AIR Google Play Services library classes missing apk - air

I am working on a test app to test an ane I have built with Google Play Services included. I had things working fine, but recently I updated the version of the Google Play Services library I was using, and now when I built the project in Adobe Flash CC, it seems to be stripping out the Google Play Services classes from the apk. When I decompile the apk I can see they are missing. When I put back the old version of GPlay, I can see it doesn't strip them out.
This post mentions a tool within the AIR needs updating (dx.jar) and this post seems to have the same message. I did update that file but it did not fix the issue.

The problem will be with the AIR SDK. You need to update the dx.jar in your AIR SDK, I've logged an issue with Adobe about this but they haven't updated the build tools as yet so we have to do it manually:
Have a look here for the details:
It's important that you have a recent version of the Android SDK installed and updated for this to work.
Also rather than packaging the Google Play Libraries into your ANE I suggest you use a shared ANE, like this one:
Otherwise you can cause conflicts with other ANE's that use the Google Play Library.


Missing dSYM files in Crashlytics Today extension (Bitcode disabled)

The title of this question basically says it all. I enabled Crashlytics in my Today extension, and for some reasons, the dSYMs are not being uploaded, even though I'm not using Bitcode.
I tried uploading them manually (from ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Derived Data/Timelines-evxmjnxmpmcivkavmpijzakaxkrp/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/, but the web interface doesn't really give me any feedback. It shows this screen:
No matter how long I wait, once I refresh the page, it goes back to the 'upload dSYMS' screen.
I think the problem might be that the UUIDs of the missing dSYMs don't really match those that I found locally.
Some notes on my setup:
Xcode 8.2
Today extension running on iOS 10.2
Bitcode is not enabled.
Fabric and Crashlytics integration was done using CocoaPods.
Archive wasn't uploaded to App Store. I'm just testing it locally on my devices. But since the entry for crash reports was created in the web interface, I assume the automatic upload should work anyway.
My question basically is: how exactly can I upload the dSYMs manually? And, second one: how can I make the automatic upload of dSYMs work? Thank you.
It is described here completely ==>
As it said you can download it from activity tab in itunesconnect and then upload it to crashlytics website.

How to avoid reverse engineering of an apk build with Appcelerator?

I am developing a schedule app using Appcelerator, and I want to prevent a hacker from accessing any resources, assets or source code from the APK file.
If someone changes the .apk extension to .zip then they can unzip it and easily access all the app's resources and assets, and using dex2jar and a Java decompiler, they can also access the source code. It's very easy to reverse engineer an Android APK file.
Is there any functionality available in titanium SDK that prevent reverse engineering? I am using Titanium SDK Version 3.4.1.GA I tried following code but nothing works
<property name="ti.deploytype">distribution</property>
<property name="" type="bool">true</property>
You'll drive yourself crazy trying to protect your code from someone determined to get into it. Generally, Appcelerator is getting you the ability to convert your code from JavaScript into something that resembles a mix of native with JavaScript controlling logic. If the Android platform doesn't accomplish what you want, I don't believe Appcelerator is attempting to do it either. I believe the JavaScript that doesn't get turned into native code is being obfuscated. I'm pretty sure that the Appcelerator project gets turned into an Android project. Perhaps you'll want to look for protections at that level and compile your app with the Android SDK tools.

Build Adobe Air with Java jar file for Android

I am not sure whether this question ever asked here or I am missing it ? Anyway, I think my problem is bit different. Here we go:
I have a library (authorization.jar) in Android. This communicates with other service for authorization things.
This library (authorization.jar) is used in many other Android applications.
Now we are moving to Adobe Air and we need to integrate that authorization.jar in Adobe Air and finally create the APK for Android.
We will publish APK only.
How is that possible ?
You can do this with AIR Native Extensions.
It is somewhat complex, but you can find a number of tutorials here:

Xcode library reverted to 5.1 from 6

I have been developing an app using Xcode, which included the Facebook SDK. The Facebook SDK requires the AdSupport.framework and the Social.framework, both of which were previously installed, but seem to have disappeared. My question is how do it update the library to 6.0, instead of five? I understand that you have to go into the build phases and add the frameworks in the Line Binary With Libraries section, but when I go to add the framework, the folder is 5.1, not six. I have looked through the Apple doc's and haven't found anything.
Here is an image of what I'm getting:
It should look like this:
There should be no way the SDKs provided with Xcode can regress. However you could see them vanish if you launch an older version of Xcode.
Based on experience, if you had Xcode installed before it was a single app bundle and have subsequently installed the app bundle version then there's a reasonable probability the old version is still present and therefore good odds that a Spotlight launch will open the wrong one.

PhoneGap Build integrated with Dreamweaver CS6 is different than CS5.5, how can I change the assets/www folder?

I used DW5.5 to build a PhoneGap application before, and it was easy to access all of the files within the app to integrate such things as native API functionallity etc...
But now I am using DWCS6, I cant seem to locate the whole app folder structure. All it does is compiles the app to an .apk file (android) and you download it. Am I missing something here?
I am using jQuery mobile and PhoneGap within Dreamweaver CS6 and just tried to test the native API from phonegap, and just cant seem to get it to work. The examples online show the usage of a cordova.js file (which I know is what used to be called phonegap.js or whatever) but the native fiunctionallty doesnt seem to be working.
Any thoughts?? I have been on it all day now so its likely im missing something simple as my head is fuc***.
Thanks :)
I suspect it is Adobe's way of forcing users to pay for their compilation service. AFAIKT, the ability to compile native apps using external programs like Xcode or Eclipse has been removed. I use Dreamweaver 5.5. The issues with mobile app development have been fraught with problems, but, at least, you could find work arounds. I'm hoping that some enterprising CS6 user will find a good workaround for those of us who don't have $$$$ of dollars to buy adobe products, and then more $$ per month to compile the code. Personally, I'm looking for other options. I saved for months to buy cs5.5 and it has never operated as advertised. I found workarounds for Xcode, but nothing for Android. I do like some things about the design/code piece of Dreamweaver, but all in all, I've been disappointed in the product for mobile development.
Keep us posted on your progress.
Have you tried copying the Site files from Dreamweaver Source Folder to Eclipse www/assets folder and running it on Android Emulator. This worked for me, at least for simple Hello World index.html file, but it is not working for 5 page - HTML site developed in Dreamweaver CS6.