Multiple protocols for internal communication between apache and tomcat - ssl

Tomcat in our application is considered back-and side and additionaly we have apache that fronting tomcat server as a reverse proxy and redirect requests to appropriate tomcat instance.
Now we need to set up HTTPS connection between apache proxy and tomcat for specific urls(Login, etc..). Tomcat documentation says that it's possible to achieve this with additional <Connector> within server.xml config.
In order to set up https over login page existing configuration with AJP protocol was replaced with the following:
ProxyPass /app/login/
All other urls specified like below:
ProxyPass /app/anyotherurl/ ajp://
With configuration below we expect that secure data (login/password) for login page will be encrypted and all other page will remain unchanged.
After the login apache should use normal ajp protocol because there is no sensetive information any more to protect. But it's not what actually happen in our case because for some reason apache is redirecting us to host specified in ProxyPass, namely to localhost.
This could happen due to the fact that our application while executing login logic on tomcat has two consecutive redirects.
We've tried to set ProxyPreserveHost on within virtual host to fix situation mentioned above, but we are not sure whether it is secure option and this one won't break another pages as well as we are not sure how it will work if tomcat will be located on other machine.
It would be good to know any other solution how such stuff can be applied internally for specific pages.


Redirect from a URL to a other server

I have the following question that I do not know how to solve it in the most efficient way.
I have two servers, one with Apache where I have a Wordpress instance responding for port 80, and on another server I have a Wildfly with another application listening on port 8080. The Wordpress that I have configured on the Apache server, responds to the URL What I'm not so clear about is how to do when a request arrives at and redirects me to the Wildfly server where an application is responding to the URL : 8080 / app
How could I do it in the most effective way? Using the rewrite module in the .htaccess file or using the Apache proxy module and configuring it in the Apache virtual host? How would I have to do it?
Thank you very much in advance.
You're mixing a few things that are not related to each other. First of all, a redirect is something different than a proxy. Redirecting means asking the client (browser) to look at another URL. A proxy, on the other hand, retrieves the content of the other URL itself and passes it to the client. Using a proxy, the other URL remains invisible to the client.
Second, mod_rewrite is not limited to htaccess configuration. In fact it's better to configure mod_rewrite in the virtual host configuration, just as you suggested with the proxy configuration.
The htaccess is simply for users who are not allowed to mess with the server configuration itself. Configuration in the htaccess can be limited by the admin for security purposes at the cost of slowing down the server.
That said, if you are looking to map your wildfly server paths into your main server's paths, you might want to use something like this inside your main server's virtual host block:
<Location "/yyyy">
ProxyPass "http://wildfly:8080/app"
See for detailed explanations.

Shibboleth Errors When Authenticating Through a Reverse Proxy on port 8000

Trying to get shibboleth working on a Docker container, using Apache as a reverse proxy. Problems occur because I am using port 80 for the public Apache instance and port 8000 for the internal instance, which confuses shibboleth:
2017-10-03 07:34:23 ERROR OpenSAML.MessageDecoder.SAML2POST [5]: POST targeted at (, but delivered to (
The first URL is the external URL which the end user sees. The second URL is what the docker container sees when it gets the proxied request (with the HTTP host name forwarded).
Note I used "ShibURLScheme https" on the internal apache instance to ensure it believes https is being used, as the reverse proxy ensures all requests are https.
Is there anyway I call tell Shibboleth that this is OK, the URLs really are the same? Maybe by rewriting the URL shibboleth sees or something?
There are two things I would check:
Make sure the ServerName directive in your Apache conf file is set to Notice the :80. Omitting
the port number completely may work too. You want Apache and vis-a-vis, shibd to see the ServerName that the client is using. You should also make sure you have a UseCanonicalName On directive as part of this.
This is likely less of a problem, but make sure your sp-metadata given to the IdP is correct. You should add entries for the FQDN(s) that the client sees. Please note that most of that documentation page isn't applicable to your scenario, but adding the correct metadata entries is vital.
It looks like your ServerName in Apache isn't correct, so I'd start there.

