Bootstrap 3 datepicker internalization - twitter-bootstrap-3

I'm using this code for create a booking system:
This example working fine, but I can't add the internalization and others option.
I tried this sample code:
language: 'it'
format: "dd-mm-yyyy",
weekStart: 1,
language: "fr",
autoclose: true,
todayHighlight: true
format: "dd-mm-yyyy",
weekStart: 1,
language: "fr",
autoclose: true,
todayHighlight: true
var nowTemp = new Date();
var now = new Date(nowTemp.getFullYear(), nowTemp.getMonth(), nowTemp.getDate(), 0, 0, 0, 0);
var checkin = $('#dpd1').datepicker({
onRender: function(date) {
return date.valueOf() < now.valueOf() ? 'disabled' : '';
}).on('changeDate', function(ev) {
if ( > {
var newDate = new Date(
newDate.setDate(newDate.getDate() + 1);
var checkout = $('#dpd2').datepicker({
onRender: function(date) {
return date.valueOf() <= ? 'disabled' : '';
}).on('changeDate', function(ev) {
<script src=""></script>
The same using this:
$.fn.datepicker.defaults.language = 'it';
This is the error:
TypeError: $.fn.datepicker.dates is undefined

You have include french language file and then try to use italian language...


Instagram API / Flickity Carousel

Trying to integrate this on a site:
I don't know enough about APIs to get it working for a username instead of a tag. I'm thinking it might have something to do with this line: let instaData = data.edge_hashtag_to_media.edges;
Anyone know how I could accomplish, thanks!
<script charset="utf-8">
(function ($) {
$(window).on('load', function () {
var limit = 20;
'tag': 'data', // want this to be 'username': 'data',
'get_data': true,
'callback': function (data) {
let instaData = data.edge_hashtag_to_media.edges;
instaData.slice(0, limit).filter(x => x.node.edge_media_to_caption.edges.length > 0)
.forEach(item => {
let node = item.node;
let source = $("#instagram-template").html();
let template = Handlebars.compile(source);
let taken = new Date(node.taken_at_timestamp * 1000)
//change format to month date,year
let created = taken.slice(0, 6) + ',' + taken.slice(6);
let context = {
link: "" + node
.shortcode + "/",
image_url: node.display_url,
countLikes: node.edge_liked_by.count,
caption: node.edge_media_to_caption.edges[0].node
created: created
let html = template(context);
cellAlign: 'left',
wrapAround: true,
pageDots: false,
setGallerySize: false,
prevNextButtons: true,
arrowShape: { "x0": 20, "x1": 60, "y1": 40, "x2": 60, "y2": 35, "x3": 25 }
Figured it out:
let instaData = data.edge_owner_to_timeline_media.edges;
let instaData = data.edge_hashtag_to_media.edges;
<script charset="utf-8">
(function ($) {
$(window).on('load', function () {
var limit = 20;
'username': 'myusername',
'get_data': true,
'callback': function (data) {
let instaData = data.edge_owner_to_timeline_media.edges;
instaData.slice(0, limit).filter(x => x.node.edge_media_to_caption.edges.length > 0)
.forEach(item => {
let node = item.node;
let source = $("#instagram-template").html();
let template = Handlebars.compile(source);
let taken = new Date(node.taken_at_timestamp * 1000)
//change format to month date,year
let created = taken.slice(0, 6) + ',' + taken.slice(6);
let context = {
link: "" + node
.shortcode + "/",
image_url: node.display_url,
countLikes: node.edge_liked_by.count,
caption: node.edge_media_to_caption.edges[0].node
created: created
let html = template(context);
cellAlign: 'left',
wrapAround: true,
pageDots: false,
setGallerySize: false,
prevNextButtons: true,
arrowShape: { "x0": 20, "x1": 60, "y1": 40, "x2": 60, "y2": 35, "x3": 25 }

Generate cycle time report for kanban board states

I am creating custom HTML page in rally tool to write the code to get the total number of days each story stayed in each state in the kanban board from the day it entered the state and till it leaves the state as shown below:[In the image, uid12 stayed in "ready state" State for 10 days and currently staying in "development state " state from last 2 days.. In story uid34,total number of days it took to complete all states is 32]. Can anyone please help me with this as i am new to rally.
