Precision difference in VB6 and VB.NET -

I got two different result in VB 6 and VB.NET for a same code, which handles division operation.
ABC = 9.999728
result = IIf(ABC <> 0, 1 / ABC, 10 ^ 10)
In VB6, I got result = 0.1000027
In VB.NET, the result is 0.100002721
However, when I use CSng(Val(CStr(result))) in VB.NET, I get 0.1000027.
1) Why VB.NET produces different precision compared to VB6?
2) Why CSng(Val(CStr(result))) produces same precision as VB6?
3) This may look trivial and simple, but this problem is repeated and propagates to my final result, which is different from the equivalent result in VB6. Can I safely assume that VB.NET result is more precise than VB6 and discard the VB6 result completely?

In VB6:
Dim ABC, result
ABC = 9.999728
result = IIf(ABC <> 0, 1 / ABC, 10 ^ 10)
MsgBox result
Randomly using CSng() will of course truncate precision, and the obsolete Val() function should be avoided like the plague. If you want a Double then use CDbl() instead.


Given no modulus or if even/odd function, how would one check for an odd or even number?

I have recently sat a computing exam in university in which we were never taught beforehand about the modulus function or any other check for odd/even function and we have no access to external documentation except our previous lecture notes. Is it possible to do this without these and how?
Bitwise AND (&)
Extract the last bit of the number using the bitwise AND operator. If the last bit is 1, then it's odd, else it's even. This is the simplest and most efficient way of testing it. Examples in some languages:
C / C++ / C#
bool is_even(int value) {
return (value & 1) == 0;
public static boolean is_even(int value) {
return (value & 1) == 0;
def is_even(value):
return (value & 1) == 0
I assume this is only for integer numbers as the concept of odd/even eludes me for floating point values.
For these integer numbers, the check of the Least Significant Bit (LSB) as proposed by Rotem is the most straightforward method, but there are many other ways to accomplish that.
For example, you could use the integer division operation as a test. This is one of the most basic operation which is implemented in virtually every platform. The result of an integer division is always another integer. For example:
>> x = int64( 13 ) ;
>> x / 2
ans =
Here I cast the value 13 as a int64 to make sure MATLAB treats the number as an integer instead of double data type.
Also here the result is actually rounded towards infinity to the next integral value. This is MATLAB specific implementation, other platform might round down but it does not matter for us as the only behavior we look for is the rounding, whichever way it goes. The rounding allow us to define the following behavior:
If a number is even: Dividing it by 2 will produce an exact result, such that if we multiply this result by 2, we obtain the original number.
If a number is odd: Dividing it by 2 will result in a rounded result, such that multiplying it by 2 will yield a different number than the original input.
Now you have the logic worked out, the code is pretty straightforward:
%% sample input
x = int64(42) ;
y = int64(43) ;
%% define the checking function
% uses only multiplication and division operator, no high level function
is_even = #(x) int64(x) == (int64(x)/2)*2 ;
And obvisouly, this will yield:
>> is_even(x)
ans =
>> is_even(y)
ans =
I found out from a fellow student how to solve this simplistically with maths instead of functions.
Using (-1)^n :
If n is odd then the outcome is -1
If n is even then the outcome is 1
This is some pretty out-of-the-box thinking, but it would be the only way to solve this without previous knowledge of complex functions including mod.

VBA policy on double sided inequalities?

