what is the most reasonable way apply webpack to a full-stack node app? - express

i've been studying up on webpack for a couple of weeks now, and i've seen many examples of front end setups, and probably just this one setup for a backend.
i'm trying to setup a react app with a node back-end (e.g. express, koa, hapi, etc) where i would need at least one transpilation step for the back-end (e.g. babel, coffeescript, etc), and i think it would be nice to use webpack there for consistency vs adding another build mechanism to the mix (e.g. gulp, grunt, etc).
it would also be great if i could make changes to the backend and have the server restart automatically (watch style).
i'm wondering if the best way to do that is to basically have two distinct project setups with their own package.json and webpack.config files. maybe nest the back-end one under a server folder in the top level project folder, and use one or more script directives in the top level package.json file to control the two.
i guess i might have to proxy one server to the other to avoid CORS issues as well.
looking for any guidance from those more webpack battle tested than i for a decent setup.

Easiest way is to split this into two tasks: a build step that outputs to a folder (e.g. 'server'), then watch the output folder for changes and restart server task.
1. Build task
This can be in the same webpack.config as client building code - you can export an array and webpack will watch all of them.
Example webpack.config.js (top half is for server)
module.exports = [
name: 'server code, output to ./server',
entry: './index.js',
output: {
filename: './server/index.js'
target: 'node'
name: 'client side, output to ./public',
entry: './app.js',
output: {
filename: './public/app.js'
2.Watch Step
For the watch step, nodemon monitor changes and restart. Otherwise you could add a watch task to your server.js manually using something like fs.watch or node-watch.


How to Manage Staging and Production Environments in a React Native App

I got a react-native app already ready and works but the app points on a prod api so to avoid problems I wanted that she points on a rest api, so how can I reconfigure it, I have only an environment file.js that contains the URL api, and this file is called in the API service
I tried react-native config but didn't know how to make it work,
All I want is to duplicate that env file because he contains all necessary URLs, so I want to have file named envProd and another named envStaging they should be similar the only different part is the URL of my api , so when I want to run the app i precise which file I want to choose to run with
If the API URL's are the only difference, you don't need to create two separate config files. Instead, you can make use of the inbuild __DEV__ global variable in JavaScript to determine if you're using React Native packager (dev mode) or not (production).
Ref: https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/javascript-environment.html
So, something like below.
var apiURL = __DEV__ == true ? 'development.api.com' : 'prod.api.com';
I am finding switching environments quite hard to manage.
__DEV__ is awesome for local disabling stuff when in development. Won't work for any of the builds though.
For staging vs production seems that configuring react-native-config is the best. Unfortunately, next to being somewhat hard to configure binaries need to get recompiled separately for each environment. This means - one update - two build with uploads to whatever provider you use. It can get more complex if you use something like codepush too.
possible solution
Create a hidden feature in your app that allows to toggle the environment from the within the app. This way you can have one build, give it to testers. They switch env to staging and later you only need to promote it as a production build.
This could be something like tap 10 times on an empty space somewhere - the more creative you get the better :)
Good luck
const _Environments = {
production: {
API_BASE: 'https://api.test.com/',
USERNAME: 'admin',
PASSWORD: '1234',
development: {
API_BASE: 'https://dev.api.test.com/',
USERNAME: 'admin',
PASSWORD: '1234',
function getEnvironment() {
// Insert logic here to get the current platform (e.g. staging, production, etc)
var platform = __DEV__ ? 'development' : 'production';
// ...now return the correct environment
return _Environments[platform];
export const Environment = getEnvironment();
Try this. using yargs you can replace static import content with dynamic scripts.

