VBA Extracting data from textbox - vba

I am trying to extract partial information from a list, for which the information comes in a specific format (this list doesn't come in a spreadsheet):
If I paste the entire list into a textbox, is it possible to extract only part of the data from the textbox?
For the first line of the list "A BUYS: PRODUCT # 85 / B SELLS", I would like to separate: "A" ; "Product" ; "85" ; "B", and put them into different cells in the same row.
Any help would be really appreciated. Or maybe you have a simpler method to achieve this?

Something like below? either that or you could try text to columns
temp = split("A BUYS: PRODUCT # 85 / B SELLS"," ")
A = temp(0)
Product = temp(2)
qty = temp(4)
B = temp(6)

If you would like to iterate through the list, perhaps something like the below?
Sub splitMyList()
Dim iRow As Integer
iRow = 1
Do While Cells( iRow, 1) <> ""
temp = Split( Cells( iRow, 1 ), " ")
Cells( iRow, 2 ) = temp(0)
Cells( iRow, 3 ) = temp(2)
Cells( iRow, 4 ) = temp(4)
Cells( iRow, 5 ) = temp(6)
iRow = iRow + 1
End Sub
This assumes you pasted your list in column A starting on row 1. Just change the figures if needed. Hope this helps


VLookup analogue in VBA, printing two columns based on StrComp with common first column

I'm updating a VBA script and trying to match a 4-digit code with a table and printing the two corresponding columns into my original sheet, plus handling codes missing from the reference table.
jobcodes = sample codes to match.
codematch = reference table, 1st column is reference codes, I want the corresponding values in columns 2 and 3 in K and L of "jobcodes".
At the minute I'm getting blank values in the first two rows, then #N/A errors in the rest of the sample table.
finrow3 = jobs.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
jobcodes = jobs.Range(("J2"), ("L" & finrow3)).Value
codematch = stat.Range("I2:K143").Value
For i = 1 To finrow3 - 1
For j = 1 To UBound(codematch, 1)
If StrComp(jobcodes(i, 1), codematch(j, 1)) = 0 Then
resulta(z, 1) = codematch(j, 2)
resulta(z, 2) = codematch(j, 3)
resulta(z, 1) = ""
resulta(z, 2) = ""
End If
Next j
Next i
jobs.Range(("K2"), ("L" & finrow3)).Value = Application.Transpose(resulta)

VBA min value and table

I have a sheet with 2 tables. I want to find and return the cell of column 1 which has the minimum proteges.
For example, my code would return either Phil,Levy or Sean, Montain in the first run. (then my spreadsheet will add +1 to one of the two - this is already set in excel). etc....
Coach List Protégées
Phil, Levy 7
Sean, Monteine 7
Victor, Chatelais 8
I have write a code but unfortunately ot does it randomly. Any thoughts ?
Dim Coach As String
Dim ws As Worksheet, t As ListObject, r As Long
For Each t In MyWorksheet.ListObjects
Select Case t.Name
Case "Table1", "Table3", "Table4", "Table6", "Table8", "Table10", "Table12", "Table14", "Table16"
'do nothing
Case Else
'Coach = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(t.ListColumns(2).Range)--> could use that ?
For r = 1 To t.DataBodyRange.Rows.Count
For r = t.DataBodyRange.Rows.Count To 1 Step -1
If t.DataBodyRange(r, 2) <= t.DataBodyRange(r + 1, 2) Then
Coach = t.DataBodyRange(r , 1)
End If
Next r
End Select
Next t
I think your method needs a variable for the lowest number found as each row is compared.
p = 9999
For r = 1 To t.DataBodyRange.Rows.Count
If t.DataBodyRange(r, 2) <= p Then
p = t.DataBodyRange(r, 2)
Coach = t.DataBodyRange(r, 1)
End If
Next r

