what is the best use of BusyIndicator? - ibm-mobilefirst

Just want to understand the usage of busy indicator does it alternate to timeout/putting wait etc.
for example have following line of code in mainfunct()
1. busy.show();
2. callcustom(); --asynch function without callback this is calling xmlhttpRequest etc.
3. busy.hide();
4. callanothercustom(); -- asynch function without callback
now question is
does line 4 will be executed only when busy.hide() completes and
line 3 only when line 2 is completed while without busy all (2,4)
will be called inside mainfunct() without waiting line 2 to
when busy.hide() is being called is there any timer setup which
holds until line 2 finishes and then hide and call line 4.

A busyIndicator's show and hide functions only control when to display the indicator and when to hide the indicator. They have no effect what-so-ever on anything else going on in your code.
In other words your code is basically:
In your customcode you can still make sure that callanothercustom will be called only when it's finished by adding your own callback... I assume this is AJAX inside of it, so: jQuery ajax success callback function definition
function callcustom() {
url : 'example.com',
type: 'GET',
success : callanothercustom
And then in callanothercustom you can busy.hide...
Or any other combination of business logic - it really depends on what's going on in your code.

In my opinion, the only main use case for using a busy indicator is a Long running synchronous task that's blocking UI. Let's say greater than 2 seconds long. Hopefully, these are few are far between.
If you have asynch tasks, then the UI is not blocked and user can interact. If you are relying on the results for next steps as you imply above, then you must have a callback/promise to trigger the next steps. If you want the user to be blocked until the async task is complete, then treat it as a synch task and show the Busy.
Be aware, use of Busy Indicator is now seen mostly as an anti-pattern. Its basically yelling at your user "See how slow this app is!". Sometimes you cannot avoid dead time in your app, such as fetching a large block of data to generate a view, but there are many ways to mitigate this. An example may be to -- get something on the view as fast as possible (< 1 sec), and then backfill with larger data. Just always ask yourself WHY you need this Busy, and can I work out a way to avoid it, but not leave the user wondering what the app is doing.


RxJS polling by interval and when manually called

In my Angular app I'm working on notifications and I have an REST API to call for latest user's notifications. I need to call this API on few minutes since it's not really important that user gets notifications in real time (they probably won't even appear that fast). However the idea to refresh notifications on the client side is next:
When user logs in start refreshing notifications - here is the first manual call to start refreshing the API on few minutes
If user leaves app opened or is just navigating through the app then don't change timer and wait for the rest of the time
If user opens subpage where it can perform actions related to notifications and does it, then refresh notifications and reset timer
Refresh notifications until logout
I already have working code for the described procedure, but I'm somehow unsure that it's correct for what I need. Here is the code for performing calls (for manual check there is just a Subject and for stop checking there is a subscription to observable - code below is actually separated, but here is in one place because of readability):
// Subject for manual triggering
this.checkFeed = new Subject<void>();
// Call for refresh in own method
// Waiting for manual refresh or triggering it on some interval after it was last triggered
this.feedSub = this.checkFeed.asObservable()
.switchMap(() => Observable.timer(0, this.interval))
.mergeMap(() => this.fetchChanges())
.subscribe(res => this.notify(res));
// Unsubscription when logging out
if (this.feedSub) this.feedSub.unsubscribe();
The part which I'm most unsure about is .switchMap(() => Observable.timer(0, this.interval)) since it needs 0 to start right away (which is ok, but still doesn't look correct at all?). So is there any better way to achieve what I described?
I also have another question how to start check for notifications from another observable - which operator should I use. As I mentioned I have call to the Subject's next in own method like this:
refreshFeed(): void {
So when there is some other observable performing (the action when notifications should be refreshed) I need to call this one. What's the correct way to call void method when other observable has response from API? I was thinking of something like this:
someActionThatCanChangeNotifications(): Observable<any> {
return this.api.get('path/to/endpoint')
.do(() => this.feedService.refreshFeed());
Is this ok, or is there also any better way?
Thanks in advance for help!
So basically you have two observable.
One that you call manually:
and the interval(let's callit intervalObs):
this.intervalObs = Observable.timer(0, this.interval);
If you see it like this the easyest way is to merge you'r two source stream and then do whatever you want.
var mergedSource = Observable.merge(
subscription = mergedSource.subscribe(this.fetchChanges());
Maybe you need to do some more operation in between but this should give you a more readable alternative.
You can try this working plunker if you want something to play arround https://plnkr.co/edit/n4nNFEMa4YOh2KSjDpSJ?p=preview
From what I can see you've pretty much done it "correctly". As with programming in general, there are many possible (and correct) solutions to a single problem. Personally, I'd do this the same way.
I can give you some commentary on the two points you mentioned too:
.switchMap(() => Observable.timer(0, this.interval))
Observable.timer pretty much an Observable.interval with a custom timeout before the first value. Observable.timer(0, this.interval) is the correct usage.
An alternative could be Observable.just(0).concat(Observable.interval(this.interval)), which returns a value immediately and then starts the interval. I prefer the way you put however; I think it clearly states your intention: "Produce a value after 0 milliseconds, and then an interval of this.interval".
.do(() => this.feedService.refreshFeed())
I'd say this is the totally correct way of doing it. do is meant for side effects, eg. stuff that happening outside the observable.
I can say though, I wouldn't expect someActionThatCanChangeNotifications to kick off a refresh of the feed. When a function returns an observable, I would expect to return an observable that doesn't have any side effects. However, as we live in a non-perfect world, we can't always have what we want.
You can't expect every subscriber to remember to do .do(() => this.feedService.refreshFeed()), instead I'd add a notice in the doc comment for the function: "Note: The returned observable will refresh the feed on every next signal", or something of that kind.

