CustomActionData with semi-colon separated, causes string overflow - What are the common workaround to this solution? - wix

There were few attempts of questions answerered in regards to ICE03 (String overflow) for CustomActionData, but I cannot seem to determine/conclude the correct (or accepted) practice of how to go around this issue.
My current resolution was to reduce the length of the key-value-pair by keeping both the key and property names short, i.e. from:
<CustomAction Id="MyCustomActionData"
<CustomAction Id="MyCustomActionData"
But I feel that I'm just sweeping the problem under the rug and sooner or later, I'll encounter again (also, this is based on assumptions of my additional question below).
The more obvious solution is the re-evaluate and re-design it so that least amount of data needs to be passed down to the C# CustomAction (the classic "why would you want to declare a function method to pass 20 parameters?" question by all code-reviewers). Obviously, for most languages today, we can easily redesign the API and pass an object (as a class, struct, etc - depends on languages) that self-contains what it needs, but how does one go about it for inter-process calls (I've seen JSON RPC messages with reasonably large data and I'd usually wonder if it was because somebody tried to fix some legacy code by adding more and more until it got bloated rather than sitting down and re-design, which is not possible on some "11th hour" deadline that just has to get fixed in shortest time allowed).
Perhaps the solution is to create an XML file and use expat ('util:XmlFile') to search and replace the key-value-pair before calling CustomAction, and pass the filename of the altered XML as CustomActionData for CustomAction to use, which then in C# CustomAction code, it just deserializes it and treats it as objects. But that too feels a little klunky (it may also confuse the next developer who takes over my task in the future), not to mention if it was passwords we'd want to not have it in an XML file and keep it as Property with Hidden="yes"...
So my question is, what are the clean/elegant solutions or pattern (or practices) to resolve this issue of passing CustomActionData that may exceed table column size?
If I may also ask an additional question which is somewhat related, I am assuming that the linker (light) warning LGHT1076 is based on the length of the value (i.e. "keyA=[A];keyB=[B]") being too long, and so if I chose very short property variable and key-names, it would most likely not trigger this warning. But from what I understand, the table column size is 255 characters (please correct me if I'm wrong) thus during the run-time, if property value is longer than column size, it can cause some issue (or truncated)?

The solution I use is to create multiple properties and then concatenate the properties at the end into a single property, this way:
<CustomAction Id="SetSqlProperties"
<CustomAction Id="SetServerProperties"
ServerType=[SERVER_TYPE];SrvMode=[SrvMode]" />
<CustomAction Id="SetPropertiesConfigReplace"
Value="InstallFolder=[INSTALLFOLDER];[ServerProperties];[SqlProperties]" />
In this example I would use the property [ConfigReplace] containing all values from SQL Server and local server.
About the ICE03, in the documentation you can find this:
The string's length is greater than the column width specified by the column definition. Note that the installer does not internally limit the column width to the specified value. See Column Definition Format.


Checking to see if an image format supports a usage in Vulkan?

If I want to see what an image format can be used for I can do the vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2() and set the usage flag for the image format. I've noticed if the format isn't supported for those usages and settings the structure I pass in is set to all zero, and I can know if the format supports those uses. So if I want to know if VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8_UINT supports sampling from a shader I set the VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT in the usage flags and call that function.
What I wanted to know is if that's equivalent to calling another function, called vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2(), exactly the same name but without 'image' in the name, give that function the format, and check whether the VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT is set.
So using the first method I give the format and usages I want from it, and then check if the values returned are zero max width, max height, etc, meaning those usages aren't supported, versus the second method of passing the format, getting back the flags and then checking the flags.
Are these two methods equivalent?
TL;DR: Do your image format checking properly: ask how you can use the format, then ask what functionality is available from usable format&usage combinations.
If you call vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2 with usage flags and the like that don't correspond to a supported image type, you get an error: VK_ERROR_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED. It inherits this due to the fact that it is said to "behave similarly to vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties", which has an explicit statement about this error:
If format is not a supported image format, or if the combination of format, type, tiling, usage, and flags is not supported for images, then vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties returns VK_ERROR_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED.
Now normally, a function which gives rise to an error will yield undefined values in any return values. But there is a weird exception:
If the combination of parameters to vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2 is not supported by the implementation for use in vkCreateImage, then all members of imageFormatProperties will be filled with zero.
However, there's an explicit note saying that this was old, bad behavior and is only preserved for compatibility's sake. Being a compatibility feature means that you can rely on it, but you shouldn't. Also, it only applies to the imageFormatProperties data and not any of the extension structures you can pass.
So it's best to just ignore this and ask your questions in the right order.

