How to setup MS SQL for Lightswitch intrinsic deploy - exception occurred when building the database for the application - sql

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VS2013 Community html project, SQL2014 Standard db
Does anyone have a good walkthrough of deploying with an intrinsic db? Deployment with external db works fine, but not with intrinsic.
F5 build works fine on localhost with external or intrinsic db, server deploy to IIS/SQL works fine with external db... just not with intrinsic db...
None of the docs I have found are real detailed about how to setup sql server to handle the intrinsic deployment.
Created the sql project, selected that in LS app properties. Do I create a DB on the SQL server or does LS do that? The Publish dialog on the database step says the admin account will be used to "create and update" the db. Have tried sql admin account with and without specifying a target db. Can the user account be the same as the admin account? Tried that both ways.

Moved from RDS to a fully managed SQL instance and now works. – user5050939 just now edit delete


Azure SQL DB Error, This location is not available for subscription

I am having pay as you go subscription and I am creating an Azure SQL server.
While adding server, on selection of location, I am getting this error:
This location is not available for subscriptions
Please help.
There's an actual issue with Microsoft servers. They have too many Azure SQL database creation requests. They're currently trying to handle the situation. This seems to affect all types of subscriptions even paid ones. I have a Visual Studio Enterprise Subscription and I get the same error (This location is not available for subscriptions) for all locations.
See following Microsoft forum thread for more information:
As the other answer states, this is a (poorly handled) restriction on Azure as of now and there seems to be no ETA on when it shall be lifted
In the meantime, you can still get an SQL database up and running in Azure, if you don't mind doing a bit of extra work and don't want to wait - just set up a Docker instance and put MSSQL on it!
In the Azure Portal, create a container instance. Use the following docker image:
while creating, you might have to set the ACCEPT_EULA environment variable to "Y".
after it boots up (10-20 minutes for me), in the portal, connect to it with the "sqlcmd" command and set up your login. In my case, I just needed a quick demo db, so I took the "sa" login, ran "alter login SA with password ='{insert your password}'" and "alter login SA enable". See here for details:
and voila, you have an SQL instance on Azure. Although it's unmanaged and poorly monitored, it might be enough for a short-term solution. The IP address of the docker instance can be found in the Properties section of the container instance blade.
Maybe you can reference this blog: Azure / SQL Server / This location is not available for subscription. It has the same error with you.
Run this powershell command to check if the location you choose is available:
Get-AzureRmLocation | select displayname
If the location is available, the best way to resolve this issue just contact the Azure support to have this enabled for you. You can do this for free using support page on your Azure Portal.
They well contact you can help you solve it.
Hope this helps.
This is how I solved myself. Let me tell you the problem first. Then the solution.
Problem: I created a brand new free Azure account (comes with $250 free credit) for a client. Then upgraded to pay-as-you-go subscription. I was unable to create Azure SQL db. The error was 'location is not available'.
How I solved: I created another pay-as-you-go subscription in the same account. Guess what - I was able to create SQL db in my new subscription right away. Then I deleted the first subscription from my account. And yes, I lost the free credit.
If your situation is similar to mine, you can try this.
PS: I have 3 clients with their own Azure accounts. I was able to create SQL Db in all of their accounts. I think the problem arises only for free accounts and/or for free accounts that upgraded to pay-as-you-go accounts.
EDIT - 2020/04/22
This is still an ongoing problem up to today, but I was told by Microsoft support that on April 24th, a new Azure cluster will be available in Europe. Thus it might get possible to finally deploy SQL Server instances on Free accounts around there.
Deploy a docker container running SQL Server
To complement on #Filip's answer, and given that the problem still remains with Azure SQL Server, a docker container running a SQL Server is a great alternative. You can set yourself one very easily running the following command on the cloud shell:
az container create --image microsoft/mssql-server-windows-express --os-type Windows --name <ContainerName> --resource-group <ResourceGroupName> --cpu <NumberOfCPUs> --memory <Memory> --port 1433 --ip-address public --environment-variables ACCEPT_EULA=Y SA_PASSWORD=<Password> MSSQL_PID=Developer --location <SomeLocationNearYou>
<ContainerName> : A container name of your choice
<ResourceGroupName> : The name of a previously created Resource Group
<NumberOfCPUs> : Number of CPUs you want to use
<Memory> : Memory you want to use
<Password> : Your password
<SomeLocationNearYou> : A location near you. For example,
Access SQL Server
Once the container instance is deployed, in the Overview you will be able to find an IP address. Use that IP address and the password you chose in the az container command to connect to the SQL Server, either using Microsoft's SSMS, or the sqlcmd utility
Some documentation regarding the image I have used can be found here.
More information on the command I have used here.

How do I add additional active directory logins to an Azure database?

I have been able to set up an active directory login for my Azure database.
Now I want to add additional active directory logins and set their permissions
I understand that I need to use Management Studio to do this and have installed SSMS v17.8.1
I have been studying docs but I can't find the instructions
After reading Conor's answer I was able to create the user
However if I try to login using MSSMS with Active Directory - Password authentication I get
Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON' (MIcrosoft SQL Server, Error 18456)
In the Connection Properties Tab
I had to overtype with the database name
That particular page only shows an example using a SQL login/user, so I can understand why you are confused.
Please read through this page:
Specifically, you want to create a user using the AS EXTERNAL PROVIDER example. This tells SQL Azure (and SQL DW) to use Azure Active Directory instead of creating a SQL user. Please note that this does not (as of today) work in SQL Server. (SQL Server supports integrated authentication against a local Active Directory, but it just does not currently support the Azure Active Directory service).
Also, there is no specific requirement that you use SSMS to do this step. You can do it within SSMS, SQL Operation Studio, through one of the SQL client drivers in a program you write (or some third party program that can invoke SQL over them), sqlcmd, etc. You don't even need to have the latest SSMS to make things work (though it is recommend to get the best experience against SQL Azure including syntax highlighting).
Please give that a try and see if it gets you unblocked.
Best of Luck!

