How can I configure CMake generated Eclipse project's Build Command and Project Paths? - cmake

Our project uses CMake to configure our code. We use Ninja along with a distributed build system. A number of people on our team use Eclipse CDT. We run CMake with the "Eclipse CDT4 - Ninja" generator and the result is generally pretty good.
The issues is that any time a CMake file is changed and you ask Eclipse to build the code it regenerate the eclipse project file overwriting any manual changes you've made to the project.
For example the default build command that it provides the eclipse project is /usr/bin/ninja when in fact I want to take advantage of our distributed build system and set the build command to /usr/bin/ninja -j16. It would be nice if I could have the project file that CMake generates automatically include this setting change.
The other setting I am most interested in preserving is the C/C++ Project Paths->Source. As a general rule we place our CMake build directory as a sibling to the main project directory i.e. ./project ./build. We want to include some files in the build directory in the Eclipse index to make code completion and other tools work better. The default project doesn't include the build directory in source path and thus it does not get indexed.
Is there some way to remedy these issues?

I found a solution to build command issue.
When you run cmake to generate the eclipse project include the additional argument:-DCMAKE_ECLIPSE_NINJA_ARGUMENTS=-j100. I haven't confirmed but I believe a similar command is required for eclipse make projects -DCMAKE_ECLIPSE_MAKE_ARGUMENTS=-j100.
Unfortunately this feature is poorly documented and I have not found a solution to my other issue.


IDE open project based on catkin_tools

I am now reading a ROS package built on catkin_tools. It is complicated so I need to import this project into an IDE (like Clion, QT Creator, etc). Although the official doc of catkin-tools says you can't rely on CMake's IDE integration (, I still have some hope on this. So does anyone has such experience?
PS: I also found the author of ros_qtc_plugin claimed he has added the function of catkin_tools, but I still could not find how to do this.
Note: The following solution works for catkin build, but not for catkin_make. If you are using catkin_make, please visit:
CLion configuration for catkin_tools workspaces (catkin build)
Please excuse me for digging up an old question, but I just came across this problem and found a solution for CLion and catkin_tools (i.e., when building with catkin build).
I tested the proposed solution on 20.04 with ROS Noetic and CLion 2020.2.4.
According to the docs, catkin_tools uses an individual devel workspace path for each ROS package:
The devel prefix path for a package:
The build directory for a package:
To open and edit a ROS package in CLion, please follow these steps:
run catkin build in the workspace
Source /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash and your workspace setup.bash in the devel folder
After that, start CLion from the command line, so that it inherits the environment variables
In CLion's Open Project wizard, navigate to the ROS package, and select the
CMakeLists.txt. When prompted, click Open as Project
Open the Settings Window (usually Ctrl+Alt+S)
Navigate to "Build, Execution, Deployment" > "CMake"
Under "CMake options", specify the devel prefix as mentioned above, and under "Build directory", specifiy the build directory as mentioned above:
When configured in the aforementioned way, the generated CMake files and build files that catkin build creates are reused by CLion.
By default, when not configuring it to reuse the build files, CLion would create its own cmake-build-debug/ generation directory. I experienced the following issues with this dedicated generation/build directory:
Problems when CLion is not configured as described in the above steps:
The nodes/libraries are built twice (CLion, catkin build), which increase development time.
Libraries are built twice, but the CLion build links with ~/catkin_ws/devel .so-files and not the cmake-build-debug/ .so-files. This is confusing when working on a ROS package with at least one library, since building the library in CLion is a dead-end and the .so-output is never used.
Since executables are built twice, rosrun has an ambiguity problem as it finds two executables for the specified node. An executable selection prompt appears each time rosrun is used.
I have had success using Eclipse to work with ROS in the past. See: for setup details.
If you want something that works right out of the box, you can try a free IDE called RoboWare that is specifically built for and integrates with ROS very well.

