VBA script to copy a column in the next sheet and paste to the next empty column in the first sheet - vba

I’d need to write a short VBA script for the following situation. The workbook contains multiple sheets. The first sheet is the summary sheet. After the summary sheet there is an irregular number of sheets that contain the information I would like to display on the summary sheet. The information is always in “Column B”. The script should copy “Column B” of each sheet and paste it to the next empty column in the summary sheet. In other words, it should copy “Column B” in “Sheet 2” and paste it to the next empty column in “Sheet 1”, then copy “Column B” in “Sheet 3” and paste again to the next empty column in “Sheet 1”, etc. etc.
All the help is appreciated, thank you!

You will need to declare a Worksheet type variable (e.g. Dim ws As Worksheet), to loop by a For Each ws In Activeworkbook.Worksheets ... Next ws. Then you need to define which sheet is the master sheet. I recommend once again a Worksheet, e.g. Set wsMain = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Summary").
To complete it use a
to tell you the index of the last used column in your summary sheet. You can either store it in a variable then increase it by one in your loop or run it in your loop (not resource-efficient but who cares about that two milliseconds).
You can reference columns by index which in your case will be ws.Cells.Columns(2) and wsMain.Cells.Columns(LastColumn + 1).
Have fun writing your code, I hope I could help!

This worked:
Sub NextWsToNextEmptyColumn()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
ws.Cells.Columns(2).Copy Sheets(1).Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Offset(, 1)
Next ws
End Sub


Copy and paste data from different worksheet to another worksheet in a same excel spreadsheet

Sub Save7()
Dim NextRow As Range
Set NextRow = Range("AC" & Sheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count)
NextRow.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Set NextRow = Nothing
End Sub
My purpose of this code is to copy data ( Five columns of 'NO' in AC14 to AG14) from sheet 3 and paste to sheet 1 where the last active cell is at.
The code above is working well, however I made some modification to the sheet tab name for sheet 1. Sheet 1 is now called "Equipment stuffs", while sheet 3 name is remaining unchanged.
After those changes, the macro stopped working. The cause is probably because I don't know how to declare "Equipment stuffs" in the code .
There's no need to do copy/paste to move data from one place on the spreadsheet to another. You should simply assign the Value of the respective Range objects, for example:
Sheet1.Range("NamedRange2").Value = Sheet1.Range("NamedRange2").Value
Also, use code names for the sheets, instead of Sheets("SheetName"), and defined named for the ranges, instead of Range("AC14:AG14", otherwise your code will stop working if the user renames the sheet or inserts or deletes any rows above your reference.
If you want to automate this a little you could collect the active workbook and loop through each sheet using wb.Worksheets. Then collect the name with targetSheet.Name.
Option Explicit
Public Sub getSheet()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim targetSheet As Worksheet
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
For Each targetSheet In wb.Worksheets
Debug.Print targetSheet.Name
Next targetSheet
End Sub
I’m brazilian hehe, I understood your question , I’ve a code for alter the data in same worksheet (I’ll attach it here), for you to change the data in another worksheet, you need put on:
Worksheets("NameWorkSheet) Activate
for the VBA that’s refers to this tab.

Excel cover sheet that is used to populate cells across the whole workbook

I am trying to create a cover sheet for an excel workbook, the user will populate these cells then a macro will paste them across all worksheets inside the workbook.
The cover sheet asks for information in cells from column D and column I which could be common across the whole workbook. I am trying to make filling out this workbook faster and easier.
I have a basic understanding of Excel VBA but require help to write this, thank you.
You code use something like this
Sub Main
Dim cellsToCopy As Range
Dim shtNames as Variant, shtName As Variant
Set cellsToCopy = Worksheets("CoverSheet").Range("D5, D11, I3, I12") '<--| change both "CoverSheet" name and its cells address list to fit your needs
shtNames = Array("firstSheet", "secondSheet", "thirdSheet") '<--| change sheets names to paste cellsToCopy values into
For Each shtName in shtNames
Worksheets(shtName).Range(cellsToCopy.Address).Value = cellsToCopy.Value
Next shtName
End Sub

Copying until last row

I have multiple sheets and I want to copy their data to another workbook on the last empty row of it. The data has a random number of rows but a defined number of columns, and I am having trouble copying it (not all the sheet, only the rows that have data) and then pasting it to the last row of the final workbook. How should I do it? I have no clue at all...
Disclaimer: I don't want to use select of activesheet as I will have multiple workbooks open and this has brought me problems. Also, the data is continues, and in this I mean that there are no empty rows in the middle of it. Also, I don't think this will change anything but this code is running inside a loop so it copies all sheets from multiple files.
col is the column number you're trying to copy
For Each ws in Activeworkbook.worksheets
lastrow = ws.cells(ws.rows.count, col).end(xlup).row
'code to copy and paste
Next ws
I asume you have a handle to the worksheets, so you can use this code to copy the data:
Public Sub CopyAcross(oSheetFrom As Worksheet, oSheetTo As Worksheet)
Const DATA_START_ADDRESS As String = "$A$1"
oSheetTo.Range("A" & oSheetTo.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
Assuming that the data to be copied has the same start address on each sheet, which is specified as DATA_START_ADDRESS

How to move to next blank cell?