Was fooling around with trying to reduce the length of the code so that it gives off fewer headaches to look at and debug, and I came across this curious little fact:
Debug.Print 5<9<8 'returns "True"
At first I thought this was because it just checked the first set, but then I found that
Debug.Print 5<4<8 '*also* returns "True"
Does VBA interpret this kind of triple inequality as an Or statement? I can't imagine why someone would choose to make that the interpretation VBA makes because it's almost certainly the less used option, but I struggle to think of another explanation.
Also, what is a quick and pretty way of writing If 5 < X < 8 Then (to use sample numbers), without having to resort to endless And statements, ie If 5 < x And X < 8 Then? It's okay for one statement, but the doubling of length adds up quick, especially since variables aren't typically named X.
Edit: okay, it's certainly not an Or because VBA also says that Debug.Print 8<6<2 is True. What on earth is it thinking?
I have no clue but my educated guess would be that it first evaluates the left side of the equation (5<9) which gives TRUE. Then, it proceeds to evaluate the rest (TRUE<8) and implicitly converts TRUE to its integer value (I believe this to be -1 in VB).
-1<8 -> TRUE
Works with the second case as well since FALSE will convert to 0 and 0<8.
Basically it would have everything to do with implicit conversion of boolean to integer and their respective value in VBA.
It's to do with the way VBA evaluates expressions and implicit conversion. The first part of the equation is evaluated and the result stored as a numeric value (the boolean is implicitly converted to an integer)
(well.... technically a boolean is just an integer, but we'll just go along like so...)
'// True = -1
'// False = 0
Debug.Print 5 < 9 < 8
Debug.Print CInt(5 < 9) '// Prints -1
Debug.Print -1 < 8 '// = True
Which is why the following gives "False" instead:
Debug.Print 5 < 9 < -1
Debug.Print Cint(5 < 9) '// True = -1
Debug.Print -1 < -1 '// False
If you want to find out if something is in the middle of two other numbers then you have to use the And operator to force a separate evaluation (either side of the operator is then evaluated and compared logically)
Debug.Print (3 < 5 And 5 < 4) '// False
Looking at it from a parse tree perspective might shed more light about why it works that way.
Excluding whatever instruction comes after the THEN token, the parse tree for If 5 < X < 8 Then might look something like this (quite simplified):
The comparison operators being a binary operator, there's an expression on either side of it, and in order to resolve the Boolean expression for the IfBlockStatement, VBA needs to visit the tree nodes in a specific order: because VBA parses expressions left to right, the 5 < X part stands on its own as an expression, and then the result of that expression is used to resolve the {expression} < 8 part of the expression.
So when VBA resolves 5 < X, because that's a ComparisonExpression the result is a Boolean value; when that Boolean value then needs to be compared to the 8 integer literal, VBA performs an implicit type conversion and actually compares CInt({Boolean}) < 8, which will evaluate to True regardless of the result of the first expression, since False converts to 0 and True converts to -1 when expressed as an integer literal, and both are < 8.
These mechanics are built into how the runtime works, so in order to evaluate if X is between 5 and 8, you need to build your expression so that it's parsed as such:
If X > 5 And X < 8 Then
That gives you two distinct expression trees joined by a LogicalAndOperator, which then works off a valid Boolean expression on either sides.
5<9<8 = True<8 = True
5<4<8 = False<8 = True
The other answers covered up nicely the first part of your question, but didn't satisfactorily cover up the second part of it, i.e. What is a quick and pretty way of writing If 5 < X < 8 Then (to use sample numbers), without having to resort to endless And statements, i.e. If 5 < x And X < 8 Then?
There are two ways. The first:
Select Case X
Case 5 To 8
End Select
Here, the value before the To keyword must be the smaller value of the two. Also note that while this will work for integers, I have no idea if it works for types like Double and such (I suspect it won't though).
The second way, which works irrespective of whether the interval bounds are integers or not, is not necessarily shorter, but it evaluates things in a single comparison:
If Sgn(x - 5) + Sgn(x - 8) = 0 Then ...
This is an interesting way of evaluating whether a value is between some bounds, because it can also provide information on whether the value is equal to one of those bounds or is "outside" them (and on which "side" it is). For example, on a -∞..0..+∞ axis:
if x = 4, the expression above is -2, thus x is to the left of the (5..8) interval
if x = 5, the expression above is -1, thus x is the left bound of the (5..8) interval
if x = 6, the expression above is  0, thus x is inside the (5..8) interval, i.e. between its bounds
if x = 8, the expression above is  1, thus x is the right bound of the (5..8) interval
if x = 9, the expression above is  2, thus x is to the right of the (5..8) interval
Of course, if you want to include the bounds in the interval, say, test If 5 <= x And X <= 8 Then, the comparison above becomes If Abs(Sgn(x - 5) + Sgn(x - 8)) < 2 Then ..., which is another shortcut to check if the expression is -1, 0 or 1.
In the end, none of the ways above are as short as a Between(x, 5, 8) hypothetical function, but at least they are alternatives to the "classical" method.

Rounding a variable to an integer

I have a calculation like this: 3 * 12300 / 160. The result is: 230.625. But I just want the integer part, 230.
In C, this can be done using something like this: int MyVar = (int)3*12300/160;
Is there a way in VBA (With MS-Access) for force the result to be an integer?
You can round down using the Int or Fix functions.
Since you know the result you want is a whole number, you should store the result in a variable of type Long (or Integer if you're absolutely certain it will always be smaller than 32768).
Dim l As Long
l = Int(3 / 160 * 12300) ' <~~~~ Yes, I switched the numbers around on purpose!*
MsgBox "l = " & l
* Why did I switch the numbers around? Because the expression 3 * 12300 / 160 will throw an error in VBA. Read here why: Overflow when multiplying Integers and assigning to Long

