-xs">#Model.SimpleText_Value<br></span>
In my main page - I was trying to statically bind it so that they could only change content rather than add new controls to the placeholder, but that only worked if I specified the datasource in this page.
Using a rendering, and in the page layout adding the rendering to the placeholder with a specified data source:
Not sure if it was the best approach but it achieves what I need it to.
A/B testing could be applied only to controls(XSLT renderings, sublayouts, action controller renderings, view renderings). If you want to make A/B testing only for button then you should create additional control for it as you did.
Technical details for MVC: A/B testing is applied on mvc.customizeRendering pipeline where rendering arguments are processed. This pipeline operates on renderings level. It means that you are not able to create A/B testing for particular field(button) without your own customization.

TinyMCE - Making all formats and style output as classes

In order to avoid XSS, I am sanitizing the input. If I allow certain attributes such as style, I am uncertain and was unable to find a definite answer if allowing style in sanitize will prevent xss or not. (the examples give in the answer are not permitted by sanitize and do not cause XSS)
So for instance, If the user chooses the left-to-right text direction or right-to-left text direction button the output will be
<span style="direction:ltr"> user text </span>
I want to avoid that and somehow make it like this
<span class="LTR"> user text </span>
and I'll change the LTR classes afterwards in different css.
I tried changing the tinymce.yml but the best I could do is break the form and not making it work.
Can someone give me an example on how to do this so I could do this for all formats and styles? (or is it better to use nokogiri or similiar to parse it and change it myself?)
I would do something like the following
var editor = tinymce.get('your_editor_id');
You may use the tinymce setup configurationparameter together with an event on which you want to perform this action:
setup : function(ed) {
ed.onKeyUp.add(function(ed, evt) {

DHTML - Change text on page using input field

I need to create a code to change an example text to a user-defined value when the user types in an input field (Similar to the preview field when writing a question on Stack Overflow).
This needs to be achieved without the use of HTML5 or Flash as the users will be running IE8, not all will have Flash plug-ins installed.
As such I have started by looking at DHTML to achieve the desired effect. Currently I can change the example text when a user types in the input field but only to a pre-defined value ("Example" in the code below), how should I edit this code to display the user-defined value?
function changetext(id)
Content:<input type="text" id="input" onkeyup="changetext(preview)" />
<p id="preview">No content found</p>
You need to have something like this in the function:
function changetext(id){
var info = document.getElementById('input').value();
id.innerHTML = info;
This js is not fully correct. I would highly recommend you start using a javascript library like jQuery. It makes this a menial task.
jQuery will work in IE8 just fine. in jQuery you will not need to attach js to your input. The code would look like this.
It is a lot cleaner and doesnt have js in the html.

dijit.Menu to be displayed after DOM had been set up

I have set up in Javascript my preferred dijit.Menu which is that far so good.
How am I able to display the dijit.Menu directly after the page starts up in the (with it's position) without any mouse interaction?! I have looked in the API so far and don't find the answers. Will I have to "overwrite" a method?
If yes, which one is it? And what do I have todo???
The widget will not show up until it is parsed by dojo.
You should place fake menu markup inside its dom node:
<div dojoType="dijit.Menu">
<h1>This text is shown after the dom is loaded
and until the menu is parsed and renered</h1>
As soon as menu is ready, everything you've placed inside menu's dom node will be replaced by actual widget's html.
NON-AMD Version:
// The code for all items!
DOJO-AMD Version, put the parameters of the modules you like to add, in require as well give them a name in the functions parameters list:
//natve code

Create PDF in Struts from data on screen

I am able to create a simple pdf using iText api inside a struts action class.
The data that should be passed into the pdf is generated on screen based on user search parameters.
What I am wondering is how I can pass the data into the struts action so it can be displayed in the pdf?
Thanks in advance.
Similar question is already here. You just need to transfer everything that is on the page to struts action. I would do it like so:
<div id="content">
wrap everything generated in here
<html:hidden styleId="hiddenHtml" name="hiddenHtml"/>
<html:submit onclick="setContentAsParam();">Export PDF</html:submit>
function setContentAsParam() {
document.getElementById('hiddenHtml').value = document.getElementById('content').innerHTML
This will set all the HTML to a action class property hiddenHtml. Get back if anything won't work, I wrote this out of my head without a test :)