Here is a js code based on AppSDK2 that can be compiled to html using rally-app-builder
Ext.define('CustomApp', {
extend: '',
componentCls: 'app',
launch: function(){
var context = this.getContext();
var project = context.getProject()['ObjectID'];
var that = this;
var panel = Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
layout: 'hbox',
itemId: 'parentPanel',
componentCls: 'panel',
items: [
xtype: 'panel',
width: 600,
itemId: 'childPanel1'
xtype: 'panel',
width: 600,
itemId: 'childPanel2'
Ext.create('', {
fetch : ['Name','c_KanbanState','_UnformattedID', '_TypeHierarchy'],
filters : [{
property : '__At',
value : 'current'
property : '_TypeHierarchy',
value : 'HierarchicalRequirement'
property : '_ProjectHierarchy',
value: project
property : 'c_KanbanState',
operator : 'exists',
value : true
hydrate: ['_TypeHierarchy', 'c_KanbanState'],
listeners: {
load: this.onStoriesLoaded,
scope: this
params : {
compress : true,
removeUnauthorizedSnapshots : true
onStoriesLoaded: function(store, data){
var that = this;
var stories = [];
var id;
_.each(data, function(record) {
var artifactType = record.get('_TypeHierarchy');
if (artifactType[artifactType.length - 1] == "HierarchicalRequirement") {
id = 'US' + record.get('_UnformattedID');
} else if (artifactType[artifactType.length - 1] == "Defect") {
id = 'DE' + record.get('_UnformattedID');
Name: record.get('Name'),
FormattedID: id,
UnformattedID: record.get('_UnformattedID'),
c_KanbanState: record.get('c_KanbanState')
var myStore = Ext.create('', {
data: stories
if (!this.down('#allStoriesGrid')) {
xtype: 'rallygrid',
id: 'allStoriesGrid',
store: myStore,
columnCfgs: [
text: 'Formatted ID', dataIndex: 'FormattedID',
text: 'Name', dataIndex: 'Name', flex: 1,
text: 'Current Kanban State', dataIndex: 'c_KanbanState'
listeners: {
cellclick: function( grid, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex){
id = grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex).get('UnformattedID');
console.log('id', id);
that.getStoryModel(id);//to build a grid of Kanban allowed values
var workspace = this.getContext().getWorkspaceRef();
var project = this.getContext().getProjectRef();
console.log('get story model');
var that = this;
type: 'User Story',
success: function(model){
var allowedValuesStore = model.getField('c_KanbanState').getAllowedValueStore( );
that.getDropdownValues(allowedValuesStore, id);
getDropdownValues:function(allowedValuesStore, id){
var that = this;
scope: this,
callback: function(records, operation, success){
_.each(records, function(val){
//AllowedAttributeValue object in WS API has StringValue
var v = val.get('StringValue');
console.log('arr', this.arr);
var that = this;
var snapStore = Ext.create('', {
fetch: ['c_KanbanState', 'Blocked'],
filters : [
property : '_UnformattedID',
value : id
property : '_ValidTo',
direction : 'ASC'
params: {
compress: true,
removeUnauthorizedSnapshots : true
callback : function(records, operation, success) {
that.onDataLoaded(records, id);
onDataLoaded:function(records, id){
var times = [];
var measure = 'second';
var ready = _.filter(records, function(record) {
return record.get('c_KanbanState') === 'ready';
var cycleTimeFromReadyToDev = '';
if (_.size(ready) > 0) {
var ready1 = _.first(ready);
var ready2 = _.last(ready);
var readyDate1 = new Date(ready1.get('_ValidFrom'));
if (ready2.get('_ValidTo') === "9999-01-01T00:00:00.000Z") { //infinity
readyDate2 = new Date(); //now
var readyDate2 = new Date(ready2.get('_ValidTo'));
cycleTimeFromReadyToDev = Rally.util.DateTime.getDifference(readyDate2,readyDate1, measure );
var dev = _.filter(records, function(record) {
return record.get('c_KanbanState') === 'dev';
var cycleTimeFromDevToDone = '';
if (_.size(dev) > 0) {
var dev1 = _.first(dev);
var dev2 = _.last(dev);
var devDate1 = new Date(dev1.get('_ValidFrom'));
if (dev2.get('_ValidTo') === "9999-01-01T00:00:00.000Z") { //infinity
devDate2 = new Date(); //now
var devDate2 = new Date(dev2.get('_ValidTo'));
cycleTimeFromInProgressToDone = Rally.util.DateTime.getDifference(devDate2,devDate1, measure );
var done = _.filter(records, function(record) {
return record.get('c_KanbanState') === 'done';
