How to properly apply a css hack for IE11 transition misbehaviour - css-position

I am experiencing elements transition misbehaviour into my page, IE(11) only;
The fullscreen revolution slider, remain in place doesn't move with the wrapper when the left slider is opening (clicking on info+ button like we have in Chrome/Firefox). Thanks to #afelixj, I've tried to use this css hack for IE in order to apply the tansition effect to the fullscreen slider too, adding .fullscreen-container but without result.
#media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active), (-ms-high-contrast: none) {
.header, #bar-left, .fullscreen-container{
left: 0;
transition: all .5s;
.shiftnav-open .header, .shiftnav-open #bar-left, .shiftnav-open .fullscreen-container{
For comparation, please open this page in IE11 and Chrome and open/close the left slider using the info+ button.Live link here
Other non fullscreen rev sliders pages work fine using the left slider open/close in IE11/Chrome.
live link here.
Any thoughts?
LE: also I've tried to aaply to the #wrapper or .shiftnav-wrapper:
#media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active), (-ms-high-contrast: none) {
left: 0;
transition: all .5s;
.shiftnav-open #wrapper{
(In this second test, the result looks ok in fullscreen rev slider pages but if I open a non-fullscreen rev slider page, the content will be shifted with +590px over 590px. when the left slider is open).

Instead of the .fullscreen-container, can you try to apply the style to .forcefullwidth_wrapper_tp_banner class?


How to disable sticky toolbar in classic editor when page is scrolled?

I want to disable sticky toolbar which appears on top of page when page is scrolled. How it can be done ?
I resolve this problem by CSS {
z-index: var(--ck-z-modal);
position: sticky;
top: 0;
} {
display : none !important;
} .ck-sticky-panel__content_sticky {
position: unset;
The fact that the toolbar appears in the wrong place when the editor is in an overflowed container is a bug that we are aware of. But in this case, I'd recommend you to not use the classic editor at all. If you want to have more control over where the toolbar goes, e.g. the DecoupledEditor (demo) allow controlling the toolbar. This editor type doesn't do anything with the toolbar itself – it just creates it and it's up to you where you're gonna insert it.
Another option would be implementing your own custom editor, but that'd be necessary only if you wanted to make even more customizations
I'm having same issue with the classic-editor, the position of the .sticky_panel is changing on the event of focus in the .editor_editable.
at some point when it's not visible within the display and click inside it goes all up to first element .
CSS only: .ck-sticky-panel__content_sticky {​​​​​​​​​​​
    position: absolute !important;
In my editor build, I did a hack like this:
const stickyUpdateInterval = setInterval(() => {
}, 100);
editor.on('destroy', () => {
This is just a crude hack that will update sticky balloon all the time.
If you know exactly in which overflow container your editor will be mounted, you can do something more clever, like listen to scroll events and update only then (this is what CKEditor is doing for the window, BTW, that's why it's not working when you put it in a container).
I have spent some time trying to get the CKEditor Classic component "sticky toolbar" to work nicely in Angular with a scrolling pane and there are 2 issues I had to overcome.
The position of the toolbar when sticky this defaults to the top
of the browser page (view port) - so (in Angular) you need to
configure this setting in the HTML template :
[config]="{ui:{viewportOffset:{ top: 58, right: 0, bottom: 0, left:
Making the editor respond to scrolling. This was a more difficult
one to resolve for me. The solution I have is (thanks to panta82
above) is to catch the scroll events and call a function in the
editor to check if the toolbar should be sticky or not .. it's
called checkIfShouldBeSticky :)
Here is a working sample in StackBlitz
I faced the same issue,
if you have header then below css will also help
#media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
.ck-sticky-panel__content {
top: 180px !important;
#media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
.ck-sticky-panel__content {
top: 128px !important;
document.getElementById('main')?.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
setTimeout(() => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
}, 100)

Can't scroll inside a div after applying -webkit-transform in Safari

I am building a slide menu.
The menu is long and I need to be able to scroll inside of it, so I have set overflow-y: scroll on it.
I am using -webkit-transform (and variants on other browsers) as the transition property.
Now I can't scroll inside the div, using the scrollwheel when on top of the div will make the whole page scroll.
If I change the menu's behavior and transition the right property (setting the menu to right: -320px and animating it back to right: 0), the scroll works.
This bug only happends in Safari, it works fine in Chrome and other browsers. Also works on iOS.
Anybody know a workaround? Anyone experienced this issue before? I can't seem to find any info on it. Thank you.
I had the same issue with the difference that I use an animation instead of a transition and overflow: auto instead of overflow: scroll.
This fixed the issue for me (el is the DOM element to which the animation is applied):
function fixSafariScrolling(event) { = 'hidden';
setTimeout(function () { = 'auto'; });
el.addEventListener('webkitAnimationEnd', fixSafariScrolling);