Count with multiple variants

I have used Variants in the past for something similar, but it was one dimensional in its solution. I am wondering if utilizing Variants with two dimensions would be feasible.
I have ever changing list of dates that correspond with a week, that will be entered in chronologically. The next column is the count of that week. Column C is the building that it took place in.
For example, the first row shown in the image above takes place the week of "10/2/2016" and there was a count of 8 that week which means the buildings in rows 2-9 are correlated with that week, and it continues on for each corresponding week.
I have the sum of the counts for each year, so for the chart in "E1:G14", I want to count each time the building is counted for each year, respectively. I am just confused as to how to approach it and if Variants would be useful or if using a CountIfs for the ranges would work best.
Thank you in advance.
Private Sub maybe()
Dim sht As Worksheet: Set sht = Worksheets("Sheet3")
Dim wk_cnt As Double: wk_cnt = sht.Range("A1", sht.Range("A1").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count
Dim bld_cnt As Double: bld_cnt = sht.Range("C2", sht.Range("C2").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count
Dim cnt As Double
Dim yrs_cnt As Double
If sht.Range("D3").Value = "" Then
yrs_cnt = 1
yrs_cnt = sht.Range("D2", sht.Range("D2").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count
End If
Dim yrsArray As Range
If sht.Range("D3").Value = "" Then
Set yrsArray = sht.Range("D2")
Set yrsArray = sht.Range("D2", sht.Range("D2").End(xlDown))
End If
Dim vCnts As Variant
ReDim vCnts(1 To 12, 1 To yr_cnt)
vCnts(1, 1) = "Irving Building"
vCnts(2, 1) = "Memorial Building"
vCnts(3, 1) = "West Tower"
vCnts(4, 1) = "Witting Surgical Center"
vCnts(5, 1) = "Madison Irving Surgery Center"
vCnts(6, 1) = "Marley Education Center"
vCnts(7, 1) = "410 South Crouse"
vCnts(8, 1) = "Physicians Office Building"
vCnts(9, 1) = "Crouse Business Center"
vCnts(10, 1) = "Commonwealth Place"
vCnts(11, 1) = "Crouse Garage"
vCnts(12, 1) = "CNY Medical Center"
For x = 1 To yrs_cnt
cnt = 0
For y = 2 To wk_cnt
If Year(sht.Cells(y, 1).Value) = sht.Cells(1, x + 5).Value Then
cnt = cnt + sht.Cells(y, 2).Value
sht.Cells(14, x + 5) = cnt
End If
Next y
Next x
End Sub
With Column C
With only Columns A & B
I need the numbers to match the second image, but when I include all three columns it looks like the first image after I group it by years year. How can I fix that?
It looks like your PivotTable is using the "Count" column improperly. Where it says "Count of Count", it's telling you that the number shown is how many lines on your data range fit the selected criteria. I think if you change the Value Field Settings to SUM you will be pleased with the difference. See below:

