Does SQL Server allow Multi table clustering? [closed] - sql

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Closed 7 years ago.
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My question is simple.
Does SQL Server allow Multi table clustering?

No - SQL Server has the concept of clusters in which two or instances of SQL Server (the program) is running (or is available to run) and if one fails the other instance can very rapidly take over. They work on the same data which is stored in a shared drive. But only one is active at a time.


Converting SQR into SQL to run in SQL Developer [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am trying to convert (per010) SQR into a SQL to run in SQL Developer.
If you are using SQL Developer, that means that you have to work with a single SQL.
If I remember correctly, PER010 is the Turnover report. It would not be possible to turn this report into a single SQL since it pulls elements from multiple tables and multiple passes, for example Hires versus Terminations.

SQL - Schemas - MS SQL Server [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm in a new job using Microsoft SQL Server.
Is there a way to show how all of these tables link together?
Yes of course,
Go to Database > Database Diagrams > New Database Diagram
Then add all the tables.
This diagram shows you all the tables and relationships.

Comparing Two SP's Performance SQL Server [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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there is any simple way to know which one of two SQL Store procedure works better?
Click the Include Actual Execution Plan before running both sp (on the same run) and check the percentages

How to clean up elastic scale databases [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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While testing Elastic Scale I wanted to start over a couple of times without deleting the complete databases. Since this might save you some time I though I would share the following SQL to cleanup databases used for Elastic Scale Shards and the ShardMapsManager.

Apply Database Changes after edit SQL Server [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a DataBase SQL , I did some changes in tables and datatype of this data base
but this data base contains data
I used a select Insert statement from the old database to the new one after edit
Is it the best way to bring he data to the new database or I can use better way ??
It depends why you are doing it and when.
If you are doing this as a one off process on your development machine and there is only a small number of simple tables then this approach will be fine
If you are doing it for a larger number of tables, need it to be re-runnable or want a GUI then use SSIS or "SQL Server Import and Export Wizard". It's easy to use.