Cocoa Bindings, should I just be using KVO instead? - objective-c

[self.toolController bind:#"fillColor" toObject:self.fillColorWell withKeyPath:#"color" options:kvoDict];
[self.fillColorWell addObserver:self.toolController forKeyPath:#"color" options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context:nil];
and in my toolController class, in my implementation for -observeValueForKeyPath:...
if( [keyPath isEqual:#"color"] ) {
self.fillColor = [object selectedObject];
Why would I pick one method over another to get the view to update to my model property?

For bindings the only code you have to write is for the bind itself and thats it. With KVO you would have to write to code to handle the notification. If your binding UI and using Interface Builder then you don't need any code at all, which can be useful / a time saver for the simpler things + you don't have to generic write boiler plate code to keep things is sync which you would to respond to the KVO notification.
I have read otherwise, but its my understanding (and I did a quick new project to verify this) that bindings are in both directions. So say if you bind a text field to an NSString, the variable changes when the textfield gets updated and you can change the variable and the text field updates. KVO would only notify you on the object you have specified the update for.
Some say bad things about bindings and that its good that they aren't part of iOS etc etc, but they work for the simple cases and so maybe you should just go with bindings until you find case where they are inappropriate. But having said if you want at some point to take your code over to iOS...
Hope thats a good enough answer for you :)


Best way to bind custom NSView with custom NSObject

I'm trying to bind a property from a custom NSView to another on a custom NSObject. Both properties are simple bool value.
As a newbie with custom binding i've read Apple Documentation and searched on stackoverflow.
So I created a custom NSView and a custom NSObject, added a bool property called 'enabled' to both and bind them with [myCustomView bind:#"enabled" toObject:myObject withKeyPath:#"enabled" options:nil];
My customView use the approach explained in this article to notify value's changes and prevent memory retain issues.
I started my app, it works ! Wonderful ... but it's only one way binding ! When I click my customView, the custom object's property is updated (right) but if the custom object's property value change, my custom view's property isn't updated (Grrrr)
I'm a bit confused because as far as i understood custom bindings, Apple recommendation is to manually implement bind:toObject:withKeyPath:options and register an observer to track property's value changes and Tom Dalling's approach says the opposite.
So what is the best way to bind my properties in a bi-directional way ?
This SO answer here indicates that you just setup a symmetric binding going the other way. I haven't tried this, but it sounds like the following will work.
[myObject bind:#"enabled" toObject:myCustomView withKeyPath:#"enabled" options:nil];
I'm a bit confused because as far as i understood custom bindings, Apple recommendation is to manually implement bind:toObject:withKeyPath:options and register an observer to track property's value changes and Tom Dalling's approach says the opposite.
You have to implement both. You have to observe myObject with keypath #"enabled" so when myObject.enabled changes you can change myCustomView.enabled. You have to set myObject.enabled when myCustomView.enabled changes.
See Responding to Changes

Don't Understand Apple's takeFloatValueFrom: Example

I'm no iOS guru but I know enough to build apps. I know and understand the patterns, UIKit, and Objective-C. I'm now learning Mac Development and this little bit of "Cocoa Bindings Programming Topics" has me stumped:
Take as an example a very simple application in which the values in a text field and a slider are kept synchronized. Consider first an implementation that does not use bindings. The text field and slider are connected directly to each other using target-action, where each is the other’s target and the action is takeFloatValueFrom: as shown in Figure 2. (If you do not understand this, you should read Getting Started With Cocoa.)
This example illustrates the dynamism of the Cocoa environment—the values of two user interface objects are kept synchronized without writing any code, even without compiling.
(Emphasis mine)
Huh? Wouldn't you need to create outlets? And an IBAction that goes something like
- (IBAction)takeFloatValueFrom:(id)sender {
self.slider.floatValue = [sender floatValue];
self.textField.floatValue = [sender floatValue];
Is this something Mac-specific? How do you actually hook up two controls with target-action in a XIB without writing any code and have their values locked?
When you're setting up an interface in Interface Builder, you can specify that it sends a message to another object whenever it changes in some way. What this example is showing is that you can hook these two objects up such that whenever the slider changes, it sends the message takeFloatValueFrom: to the text field, and vice-versa.
takeFloatValueFrom: is a method defined on NSControl, and both a text field and a slider are subclasses of NSControl.