Excel ActiveX textbox - count characters or change case

Two days of continual failure. I am using a barcode system which has a barcode scanner which scans a barcode of alpha-numeric text and places it into an ActiveX textbox. It enters the text one letter at a time, and upon the completion of the entire barcode, it matches up to a Case selection, which then deletes the text in the box to get ready for the next scan.
The issue I happen to be facing is inside of the textbox. For whatever reason, the text goes into the textbox and occasionally ~ (1 time in one hour or 0 times in 8 hours) it will not complete the case. The exact text inside of the textbox which matches one of the cases is not counted and stays inside the box. At this point, any future scans are appended to the end of the text inside of the box.
Below is a sample of the variables, a case, and one of the events occuring based on case selection.
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
Dim ws As Worksheet, v, n, t, b, c, e, f, h, j, k, i1, i2, i3, i4
Set ws = Worksheets("Sheet1")
v = TextBox1.Value
n = 0
t = 0
b = 0
c = 0
e = 0
f = 0
h = 0
j = 0
k = 0
i1 = 0
i2 = 0
i3 = 0
i4 = 0
Select Case v
Case "2 in x 16 ft R -1": n = 9
t = 1
b = 10
c = 1
e = 11
f = 6
g = "2 in x 16 ft"
h = 40
j = 0.296
k = 1
Stuff that is done based on case type
'n = Sets the column reference for waste - not used?
't = Sets the cutting station column to be used (1,2,3) for the sq yards, row, and column of last scanned item for each station
'b = Sets the row reference for adding cut rolls waste + regular row reference for cut rolls
'c = Sets the column reference for adding cut rolls waste + regular column refernce for cut rolls
'e = Sets the column reference for taking 1 master roll out
'f = Sets the row reference for taking 1 master roll out
'g = name of the item being used for the time stamp
'h = Number of rolls coming out of the master roll
'j = The amount of Sq yards in the cut roll (to be used for waste)
'k = Case Selection
'i1 = Count for Cutting Station 1 timestamp, row reference
'i2 = Count for Cutting Station 2 timestamp, row reference
'i3 = Count for Cutting Station 3 timestamp, row reference
'i4 = Count for Cutting Station 1 timestamp, row reference - not used in this worksheet
If k = 1 And t = 1 Then
'Cutter 1 items
ws.Cells(1, t) = b
ws.Cells(2, t) = c
ws.Cells(3, t) = j
ws.Cells(4, t) = b
ws.Cells(5, t) = c
ws.Cells(6, t) = f
ws.Cells(7, t) = h
ws.Cells(b, c) = ws.Cells(b, c) + h
' adding different number based on case
ws.Cells(f, e) = ws.Cells(f, e) - 1
' always subtracts 1 from certain range based on case
i1 = ws.Cells(1, 30)
Cells(i1, 19).Value = Format(Now, "mm/dd/yyyy AM/PM h:mm:ss")
Cells(i1, 20).Value = g
TextBox1.Value = ""
Remember the text enters in one character at a time until the entire barcodes information is passed into the ActiveX textbox.
I can set a max length, but upon the max length it stays in the textbox. If I set the textbox to "", the next character in the barcode starts again and the append issue continues.
Is there a way to not have the case selection start upon the entry of each single character? Is there a way to have the textbox delete the extra information. If you set it to delete something which does not match a case, then it will delete anything entered since it puts one character in at a time.
Best regards,

Excel VBA: "Too many different cell formats" - Is there a way to remove or clear these formats in a Macro?

So, I made a fun and simple macro that randomly selects R, G, and B values until it uses every possible combination (skipping repeats), and setting the color values of a 10x10 square with each new color.
The only problem is that I have run into the limit for the number of cell formats. Microsoft says that the limit should be around 64000, but I found it to be exactly 65429 on a blank workbook in Excel 2013.
I've included a clear format code, but it seems to have no effect:
Cells(X, Y).ClearFormats
Microsoft lists some resolutions, but 3 out of the 4 of them are essentially "Don't make too many formats", and the 4th format is to use a third party application.
Is there really nothing that can be done in VBA?
A1:J10 will print a new color
K1 will print the percentage to completion
L1 will print the number of colors used
M1 will print the number of times a color combination is repeated
Dim CA(255, 255, 255) As Integer
Dim CC As Long
Dim RC As Long
Dim R As Integer
Dim G As Integer
Dim B As Integer
Dim X As Integer
Dim Y As Integer
CC = 0
RC = 0
X = 1
Y = 1
Do While ColorCount < 16777216
R = ((Rnd * 256) - 0.5)
G = ((Rnd * 256) - 0.5)
B = ((Rnd * 256) - 0.5)
If CA(R, G, B) <> 1 Then
CA(R, G, B) = 1
'Step down to the next row
'If at the 10th row, jump back to the first and move to the next column
If X < 10 Then
X = X + 1
X = 1
If Y < 10 Then
Y = Y + 1
Y = 1
End If
End If
Cells(X, Y).ClearFormats 'doesn't do what I hope :(
Cells(X, Y).Interior.Color = RGB(R, G, B)
CC = CC + 1
Cells(1, 11).Value = (CC / 16777216) * 100
Cells(1, 12).Value = CC
RC = RC + 1
Cells(1, 13).Value = RC
End If
There are several ways to resolve this issue, but the cleanest and easiest method is to remove all extra styles (I have seen workbooks with 9000+ styles )
With the following simple VBA code you can remove all non-builtin styles and in the vast majority of cases this fixes the error.
Sub removeStyles()
Dim li as long
On Error Resume Next
With ActiveWorkbook
For li = .Styles.Count To 1 Step -1
If Not .Styles(li).BuiltIn Then
End If
End With
End Sub