How to override scheme and is_ssl in apache HTTP Server for mod_proxy_ajp

We are running Tomcat 7 behind a load balancer that works also as SSL terminator, and an Apache HTTP Server 2.4. The Apache connects to the Tomcat via mod_proxy_ajp.
For the application it is important that Tomcat is aware that the request is coming in via HTTPS and is thus secure. As e.g. this article recommends, it is common to configure this on the Tomcat's Connector using the attributes secure="true" and possibly scheme="https" proxyPort="443". While this works, it is inconvenient since we are using HTTP for some purposes as well, and thus we would need to set up two Tomcat connectors for this purpose. And it has a smell, since this way we basically tell Tomcat to override the wrong information it gets from the Apache HTTP Server that the request is HTTPS instead of HTTP, instead of telling the Apache that it should send the correct information on the protocol and secure status.
So my question: is it somehow possible to configure the Apache HTTP Server itself that it passes the correct information via the AJP protocol: that the request is received via HTTPS and is secure? The problem is that it doesn't know it's HTTPS, since there is a SSL terminator before it and the requests arrives via HTTP, as far as it is concerned. Can I tell the Apache somehow that it's actually HTTPS?
A partial solution seems to be to set the protocol on a ServerName directive in the virtual host in the Apache HTTP server:
ServerName https://whatever
This way any Location: headers in redirects seem to be rewritten to https in the Apache, but the Tomcat is still passed the wrong information via AJP.
I always thought that AJP transfers this information automagically - but I'm not using mod_proxy_ajp, rather mod_jk. It's one of the reasons why I much prefer AJP over HTTP (and proxying).
Might be worth to change the module/connection

Apache & Tomcat reverse proxy with basic authentication: Can Tomcat receive the username?

I've successfully configured Apache to listen over SSL/443 and proxy Tomcat listening on HTTP/8080. I have also set up basic authentication in Apache.
Once the user connects to my Tomcat servlet, will the HttpServletRequest.getRemoteUser() be populated or null. If null, how might I get the remote user?
The simplest solution may be to use mod_proxy_ajp, which in addition to proxying requests also transfers a variety of metadata to Tomcat, including authentication information such as REMOTE_USER.
These docs for Alfresco discuss this configuration, which includes changes on both the Tomcat side (so that it knows to trust the forwarded authentication) and the Apache side.
If you're using a generic http proxy like mod_proxy, you would need to arrange for Apache to add the value of REMOTE_USER to the request (possibly as an X- header), and then arrange for your Tomcat application to recognize and trust that header (and you would obviously need to arrange for your front-end proxy to strip that header from any incoming requests).
I don't know how you would do this on the tomcat side, but this post seems to have some suggestions.
I needed to add
<Location />
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
RequestHeader unset Authorization
to the wrapping location, the RequestHeader being the specialty that fixed it.
I found this (again) via - don't know where I originally found it last year, it was a last measure for some security issue.

