I need to finish a project written on VS 2008 and using AutoCAD What and how to reference AutoCAD libraries - vb.net

I need to Finish a project written a couple of years ago on windows form vb.net on VS2008. I pass the project to VS2010. I have AutoCAD 2013 on my computer. What is the Wright way to add the references for AutoCAD and where are they ?
I basically need to read data from a table from an autocad drawing grammatically using vb
On the reference for the VS2008 project I can see some references such as
And when calling the namespace I see some like :
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Math
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Threading.Thread
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Server
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.Common
I read some of the AutoCAD manuals as the one link below but it didn't help much. On this manual they also mention something between the .NET API and the Interop of AutoCAD.
AutoCAD .NET Developer's Guide
Please Any Help with these .. Thanks in Advance

On the newer versions of AutoCAD, the Interop libraries are at the acad.exe folder, look for


EmguCV compatible version for VB.NET

I am working on Image processing and i have made an application in c# using EmguCV wrapper version 2.4 beta and now i want to covert it in to vb.Net so which version would be compatible for vb.Net i want to use these dll files.
Imports Emgu.CV.UI
Imports Emgu.CV
Imports Emgu.CV.Structure
Imports Emgu.CV.CvEnum
Help me to resolve this problem how can i use EmguCV in vb.Net..
Use the same version of visual studio that you used to create your c# project (or newer). Target the same version of the .net framework in each (or newer). Reference the same EnguCV dlls in each.
Functionally the languages are almost identical, however if your c# app uses unsafe code blocks then stay with c# as they're not supported in vb.net

Port VB.net Imports to VB6 Project

I need to get certain libraries imported in a program in Visual Basic .net Code to a VB6 Project (please do not ask why... ;))
Is there a way to import these libraries or equivalents to a VB6 Project ?
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Threading
Imports System
Imports System.IO
I am unfamiliar with both languages.

VB -When a compiler compiles the code, does it include the libraries that were imported?

I'm really sorry about this basic question but I couldn't find anything on MSDN except an overview of the import function. I'm using Visual Studio 2013 and I've imported the System and System.IO libraries. I'm wondering if this would make the program unusable if they didn't have the libraries preloaded on their machine or if the compiler actually includes the files needed so the application is truly standalone. Thank you!
System and System.IO are part of the Microsoft .NET Framework. Without the Framework, your program won't execute at all. Most modern Windows machines already have some version of the Framework installed.

Problem with System.Data with Sybase SQL Anywhere and Windows CE

I am moving a vb.net application from Oracle Lite to Sybase SQL anywhere. I have made several code changes but have a specific error that is driving me mad. All of this is in Visual Studio 2005.
When I compile the code it gives me the following error "Reference required to assembly 'System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' containing the base class 'System.Data.Common.DbCommand'. Add one to your project".
I have both System and System.Data added for the WindowsCE platform and these worked fine under the Oracle Lite system. I have removed and re-added these files to the project. Nothing seems to be working to get rid of the error.
The offending code is legion, one example is:
Public con As ULConnection
Any thoughts here would be very helpful!
A public Key Token of b77a5c561934e089 indicates a full framework, not compact framework, assembly. Something you're using (likely the version of SQL Anywhere you have) was built referencing the desktop System.Data assembly, which is not going to work on a device. You need assemblies built specifically targeting the Compact Framework.

ReportViewer - ReportParameter - WinForms vs WebForms namespace

I have a web app and a winforms app - both of them display reports via the standard web/winforms ReportViewer controls. (Using VS2010 / .Net 4.0 btw).
I also have a shared library that returns the ReportParameter objects for the reports being generated. I ran into little issue with the ReportParameter's being returned though:
The Winforms ReportViewer uses ReportParameter from Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms namespace.
The WebForms ReportViewer uses ReportParameter from Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms namespace.
Is there a generic ReportParameter class I can use to share reportparameters from web vs winforms? Or is there a built-in utility to easily translate between the two?
I know it is old, but I had the same question today so figured I would provide an answer.
I couldn't find anything definitive, so I pulled out ye-old-reflector... and I chose to use Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms because it referenced a subset of the assmblies referenced by Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms.
WebForms referenced:
System.Configuration (Not Referenced by WinForms)
WinForms referenced:
System.Windows.Forms (Not referenced by WebForms)
If I am going to be pulling in an assembly reference to System.Web regardless, I might as well avoid the System.Windows.Forms reference impo.
Also, as for passing around ReportParameter across references, you will pretty much have to re-map them accordingly. Either via wrapper, or some Mapping extension method would do the trick.