Error when I convert to string value in Report Designer - reportviewer

This has got to be simple but I cannot find an answer anywhere.
I'm using Report Designer 2012, running local IIS and WebViewer. The report works just fine outputting the data form the database just like I'd expect until I get to the summary.The report begins with a summary page and is followed with a list for subsequent pages.
I can successfully output expressions like =(2+3), =Code.ConcateString("val1", "val2") and =First(Fields!first_name.Value, "CallLog")
Anything like this fails:
=First(Fields!first_name.Value, "CallLog") & " test"
=Code.MyMethod(First(Fields!first_name.Value, "CallLog"))
=CStr(First(Fields!first_name.Value, "CallLog"))
So I think I've narrowed the obscure #ERROR tag to it having something to do with the string conversion.
My end goal is to simply output (Fields!first_name.Value, "CallLog") and (Fields!last_name.Value, "CallLog") to a single textbox.


SSRS - How to show external image based on URL inside column

I am trying to show images for products inside a basic report. The image needs to be dynamic, meaning the image should change based on the SKU value.
Right now I am inserting an image into a table, setting to external, and i've tried:
=http://externalwebservername/sku= & Fields!SKU.Value
="http://externalwebservername/sku=" & Fields!SKU.Value
I do not get any images in my table.
My stored proc has all the data, including a URL with the image I wan't to show. Here is a sample of what the URL looks like:
If I enter the URL in the field without "=" it will show that ONE image only.
How should I set up the expression to properly show the external image based on a dynamic URL? Running SQL 2016
Alan's answer should work, but in our environment we have strict proxy/firewall rules, so the two servers could not contact each other.
Instead we are navigating to the file stored on our storage system.
We altered the URL column to point to file path in the stored procedure. Insert image, set Source to External and Value set to [URL].
URL= file://server\imagepath.jpg
As long as the account executing the report has permissions to access the URLs then your 3rd expression should have worked.
I put together a simple example as follows.
I created a new blank report then added a Data Source. It doesn't matter where this points, we won't use it directly.
Then I created a dataset (Dataset1) with the following SQL to give me list of image names.
SELECT '350x120' AS suffix
UNION SELECT '200x100'
UNION SELECT '500x500'
Actually, these are just parameters for the website which will generate images based on the size you request, but that's not relevant for this exercise.
We'll be showing three images from the following URLs
Next, create a table, I used 3 columns to give me more testing options. Set the DataSetName to DataSet1 if it isn't already.
In the first column the expression is just =Fields!suffix.Value
In the second column I added an image, set it's source property to External and the Value to ="" & Fields!suffix.Value
I then added a 3rd column with the same expression as the image Value so I could see what was being used as the image URL. I also added an action that goes to the same URL, just to check the URL did not have any unprintable characters in it that might cause a problem.
The basic report design looks like this.
The rendered result looks like this.

No data output when extracting part of filename in U-SQL

When I do an extract from multiple files and include part of the filename in the fields list and in the FROM clause (e.g. FROM "/input/filename-{filedate:*}.nc"), the resulting output file only contains a header row. If I remove "filedate" from the fields list and the FROM clause, I get the correct output.
I noticed in the job graph that when including "filedate", an "Empty Input" and an "Extract Cross" step is added before the "PodAggregate" step, and in the "Extract Cross" no data is written. What is this step?
Also, if I run the original extract including "filedate" locally, I get the correct output, so it's only in ADLA this error occurs.
I use a custom extractor and I don't know if this has anything to do with it. I haven't tested with a built-in extractor.
We released the new "fast file set" option by default. Unfortunately, it introduced a regression for some plans. Until we fix it, please add the following statement to your script:
SET ##InternalDebug = "FileSetV2:off";
Our apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Openrefine not working as expected

I'm very new to OpenRefine, so please bear with me if i have made a simple mistake.
I'm parsing a HTML website to gather some date.
Everything went fine with fetching the individual pages, but now the parsing of the HTML fails.
I'm creating a new column, based on the one holding all the page's HTML. I'm trying to get to the data in a specific DIV[20].
In the"create column based on this column" window it gives me a preview when using value.parseHtml().select("DIV")[20] , which results in exactly what i need... executing it gives me nothing but blank cells.
it even tells me that it is "filling 0 rows with grel:value.parseHtml().select("DIV")[20]"
Any clue what i'm doing wrong here?
You just need to finalize with .toString() to output the object AS a string.
This is explained on our wiki here:
I also updated the select() function with that example:

Whats wrong with Neo4j 2.0 Query?

I am trying to understand why the data is not showing up in my query. I was wondering if there is any way to troubleshoot whats going on.
Here is the current issue:
I have populated some data from existing test database to check the performance with a relation like this : (e:Event)-[:FOR_USER]->(u:User) when I get all the users and look at the property, I can see the data, but when I query the users using same data it says 0 records found.
Below image shows the 2 query:
Can some one please help me understand how to debug such issue in neo4j
Issue is that the Browser is somehow truncating the multiple spaces in the result. Like in this case "User-May<space>1 2013 1:18AM" was displayed on both webadmin and new browser, but in reality it should have been "User-May<space><space>1 2013<space><space>1:18AM"
So no matter what I do I can't query the value as looks like duplicate space is truncated somewhere.
Tabular data as Micheal suggested is as below
{"id":"75307","labels":["User"],"properties":{"Name":"User-May 1 2013 1:18AM"}}
and what we are seeing is User-May 1 2013 1:18AM
Use the following Cypher syntax in the browser:
MATCH (user:User { Name: "User-May 1 2013 1:18AM" })
RETURN user.Name as Name
As far as the rendering of multiple spaces being trimmed, that is a browser specific functionality. See screenshot below for example:
The text itself is preserved as it is returned from the Neo4j server. As you can see when I analyze the HTML element of the browser using Firebug, the redundant spaces are indeed there.
So again, this doesn't seem to be a bug with Neo4j, it's how the browser you are using renders the text. The browser expects redundant spaces to be encoded as like so: "Testing testing" which is HTML encoded as Testing testing

Custom Grid Query in Rally with Multiple OR Clauses

I'm trying to write a query in Rally that will show me all the defects for several projects, but every time I save the query I get the message "Could not parse: Error parsing expression -- expected ")" but saw "OR" instead."
Here is the actual query:
((((Project.Name = "Project A") OR (Project.Name = "Project B")) OR (Project.Name = "Project C")) OR (Project.Name = "Project D"))
I checked Rally's so-called Help and it seems to me that everything is set up correctly, but maybe I'm missing something?
Your query syntax and parentheses groupings look fine. I tested your exact string above in a Custom Grid and it parses fine - no "Could not parse..." error. Maybe compare the exact query you are using against your sample above? Complex AND's and OR's can definitely be frustrating. If you miss a parenthesis or spaces around operators, the query engine will complain.
fyi, I just found that doing a page reload in the browser forces the changed query expression to be evaluated, whereas simply saving the modified query does not reliably re-evaluate the changed query.
The symptom I observed was that query results continued to complain about the previous query string, even though I had replaced parts of the query with different named fields, etc. This made me suspect browser caching, and when flushing cache did not help, then I did browser page reload, which worked perfectly.
So if your browser page was reloaded between when you were having the problem and later when it started working, then this might explain why.
From About link: Rally Build: master-9274 , Browser Type: firefox/19.0, rv:19.0