SQLcmd output contains also unwanted input SQL statements - sql

I created a sql script that retrieve some information from database as a table format,
I have create a sqlcmd script that execute that query file,
but in the output file I have the queries present in the .sql file + the results that are saved,
result file http://prntscr.com/7e4j5i
I want only to have the result in that file
SQLCMD -S pcname\SQLEXPRESS -v VITI=%vl% -E -w 166 -e -i C:\db\input.sql -o C:\db\Book1.csv -s"," -w 700 -es
How can I do it?
Do I have to change something in the .sql file to exclude the queries from the results file?

Remove the -e parameter.
The -e parameter will echo the input (i.e. your SQL).
For info, see here.


How to execute multiple SQL files from a local directory in PostgreSQL/PgAdmin4 in on transaction in Windows?

I have a folder in a directory in my PC which contains multiple SQL files. Each of the file is a Postgres function. I want to execute every SQL file situated in the folder at a time in PostgreSQL server using PgAdmin or in other way. How can I accomplish this?
I apologize if I'm oversimplifying your question, but if the main issue is how to execute all SQL files without having to call them one by one, you just need to put them in a loop, e.g. in bash calling psql
for f in *.sql
psql -h dbhost -d db -U dbuser -f $f
Or cat them and pipe the result to psql stdin:
$ cat /path/to/files/*.sql | psql -h dbhost -d db -U dbuser
And if you need them to run in a single transaction, consider merging the SQL files, e.g. using cat - this assumes all statements in your sql file are properly terminated:
$ cat /path/to/files/*.sql > merged.sql

How to execute the SQL Script through Batch Script Command from SQL?

I am trying to execute the .sql file from batch script, but not able to execute.
Script has multiple scripts such as Create Table , Stored Procedure separated by GO statement.
I tried with the below script, however script was not executed.
DB Servername : localhost\SQL2017
Authentication : Windows
sqlcmd -E -S localhost\SQL2017\MyDatabase -i C:\SQLScripts\TestScript.sql
Try this instead:
sqlcmd -E -S localhost\SQL2017 -d MyDatabase -i C:\SQLScripts\TestScript.sql
You need to use the -d parameter to specify the database name. The -S parameter should contain only the server name and the instance.

Run large SQL query from a bat file

I am trying to run a monthly extract from a SQL Express DB using a .bat file called from windows scheduler and the SQL query is large (about 50 lines) and I can't work out how to include such a large script in the bat file without it all being flattened out into one (long) single row of text. Is there a carriage return (or similar) command that I can use to keep the query in the readable SQL format like I have below?
SELECT a.[Application_Number]
,case when c_MNI >0 then
100*(a.monthly_living_allowance +
a.New_Home_Loan_Repayment_Amount +
else 0 end as nsr_calc
,a.[FIN_Total_Net_Service_Ratio] as NSR
,a.Total_Annual_Income_Gross_Total as Annual_Gross
,a.fin_total_annual_income_net1 as Annual_Net
,C_MC as MC
,a.[monthly_living_allowance] as MLA
,a.[Manual_MLA_Flag] ....etc etc...
You can use sqlcmd in your bat file. Put your SQL script in a file, let's say it's DoSomeQuery.sql. Then call sqlcmd in your bat file like this:
sqlcmd -S servername -U user -P password -d DB_Name -i DoSomeQuery.sql
If you have multiple sql files, you can use for command in your bat file like this:
for /r . %%f in (*.sql) do sqlcmd -S servername -U user -P password -d DB_Name -i "%%f"

How to execute postgres' sql queries from batch file?

I need to execute SQL from batch file.
I am executing following to connect to Postgres and select data from table
C:/pgsql/bin/psql -h %DB_HOST% -p 5432 -U %DB_USER% -d %DB_NAME%
select * from test;
I am able to connect to database, however I'm getting the error
'select' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Has anyone faced such issue?
This is one of the query i am trying, something similar works in shell script, (please ignore syntax error in the query if there are any)
copy testdata (col1,col2,col3) from '%filepath%/%csv_file%' with csv;
You could pipe it into psql
echo select * from test;
) | C:/pgsql/bin/psql -h %DB_HOST% -p 5432 -U %DB_USER% -d %DB_NAME%
When closing parenthesis are part of the SQL query they have to be escaped with three carets.
echo insert into testconfig(testid,scenarioid,testname ^^^) values( 1,1,'asdf'^^^);
) | psql -h %DB_HOST% -p 5432 -U %DB_USER% -d %DB_NAME%
Use the -f parameter to pass the batch file name
C:/pgsql/bin/psql -h %DB_HOST% -p 5432 -U %DB_USER% -d %DB_NAME% -f 'sql_batch_file.sql'
-f filename
Use the file filename as the source of commands instead of reading commands interactively. After the file is processed, psql terminates. This is in many ways equivalent to the meta-command \i.
If filename is - (hyphen), then standard input is read until an EOF indication or \q meta-command. Note however that Readline is not used in this case (much as if -n had been specified).
if running on Linux, this is what worked for me (need to update values below with your user, db name etc)
psql "host=YOUR_HOST port=YOUR_PORT dbname=YOUR_DB_NAME user=YOUR_USER_NAME password=YOUR_PASSWORD" -f "fully_qualified_path_to_your_script.sql"
You cannot put the query on separate line, batch interpreter will assume it's another command instead of a query for psql. I believe you will need to quote it as well.
I agree with Spidey:
1] if you are passing the file with the sql use -f or --file parameter
When you want to execute several commands the best way to do that is to add parameter -f, and after that just type path to your file without any " or ' marks (relative paths works also):
psql -h %host% -p 5432 -U %user% -d %dbname% -f ..\..\folder\Data.txt
It also works in .NET Core. I need it to add basic data to my database after migrations.
Kindly refer to the documentation
1] if you are passing the file with the sql use -f or --file parameter
2] if you are passing individual command use -c or --command parameter
If you are trying the shell script
psql postgresql://$username:$password#$host/$database < /app/sql_script/script.sql

Executing series of SQL commands on the command line

I want to run a series of SQL statements against a SQL Server 2005 database from the command line.
When I launch 1st statement
osql -E -S <Server_Name>\<Instance_Name> -d <Server_Name>
it is going to prompt window 1> from there after I am unable to proceed further through script.
How to give input to 1> prompt I mean giving next SQL statement
and finally exit to that prompt
I tried with && but I guess that is for only commandline commands.
You ae looking for the -Q switch on the sqlcmd tool (don't use osql on sqlserver 2005 or higher) (type sqlcmd /? to see all options) or lookit up on msdn
sqlcmd -E -S <Server_Name>\<Instance_Name> -d <Server_Name> -Q "BACKUP DATABASE TO DISK = 'c:\test.bak' WITH INIT,SKIP"
Alternatively you can create a sqlscript file where you put all the sql statements in you want to execute. Assuming you name your file myscript.sql the osql command would go like this:
sqlcmd -E -S <Server_Name>\<Instance_Name> -d <Server_Name> -i myscript.sql
Perhaps you may want to try a small trick that emerged from other question in this forum (that was deleted unfortunately).
You may insert the input for a command directly in the lines below the command and then execute the file NOT as Batch file, but as input por cmd.exe (this is similar to a here document in Linux). For example:
#echo off
osql -E -S <Server_Name>\<Instance_Name> -d <Server_Name>
Execute previous "script" this way:
cmd < script.TXT
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