Missing Intellisense in VS 2015 RC for Xaml - xaml

Having been quite spoilt by this excellent add on for VS 2013, it has come of something of a shock to find that there is absolutely no Xaml intellisense when using vs 2015 RC.
in the options I have made sure that it is selected:
and that the designer is used as the default when editing my views;
I have started and restarted Visual Studio several times and yet intellisense remains stubbornly inactive when creating Xaml ( NB it is fine when writing either VB or C# code).
Has anyone else experienced this and found a solution?. Visual Studio 2013 is still on my machine, but the two should work happily side by side, indeed my experience is that they do bar this little matter of no intellisense for xaml.

Uncheck Enable XAML designer, restart VS; then check Enable XAML designer again and restart VS again, the Intellisense comes out. This works for me. :)

I also experienced this and my solution was to reset the environment settings using the Import and Export Wizard. Tools->Import and Export Settings. And then clicking on "Reset all settings".

Deleting the .suo file and restarting Visual Studio (20015 rc) solved this for me.


Visual studio 2017 showing Errors for Blazor but compiles

Found issue to be resharper. When I disable it it stop showing errors.
When I start a new Blazor fullstack project from Visual Studio it shows error in IDE. I have looked at Visual Studio displaying errors even if projects build but doesn't seem to help.
I followed the guide on Blazor (https://blazor.net/docs/get-started.html)
But the client side project shows lots of errors
and more details:
Any one else tried this and know how to fix it?
I am running VS Studio Enterprise 2017 Version 15.8.8
I have installed ASP.NET Core Blazor Language Services.
Everything seems to work as it should. I was able to add new page with external RestAPI calls and all.
Updated VS to latests version with no luck
Seems it might be resharper:
Well. Seems that jetbrains is aware of issue.
It can be found here:
Not much to do than disable Resharper for the moment and wait for them to fix it :)
If you need help to disable and enable it again:
How can I disable ReSharper in Visual Studio and enable it again?

Visual Studio for Mac - Can't read or write any code

I have a problem with Visual Studio for Mac. When I make a new project or I open an existent one, I can't read correctly the code or even write. The code is correctly, in others Text Editors looks fine, but in Visual don't.
Do somebody know about this error? thanks.
Update Visual Studio.
(Click 'Visual Studio Community' in the top bar -> Check For Updates)
This must have been an early bug because I updated to 7.0.1 (Build 24) and it fixed the issue for me.

VS2015 EDI very slow with XAML

I'm facing performance issues when editing xaml files (views, styles, app.xaml, ...) in Visual Studio 2015.
If a xaml file is open I got a really nasty delay when typing or scrolling, even in other files. Also my CPU goes up and IntelliSense is not loaded. When I close all xaml files then everything just go back to normal performance, also in other files like .cs or .resw.
After a while I got an error that say "An exception has been encounterd. This may be caused by an extenstion". And yes, I've looked in the ActivityLog.xml file, but I couldn't figure it out. There where 2 errors, 1 with a source of "ClientRights (Client rights determined)" and 1 with "Editor or Editor Extension (System.NullReferenceException)"
I'm running Windows Version 1607 (OS Build 14393.222) and Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.
I have the feeling that it all started when I installed update 3, not quite sure if that has something to do with it, it's been a while when I've been in a xaml project (in this case UWP).
It must be something to do with the XAML designer, although I disabled it.
These are the steps I've already tried:
Disable extenstions (some couldn't be disabled)
Uninstalled Resharper
New install of vs2015 Update 3
Found on stackoverflow (Visual Studio 2015 is extremely slow):
Disable XMAL designer (Options > XAML Designer - uncheck "Enable XAML Designer")
Disable solution analysis (Options > C# > Advanced - uncheck "Enable full solution analysis")
Disable CodeLens (Options > Text Editor > All languages - uncheck "Enable CodeLens")
Clear asp.net caches
Anyone facing the same problem? Any help would be very appreciated
New install of vs2015 didn't help.
Fresh install of win10 + vs2015 did the job :-(
Lost many hours but back running!

Visual Studio 2015 crashes on rename

For some projects VS 2015 crashes when I try to rename a symbol (F2). If I create a new project it works fine, but my main task is a older project where my colleagues uses VS 2013 and there it keeps crashing.
I have found a possible solution which states that I should uncheck "Use undo transactions". The problem is that I can't find this setting in Visual Studio. Where is it? Or am I on the wrong track?
Did you already check this CodeMaid issue?
That settings you mentioned seems related to CodeMaid extension, not to Visual Studio on its own. I don't have that extension, but the options seem either to avoid Undo transactions altogether, or keep them enabled but Skip during automatic cleanup on save.

Visual Studio 2012 MVC page doesn't update after refresh

In Visual Studio 2010 I can change cshtml file with the project running, save it, refresh the page in the browser and see my changes take effect. But, for some reason I can't see my changes when I refresh the page while running a Visual Studio 2012 project. I have to rerun the project to see my changes. Needless to say, it makes developing in VS 2012 impossible, because I can't test my changes out very quickly. So, unless, I can get this to work in VS 2012, I'll have to stick to VS 2010. Can anyone help me with this?
P.S I had installed Visual Studio Update 2 hoping that it would fix this issue, but it didn't get fixed
Checked first option with suboption
Detecked when file is changed...
Auto-load changes..
I hope after ctrl+f5 it works...
or maybe
Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions->Build and Run-> On Run, when projects are out of date
Choose Always Build