var cycleTimeFromDoneToReleased = '';
if (_.size(done) > 0) {
var done1 = _.first(done);
var done2 = _.last(done);
var doneDate1 = new Date(done1.get('_ValidFrom'));
if (done2.get('_ValidTo') === "9999-01-01T00:00:00.000Z") { //infinity
doneDate2 = new Date(); //now
var doneDate2 = new Date(done2.get('_ValidTo'));
cycleTimeFromDoneToReleased = Rally.util.DateTime.getDifference(doneDate2,doneDate1, measure );
//skip first '' element of the this.arr and last 'released' element of this.arr because
//do not care for cycle times in first and last kanban states
this.arrShortened = _.without(this.arr, _.first(this.arr),_.last(this.arr)) ;
cycleTimes =, times);
cycleTimes = _.object(cycleTimes);
var cycleTimesArray = [];
var store = Ext.create('',{
data: cycleTimesArray,
pageSize: 100
var columnConfig = [];
var columnConfigElement = _.object(['text', 'dataIndex', 'flex'], ['time spent in ' + key, key, 1]);
var title = 'KanbanState cycle time for US' + id + ' in ' + measure + 's'
if (!this.grid) {
this.grid = this.down('#childPanel2').add({
xtype: 'rallygrid',
title: title,
itemId: 'grid2',
store: store,
columnCfgs: columnConfig
You can use this example as a starting point. It builds a second grid of cycle times when a row in a first grid is clicked. The KanbanState field in my example has 'ready','dev' and 'done' allowed values

DataTables image (or at least image title) export to PDF

Using DataTables and Buttons (NOT TableTools, which is retired) extension. Some cells have progressbars and small icons. Is there a way to export these images (or at least their titles) to PDF? Found some possible hacks on this page, but all of them were for retired TableTools.
Checked and but couldn't find any method to achieve this goal. Tested by adding this code:
stripHtml: false
but whole HTML code (like img src=...) was included in PDF file instead of images.
If exporting images isn't possible, is there a way to export at least alt or title attribute of each image? That would be enough.
I assume you are using pdfHtml5. dataTables is using pdfmake in order to export pdf files. When pdfmake is used from within a browser it needs images to be defined as base64 encoded dataurls.
Example : You have rendered a <img src="myglyph.png"> in the first column of some of the rows - those glyphs should be included in the PDF. First create an Image reference to the glyph :
var myGlyph = new Image();
myGlyph.src = 'myglyph.png';
In your customize function you must now
1) build a dictionary with all images that should be included in the PDF
2) replace text nodes with image nodes to reference images
buttons : [
extend : 'pdfHtml5',
customize: function(doc) {
//ensure doc.images exists
doc.images = doc.images || {};
//build dictionary
doc.images['myGlyph'] = getBase64Image(myGlyph);
//..add more images[xyz]=anotherDataUrl here
//when the content is <img src="myglyph.png">
//remove the text node and insert an image node
for (var i=1;i<doc.content[1].table.body.length;i++) {
if (doc.content[1].table.body[i][0].text == '<img src="myglyph.png">') {
delete doc.content[1].table.body[i][0].text;
doc.content[1].table.body[i][0].image = 'myGlyph';
exportOptions : {
stripHtml: false
Here is a an example of a getBase64Image function
function getBase64Image(img) {
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = img.width;
canvas.height = img.height;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
return canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
If you just want to show the title of images in the PDF - or in any other way want to manipulate the text content of the PDF - then it is a little bit easier. The content of each column in each row can be formatted through the exportOptions.format.body callback :
buttons : [
extend : 'pdfHtml5',
exportOptions : {
stripHtml: false
format: {
body: function(data, col, row) {
var isImg = ~data.toLowerCase().indexOf('img') ? $(data).is('img') : false;
if (isImg) {
return $(data).attr('title');
return data;
The reason format.body cannot be used along with images is that is only let us pass data back to the text node part of the PDF document.