Bootstrap select inside modal don't show properly

Here is the fiddle. I've put a Select box as sample. It seems that it can't be shown inside modal. How can be it solved?
To solve this, I've added this CSS:
.bootstrap-select.btn-group .dropdown-menu.inner {
position: static;
Now, the Select-Option are showing, but it seems that the dropdown taking the real space which increasing the height of popup. But, I expect dropdown will cross the popup window if the height of dropdown is much. How can I make it?
Updated Fiddle
See the updated jsFiddle: You need to add this to your CSS:
.modal { overflow: visible; }
.modal-body { overflow-y: visible !important; }
I also took the liberty of including the plugins corresponding CSS file from a CDN:

Bootstrap 3 Menu is not collapsing on Ipad

I am doing a project using the new updated Bootstrap 3 RC1.
There are may new features with the new Bootstrap 3 which are much different than the previous versions.
I figured most of the changes but one I can't resolve:
when the menu has many items it breaks in Ipad and other tablets becuase it doesnt get collapsed like it automatically collapsed on mobile (which is good)
I would like to know how do I "force" ipads to act like mobile and show a collapsed menu or better yet - how to collapse the menu if it has many items and on certain screens and smaller it breaks
here are screenshots of my live project:
-- Menu on Big Screens --
-- Menu on Ipad Landscape --
-- Menu on Ipad Portrait --
-- Menu on Mobile --
I simply want the ipad to act like mobile. notice that the portrait does act like mobile as far as the content but not the menu.
Please read:
The collapsing of your menu is defined in the less files. (Download the latest version from: )
In variables.less you will find #grid-float-breakpoint: #screen-tablet; where #screen-tablet is 768px.
So by default your menu will collapse when the screen width is below the 768px;
The ipad landscape has a screen width of 1024px so the menu will NOT collapse. The ipad portrait screen width is 768 px so the menu will NOT collapse.
See also navbar.less:
// Responsive navbar
// --------------------------------------------------
#media screen and (min-width: #grid-float-breakpoint) {
To change this behavior you have to change the #grid-float-breakpoint b.e set to 767 and recompile your css files.
NB You also mentioned: "notice that the portrait does act like mobile as far as the content but not the menu."
You use "col-lg-" as prefix for your grid rows. "col-lg-" elements will stack below the 992px (ipad portrait) and become horizontal above 992px (ipad landscape).
Just ran into this issue as well. I suggest you visit:
Bootstrap customization
Find the field #grid-float-breakpoint and set it to the screen width after which menu should collapse. There you could use variables from previous section, namely from Media queries breakpoints to set proper points.
Also, take a moment and check through all available variables to change. Creating a well-customized Bootstrap package might save you hours of dev. work, if not more.
For those poor souls who are not using less, you would have to modify the bootstrap.css and change media queries associated with navbar that have a breakpoint of 768px to 992 px.
For example, change
#media (min-width: 768px) {
.nav-tabs.nav-justified > li {
display: table-cell;
width: 1%;
.nav-tabs.nav-justified > li > a {
margin-bottom: 0;
#media (min-width: 992px) {
.nav-tabs.nav-justified > li {
display: table-cell;
width: 1%;
.nav-tabs.nav-justified > li > a {
margin-bottom: 0;
The no less implementations I found didnt work
Couldn't find the styles to make this happen on its own anywhere, ended up finding this -
I was able to correct our issue by changing the #media (max-width: 768px) query to 767px instead. One of the links above referenced a 1px issue on iPad which breaks differently and was forcing the mobile version of the website instead.
If anyone is using the standard bootstrap.css file, I had to change it in 3 places:
around line 3780
/*changed from 768 to 992 */
#media (min-width: 992px) {
.navbar-header {
float: left;
around line 3799
/* changed from 768 to 992 */
#media (min-width: 992px) {
around line 3924
/*changed from 768 to 992 */
#media (min-width: 992px) {
I hope this helps someone :)
I had the opposite problem. On iPad the navbar was not collapsed (as expected), but the styles for a collapsed navbar were applied. I got it solved by changing the media query for the collapsed navbar adding -1 to match with $grid-float-breakpoint as follows:
#media (max-width: $screen-sm-min - 1) {
//styles for collapsed navbar (which won't show up on iPad portrait)

Safari with unexpected vertical tile for icons on footer, should display in line

I was trying to add twitter/facebook icon to the site footer, much like footer. I got everything working, except that safari having unexpected vertical tile for twitter and facebook. I tried to upload screenshot but I am new user, so can't do that right now.
So I was searching for the answer and found this q/a here, Is <img> element block level or inline level?
So I went to again to see its css does have user agent stylesheet.
I added this line of code to my css:
.footer ul li img.t, li img.f {
width: 40px;
vertical-align: middle;
display: inline-block;
and it fixed the problem.
But I have a few questions in head:
why does's css show as non-editable user agent, while I have to add that display-inline to my css?
How does "display: inline-block" fix the problem?
Notice that: When mouse over to the gray twitter, it triggers swap.js, changing the icon image to the colored one, but in safari, the highlighted icon is bigger than the gray one. I think i almost know the answer. Just need someone who knows all the kinks behind this.
To fix this problem make sure you set the height and width on the image so that it doesn't change during loading.
<img src=""
class="twitter_bird img_swap" height="52px" width="52px" />
.twitter_bird {
When you switch the images name, safari begins to load the image but it doesn't know the height or width until it's done downloading. If you set the height and width it will not grow from 0px to 52px.