I have data on multiple sheets in a workbook that I want copied all to one sheet in that same workbook. When I run the macro, I would like it to start by deleting the current data in the "iPage Data Export" sheet and then replacing it with data from the other sheets.
I want the process to occur one column at a time since I may not bring over everything. Right now I am trying to learn how to do just one column.
I was able to get it to copy all of the contents of a column from one sheet, but when it moves to the next sheet, it overwrites the existing data. In the end, I only get one sheets worth of data copied.
Here are my 4 problems:
How do I make it clear the data on this sheet before running the routine?
How can I make it start each copy function at the bottom of that row (i.e. after the last cell with a value)? I have tried many of the suggestions on this and other boards without success. I will admit I am not very experienced in this.
How can I make it copy to a particular column (currently it just seems to default to A.
How can I concatenate multiple columns during the paste function? I.e. what if I want it to insert: A2&", "B2 instead of just A2
Sub CombineData()
Dim Sht As Worksheet
For Each Sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If Sht.Name <> "iPage Data Export" Then
Sheets("iPage Data Export").Select
End If
Next Sht
End Sub
How do I make it clear the data on this sheet before running the routine?
How can I make it start each copy function at the bottom of that row (i.e. after the last cell with a value)? I have tried many of the suggestions on this and other boards without success. I will admit I am not very experienced in this.
Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
In detail:
Rows.Count will return the number of rows in the sheet, so in the legacy style *.xls workbooks this would return the number 65,536. Therefore "C" & Rows.Count is the same as C65536
Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp) is the same as going to C65536 and pressing Ctrl + ↑ - The command End(xlDirection) tells the program to go the last cell in that range. In this case, we would end up at the last cell containing data in column C.
.Offset(1, 0) means that we want to return the range offset by an amount of rows and/or columns. VBA uses RC (Rows Columns) references, so whenever you see something like the Offset() function with two numbers being passed as the arguments, it usually relates to the row, and the column, in that order. In this case, we want the cell that is one row below the last cell we referenced.
All-in-all the phrase Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) means go to the last cell in column C, go up until we hit the last cell with data, and then return the cell below that - which will be the next empty cell.
How can I make it copy to a particular column (currently it just seems to default to A.
Range("C:C").Copy Destination:=Sheets("iPage Data Export").Range("A:A")
You can pass the Destination argument in the same line and actually bypass the clipboard (faster and cleaner)
How can I concatenate multiple columns during the paste function? I.e. what if I want it to insert: A2&", "B2 instead of just A2
Lets say you wanted to reference column A, B, and F - just use:
Range("A1, B1, F1").EntireColumn
To summarise, you could streamline your existing code to something like (untested):
Sub CombineData()
Dim Sht As Worksheet
For Each Sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If Sht.Name <> "iPage Data Export" Then
Sht.Range("C1:C" & Cells(Sht.Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row).Copy Destination:=Sheets("iPage Data Export").Range("A:A")
End If
End Sub
This should do for the copying:
Sub CombineData()
Dim sheet As Worksheet
For Each sheet In Worksheets
If (sheet.Name <> "iPage Data Export") Then
Range("A1", ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).Select
Worksheets("iPage Data Export").Activate
Cells(1, ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column + 1).Select
End If
End Sub
For the concatenation you need to be more specific - but I guess you should open a new question with a clearer focus if you need specific help on that.

How do I export specifc rows of data to another spreadsheet

I'm totally new to VBA and have a requirement to export specific rows based on a value within a specific column to another spreadsheet. Unfortunately I can't post an example so I'll try to explain. I have a sheet that consists of columns A to D and any number of rows. I need to copy all rows that contain [DV] anywhere in column C to another sheet in another spreadsheet.
I have another couple of variants that I would also need to do but I'm hoping if I get this one I can then modify it to suit my needs for the others.
You will have to read, each row under the column C (for each). At each row you will need to sub string the characters in that cell. If they match your condition (DV), than copy it to your desired worksheet.
You didn't provide any code, so this is the best I can help you. If you want more help, you will need to provide some code, and show where it is exactly that you are stuck.
this should do it :
Dim cl As Range
dim wb as workbook
dim ws as worksheet
set wb = workbooks.open("Your other workbook path & name")
set ws = wb.Sheets("destination sheet name")
For Each cl In Range("D1:D" & Range("D1").End(xlDown).Row)
If InStr(cl.Offset(0, -1).Value, "[DV]") > 0 Then
ws.Range("A50000").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial
End If
Next cl