DACPAC Deployment in Azure

I am trying to deploy my SQL Server project into another database using Execute Azure SQL Tak:Dacpactask in VSTS. But I am getting a error that can't find the user that was in Source Database. I am using Admin credentials to deploy the scripts in target environment, But it shows that the source user is not available in target environment. Since user and logins are database specific, I don't want to make any changes in the users and logins. I want it to remain same. I have attached error in below link.
[Error that I recieved during deployment]
[1]: Please let me know how to solve . I have added below Additional SQL Package.exe arguments,
/p:DropObjectsNotInSource=False/p:DropObjectsNotInSource=True /p:ExcludeObjectTypes=Users;Logins;RoleMembership;Permissions
Do we need to provide any delimiter for multiple arguments?

Visual Studio LightSwitch HTML project will not deploy database schema to Azure SQL Database

I ran into deployment issues, so I created a test app to prove out the deployment process. I've kept everything as "out of the box" as possible:
I've created a simple (one table and one screen) VS2013 LightSwitch HTML client app, but the deployment fails, because it will not deploy the database schema.
I've created the Azure website and linked it to my Azure SQL Database, also the "Deploy database schema" checkbox is checked in the wizard.
It seems that my only option at the moment is to manually create the DB objects, which seems kind of absurd.
I have found a workaround to this issue.
It seems that the problem stems from not having the deployment credentials. What I have found is that if I attempt to deploy the server project there is a drop down list box that's supposed to be populated with available destinations. At the first attempt the list comes up blank but if I proceed to publish a message flashes up confirming a new set of credentials has been downloaded. After that I found I am able to publish the main project itself database objects as well.
In short; make sure you are properly logged in even if you have to log out and then in again, and also have deployment credentials up to date.

Using Web Deploy (msdeploy) to publish a WebMatrix site

I started building my site in WebMatrix and then switched to using VS2010 so I could have better Intellisense and debugging. I've been loading WebMatrix to deploy and it's been working fine.
However, loading WebMatrix is a PITA and I actually want more flexibility over the web deployment process.
So I started learning about msdeploy.exe and how to use it. I was able to successfully get the site to sync as I wanted with the following command line:
-source:iisApp="C:\Users\charlie\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\WebSites\MySite"
I had to use -allowTrusted because the cert on the server uses a differnt host name than www. No biggie. I have some -skips for stuff I don't want to write to the dest as well.
It all works great.
I use SQL Server (Express) on my host (a WebMatrix AMI on AWS).
I want to have the ability to push my database to the host as well. I am trying to use the following msdeploy commmand:
-source:dbFullSql="data source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=C:....\MySite.mdf;User instance=true"
-dest:dbFullSql="\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=webmatrix_db;Uid=webmatrix_user;Pwd=<pwd>"
This gives me
Error: The database 'webmatrix_db' could not be created.
Error: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing aa
connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. ...
I think my problem is the connection string. I copied Server=".\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=webmatrix_db;Uid=webmatrix_user;Pwd=<pwd> from the WebMatrix UI and pre-pended it with thinking it needed my hostname somewhere.
Obviously this is not correct and I can't find any examples of connection strings that work either.
Note that SQL is not exposed directly by this server. I assume WebMatrix's invocation of msdeploy is connecting using my admin credentials (not the SQL credentials) first and then msdeploy invokes the SQL commands on the remote host. I need something like the,username=administrator,password=blahblahblah in the -dest option of the first example I gave above.
It would be awesome if I could see a log of how WebMatrix was invoking msdeploy.
What is the correct msdeploy command to do what I want?
One of the best things about StackOverflow, is that posting a question really makes you think about what you are doing. Shortly after I posted the above, I realized the,username=administrator,password=blahblahblah parameter in the -dest parameter was the key. The question became how to correctly add it to my specific example.
This msdeploy command line now connects correctly:
msdeploy.exe -verb:sync -source:dbFullSql="data source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=C:\Users\charlie\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\WebSites\Fiinom\App_Data\MySite.mdf;User instance=true" -dest:dbFullSql="Server=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=webmatrix_db;Uid=webmatrix_user; Pwd=rI2vP3rK6hV8nN8",,username=administrator,password=blahblahblah -allowUntrusted
Now that msdeploy is connecting successfully and executing commands, I need to figure out how to make it actually merge the database. Right now it's giving me an error that a table already exists and can't create it...
This is related to your side comment on merging the database...
Currently Web Deploy does not have any provider that supports database merges - the dbFullSql provider uses SQL Server Management Objects ("SMO") to script out the db contents and we then apply it on the other side. Effectively Web Deploy thus will only overwrite the destination db with the source db.
If you are okay with that as a "merge" you can get around that table already exists error by using SMO scripting options - this is what WebMatrix does to make the db publishing/downloading work. To your source just add:
(this scripts out drops for all the objects in your source database so that if they exist on the destination they will get dropped and won't block you)
You might also need:
(if you aren't a sysadmin on the remote SQL database, chances are you won't be able to create logins, which are a server-level action. Typically if you don't use this setting, you'll get an error about creating a login, or login doesn't exist, because SMO scripts our your database user as "for LOGIN " and that login doesn't exist on the server)
Hope that helps!