TFAgents: how to take into account invalid actions

I'm using TF-Agents library for reinforcement learning,
and I would like to take into account that, for a given state,
some actions are invalid.
How can this be implemented?
Should I define a "observation_and_action_constraint_splitter" function when
creating the DqnAgent?
If yes: do you know any tutorial on this?
Yes you need to define the function, pass it to the agent and also appropriately change the environment output so that the function can work with it. I am not aware on any tutorials on this, however you can look at this repo I have been working on.
Note that it is very messy and a lot of the files in there actually are not being used and the docstrings are terrible and often wrong (I forked this and didn't bother to sort everything out). However it is definetly working correctly. The parts that are relevant to your question are: in the HanabiEnv.__init__ where the _observation_spec is defined as a dictionary of ArraySpecs (here). You can ignore game_obs, hand_obs and knowledge_obs which are used to run the environment verbosely, they are not fed to the agent. in the HanabiEnv._reset at line 110 gives an idea of how the timestep observations are constructed and returned from the environment. legal_moves are passed through a np.logical_not since my specific environment marks legal_moves with 0 and illegal ones with -inf; whilst TF-Agents expects a 1/True for a legal move. My vector when cast to bool would therefore result in the exact opposite of what it should be for TF-agents.
These observations will then be fed to the observation_and_action_constraint_splitter in (here) where a tuple containing the observations and the action constraints is returned. Note that game_obs, hand_obs and knowledge_obs are implicitly thrown away (and not fed to the agent as previosuly mentioned.
Finally this observation_and_action_constraint_splitter is fed to the agent in in the create_agent function at line 198 for example.

Run-State values within shape script EA

Enterprise Architect 13.5.
I made MDG technology extending Object metatype. I have a shape script for my stereotype working well. I need to print several predefined run-state parameters for element. Is it possible to access to run-state params within Shape ?
As Geert already commented there is no direct way to get the runstate variables from an object. You might send a feature request to Sparx. But I'm pretty sure you can't hold your breath long enough to see it in time (if at all).
So if you really need the runstate in the script the only way is to use an add-in. It's actually not too difficult to create one and Geert has a nice intro how to create it in 10 minutes. In your shape script you can print a string restult returned from an operation like
where myAddIn is the name of the registered operation and pFunc1 is a parameter you pass to it. In order to control the script flow you can use
which evaluates the returned string to match or not match the string 1.
I once got that to work with no too much hassle. But until now I never had the real need to use it somewhere in production. Know that the addin is called from the interpreted script for each shaped element on the diagram and might (dramatically) affect rendering times.

printf: supplying variables without formatting

Is it legal to use variables in printf without supplying the formatting (such as %d, %f).
for example:
printf("value is ok\r\n",myvalue);
The command compiles without errors nor warning, though I am not absolutely sure if it is legal or dangerous.
This reference says
There should be at least as many of these arguments as the number of values specified in the format specifiers. Additional arguments are ignored by the function.
Base on this information, your statement is perfectly legal, however I don't thinks that this is a good idea, since you code could quickly become confusing, which might lead to bugs.
Edit: The original source does not explicitly mention the case of zero arguments. To add another source, the linux man pages states
The format string is composed of zero or more directives.
This source does not discuss what happens with additional arguments. However, combining these two sources gives a definitive answer.

Linux Kernel Process Management

First, i admit all the things i will ask are about our homework but i assure you i am not asking without struggling at least two hours.
Description: We are supposed to add a field called max_cpu_percent to task_struct data type and manipulate process scheduling algorithm so that processes can not use an higher percentage of the cpu.
for example if i set max_cpu_percent field as 20 for the process firefox, firefox will not be able to use more than 20% of the cpu.
We wrote a system call to set max_cpu_percent field. Now we need to see if the system call works or not but we could not get the value of the max_cpu_percent field from a user-spaced program.
Can we do this? and how?
We tried proc/pid/ etc can we get the value using this util?
By the way, We may add additional questions here if we could not get rid of something else
Thanks All
The reason was we did not modify the code block writing the output to the proc queries.
There are some methods in array.c file (fs/proc/array.c) we modified the function so that also print the newly added fields value. kernel is now compiling we'll see the result after about an hour =)
It Worked...
(If you simply extended getrlimit/setrlimit, then you'd be done by now…)
There's already a mechanism where similar parts of task_struct are exposed: /proc/$PID/stat (and /proc/$PID/$TID/stat). Look for functions proc_tgid_stat and proc_tid_stat. You can add new fields to the ends of these files.