See also (look for Images section)
Since no suggestions received, I had to make a hack in order to get PDF file formatted the way I want.
In case someone has the same issue, you can use hidden span to display image alt/title near image itself. I'm sure it's not the best practice, but it will do the trick. So the code will look like:
<img src='image.png' alt='some_title'/><span class='hidden'>some_title</span>
This way datatables will show only the image, while PDF file will contain text you need.
This is my CODE!
<div class="dt-btn"></div>
<td>{{$NAME}}<br />
{{$GRADE}}<br />
{{$PROFILE}}<br />
{{$CODE}}<br />
$.extend( true, $.fn.dataTable.defaults, {
buttons: [{
text: '<i class="bx bx-download font-medium-1"></i><span class="align-middle ml-25">Download PDF</span>',
className: 'btn btn-light-secondary mb-1 mx-1 dnPDF',
extend: 'pdfHtml5',
pageSize: 'A4',
styles: {
fullWidth: { fontSize: 11, bold: true, alignment: 'left', margin: [0,0,0,0] }
action: function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
var that = this;
setTimeout( function () {
$, e, dt, node, config);
$( ".donePDF" ).remove();
$( ".dnPDF" ).prop("disabled", false);
}, 50);
customize: function(doc) {
doc.defaultStyle.fontSize = 11;
doc.defaultStyle.alignment = 'left';
doc.content[1].table.dontBreakRows = true;
if (doc) {
for (var i = 1; i < doc.content[1].table.body.length; i++) {
// 1st Column - display IMAGE
var imgtext = doc.content[1].table.body[i][0].text;
delete doc.content[1].table.body[i][0].text;
type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
url: "{{route('base64')}}",
data: { src: imgtext },
async: false,
success: function(resp) {
doc.content[1].table.body[i][0] = {
margin: [0, 0, 0, 3],
alignment: 'center',
width: 80,
height: 136
// 2nd Column - display NOTE(4 line)
var bodyhtml = doc.content[1].table.body[i][1].text;
var bodytext = bodyhtml.split("\n");
var bodystyle = []
for (var j = 0; j < bodytext.length; j++) {
switch(j) {
case 0:
var _text = { margin:[0, 0, 0, 3], color:"#000000", fillColor:'#ffffff', bold:true, fontSize:13, alignment:'center', text:bodytext[j] };
case 1:
var _text = { margin:[0, 0, 0, 3], color:"blue", fillColor:'#ffffff', bold:false, fontSize:11, alignment:'left', text:bodytext[j] };
case 3:
var _text = { margin:[0, 0, 0, 3], color:"#000000", fillColor:'#ffffff', bold:true, fontSize:11, alignment:'left', text:bodytext[j] };
var _text = { margin:[0, 0, 0, 3], color:"#000000", fillColor:'#ffffff', bold:false, fontSize:11, alignment:'left', text:bodytext[j] };
bodystyle[j] = _text;
doc.content[1].table.body[i][1] = bodystyle;
exportOptions: {
columns: [ 1, 2 ],
stripNewlines: false,
stripHtml: true,
modifier: {
page: 'all' // 'all', 'current'
columns: [
{ className: 'iNo', orderable: true, visible: true},
{ className: 'iIMG', orderable: false, visible: false },
{ className: 'iPDF', orderable: false, visible: false, responsivePriority: 10001 } ]
var table = $('#table').DataTable();
$('.dnPDF').on('click', function(){
$(this).append('<span class="spinner-border spinner-border-sm donePDF" role="status" aria-hidden="true"></span>').closest('button').attr('disabled','disabled');
$.fn.dataTable.Buttons.defaults.dom.container.className = '';
$.fn.dataTable.Buttons.defaults.dom.button.className = 'btn';
public function base64(Request $request)
'src' => 'required|string'
$fTYPE = pathinfo($request->src, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$fDATA = #file_get_contents($request->src);
$imgDATA = base64_encode($fDATA);
$imgSRC = 'data:image/' . $fTYPE . ';base64,'.$imgDATA;
$error = ($imgDATA!='') ? 0 : 1;
$msg = ($error) ? 'Error' : 'Success';
return response()->json([ 'msg' => $msg, 'error'=> $error, 'data' => $imgSRC]);
In addition to davidkonrad's answer. I created dynamically all base64 images and used them in Datatables pdfmake like this:
