Intercept wxListCtrl scroll events - wxwidgets

I'm using wxWidgets 2.8 on a Linux box.
I'd like to get notifications of scroll events from wxListCtrl (or wxListView). Basically I want to be notified when someone uses the scrollbars.
I tried with EVT_SCROLLWIN and EVT_SCROLL without success.
Can someone provide me some sample code?
Unfortunately I cannot find any documentation/sample about this topic. Any pointer?
I need to intercept this event because I'm using a wxListView under MOTIF (sic) and when I scroll the list, the new items are not redrawn (basically I see the list empty until I click an item). So, my hack would be to call wxWindow::Redraw() after a scroll.
Any alternative solution to my original problem?

You won't get scroll events for what can be (even if it is not in wxGTK, actually) a native control, this is just not something that wxWidgets guarantees because it is very difficult (and maybe impossible) to implement in general.


Optimizing QListView update

I'm writing a logging application which is using a QListView with custom QStandardItems to display the log data. I have implemented filters in the app that will color the matching rows differently and when changing a filter I have to manipulate every item in the list, which after a while gets very slow. I'm not sure what's causing this yet, but I wonder if it could be that it repaints after every item change. If that is the case, could I somehow tell QT to not repaint until I'm done manipulating all the items?
Thanks for any help!
For helping others, I could add that I fixed this by implementing my own view that handles the paint event itself and only paints the rows currently visible on screen. This makes it extremely fast and no internal QT view seem to be able to do something similar.

Intellij IdeaVim: use right mouse button drag to move cursor up and down

I like to zip through lengthy source files quickly. I find ctrl-e/y too jumpy. Smooth scrolling isn't work well enough. Scroll wheel is too slow.
Way back when I made my own vi clone and what I did there is I made the right mouse button dragging scroll the window. This allowed me to zip through source much faster.
Can this be achieved in ideavim as well?
There is no user-exposed configuration for that in IdeaVim. You have to modify its source code. I doubt it would make a good pull request though, since you're the first person ever to request this feature. I guess the simplest workaround is to tweak the scrolling speed of your mouse in the OS settings.

How do I change windows skin in api

I really wonder how winamp did it. I tried to change a drawing code to draw on title bar at ncpaint. it was run well but it was complex and it didn't draw,choosing another window.
I searched some source code or article but they used other ways... how do I do it?...
Well, Winamp just creates a borderless, decorationless window, and draws everything itself. Important is, that you still can attach a sysmenu to the window, so that a right click on the taskbar button gives the usual options.
If you want to get fancy you can process the WM_NCPAINT message to perform frame and title drawing yourself on a decorated window:
But the easier solution actually is to just emulate the standard Windows decorations and synthesize the events the standard buttons do.

how can i implement dynamic navigation/group header positioning in a winrt app?

I know the title is a little confusing, but the best way to describe what I'm after is by running the Weather metro app on the Consumer Preview; as you scroll horizontally, you'll note that the section headings kind of move around and stay on top of the relevant content, and then fade out as you cross over into a new section. (The main background for the first section also kind of does this)
My question is, how would I go about replicating this behavior in a WinRT app of my own? Are there any existing controls I can leverage or would I have to essentially rewrite it all?
This looks just like a ScrollViewer - you would handle the ViewChanged event and depending on the scroll offset - change the opacity of overlaid static TextBlocks and completely hide the ones that scroll once you cross specific tresholds. I don't think there is anything like that that does it, but I can build it.

Applescript and Cocoa window positions

I know that using Applescript I can change the size and position of any application's window, but is it possible to get a notification whenever a window has changed it size or position?
If thats not possible, then what I was thinking was making a thread in the background, and constantly check the positions of windows and see if they have changed, if they did then they moved.
But that would take a lot of cpu resources to constantly compare the positions/sizes of window. So is it possible? If not , is there a better way? Thanks!
I'm not sure but i think there isn't a notification for that.
I would listen for mouse events. When the mouse was dragged you can check the windoews for changes. Hope that helpa.