Easy way to search values with dash (-) and space seperated in SQL - sql

Hi i have many record in my db as
- above the line...
- above-the line...
- above-the-line...
- above the-line...
I want to query them with like query
Select words.* from words where sentence ILIKE 'above the line%';
But this query naturaly gets only first result.
Is there a easy way for ignoring dash without using OR with every possibilities?

Underscore is a wild card in sql, so try 'above_the_line'.

You can do as :
Word.where("sentence ~* ?", '^above[- ]the[- ]line').all


Querying full and sub-strings via multi-valued parameter using SQL

I am building a report with Microsoft SSRS (2012) having a multi-value parameter #parCode for the user to filter for certain codes. This works perfectly fine. Generally, my query looks like this:
FROM ...
TblCode.Code IN (#Code)
The codes are of following type (just an excerpt):
Now, in additon to filtering for multiple of these codes I would like to als be able to filter for sub-strings of the codes. Meaning, when the user enters (Example 1)
for #parCodes The output should be
So eventually the user should be able to enter (Example 2)
for #parCodes and the output would be
I managed to implement both functionalities seperately, so either filtering for multiple "complete" codes or filterting for sub-string of code, but not both simultaneously.
I tried to do something like
TblCode.Code IN (#parCode +'%')
but this screws up the Example 2. On the other hand, if I try to work with LIKE or = instead of IN statement, then I won't be able to make the parameter multi-valued.
Does anyone have an idea how to realize such functionality or whether IN statement pared with multi-valued parameters simply doesn't allow for it?
Thank you very much!
Assuming you are using SQL server
TblCode.Code IN (#parCode)
WHEN CHARINDEX('.', Code)>0 THEN LEFT(TblCode.Code, CHARINDEX('.', TblCode.Code)-1)
ELSE TblCode.Code
END IN (#parCode)
The first clause makes exact match so for your example matches C73.0
The second clause matches characters before the dot character so it would get values C79.0, C79.1, C79.2 etc
Warning: Filtering using expressions would invalidate the use of an index on TblCode.Code

Query in VB2010 based on indian language

I am developing a application based on native Indian language. I have to search the database column (in native language) student name in native language. Can anybody help me to solve this issue
my query builder code looks like this and shows syntax error
SELECT [ಕ್ರಮ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ], [ವಿದ್ಯಾರ್ಥಿಯ ಹೆಸರು] AS Name, [ರಜಿಸ್ಟರ್ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ], [ಡೈಸ್ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ], [ವರ್ಗ], [ಕನ್ನಡ], [ಇಂಗ್ಲೀಷ], [ಹಿಂದಿ], [ಗಣಿತ], [ವಿಜ್ಞಾನ], [ಸಮಾಜ ವಿಜ್ಞಾನ], [ದೈಹಿಕ ಶಿಕ್ಷಣ], [ಒಟ್ಟು ಅಂಕಗಳು], [ಶೇಕಡಾ], [ಶ್ರೇಣಿ], [ಒಟ್ಟು ಅಂಕಗಳು ಅಕ್ಷರದಲ್ಲಿ], [ಲ,ಕ/ಕಲಾ ಶಿಕ್ಷಣ], [ಕಂಪ್ಯೂಟರ ಶಿಕ್ಷಣ], [ಫಲಿತಾಂಶ]
FROM Table11
WHERE ವಿದ್ಯಾರ್ಥಿಯ ಹೆಸರುCollate Indic_General_100_CI_AI LIKE N '%ಮ%'
I notice a couple things right off. Because the field in your where clause has a space in it... you have to put delimiters around it. Also, you don't seem to have a space between your field and the Collate keyword... that is necessary. Lastly, you can not have a space between the N and the apostrophe to specify a nvarchar string literal. So try a where clause like this:
WHERE [ವಿದ್ಯಾರ್ಥಿಯ ಹೆಸರು] Collate Indic_General_100_CI_AI LIKE N'%ಮ%'
If you are still getting an error, it could be that your field [ವಿದ್ಯಾರ್ಥಿಯ ಹೆಸರು] is not of a unicode string type. Make sure the field is defined as nvarchar, nchar,...etc.
From your comment it appears that you are querying a MS Access database. The above is for querying a SQL Server Engine. The where clause for access would look like this:
WHERE [ವಿದ್ಯಾರ್ಥಿಯ ಹೆಸರು] LIKE '*ಮ*'