for (var i = 1; i < doc.content[2].table.body.length; i++) {
if (doc.content[2].table.body[i][1].text.indexOf('<img src=') !== -1) {
html = doc.content[2].table.body[i][1].text;
var regex = /<img.*?src=['"](.*?)['"]/;
var src = regex.exec(html)[1];
var tempImage = new Image();
tempImage.src = src;
doc.images[src] = getBase64Image(tempImage)
delete doc.content[2].table.body[i][1].text;
doc.content[2].table.body[i][1].image = src;
doc.content[2].table.body[i][1].fit = [50, 50];
//here i am removing the html links so that i can use stripHtml: true,
if (doc.content[2].table.body[i][2].text.indexOf('<a href="details.php?') !== -1) {
html = $.parseHTML(doc.content[2].table.body[i][2].text);
delete doc.content[2].table.body[i][1].text;
doc.content[2].table.body[i][2].text = html[0].innerHTML;

On my cardboard app trying to show total of all features actual points for each column(Release) on the header, but that is not getting displayed

On my cardboard app trying to show total of all features actual points for each column(Release) on the header, but that is not getting displayed.
See the image below the cards are my portfolioitem/feature, in particular release.
On each header with release information, below progress-bar I want to show total of all features actual points in that release.
Below is the code for that, I am not getting why actual_points are not getting displayed. I am doing something wrong, but I don't know where exactly it is
_buildColumnsFromModel: function() {
var me = this;
var model = this.models[0];
if (model) {
if ( this.attribute === "Release" ) {
var retrievedColumns = [];
value: null,
columnHeaderConfig: {
headerTpl: "{name}",
headerData: {
name: "Backlog"
this._getLocalReleases(retrievedColumns, this.globalVar);
_getLocalReleases: function(retrievedColumns, today_iso) {
var me = this;
if (today_iso == undefined) {
today_iso = Rally.util.DateTime.toIsoString(new Date(),false);
var filters = [{property:'ReleaseDate',operator:'>',value:today_iso}];
var iteration_names = [];
autoLoad: true,
filters: filters,
context: { projectScopeUp: false, projectScopeDown: false },
sorters: [
property: 'ReleaseDate',
direction: 'ASC'
//limit: Infinity,
pageSize: 4,
//buffered: true,
//purgePageCount: 4,
fetch: ['Name','ReleaseStartDate','ReleaseDate','PlannedVelocity'],
listeners: {
load: function(store,records) {
Ext.Array.each(records, function(record){
console.log("records values", records);
var start_date = Rally.util.DateTime.formatWithNoYearWithDefault(record.get('ReleaseStartDate'));
var end_date = Rally.util.DateTime.formatWithNoYearWithDefault(record.get('ReleaseDate'));
//this._getMileStones(record.get('ReleaseStartDate'), record.get('ReleaseDate'), this.project);
value: record,
_planned_velocity: 0,
_actual_points: 0,
_missing_estimate: false,
columnHeaderConfig: {
headerTpl: "{name}<br/>{start_date} - {end_date}",
headerData: {
name: record.get('Name'),
start_date: start_date,
end_date: end_date,
planned_velocity: 0,
actual_points: 0,
missing_estimate: false
scope: this
_getAllReleases: function(retrievedColumns,iteration_names, today_iso) {
var me = this;
if (today_iso == undefined) {
today_iso = Rally.util.DateTime.toIsoString(new Date(),false);
var filters = [{property:'ReleaseDate',operator:'>',value:today_iso}];
autoLoad: true,
filters: filters,
sorters: [
property: 'ReleaseDate',
direction: 'ASC'
fetch: ['Name','Project','PlannedVelocity'],
listeners: {
load: function(store,records) {
Ext.Array.each(records, function(record){
var planned_velocity = record.get('PlannedVelocity') || 0;
var actual_points = record.get('LeafStoryPlanEstimateTotal') || 0;
var index = Ext.Array.indexOf(iteration_names[0],record.get('Name'));
if (planned_velocity == 0 ) {
retrievedColumns[index+1]._missing_estimate = true;
retrievedColumns[index+1]._actual_points += actual_points;
