Call textFieldDidEndEditing of UITextField when press UIButton - objective-c

Is there anyway to call textFieldDidEndEditing of UITextField when pressed UIButton?
Current process is function in textFieldDidEndEditing can work when user press "Return" or "Done" button and click on UIButton. To make it clear, if ABC function in textFieldDidEndEditing to be run, user must press "Return" or "Done" button of Keyboard and then click on UIButton.
What I want is I want to run function in textFieldDidEndEditing can work when user press UIButton.

In the button handler method, call:
[self.view endEditing:YES];
This will force the keyboard to disappear and whatever the current text field had the focus will resign first responder and the textFieldDidEndEditing: method will be called for it.
The above assumes the button handler is in the view controller class.
Since you are dealing with a custom cell and the button is in the custom cell, simply do:
[self endEditing:YES];
where self is the custom cell. This will resign any text field in the cell.

You can use textfield UIKeyboardWillHideNotification Notification
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// register for keyboard dismiss notification
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(keyboardWillHide:) name:UIKeyboardWillHideNotification object:nil];
- (void)keyboardWillHide:(NSNotification *)notification
// This function will be called whenever the keyboard hides. So you can implement your textFieldDidEndEditing code here.
Also when your button is clicked just resign the textfield by
[yourTextField resignFirstResponder];


Tapping on a UIButton and hide KeyBoard in iOS7

I have a login screen,when all UITextField are filled user will tap on UIButton for Sign me in. If user tap on background the keyboard will be hide.
But i want to hide keyBoard when user clicked on UIButton which is sign me in button.When UIButton action TouchUpInside called,at that time i want to hide the keyboard. I do not want to hide keyboard on the tap of anywhere in the view.
Thanks in advance.
Call [yourTextField resignFirstResponder]; in your loginAction
- (IBAction)loginAction:(id)sender {
[yourTextField resignFirstResponder];
// your rest code goes here...
Just add this to the method in which you use the button for example:
- (IBAction)yourButtonMethod:(id)sender {
// Your operations
[self.yourTextFieldName resignFirstResponder]
Note: You must set delegate to self
- (IBAction)HideKeyBoard:(id)sender
[yourTextField resignFirstResponder];
just call resignFirstResponder on you textfield. like
[myTextField resignFirstResponder]; in IBACtion of button.

Questions with interactivePopGestureRecognizer when keyboard shown

This is Screenshot
In View B, When keyboard is shown and pop viewController to View A with interactivePopGestureRecognizer, the keyboard is still stay here :(
How can let keyboard move with view B ?
(like iMessage or Facebook Messenger)
ps: I'm try to get keyboard view and add to self.view, it's useful, but i think it's not a good way.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
name:UIKeyboardDidShowNotification object:nil];
- (void)keyboardDidShown
UIView * keyboardView = self.textView.inputAccessoryView.superview;
[self.view addSubview: keyboardView];
Try this solution:
This is lightweight category that listens interactivePopGestureRecognizer gesture and animating keyboard accordingly.
You don't add keybordView to the view. If you want to show keyboard for your UITextField/UITextView you call becomeFirstResponder on that object. In your example it should be:
[self.textView becomeFirstResponder];
If you want to hide keyboard you call:
[self.textView resignFirstResponder];
And if you want to hide your keyboard before you dismiss your ViewA you should call it in the beginning of your interactivePopGestureRecognizer when you start animation to show ViewB.
Hope it help.
I don't know why you are trying to add accessoryView as a subview to your view
- (void)keyboardDidShown
UIView * keyboardView = self.textView.inputAccessoryView.superview;
[self.view addSubview: keyboardView];
And I don't understand why do you use notification centre.
The functionality that the keyboard stay when you dismissed the view (as iMessage app) is a standard functionality.
Just use
[self.textView becomeFirstResponder];
when you want to show the keyboard and don't call
[self.textView resignFirstResponder];
when you pop your view controller. iOS does the job for you.

UIVIew endEditing:YES doesnt hide the keyboard

I have a UIVIew which is a subview and it contains several UITextFields. One of these textfields (which is for DATE) should not be editable using the keyboard, instead of this I use a PopOver with a Datepicker inside.
I run a method when the UIControlEventEditingDidBegin is reached. This method calls the resignFirstResponder on the DateTextField.
Everything works fine if the DateTextField is the first field to edit, but when another textField is edited and of course shows the keyboard and then try to edit the DateField, the keyboard doesn't hide and everything goes normal but with the Keyboard doing anything.
I have tried to call the method endEditing:YES before the resignFirstResponder but it doesn't work. I have tried to run the endEditing:YES and resignFirstResponder on the didEndEditing text field method but theres no way to get that keyboard out.
here is my method:
- (void)showDatePopOver:(id)sender{
[self.view endEditing:YES];
UITextField *textField = (UITextField *)sender;
[sender resignFirstResponder]; // hide keyboard
You should use the textFieldShouldBeginEditing: delegate method instead of resigning first responder in didBeginEditing:
This will allow editing on ALL BUT the dateTextField text field:
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
return (![textField isEqual:dateTextField]);
You should specify that your view controller is a text view delegate as well like so (in the interface declaration [.h file]):
#interface MyViewController : UIViewController <UITextFieldDelegate>

Get rid of the keyboard from applicationDidEnterBackground in the AppDelegate.m

I have an application with Textfields in my MainViewController.m file. There is also a scrollview in that file, so when the keyboard comes up, the view scrolls so the user can see the textfield. The keyboard is dismissed when the user taps on the screen. Everything is working well EXCEPT in the case that the user hits the home button to put the app in the background and then comes back to it. In this case, the keyboard is still up, but my scrollview is down with textfields hidden. Ideally I would like to have the keyboard be dismissed as well.
Having looked into it, the methods that are called are all in the AppDelegate.m file (unfortunately it does not go into ViewDidLoad or any of the View lifecycle methods). How do I dismiss the keyboard from applicationDidEnterBackground in the AppDelegate.m file?
I am kind of a newbie - I have tried making a +dismisskeyboard function in my MainViewController file and calling it from the Appdelegate, but my Textfields are all instance variables and that does not work. I have also tried to create a textfield in my AppDelegate file and then do this -
[_someField becomeFirstResponder];
[_someField resignFirstResponder];
but this also does not work... I can't figure out how to link anything on my storyboard to the AppDelegate property of someField.
Can anyone suggest the correct approach to tackle this problem?
Just register a method for UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification in your MainViewController class and dismiss your keyboard there. e.g.
Register for the notification
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(receivedNotification:) name:UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification object:nil];
then add this method
- (void) receivedNotification:(NSNotification *) notification
[txtFld resignFirstResponder];

Reloading NSTableView on re-focus

In my application, I have a NSWindow that has a NSTableView object and a few buttons. When the user presses the "new" button, an "ItemAdd" NSWindowController is activated where the user types in attributes for the item to be added to the NSTableView.
My question is this: since NSTableView requires reloadDatato update its view, how do I call reloadData after the ItemAdd window closes and focus shifts back to the NSWindow with the NSTableView.
Thanks for the help!
You could put reload data in a notification handler:
Put this in an initialization method of an object that you want the notification to get called on:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(didBecomeMainWindow) name:#"NSWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification" object:nil];
Then make a method something like this:
- (void) didBecomeMainWindow
[tableView reloadData];
You can subclass the NSWindow and override the following method:
- (void)becomeKeyWindow