Right way to create a customizable uiview

this question is about "style", because i think this is a very common problem and i'm looking for an elegant solution.
I have created some "advanced" UIView and i try to make them very customizable.
Usually i create the UIView structure inside a custom init method, but i need to know the value of all customizable parameter inside init method so sometimes i need a very long init method like:
I tried to use delegate design pattern but i need also to pass delegate inside init method.
My actual best solution is to leave empty the init method and move everything about layout inside a "configure" method. everytime i chance a property like background color or font i will call this method and i will rebuild the view.
I think there is a best way to solve this problem...
I'd be curious to see the code of UITableView Class, because with that class you can pass a delegate outside init method.
Check out something like a UIButton or UILabel. They both have tons of configurable aspects, however to simply create an instance of one of those objects, they need very little information.
In general, provide init methods that allow the consumer of your class to specify the least amount of information for the class to work.
If you do want to give the consumer a way to initialize the class with a bunch of values, consider using some sort of initWithDictionary: method that takes an NSDictionary of parameters. This keeps your method names short and allows the user to customize an arbitrary number of settings for your class.
You could also consider providing a way for the consumer to request an instance with some standard set of values. UITableViewCell, for example, has an initWithStyle:reuseIdentifier: method. The important part is the style - UITableViewCell provides several default styles like UITableViewCellStyleDefault and UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle.
I don't know if it is the standard/best practices way but I use a dictionary in cases like this and pass that to an initWithDictionaryinitializer. Would be possible too to create a class method that returns a 'default settings' type dictionary which can then be customized (and delegate set), so that not every param needs to be specified whenever the class is used.

Providing your own setter for a CoreData property / attribute

I have an entity with several properties, one of them called lastModificationDate. Whenever any of the object's properties is set, I'd like to update the lastModificationDate.
If I were not using Core Data, I would just provide my own setter for the properties and update lastModificationDate. However, I'm not sure if I should mess around with CoreData's properties.
What's the best way to do this?
Overriding the setters can easily be done, you have to make sure you fire the right notifications for everything else to work (including KVO).
- (void) setThing:(NSObject *)myThing {
self.lastUpdateDate = [NSDate date];
[self willChangeValueForKey:#"thing"];
[self setPrimitiveThing:myThing];
[self didChangeValueForKey:#"thing"];
This being said, if all you need to do is the code I showed (essentially setting the value and updating the last update date), you are much better off using Key-Value Observing and reacting to the notifications. It's easier and cleaner.
You shouldn't override property mutators (setters) if you're working with an NSManagedObject subclass because those implementations are provided at runtime (hence #dynamic instead of #synthesize). You could if you really wanted to, but it's messier and there's no reason to. Use Key Value Observing (KVO) instead. It'll let you know when a value is changed.
Apple's KVO documentation is great:

Best way to capture key events in NSTextView?

I'm slowly learning Objective-C and Cocoa, and the only way I see so far to capture key events in Text Views is to use delegation, but I'm having trouble finding useful documentation and examples on how to implement such a solution. Can anyone point me in the right direction or supply some first-hand help?
Generally, the way you implement it is simply to add the required function to your view's controller, and set its delegate. For example, if you want code to run when the view loads, you just delegate your view to the controller, and implement the awakeFromNib function.
So, to detect a key press in a text view, make sure your controller is the text view's delegate, and then implement this:
- (void)keyUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent
Note that this is an inherited NSResponder method, not a NSTextView method.
Just a tip for syntax highlighting:
Don't highlight the whole text view at once - it's very slow. Also don't highlight the last edited text using -editedRange - it's very slow too if the user pastes a large body of text into the text view.
Instead you need to highlight the visible text which is done like this:
NSRect visibleRect = [[[textView enclosingScrollView] contentView] documentVisibleRect];
NSRange visibleRange = [[textView layoutManager] glyphRangeForBoundingRect:visibleRect inTextContainer:[textView textContainer]];
Then you feed visibleRange to your highlighting code.
It's important to tell us what you're really trying to accomplish — the higher-level goal that you think capturing key events in an NSTextView will address.
For example, when someone asks me how to capture key events in an NSTextField what they really want to know is how to validate input in the field. That's done by setting the field's formatter to an instance of NSFormatter (whether one of the formatters included in Cocoa or a custom one), not by processing keystrokes directly.
So given that example, what are you really trying to accomplish?
I've done some hard digging, and I did find an answer to my own question. I'll get at it below, but thanks to the two fellas who replied. I think that Stack Overflow is a fantastic site already--I hope more Mac developers find their way in once the beta is over--this could be a great resource for other developers looking to transition to the platform.
So, I did, as suggested by Danny, find my answer in delegation. What I didn't understand from Danny's post was that there are a set of delegate-enabled methods in the delegating object, and that the delegate must implement said events. And so for a TextView, I was able to find the method textDidChange, which accomplished what I wanted in an even better way than simply capturing key presses would have done. So if I implement this in my controller:
- (void)textDidChange:(NSNotification *)aNotification;
I can respond to the text being edited. There are, of course, other methods available, and I'm excited to play with them, because I know I'll learn a whole lot as I do. Thanks again, guys.