retrievedColumns[index+1]._planned_velocity += planned_velocity;
this.columnDefinitions = [];,this.addColumn,this);
scope: this
Ext.define('Rally.technicalservices.plugin.ColumnHeaderUpdater', {
alias: 'plugin.tscolumnheaderupdater',
extend: 'Ext.AbstractPlugin',
config: {
* #type {String} The name of the field holding the card's estimate
* Defaults to c_FeatureEstimate (try LeafStoryPlanEstimateTotal)
field_to_aggregate: "planned_velocity",
* #property {Number} The current count of feature estimates
total_feature_estimate: 0,
fieldToDisplay: "actual_points",
* #property {String|Ext.XTemplate} the header template to use
headerTpl: new Rally.technicalservices.template.LabeledProgressBarTemplate({
fieldLabel: 'Features Planned vs Planned Velocity: ',
calculateColorFn: function(data) {
if ( data.percentDone > 0.9 ) {
return '#EDB5B1';
return '#99CCFF';
showDangerNotificationFn: function(data) {
return data.missing_estimate;
generateLabelTextFn: function(data) {
if ( data.percentDone === -1 ) {
return "No Planned Velocity";
} else {
var text_string = "";
if ( data.field_to_aggregate === "planned_velocity" ) {
text_string = this.calculatePercent(data) + '%';
} else {
text_string = 'By Story: ' + this.calculatePercent(data) + '%';
return text_string;
//headerTpl: '<div class="wipLimit">({total_feature_estimate} of {planned_velocity})</div>'
constructor: function(config) {
if(Ext.isString(this.headerTpl)) {
this.headerTpl = Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate', this.headerTpl);
init: function(column) {
this.column = column;
if ( column.value === null ) {
this.headerTpl = new Ext.XTemplate('');
this.planned_velocity = this.column._planned_velocity;
this.missing_estimate = this.column._missing_estimate;
this.actual_points = this.column._actual_points;
this.column.on('addcard', this.recalculate, this);
this.column.on('removecard', this.recalculate, this);
this.column.on('storeload', this.recalculate, this);
this.column.on('afterrender', this._afterRender, this);
this.column.on('ready', this.recalculate, this);
this.column.on('datachanged', this.recalculate, this);
destroy: function() {
if(this.column) {
delete this.column;
_afterRender: function() {
if ( this.feature_estimate_container ) {
this.feature_estimate_container.getEl().on('click', this._showPopover, this);
recalculate: function() {
this.total_feature_estimate = this.getTotalFeatureEstimate();
refresh: function() {
var me = this;
if (this.feature_estimate_container) {
} else {
this.feature_estimate_container = Ext.widget({
xtype: 'container',
html: this.headerTpl.apply(this.getHeaderData())
if ( this.feature_estimate_container && this.feature_estimate_container.getEl()) {
this.feature_estimate_container.getEl().on('click', this._showPopover, this);
_showPopover: function() {
var me = this;
if ( me.planned_velocity > 0 ) {
if ( this.popover ) { this.popover.destroy(); }
this.popover = Ext.create('Rally.ui.popover.Popover',{
target: me.column.getColumnHeader().getHeaderTitle().getEl(),
items: [ me.getSummaryGrid() ]
getSummaryGrid: function() {
var me = this;
var estimate_title = "Feature Estimates";
if ( this.field_to_aggregate !== "c_FeatureEstimate") {
estimate_title = "Story Estimates";
var store = Ext.create('',{
data: [
'PlannedVelocity': me.planned_velocity,
'ActualPoints': me.actual_points,
'TotalEstimate': me.getTotalFeatureEstimate(),
'Remaining': me.getCapacity(),
'MissingEstimate': me.missing_estimate
var grid = Ext.create('Rally.ui.grid.Grid',{
store: store,
columnCfgs: [
{ text: 'Plan', dataIndex:'PlannedVelocity' },
{ text: estimate_title, dataIndex: 'TotalEstimate' },
{ text: 'Remaining', dataIndex: 'Remaining' },
{ text: 'Team Missing Plan?', dataIndex: 'MissingEstimate' }
showPagingToolbar: false
return grid;
getHeaderData: function() {