How to properly execute performFetchWithCompletionHandler with multiple blocks inside

I'm using the background fetch method performFetchWithCompletionHandler in order to update some user data. However, those processes are fairly complicated and include block statements, so they don't execute synchronously.
My concern is that I am always returning completionHandler(UIBackgroundFetchResultNewData);
-(void)application:(UIApplication *)application performFetchWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult))completionHandler
NSLog(#"Start background data fetch");
// Update data -- this method contains various blocks inside
[GETDataRequest updateUserDataWithUser: user];
// Update images -- this method contains various blocks inside
[GETImagesRequest updateUserImagesWithUser: user];
NSLog(#"Background Data Fetch completed");
According to this post, in regards to completionHandler(UIBackgroundFetchResultNewData) the following was mentioned:
You have to call this to let iOS know what the result of your background fetch was. It uses this information to schedule future background fetches. If you neglect to do this, future background fetches may be delayed by the OS. The consequences of not calling this handler might include terminating your app altogether.
As you can see here, I am always saying it's successful whether or not it actually is. The answerer had this to say about my situation:
...you should call the completion handler only when your fetch is actually complete. Otherwise iOS will probably put your application back to sleep before the connection completes, and apps shouldn't actually be able to determine UIBackgroundFetchResultNewData versus UIBackgroundFetchResultNoData or UIBackgroundFetchResultFailed until then anyway. How do you know your connection will succeed?
Is what I'm doing ACTUALLY a problem? Will it actually cut off the updates? If it is going to produce unexpected results, what's the solution to this mess? The answer to the question I mentioned wasn't clear enough to me. I have tried using block variables to make it function as it should, but have been unsuccessful. Much appreciated.
The code you are using is meant for Background Fetch Refresh functionality, through this you can make a quick refresh to your app when its in background by mentioning the system time interval to minimum. This service is available in the delegate method performFetchWithCompletionHandler and it will last for 30 seconds. You need to manage your code accordingly to get updated result and then at end as per your result you need to call the appropriate completion handler block.
If you have the long running background task I will prefer then to use Background Fetch Services using NSURLSessions.