Angular 8 differential loading failing due to auth issues with dotnet core

I recently updated from Angular 7 to Angular 8 using ng update. After following the expected migration path with no issues I built and deployed. Everything worked great until I started checking other browser versions and realized some were getting 401 unauthorized from the server in requesting the js files.
The issue is, the differential loading is done like this:
<script src="main-es2015.1234.js" type="module"></script>
It seems that some browsers, some of the time, don't want to pass auth info for <script type="module" .... It strikes me that there are several ways to work around this:
I can work around this by adding crossorigin="use-credentials" to the script tag but I haven't been able to find how to do that in ng build.
I can tweak the auth settings to somehow allow anonymous requests through to my JS files but I haven't been able to find the dotnet core method of doing this without a lot of complexity. Right now the entire app only allows windows auth. If I allow anonymous I don't want to have to worry somehow that I've left a controller open.
I'm thinking the former option is the cleaner solution but I'm open to alternatives.
Since the posting of the accepted answer the option to handle this in the first way McAden suggests by adding crossorigin="use-credentials" has been added to the Angular CLI options.
Original feature request
Angular CLI documentation
In your angular.json add
"build": {
"builder": ...,
"options": {
"crossOrigin": "use-credentials"
I modified angular.json and used an explicit deployUrl under projects -> main -> architect -> build -> options:
"deployUrl": "/ClientApp/dist/",
That alters the script tags:
<script src="/ClientApp/dist/main-es2015.1234.js" type="module">
So it no longer goes through the dotnet core application to pull the js file. Then in IIS I set that folder to allow anonymous.

process.env.NODE_ENV is not working with webpack3 [duplicate]

I've got an existing code base in which Vue.js has performance problems. I also see this notice in the browser console:
so I guess an easy fix could be to put Vue into production mode.
In the suggested link I try to follow the instructions for webpack. We're on Webpack version 2.7 (current stable version is 4.20). In the instructions it says that in Webpack 3 and earlier, you’ll need to use DefinePlugin:
var webpack = require('webpack')
module.exports = {
// ...
plugins: [
// ...
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify('production')
So in my package.json I've got a build script defined:
To build for production I run yarn run build and it runs a build.js file (paste here) which in turn calls webpack.base.conf.js (paste here) and webpack.prod.conf.js (paste here).
As you can see in the paste I use the DefinePlugin as suggested by the docs.
I also found a file called vue-loader.conf.js (paste here) and to be sure I also added the DefinePlugin in there as well.
I can run yarn run build which ends without errors, but when serve the site over Apache and open the browser it still shows the notification that we're in development mode.
To be sure it actually uses the files created by webpack I completely removed the folder /public/webpack/ and checked that the webinterface didn't load correctly without the missing files and then built again to see if it loaded correctly after the command finished. So it does actually use the files built by this webpack process. But Vue is actually not created in production mode.
What am I doing wrong here?
The problem may be in your 'webpack.base.conf.js' as i suspected, thank you for sharing it, upon searching i've found an issue resolving your 'production not being detected' problem on github here
The solution requires that you change 'vue$': 'vue/dist/vue' to 'vue$': vue/dist/vue.min in production.
You will find the original answer as:
#ozee31 This alias 'vue$': 'vue/dist/vue' cause the problem, use vue/dist/vue.min in production environment.

How run Angular2 (front-end) and Symfony3 (back-end API) together in development zone?