var total_feature_estimate = this.getTotalFeatureEstimate();
actual_points = 0;
var percent_done = -1;
planned_velocity = 20;
if ( planned_velocity > 0 ) {
percent_done = total_feature_estimate / 4;
return {
actual_points: actual_points,
total_feature_estimate: total_feature_estimate,
planned_velocity: planned_velocity,
percentDone: percent_done,
field_to_aggregate: this.field_to_aggregate,
missing_estimate: this.missing_estimate
getCapacity: function() {
return this.planned_velocity - this.getTotalFeatureEstimate();
getTotalFeatureEstimate: function() {
var me = this;
var total = 0;
var total_unaligned = 0;
var records = this.column.getRecords();
Ext.Array.each(records, function(record){
var total_points = record.get('AcceptedLeafStoryPlanEstimateTotal');
var feature_estimate = record.get(me.field_to_aggregate) || 0;
var unaligned_estimate = record.get('UnalignedStoriesPlanEstimateTotal') || 0;
total += parseFloat(total_points,10);
if ( me.field_to_aggregate !== "planned_velocity" ) {
total = total
return total;

Rally Kanban # of days since first state?

Is there a way to calculate the number of days since the card has been in the first state? Lets use say I use a custom field \for the kanban states. 1,2,3,4 If a card is in state 3 then how long has it been since # 1?
I am not sure of a way to automate it or flag items but if you review the US/DE in question just take a quick look at the revision history.
Any changes in state should be logged in the history.
Use Lookback API to access historic data.
Lookback API allows to see what any work item or collection of work items looked like in the past. This is different from using WS API directly, which can provide you with the current state of objects, but does not have historical data.
LBAPI documentation is available here
Here is an example that builds a grid of stories with a Kanban state. When a story's row is double-clicked, the time this story has spent in three Kanban states is calculated and a grid is built to show the values:
Ext.define('CustomApp', {
extend: '',
componentCls: 'app',
launch: function(){
var x = Ext.create('', {
fetch : ['Name','c_Kanban','_UnformattedID', '_TypeHierarchy'],
filters : [{
property : '__At',
value : 'current'
property : '_TypeHierarchy',
value : 'HierarchicalRequirement'
property : '_ProjectHierarchy',
value : 22222
property : 'c_Kanban', //get stories with Kanban state
operator : 'exists',
value : true
hydrate: ['_TypeHierarchy', 'c_Kanban'],
listeners: {
load: this.onStoriesLoaded,
scope: this
params : {
compress : true,
removeUnauthorizedSnapshots : true
//make grid of stories with Kanban state
onStoriesLoaded: function(store, data){
var that = this;
var stories = [];
var id;
Ext.Array.each(data, function(record) {
var artifactType = record.get('_TypeHierarchy');
if (artifactType[artifactType.length - 1] == "HierarchicalRequirement") {
id = 'US' + record.get('_UnformattedID');
} else if (artifactType[artifactType.length - 1] == "Defect") {
id = 'DE' + record.get('_UnformattedID');
Name: record.get('Name'),
FormattedID: id,
UnformattedID: record.get('_UnformattedID'),
c_Kanban: record.get('c_Kanban')
var myStore = Ext.create('', {
data: stories
if (!this.down('#allStoriesGrid')) {
xtype: 'rallygrid',
id: 'allStoriesGrid',
store: myStore,
width: 500,
columnCfgs: [
text: 'Formatted ID', dataIndex: 'FormattedID',
text: 'Name', dataIndex: 'Name', flex: 1,
text: 'Kanban', dataIndex: 'c_Kanban'
listeners: {
celldblclick: function( grid, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex){
id = grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex).get('UnformattedID');
console.log('id', id);
that.getStoryModel(id); //to eventually build a grid of Kanban allowed values
console.log('get story model');
var that = this;
//get a model of user story{
type: 'User Story',
context: {
