I'm fairly new to the Rally development scene, but I've been tasked with making a few custom apps for my workplace this summer.
I've been trying to use the GitHub source code on pre-existing applications and extend them to create these apps, but I keep running into errors with trying to modify them.
My question is this- is the code provided already supposed to be working, or should it just be used as a starting point?
The reason I ask is because I did no modifications to the source code retrieved from GitHub, but when I tried to execute the code, it didn't work. Specifically, I was working with the Release Burndown code (provided here: https://github.com/RallyApps/app-catalog/tree/master/src/apps/charts/burndown), and each time I build it with the rally-app-builder, the HTML that gets spit out into the deploy folder is not even functional. The error my console receives is "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'substring' of undefined". This error makes absolutely no sense to me. Could someone elaborate on what's going on?
I've already watched the video series by David Thomas on getting started with Rally, but if anyone has any other great resources that can help me get up to speed, I would greatly appreciate it.
Any and all help is welcomed.
Thanks guys!
The vast majority of the apps in the catalog should work externally/in standalone dev mode. There is a known issue with Rally App Builder with some of the apps that share code outside of its home directory which is probably what you're running into. (You can see in that app's config.json that it is referencing shared files a directory or two above its own directory).
The workaround is that you can always build the app and then in your browser you can browse to deploy/App-external.html to test it. You should be able to set up rally-app-builder watch in another console to automatically rebuild it as you make changes as well.
Welcome to the Rally developer community!
After spending a bit more time on this I've come to the conclusion that this is not a particularly well written app for standalone use. But you should be able to get by your issue by changing this code in BurndownApp.js:
config: {
defaultSettings: {
chartTimebox: 'release' //used to be undefined
We are getting error like for following while APK file installation for particular OS version ( 8.0) in Android.
But, This is working fine while development.
Error is following
Error: Migration is required due to the following errors:
ReactNativeJS: - Property 'Some Field' has been added.
ReactNativeJS: - Property 'other Field' has been added.
We are using Realm DB in our React Native project.
As per some forums suggestions, We have deleted node modules and reset cache, Delete nodemodules/realm too. And done npm install too.
But, Still same error showing while trying to install APK, But, This issue not happening while we run in development mode.
Note: This issue happening only particular devices (OS version 8.0), Other devices its
working fine.
Any suggestions?
I know that is late but for anyone who comes for this here the answer:
Realm requires for any update made to its schema to be solved using something called a Migration. This was invented having in considering that when you update your app from an version to another it might have some changes to the database that may make you data inconsistent.
The easiest way the get rid of this is deleting all the current database data if you change your schema add deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded add configurations as below
Realm.open({ schema: [BookSchema], deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded: true, })
The other way is buy creating a migration your self as described at the official documentation
Restrictions on use of non-SDK interfaces
To help ensure app stability and compatiblity, the platform restricts the use of some non-SDK methods and fields; these restrictions apply whether you attempt to access these methods and fields directly, via reflection, or using JNI. In Android 9, your app can continue to access these restricted interfaces; the platform uses toasts and log entries to bring them to your attention. If your app shows such a toast, it is important that you pursue an implementation strategy other than the restricted interface. If you feel that no alternative strategy is feasible, you may file a bug to request reconsideration of the restriction.
Restrictions on Non-SDK Interfaces contains further important information. You should review it to ensure that your app continues to function properly.
Starting in Android 9 (API level 28), the platform restricts which non-SDK interfaces your app can use. These restrictions apply whenever an app references a non-SDK interface or attempts to obtain its handle using reflection or JNI. These restrictions were put in place to help improve the user and developer experience and reduce the risks of crashes for users and emergency rollouts for developers. For more information about this decision, see Improving Stability by Reducing Usage of non-SDK Interfaces.
See here for more information.
I have been trying to upload an app with a corresponding watch kit app for the last 4 hours (not even an exaggeration) and I am at my wits end... I have deduced that there is something not recognising the bundle ID in iTunes connect but I have been unsuccessful in figuring out what it is or how to fix it and as consequence unsuccessful in uploading the app, This is the first time uploading this app from my current computer, as I recently upgraded. However in the passed I have uploaded successfully from my previous machine. I cannot validate the application either it just gives me the error 'No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier 'XXXXXX.watchkitapp' is correct. I have tried with application loader, same error. I hope someone can help me, as I said I am no closer to figuring it out than I was 4 hours ago.
I have looked at this link stack overflow question: no suitable records were found verify your bundle indentifier is correct but it hasn’t helped, my issue is not with the ios app but the Apple Watch counterpart, I do not know where to find the applewatch expected bundle id in itunes connect further more I don’t believe either bundle IDs in Apple watch, watch app or watch kit extension is incorrect.
Edited (again)****
So I decided that if the appwatch app has been causing so much trouble as I have been trying to figure it out for 3 days now, why not just remove it for the time being.... so I did then I got a new error No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier 'org.cocoapods.GTMSessionFetcher' is correct. I tried everything that I tried on the previous issue to no avail. HELP PLEASE? This is really frustrating, maybe there is some file that didn't copy over with the project that controls the various bundle id's I don't know, really any help would be greatly appreciated I guess at present I'm just one step away from completely remaking the app in a new Xcode project....