Ensure a web server's query will complete even if the client browser page is closed

I am trying to write a control panel to
Inform about certain KPIS
Enable the user to init certain requests / jobs by pressing a button that then runs a stored proc on the DB or sets a specific setting etc
So far, so good, except I would like to run some bigger jobs where the length of time that the job is running for is unknown and could run over both the script timeout period AND the time the user is willing to wait for a response.
What I want is a "fire and forget" process so the user hits the button and even if they kill the page or turn off their phone they know the job has been initiated and WILL complete.
I was looking into C# BeginExecuteNonQuery which is an async call to the query so the proc is fired but the control doesn't have to wait for a response from it to carry on. However I don't know what happens when the page/app that fired it is shut.
Also I was thinking of some sort of Ajax command that fires the code in a page behind the scenes so the user doesn't know about it running but then again I believe if the user shuts the page down the script will die and the command will die on the server as well.
The only way for certain I know of is a "queue" table where jobs are inserted into this table then an MS Agent job comes along every minute or two checking for new inserts and then runs the code if there is any. That way it is all on the DB and only a DB crash will destroy it. It won't help with multiple jobs waiting to be run concurrently that both take a long time but it's the only thing I can be sure of that will ensure the code is run at all.
Any ideas?
Any language is okay.
Since web browsers are unconnected, requests from them always take the full amount of time. The governing factor isn't what the browser does, but how long the web site itself will allow an action to continue.
IIS (and in general, web servers) have a timeout period for requests, where if the work being done takes simply too long, the request is terminated. This would involve abruptly stopping whatever is taking so long, such as a database call, running code, and so on.
Simply making your long-running actions asynchronous may seem like a good idea, however I would recommend against that. The reason is that in ASP and ASP.Net, asynchronously-called code still consumes a thread in a way that blocks other legitimate request from getting through (in some cases you can end up consuming two threads!). This could have performance implications in non-obvious ways. It's better to just increase the timeout and allow the synchronously blocking task to complete. There's nothing special you have to do to make such a request complete fully, it will occur even if the sender closes his browser or turns off his phone immediately after (presuming the entire request was received).
If you're still concerned about making certain work finish, no matter what is going on with the web request, then it's probably better to create an out-of-process server/service that does the work and to which such tasks can be handed off. Your web site then invokes a method that, inside the service, starts its own async thread to do the work and then immediately returns. Perhaps it also returns a request ID, so that the web page can check on the status of the requested work later through other methods.
You may use asynchronous method and call the query from this method.
Your simple method can be changed in to a asynch method in the following manner.
Consider that you have a Test method to be called asynchronously -
Class AsynchDemo
public string TestMethod(out int threadId)
//call your query here
//create a asynch handler delegate:
public delegate string AsyncMethodCaller(out int threadId);
In your main program /or where you have to call the Test Method:
public static void Main()
// The asynchronous method puts the thread id here.
int threadId;
// Create an instance of the test class.
AsyncDemo ad = new AsyncDemo();
// Create the delegate.
AsyncMethodCaller caller = new AsyncMethodCaller(ad.TestMethod);
// Initiate the asychronous call.
IAsyncResult result = caller.BeginInvoke(
out threadId, null, null);
// Call EndInvoke to wait for the asynchronous call to complete,
// and to retrieve the results.
string returnValue = caller.EndInvoke(out threadId, result);
Console.WriteLine("The call executed on thread {0}, with return value \"{1}\".",
threadId, returnValue);
From my experience a Classic ASP or ASP.NET page will run until complete, even if the client disconnects, unless you have something in place for checking that the client is still connected and do something if they are not, or a timeout is reached.
However, it would probably be better practice to run these sorts of jobs as scheduled tasks.
On submitting your web page could record in a database that the task needs to be run and then when the scheduled task runs it checks for this and starts the job.
Many web hosts and/or web control panels allow you to create scheduled tasks that call a URL on schedule.
Alternately if you have direct access to the web server you could create a scheduled task on the server to call a URL on schedule.
Or, if ASP.NET, you can put some code in global.asax to run on a schedule. Be aware though, if your website is set to stop after a certain period of inactivity then this will not work unlesss there is frequent continuous activity.

How to update file upload messages using backbone?