workspace: '/workspace/11111',
project: 'project/22222'
success: function(model){
//Get store instance for the allowed values
var allowedValuesStore = model.getField('c_Kanban').getAllowedValueStore( );
that.getDropdownValues(allowedValuesStore, id);
getDropdownValues:function(allowedValuesStore, id){
var that = this;
//load data into the store
scope: this,
callback: function(records, operation, success){
_.each(records, function(val){
//AllowedAttributeValue object in WS API has StringValue
var v = val.get('StringValue');
console.log('arr', this.arr);
that.getStoryById(id); //former makeStore
var that = this;
var snapStore = Ext.create('', {
fetch: ['c_Kanban', 'Blocked'],
filters : [
property : '_UnformattedID',
value : id //15
property : '_ValidTo',
direction : 'ASC'
params: {
compress: true,
removeUnauthorizedSnapshots : true
callback : function(records, operation, success) {
that.onDataLoaded(records, id);
onDataLoaded:function(records, id){
var times = [];
var measure = 'second';
var backlog = _.filter(records, function(record) {
return record.get('c_Kanban') === 'backlog';
var cycleTimeFromBacklogToInProgress = '';
if (_.size(backlog) > 0) {
var backlog1 = _.first(backlog);
var backlog2 = _.last(backlog);
var backlogDate1 = new Date(backlog1.get('_ValidFrom'));
if (backlog2.get('_ValidTo') === "9999-01-01T00:00:00.000Z") { //infinity
backlogDate2 = new Date(); //now
var backlogDate2 = new Date(backlog2.get('_ValidTo'));
cycleTimeFromBacklogToInProgress = Rally.util.DateTime.getDifference(backlogDate2,backlogDate1, measure );
//----------------------in progress
var inProgress = _.filter(records, function(record) {
return record.get('c_Kanban') === 'in-progress';
var cycleTimeFromInProgressToDone = '';
if (_.size(inProgress) > 0) {
var inProgress1 = _.first(inProgress);
var inProgress2 = _.last(inProgress);
var inProgressDate1 = new Date(inProgress1.get('_ValidFrom'));
if (inProgress2.get('_ValidTo') === "9999-01-01T00:00:00.000Z") { //infinity
inProgressDate2 = new Date(); //now
var inProgressDate2 = new Date(inProgress2.get('_ValidTo'));
cycleTimeFromInProgressToDone = Rally.util.DateTime.getDifference(inProgressDate2,inProgressDate1, measure );
var done = _.filter(records, function(record) {
return record.get('c_Kanban') === 'done';
var cycleTimeFromDoneToReleased = '';
if (_.size(done) > 0) {
var done1 = _.first(done);
var done2 = _.last(done);
var doneDate1 = new Date(done1.get('_ValidFrom'));
if (done2.get('_ValidTo') === "9999-01-01T00:00:00.000Z") { //infinity
doneDate2 = new Date(); //now
var doneDate2 = new Date(done2.get('_ValidTo'));
cycleTimeFromDoneToReleased = Rally.util.DateTime.getDifference(doneDate2,doneDate1, measure );
skip first '' element of the this.arr and last 'released' element of this.arr because
do not care for cycle times in first and last kanban states
Originally: arr ["", "backlog", "in-progress", "done", "released"] ,shorten to: ["backlog", "in-progress", "done"]
this.arrShortened = _.without(this.arr, _.first(this.arr),_.last(this.arr)) ;
console.log('this.arrShortened with first and last skipped', this.arrShortened); //["backlog", "in-progress", "done"]
cycleTimes =, times);
//console.log('cycleTimes as multi-dimentional array', cycleTimes);
cycleTimes = _.object(cycleTimes);
//console.log('cycleTimes as object', cycleTimes); //cycleTimes as object Object {backlog: 89, in-progress: 237, done: 55}
var cycleTimesArray = [];
var store = Ext.create('',{
data: cycleTimesArray,
pageSize: 100
var columnConfig = [];
var columnConfigElement = _.object(['text', 'dataIndex', 'flex'], ['time spent in ' + key, key, 1]);
var title = 'Kanban cycle time for US' + id + ' in ' + measure + 's'
if (!this.grid) {
this.grid = this.add({
xtype: 'rallygrid',
title: title,
width: 500,
itemId: 'grid2',
store: store,
columnCfgs: columnConfig