Strange result of floating-point operation

Problems like this drive me crazy. Here's the relevant piece of code:
Dim RES As New Size(Math.Floor(Math.Round(mPageSize.Width - mMargins.Left - mMargins.Right - mLabelSize.Width, 4) / (mLabelSize.Width + mSpacing.Width) + 1),
Math.Floor((mPageSize.Height - mMargins.Top - mMargins.Bottom - mLabelSize.Height) / (mLabelSize.Height + mSpacing.Height)) + 1)
Values of the variables (all are of Single type):
mPageSize.Width = 8.5
mMargins.Left = 0.18
mMargins.Right = 0.18
mLabelSize.Width = 4.0
mSpacing.Width = 0.14
For God-knows-what reason, RES evaluates to {Width=1,Height=5} instead of {Width=2,Height=5}. I have evaluated the expressions on the right-side individually and as a whole and they correctly evaluate to {2,5}, but RES would never get correct value. Wonder what am I missing here.
I have simplified the problem further. The following code will produce 2.0 if you QuickWatch the RHS, but the variable on the LHS will get 1.0 after you execute this line:
Dim X = Math.Floor(Math.Round(mPageSize.Width - mMargins.Left - mMargins.Right - mLabelSize.Width, 4) / (mLabelSize.Width + mSpacing.Width) + 1)
Time for MS to check it out?
More info. The following gives correct results:
Dim Temp = mPageSize.Width - mMargins.Left - mMargins.Right - mLabelSize.Width
Dim X = Math.Floor(Temp / CDec(mLabelSize.Width + mSpacing.Width)) + 1
The problem is that the following expression evaluates to a value just below 1:
Math.Round(mPageSize.Width - mMargins.Left - mMargins.Right - mLabelSize.Width, 4) / (mLabelSize.Width + mSpacing.Width)
= 0.99999999985602739 (Double)
But what's the reason for that? The truth is that I don't know exactly. The MSDN does not offer enough information about the implementation of / but here's my guess:
Math.Round returns a Double with value 4.14. The right-hand side of the division is a Single. So you're dividing a Double by a Single. This results in a Double (see MSDN). So far, so good. The MSDN states that all integral data types are widened to Double before the division. Although Single is not an integral data type, this is probably what happens. And here is the problem. The widening does not seem to be performed on the result of the addition, but on its operands.
If you write
Dim sum = (mLabelSize.Width + mSpacing.Width) 'will be 4.14 Single
Math.Round(mPageSize.Width - mMargins.Left - mMargins.Right - mLabelSize.Width, 4) / sum
= 1 (Double)
Here sum is converted to double (resulting in 4.14) and everything is fine. But, if we convert both operands to double, then the conversion of 0.14 introduces some floating point error:
Dim dblLabelSizeWidth As Double = mLabelSize.Width ' will be 4.0
Dim dblSpacing As Double = mSpacing.Width ' will be 0.14000000059604645
The sum is slightly bigger than 4.14, resulting in a quotient slightly smaller than 1.
So the reason is that the conversion to double is not performed on the division's operand, but on the operand's operands, which introduces floating point errors.
You could overcome this problem by adding a small epsilon to the quotient before rounding off. Alternatively you might consider using a more precise data type such as Decimal. But at some point, there will also be floating-point errors with Decimal.
This is due to rounding error: you're taking the floor of a value that is very close to 2, but is less than 2 (while the mathematical value is 2). You should do all your computations with integers, or take rounding errors into account before using operations like floor (not always possible if you want the true value).
EDIT: Since has a Decimal datatype, you can also use it instead of integers. It may help in some cases like here: the base conversions for 0.18 and 0.14 (not representable exactly in binary) are avoided and the additions and subtractions will be performed exactly here, so that the operands of the division will be computed exactly. Thus, if the result of the division is an integer, you'll get it exactly (instead of possibly a value just below, like what you got with binary). But make sure that your inputs are already in decimal.

VBA Ultimate rounding

I've read much about rounding in Excel. I found out that VBA's Round() function uses "Bankers rounding" while Application.WorksheetFunction.Round() uses more or less "normal" rounding. But it didn't help me to understand this:
? Round(6.03499,2)
Why? I want to see 6.04, not 6.03! The trick is that
? Round(Round(6.03499,3),2)
I thought a bit and developed a subroutine like this:
Option Explicit
Function DoRound(ByVal value As Double, Optional ByVal numdigits As Integer = 0) As Double
Dim i As Integer
Dim res As Double
res = value
For i = 10 To numdigits Step -1
res = Application.Round(res, i)
Next i
DoRound = res
End Function
It works fine.
? DoRound(6.03499,2)
But it is not cool. Is there any built-in normal rounding in Excel?
If you round 6.03499 to 3 digits it will be 6.035 - which is correct.
If you round 6.03499 to 2 digits it will be 6.03 - which is correct
However - the example where you first round to 3 digits, then to 2 is also correct, by the following statement:
Round(6.03499, 3) gives 6.035
Round(6.035, 2) gives 6.04
If you want Round(6.03499, 2) to give 6.04 you have to use Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp
Rounding 6.0349 to two decimals is just not 6.04 hence, no, there is no such function.
Round up will round anything up. Hence, 6.0000000001 will also become 7 if you round to 0 decimals.