Apache HTTPD/mod_proxy/Tomcat and SSL with client auth

I'm sure this is an FAQ but I couldn't find anything I recognized as being the same question.
I have several web-apps running in Tomcat, with some pages e.g. the login page protected by SSL as defined by confidentiality elements in their web.xmls. One of the apps also accepts client-authentication via certificate. I also have a rather extensive JAAS-based authorization & authentication scheme, and there is all kinds of shared code and different JAAS configurations etc between the various webapps.
I really don't want to disturb any of that while accomplishing the below.
I am now in the process of inserting Apache HTTPD with mod-proxy and mod-proxy-balancer in front of Tomcat as a load balancer, prior to adding more Tomcat instances.
What I want to accomplish for HTTPS requests is that they are redirected 'blind' to Tomcat without HTTPD being the SSL endpoint, i.e. HTTPD just passes ciphertext directly to Tomcat so that TC can keep doing what it is already doing with logins, SSL, web.xml confidentialty guarantees, and most importantly client authentication.
Is this possible with the configuration I've described?
I am very familiar with the webapps and SSL and HTTPS and Tomcat, but my knowledge of the outer reaches of Apache HTTPD is limited.
Happy to have this moved if necessary but it is kind of programming with config files ;)
This sounds similar to this question, where I've answered that it's not possible:
You can't just relay the SSL/TLS traffic to Tomcat from Apache. Either
your SSL connection ends at Apache, and then you should reverse proxy
the traffic to Tomcat (SSL [between Httpd and Tomcat] is rarely useful in this case), or you make
the clients connect to Tomcat directly and let it handle the SSL
I admit it's a bit short of links to back this claim. I guess I might be wrong (I've just never seen this done, but that doesn't strictly mean it doesn't exist...).
As you know, you need a direct connection, or a connection entirely relayed, between the user-agent and the SSL endpoint (in this case, you want it to be Tomcat). This means that Apache Httpd won't be able to look into the URL: it will know the host name at best (when using Server Name Indication).
The only option that doesn't seem to depend on a URL in the mod_proxy documentation is AllowCONNECT, which is what's used for forward proxy servers for HTTPS.
Even the options in mod_proxy_balancer expect a path at some point of the configuration. Its documentation doesn't mention SSL/HTTPS ("It provides load balancing support for HTTP, FTP and AJP13 protocols"), whereas mod_proxy talks at least about SSL when mentioning CONNECT.
I would suggest a couple of options:
Using an iptables-based load-balancer, without going through Httpd, ending the connections in Tomcat directly.
Ending the SSL/TLS connection at Httpd and using a plain HTTP reverse proxy to Tomcat.
This second option requires a bit more configuration to deal with the client certificates and Tomcat's security constraints.
If you have configured your webapp with <transport-guarantee>CONFIDENTIAL</transport-guarantee>, you will need to make Tomcat flag the connections as secure, despite the fact it sees them coming from its plain HTTP port. For Tomcat 5, here is an article (originally in French, but the automatic translations isn't too bad) describing how to implement a valve to set isSecure(). (If you're not familiar with valves, they are similar to filters, but operate within Tomcat itself, before the request is propagated to the webapp. They can be configured within Catalina) I think from Tomcat 5.5, the HTTP connector secure option does exactly that, without requiring your own valve. The AJP connector also has a similar option (if using mod_proxy_ajp or mod_jk).
If using the AJP connector, mod_proxy_ajp will forward the first certificate in the chain and make it available within Tomcat (via the normal request attribute). You'll probably need SSLOptions +ExportCertData +StdEnvVars. mod_jk (although deprecated as far as I know) can also forward the entire chain sent by the client (using JkOptions +ForwardSSLCertChain). This can be necessary when using proxy certificates (which are meaningless without the chain up to their end-entity certificate).
If you want to use mod_proxy_http, a trick is to pass the certificate via an HTTP header (mod_header), using something like RequestHeader set X-ClientCert %{SSL_CLIENT_CERT}s. I can't remember the exact details, but it's important to make sure that this header is cleared so that it never comes from the client's browser (who could forge it otherwise). If you need the full chain, you can try out this Httpd patch attempt. This approach would probably need an extra valve/filter to turn the header into the javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate (by parsing the PEM blocks).
A couple of other points that may be of interest:
If I remember well, you need to download the CRL files explicitly for Httpd and configure it to use them. Depending on the version of Httpd you're using, you may have to restart it to reload the CRLs.
If you're using re-negotiation to get your client-certificate, a CLIENT-CERT directive will not make Httpd request a client certificate as far as I know (this is otherwise done via a valve that can access the SSLSession when using the JSSE connector directly). You may have to configure the matching path in Httpd to request the client-certificate.