With a different Mac you probably need to download your certificates again. Also make sure you registered the bundle id in developer.apple.com
I'm working on an OS X app that most users choose to "launch at login", the kind you'd find at the menu bar.
In order to launch it at login I'm using SMLoginItemSetEnabled to launch a LoginHelper app that will open the main app, as described in this tutorial.
The app is failing to start up at login for just a handful of our users.
I was unable to reproduce this or to track the cause but I found (on a user's machine) that:
Deleting /Root/_com.apple.SMLoginItemBookmarks/[myapp] and /Root/[myapp] on /var/db/launchd.db/com.apple.launchd.peruser.$UID/overrides.plist and then resetting the Launch at login on the app fixed the issue. Also, we diff'd the files and the Data on the bookmark had changed.
For reference, I found about the overrides.plist here.
Since the app has both a Mac App Store and a Direct download version, I'm suspecting multiple copies of the app setting themselves as Launch at login may be the reason for this to fail, maybe these "bookmarks" are trying to open another instance of the app, that may or may not be deleted.
Now the questions, provided that this app needs to remain sandboxed:
Is there a way of updating that Data on the overrides.plist bookmarks?
Is there any way of deleting one self's app from the overrides.plist to start clean?
Is this maybe a known issue?
Any other suggestions on why the bookmark seems to point nowhere or how to fix it will be appreciated.
Note: This is my first question on StackOverflow, please excuse me if I failed to follow some of the suggested etiquette.
I don't know a definitive solution to this, I wasn't even aware of the overrides.plist. It could be related to multiple copies. As far as I understand, adding login through SMLoginItemSetEnabled sets a metadata flag that this Bundle ID should be launched on start. Then Spotlight, on start, will go do a metadata search on the file system and see which Bundle IDs need to be launched. Then, I guess, it will initiate the launch using the bundle ID. In my own application, Trickster, which uses the same technique for launching, I see that if I enable launch-on-login through the app itself, it might pop-up this strange message which refers to a debug build. I'm not even sure why it says about the first time. Very strange.
So, to have them launched, you have to make sure that the relevant bundles are in locations where Spotlight indexes (that the user hasn't disable Spotlight for these locations). Usually users don't disable Spotlight, especially for /Applications/ but I'm just saying.
What I usually suggest when support comes my way (and how I have it set up for me because I have multiple copies), is I to disable launch from within the app and instead add the correct one (from /Applications) manually in Login Items in System Preferences.
I'm developing an app on the Windows desktop so Win7 users have the app, but for Win8 users I'm also developing a Metro app.
My problems are,
if a user opens a file (e.g. "Blue.xyz"), I want an app to come up that asks which environment to open it in, but first it has to find all the apps that can open the file and display them.
Then I need to pass the data as a parameter to the app Chosen.
In the .NET framework 4.5.1, I can't find the System.GetEnvironmentVariable command so I can create a common location for both environments to access. These are my options:
Comment for clarification.
Regarding your 3rd question, the function is there, just now showing on MSDN page:
After having an inspiration, I found some code that can get pretty close to what I want.
Dim filepicker As New Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileOpenPicker
CommonFolder = Windows.Storage.Pickers.PickerLocationId.DocumentsLibrary
I should just be able to tack this on the end after that:
and it should give me "C:\Users\someuser" and then I can add "\MyAppStorage"
Thanks for all the help though! This code isn't very clean, so feel free to edit and make it better!
we are developing an extension, hosted in the Google chrome web store.recently - we've got complaints from our users that sometime they get a notification window saying "the extension crashed, click here to reload".
after a short research we found out that this is happening only when we upload a new version to the Chrome Web Store.
we started to look it up online and found no documentation what so ever for this, so we started to check for it ourselves.
we tried to see what exactly can cause this problem and if we can identify a distinctive cause.
our tries included updating only the manifest.json file, a css file, a js file or not changing nothing at all but the version number, and on each change we've uploaded a new version and update it in about 10 different machines.
the results were the same, when on each update we made, it caused the extension to crash on just a few of the machines, while updating perfectly fine on the others. each time different machines acted differently.
then, we thought it might be related to the fact we have a timer working in the background page, and it might be happening just at the time it is working.
so we tried to raise the timer's frequency (from 5 seconds to 100 millisecond), and it still acted the same, crashing on only 3 out of the 10 machines.
we ran out of ideas now, and it really causing a problem in terms of user experience to our extension's users.
did someone had this problem, or came across any extension crashes on version update?
is it a known bug in chrome's extension engine or are we doing something wrong?
I am having the same problem and I think I found the cause. Do you by chance, override the new tab page?
I am able to reproduce the problem 100% of the time and when I remove the new tab override from the manifest, the problem goes away.
I opened an issue: Issue 104401