Dividing summed field by another summed field in the same query - sql

How to divide a summed field by another summed field in the same query.
Example: lets have the query "querySummary" which its field have been grouped already
SID SumOfCredits SumOfMarks
1 3 18
2 2 20
3 4 40
Group By Sum Sum
I want to add another field named "FAvg" to the same query that builds up of dividing "SumOfMarks" by SumOfCredits, so the the result should be as following
SID SumOfCredits SumOfMarks FAvg
1 3 18 6
2 2 20 10
3 2 40 20
Any help please ? many Thanks

Replace "Sum" in the "Total" row by "Expression" and in the "Field" row use the expression:
FAvg: Sum(Mark)/Sum(Credit)
You'll get something like this:
(The other Sum columns are not required for the FAvg expression)
The SQL looks like this:
Sum(Table1.Credit) AS SumOfCredit,
Sum(Table1.Mark) AS SumOfMark,
Sum([Mark])/Sum([Credit]) AS FAvg


How to select last element for each ID

I would like select some elements from the last id
Here an example that I have :
id money
1 200
1 150
1 500
3 50
4 40
4 300
5 110
Here what I would like :
1 500
3 50
4 300
5 110
So like you can see, I took last id and the money who corresponds.
I tried to do a group by id order by id descending with limit 1. But limit 1 is not available in proc sql from sas and it doesn't work.
Thanks in advance
Unlike SAS datasets, SQL tables represent unordered sets. In your case, it looks like you want the maximum value in the second column, in which case you can use aggregation:
proc sql;
select id, max(money)
from t
group by id;
If you actually mean the last row per id based on the ordering in the SAS dataset, I would suggest using a data step instead.

SQL- how to sum values from table between value to value?

I want to sum rows in select from value to value.
for example:
table T:
value: type:
1 5
2 10
2 8
3 10
3 2
I want to sum the values from the last type 10 (the last two "3" values)
do you have an idea how to do it?
thanks in advance!
Select value,sum(type) as SumofType
From T
Group by value
I think you want this SQL.
Select value,sum(type) as Sum_Type
From Ta where value=3
Group by value

Very simple BigQuery SQL script won't return "0" for Count rows with no results

I am trying to make this very simple SQL script work:
DATE(SEC_TO_TIMESTAMP(created_utc)) date_submission,
COUNT(*) AS num_apples_oranges_submissions
(LOWER(body) CONTAINS ('apples')
AND LOWER(body) CONTAINS ('oranges'))
The results look like this:
1 2008-01-07 3
2 2008-01-08 1
3 2008-01-09 2
4 2008-01-10 3
5 2008-01-11 2
6 2008-01-13 2
7 2008-01-15 2
8 2008-01-16 3
As you can see, for days where there were no submissions containing both "apples" and "oranges", instead of a value of 0 being returned, the entire row is simply missing (such as on the 12th and 14th).
How can I fix this? I'm at my wits end. Thank you.
Try below, it will return all submissions days
DATE(SEC_TO_TIMESTAMP(created_utc)) date_submission,
SUM((LOWER(body) CONTAINS ('apples') AND LOWER(body) CONTAINS ('oranges'))) AS num_apples_oranges_submissions

access SQL count results using multiple sub queries against one table

I am using Access with a table having over 200k rows of data. I am looking for counts on a column which is broken down by job descriptions. For example, I want to return the total count (id) for a location where a person is status = "active" and position like "cook" [should equal 20] also another output where I get a count (id) for the same location where a person is status = "active" and position = "Lead Cook" [should equal 5]. So, one is a partial of the total population.
I have a few others to do just like this (# Bakers, # Lead Bakers...). How can I do this with one grand query/subquery or one query for each grouping.
My attempt is more like this:
Count(a.EMPLOYEE_NUMBER) AS [# Cook Total], --- should equal 20
(SELECT count(b.EMPLOYEE_ID) FROM Table_abc AS b where b.STATUS="Active Assignment" AND b.POSITION Like "*cook*" AND b.EMPLOYEE_ID=a.EMPLOYEE_ID) AS [# Lead Cook], --- should equal 5
FROM Table_abc AS a
ORDER BY a.location;
Results should be similar to:
Location Total Cooks Lead Cooks Total Bakers Lead Bakers
1 20 4 15 2
2 45 7 12 2
3 22 2 16 1
4 19 2 17 2
5 5 1 9 1
Try using conditional aggregation -- no need for sub queries.
Something like this should work (although I may not understand your desired results completely):
select location,
count(EMPLOYEE_NUMBER) as CookTotal,
sum(IIf(POSITION Like "*cook*",1,0)) as AllCooks,
sum(IIf(POSITION = "Lead Cook",1,0)) as LeadCooks
from Table_abc
where STATUS="Active Assignment"
group by location

removing duplicates in ms access

please tell me how to write this query
i have an access table
i want a query that gives
number count
2 5
1 3
3 1
any help appreciated
something like...
SELECT number, count(number) AS count
FROM table
GROUP BY number
It's a bad idea to have a column named number since it is a reserved keyword.
You probably want something like
select number_, count(*) as count from ... group by number_