I am uploading multiple files using javascript.
After I upload the files, I need to run several processing functions.
Because of the processing time that is required, I need a UI on the front telling the user the estimated time left of the entire process.
Basically I have 3 functions:
/upload - this is an endpoint for uploading the files
/generate/metadata - this is the next endpoint that should be triggered after /upload
/process - this is the last endpoint. SHould be triggered after /generate/metadata
This is how I expect the screen to look like basically.
Information such as percentage remaining and time left should be displayed.
However, I am unsure whether to allow server to supply the information or I do a hackish estimate solely using javascript.
I would also need to update the screen like telling the user messages such as
"currently uploading"
if I am at function 1.
"Generating metadata" if I am at function 2.
"Processing ..." if I am at function 3.
Function 2 only occurs after the successful completion of 1.
Function 3 only occurs after the successful completion of 2.
I am already using q.js promises to handle some parts of this, but the code has gotten scarily messy.
I recently come across Backbone and it allows structured ways to handle single page app behavior which is what I wanted.
I have no problems with the server-side returning back json responses for success or failure of the endpoints.
I was wondering what would be a good way to implement this function using Backbone.js
You can use a "progress" file or DB entry which stores the state of the backend process. Have your backend process periodically update this file. For example, write this to the file:
{"status": "Generating metadata", "time": "3 mins left"}
After the user submits the files have the frontend start pinging a backend progress function using a simple ajax call and setTimeout. the progress function will simply open this file, grab the JSON-formatted status info, and then update the frontend progress bar.
You'll probably want the ajax call to be attached to your model(s). Have your frontend view watch for changes to the status and update accordingly (e.g. a progress bar).
Long Polling request:
Polling request for updating Backbone Models/Views
Basically when you upload a File you will assign a "FileModel" to every given file. The FileModel will start a long polling request every N seconds, until get the status "complete".

iOS - wait till a process ends

This is an IOS6 question.
I have an app that is calling a class (A) to check something. Then I want to call a class (B) to do something else
Is it possible to make sure process B doesn't start before process A finishes?
At the moment, I just call one after the other in the RootVC.
Each is showing a modal view, and I only get to see B ..
[self performA];
[self performB];
There are several tools for managing the order of execution of parts of your application available to you. However since you are presenting view controllers you have a couple of constraints; you don't want to block the main thread (or else the app will become unresponsive) and you must perform UI actions on the main thread.
In this case the most common, and probably most appropriate, solution is to setup a callback to trigger action B when action A finishes.
The modal view controller presented as part of A might call a delegate when it has finished its task successfully. That delegate can then begin task B.
Alternately you might pass a block to A which A will execute when it finishes. That block can then perform task B.
I took the dare and failed.
The story: My app has been giving me hell updating from an iOS4 target to iOS6 (with a contingent sub of code for iOS5/3GS). It crashes unless i use #try etc... with a built in delay interval on the reattempt (which is stupid, 'cause I don't know how large a database the users have, nor how long it will take to load them). It's a painful way to get around my real problem: the view loads before the CoreData stack (logs) can be loaded completely and I don't see a way to make the initial view wait until its NSMutableArray (based on the CoreData database of my object) loads. Basically, I keep getting a false error about addObjectsSortedBy: the foremost attribute of my entity.
Threading does seem to be the answer, but I need to load an NSMutableArray and feed it into my initialViewController, which will be visible on every launch (excluding FirstTime initial), but my attempt (okay, 12 attempts) to use threading just made the crash occur earlier in the app launch.
The result: I bow down to those who have wrangled that bull of threads.
My solution has been to build in a notification in the AppDelegate.m, my initialViewController viewDidLoad is told to listen for it before anything else. If it gets the notification it skips ahead and completes the normal process unto [super viewDidLoad]; if not, it executes #try, #catch, #finally. In the #try I attempt to proceed as though the notification arrived (like it was a little late), then I handle (#catch) the error by displaying a "Please Wait" label to the user, then I tell the app to wait .xx and repeat the original addObjectsSortedBy: command as though everything were kösher to begin with.The sweet-spot for my app, with images and data in the logs appears to be .15 for the wait interval #50 test entries, with time to spare and no obvious lag on load. I could probably go down to .10 #50 entries.
BUT: I don't know how to scale this, without having the logs loaded enough to get an object.count! Without that, there is no way to scale my delay, which means it may (read:will) not work for large logs with many entries (200+)!
I have a work-around, but I'm going to keep trying to get a grip on threading, in order to have a solution. And to be honest, once I hit 20 entries, the notification never hits in time for the #try to occur.
If you can, use threads. I painted myself into a corner by failing to do so early on and am paying for it: my app has been in need of an overhaul, but I need this notch in my belt before it will be worthwhile. The earlier you can implement threaded loading the better for your long-term development. In the meantime, you may be able to use my work-around to continue testing other parts of your app.