How to setup CLion to use waf as build system

I am trying to configure my Intellij Clion IDE for working with ns-3. Since ns-3 is using waf, it is more tricky than i thought and would be really happy to hear any advice
CLion supports compilation databases for quite some while, which waf, luckily, is able to generate using the clang_compilation_database extension.
You'll need to load it within your configuration and option step; i.e. like this:
def options(ctx):
# Assuming you just copied the script into a directory called tools
ctx.load('clang_compilation_database', tooldir='tools')
# ...
def configure(ctx):
ctx.load('clang_compilation_database', tooldir='tools')
# ...
Now you can call waf clangdb; you'll be presented a file called 'compile_commands.json' in your build directory.
CLion only uses cmake for its internal project definition - so you have to have a cmake config.
It can be very simple and mirror parts of another build system you actually use, but how CLion treats files and what it does when you tell it to build something is defined by cmake and only cmake.
You could setup compilation databases as suggested by Julian or you could try my fork, if you don't mind using a not completely up-to-date fork of the upstream project.
Visual Studio can also be used with CMake projects and WSL, but ClangCL/MSVC support is being worked on.
I plan on opening a MR to upstream the CMake support, but it is a lot of work to replace Waf completely.

Using IntelliJ IDEA for project using Makefiles

An existing Java project uses makefiles (which in turn uses ANT).
I want to work on this project using IntelliJ IDEA. However, no IntelliJ specific files, e.g. project files, should be checked in to version control.
How can I configure the project so that:
Makefiles can be run from inside IntelliJ IDEA.
Change Build > Make Project so that it either does nothing or runs some make target (in a makefile). I do not want to the standard behavior of compiling into ./bin since this potentially can conflict with the makefiles.
For Windows users
So far, the guidance provided by Dannil Maslov ( see intelliJ IDEA thread here ) worked for me.
Install GnuWin32 (Make for Windows).
Install the IDEA Makefile plugin.
Go to settings and specify the path to make executable under: File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Make | Path to Make executable (by default: C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\make.exe). Check "Use Cygwin" if necessary.
If you have used chocolatey ( choco install make ) , change the path in step 3 accordingly.
You should be up and running.
A compilation database feature became available in 2018.
The help page says:
Make-based projects:
The compiledb-generator tool creates compilation databases for make-based build systems.
Bear and intercept-build tools:
Bear and intercept-build from scan-build are the tools to help you get a compilation database by intercepting compiler calls during the build.
(Bear and intercept-build work on Linux, by injecting themselves into LD_LIBRARY_PATH)

Using CMake to generate multiple Code Composer build configurations

My goal is to use a script/CMake to create a "Debug" build configuration and a "Release" build configuration that can be switched between within Code Composer Studio's UI (using the "Build Configuration -> Set Active..." option).
A script is ran that runs CMake with desired commands (toolchain, etc). A Code Composer Studio project is generated (as described in CMakeLists.txt)
CCS project is imported into CCS
The problem is this only generates a "Debug" build configuration. Is it possible to add a command to CMakeLists.txt, or to cmake command line, or even ccs command line that allows multiple build configurations to be generated?
The only difference between the two will basically be defining NDEBUG, and possibly changing optimization level.
I had this same question...then realized I am the one who originally asked this ~4 years ago! Anyways, I found a way to do this:
Using Code Composer, create the build configuration(s) as you want them to behave. When done, copy the .cproject file to a "template". CMake will use this template to generate an identical .cproject for any future cmake builds. Make sure to replace any hardcoded values (ex: project name) with proper cmake variables.
For me, my CMakeLists.txt called configure_file(path/to/ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/.cproject #ONLY).
Also be sure to delete your CMakeCache and CMakeFiles if they already exist...I believe those were preventing me from seeing the resulting change.

How to load cmake script with more than one project with Qt Creator

I have a CMake project, and until now, I was using Visual C++ for developing.
Using CMake-gui to generate a solution for VC++, it generates more than one project in the same solution.
But when the script is loaded in qt-creator, only one project is defined, with all the code and folder tree inside, so I can not compile it (or I don't know how to do it).
How can I load the cmake file to load all the projects?
More info:
The first CMakeList.txt has some common configuration. Then, with 'add_subdirectory' function, I add a project to make a library, and another project to make a sample application to use this library.
You should add multiple projects to the root cmake file with help of "add_subdirectory()". Then in Qt Creator you should open the root cmake file. After that you could choose which project to run in the select a kit for running (3) or debugging (4) application pane (check the link).
It sad that you can't (or I don't know how) build only one project. You have to build all projects are added to the root cmake file and then choose which one of them you want to run.
I use Qt Creator 4.0 .
Here is the offical doc
My project have a similar structure, just open the top-most CMakeLists.txt file of the project, and qtcreator will import your project.