This is my first question here. I have already spent hours reading topics, but never posted a question before.
At this moment I am developping an Angular4 application. I am running my app with "ng build --watch" and a local PHP webserver pointed to the 'dist' folder of my angular app. (When using build-in liveload server 'ng serve' there isn't a PHP server available, so i fixed this with 'ng build --watch' and a local PHP build-in server of PHPStorm)
To communicate with my MYSQL database, I used before single-php files in a directory called '/api'. I added this folder to my assets in the angular-cli.json file, so the API folder is also being pushed to the 'dist' folder when running the app local.
In this case, I was able to use relative paths to point my http requests. (like a POST action to '/api/insert.php'). So when publishing my app, it was not necessary to modify the paths of my HTTP requests.
But now I would like to use a backend framework, after some research I found http://api-platform.com, a PHP framework builded on Symfony3. When i am running this API, this runs for example on localhost:8000 while my angular applciation runs on localhost:4200.
So, that means i would have to use absolute paths for my HTTP requests. (eq http://localhost:8000/api/insert.php instead of /api/insert.php).
At this moment I have 2 projects: one front-end and one back-end. To make developping faster, easier, and simpler I would like to put both projects together. I know some developpers don't like this way of architecture, but in my case it is the best solution, one project, with a front and back-end included.
Concrete: Is it possible to run a debug-webserver in development zone with my angular app running on eq localhost and my symfony3/api-platform on eq localhost/api on the same time, same domain, and same port?
I would like to keep this project folder structure to keep it clean:
- projectname (root)
--- frontend
----- (all directories/files from angular)
--- backend
----- (all directories from api-platform / symfony3)
running both application on the same domain (f.ex. localhost) is no problem, but they need to run on different ports. In your case angular is running on 4200 and your PHP application on 8000. You can configure angular with a proxy, which passes requests to http://localhost:4200/api to http://localhost:8000/api
In your angular root directory (where your package.json is), create a file proxy.conf.json
"/api": {
"target": "http://localhost:8000",
"secure": false
then change your package.json to use this proxy:
"scripts": {
"ng": "ng",
"start": "ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.json",
// other scripts
now run the webpack server with npm start instead of ng serve
Personally, I git ignore the proxy.conf.json, because some colleagues run their backend on a different port. Therefore we created a proxy.conf.dist.json with the above contents in git. If you want to use a different port, you can just copy it and change the port, while those, who want to use the default, can simply symlink to it.
We recently switched to another method, namely using environment configurations.
By default, Angular has a dev and prod environment, specified in the .angular-cli.json
"environments": {
"dev": "environments/environment.ts",
"prod": "environments/environment.prod.ts"
In these files, specify the API path:
export const environment = {
production: false,
apiUrl: '//localhost:8000'
export const environment = {
production: true,
apiUrl: '//my-api-domain.tld'
You can add as many environments as you want (f.ex. for tests, beta, etc.). In angular, you can use the environment by importing it:
import {environment} from '../environments/environment';
But I suggest creating a config service following this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/43193574/7933618
I ended up by using another backend. In my case an nodeJS server was the best, fast and most simple solution.

Load debug version of pre-built module via npm/webpack

There is a javascript library, pre-built and available on npm, that I wish to develop with/debug. In my case, it is openlayers.
In the classic way of requiring a javascript file and wanting to debug, one would just switch the script url from the production version to the debug version, ie:
However, when using webpack and then importing via npm:
import openlayers from 'openlayers'
Gets you the production distribution of the library, the same as the ol.js script from above.
On a side note, to stop webpack trying to parse a prebuilt library and throw a warning about that you must include something like this:
// Squash OL whinging
webpackConfig.module.noParse = [
/\/dist\/ol.*\.js/, // openlayers is pre-built
Back to the problem at hand: how can I conditionally load a different entry-point for a module prebuilt and imported like this?
Of course, I can do it in a hacky way. By going into the node_modules/openlayers/package.json and switching the browser field from
"browser": "dist/ol.js",
"browser": "dist/ol-debug.js",
Is there a way I can request a different entry point via webpack or by using a different import syntax? Do I first have to petition the library maintainers to update the browser field to allow different entry point hints to browsers, according to the spec? https://github.com/defunctzombie/package-browser-field-spec
Thoughts on a more effective way to make this happen? Yearning to be able to programmatically switch loading of the production and debug versions of a library based on env variables.
Webpack has configuration options for replacing a module into a different path: https://webpack.github.io/docs/configuration.html#resolve-alias
This resolves the openlayers import to use the debug version:
webpackConfig.resolve.alias: {
openlayers: 'openlayers/dist/ol-debug.js'
In my build system I have a function that takes the environment type and returns the matching webpackConfig. Based on the parameter I include the above snippet or not.
Full code: webpack-multi-config.js
I have two different (gulp-) tasks for development and production. For example the production task: webpackProduction.js
Line 1 imports the config script with production as type.
My build system is based on gulp starter.