SQL wildcards via Ruby

I am trying to use a wildcard or regular expression to give some leeway with user input in retrieving information from a database in a simple library catalog program, written in Ruby.
The code in question (which currently works if there is an exact match):
puts "Enter the title of the book"
title = gets.chomp
book = $db.execute("SELECT * FROM books WHERE title LIKE ?", title).first
puts %Q{Title:#{book['title']}
Author:#{book['auth_first']} #{book['auth_last']}
I am using SQLite 3. In the SQLite terminal I can enter:
SELECT * FROM books WHERE title LIKE 'Moby%'
SELECT * FROM books WHERE title LIKE "Moby%"
and get (assuming there's a proper entry):
Title: Moby-Dick
Author: Herman Melville
Country: USA
I can't figure out any corresponding way of doing this in my Ruby program.
Is it not possible to use the SQL % wildcard character in this context? If so, do I need to use a Ruby regular expression here? What is a good way of handling this?
(Even putting the ? in single quotes ('?') will cause it to no longer work in the program.)
Any help is greatly appreciated.
(Note: I am essentially just trying to modify the sample code from chapter 9 of Beginning Ruby (Peter Cooper).)
The pattern you give to SQL's LIKE is just a string with optional pattern characters. That means that you can build the pattern in Ruby:
$db.execute("SELECT * FROM books WHERE title LIKE ?", "%#{title}%")
or do the string work in SQL:
$db.execute("SELECT * FROM books WHERE title LIKE '%' || ? || '%'", title)
Note that the case sensitivity of LIKE is database dependent but SQLite's is case insensitive so you don't have to worry about that until you try to switch database. Different databases have different ways of dealing with this, some have a case insensitive LIKE, some have a separate ILIKE case insensitive version of LIKE, and some make you normalize the case yourself.

SQL query to bring all results regardless of punctuation with JSF

So I have a database with articles in them and the user should be able to search for a keyword they input and the search should find any articles with that word in it.
So for example if someone were to search for the word Alzheimer's I would want it to return articles with the word spell in any way regardless of the apostrophe so;
results should all be returned. At the minute it is search for the exact way the word is spell and wont bring results back if it has punctuation.
So what I have at the minute for the query is:
private static final String QUERY_FIND_BY_SEARCH_TEXT = "SELECT o FROM EmailArticle o where UPPER(o.headline) LIKE :headline OR UPPER(o.implication) LIKE :implication OR UPPER(o.summary) LIKE :summary";
And the user's input is called 'searchText' which comes from the input box.
public static List<EmailArticle> findAllEmailArticlesByHeadlineOrSummaryOrImplication(String searchText) {
Query query = entityManager().createQuery(QUERY_FIND_BY_SEARCH_TEXT, EmailArticle.class);
String searchTextUpperCase = "%" + searchText.toUpperCase() + "%";
query.setParameter("headline", searchTextUpperCase);
query.setParameter("implication", searchTextUpperCase);
query.setParameter("summary", searchTextUpperCase);
List<EmailArticle> emailArticles = query.getResultList();
return emailArticles;
So I would like to bring back all results for alzheimer's regardless of weather their is an apostrophe or not. I think I have given enough information but if you need more just say. Not really sure where to go with it or how to do it, is it possible to just replace/remove all punctuation or just apostrophes from a user search?
In my point of view, you should change your query,
you should add alter your table and add a FULLTEXT index to your columns (headline, implication, summary).
You should also use MATCH-AGAINST rather than using LIKE query and most important, read about SOUNDEX() syntax, very beautiful syntax.
All I can give you is a native query example:
SELECT o.* FROM email_article o WHERE MATCH(o.headline, o.implication, o.summary) AGAINST('your-text') OR SOUNDEX(o.headline) LIKE SOUNDEX('your-text') OR SOUNDEX(o.implication) LIKE SOUNDEX('your-text') OR SOUNDEX(o.summary) LIKE SOUNDEX('your-text') ;
Though it won't give you results like Google search but it works to some extent. Let me know what you think.

regular expression to pull words beginning with #

Trying to parse an SQL string and pull out the parameters.
Ex: "select * from table where [Year] between #Yr1 and #Yr2"
I want to pull out "#Yr1" and "#Yr2"
I have tried many patterns, but none has worked, such as:
matches = Regex.Matches(sSQL, "\b#\w*\b")
matches = Regex.Matches(sSQL, "\b\#\w*\b")
Any help?
You're trying to put a word boundary after the #, rather than before. Maybe this:
I would have gone with
or if you didn't want to include the #
though I also like joel's above, so maybe one of these