deploying sample application endeca - endeca

I’m trying to deploy the sample application in endeca:
./ –app
I keep getting the below error :
./ 41: ./
/common/endeca/PlatformServices/6.1.4/perl/bin/: Permission denied
Need help on how to fix this.


UMBRACO 10 HTTP Error 500.30 - ASP.NET Core app failed to start

I am trying to deploy my Website with umbraco 10, I always get the following error:
HTTP Error 500.30 - ASP.NET Core app failed to start
The website works correctly locally, however when deploying the app I get the same error...
DB SQL Server
Azure WebApp .Net6
What i have tried
I have followed the instructions:
I have created a project from scratch, thinking that the problem was some package, but still the same error.
This is how my umbraco 10 application looks once deployed from VS to an appservice (Azure)
The first thing I would do is check the logs on the the environment where you have deployed the code. That should give you a better idea what is actually going wrong as the error you are getting is very generic and not that helpful.
I have seen issues where the media folder is missing and that is something to check.
When I have issues in Azure, I also look at the files via the Azure Portal and check the connection string and any other configurations files to ensure they look correct. It could be the deployment has screwed up some values.
Have a look at this post which may provide some further details -

Lucidworks fusion 3.1.0 error starting api

I am trying to run fusion but I keep getting this error: error starting api: api service (pid 8156) failed
zookeeper and solr are started but when it comes to the api i get this error. Any insights are appreaciated.
Run cmd as admin and then try to run the command if that doesn't still work then go to conf/ and search for port number and change it to some free port on your machine.
Please start the fusion.cmd as Administrator. I faced the same issue and got resolved when I tried as administrator.

Hosting a laravel project on openshift

I am pretty new to hosting on Openshift and also pretty new to Laravel.
I have a laravel project on my local system. What are the steps to successfully host the project on Openshift.
I tried the Quickstart guide, to load from a github repo. So i uploaded my project onto github
I had the env files kept secret by adding them in gitignore ( Should this be done ?)
I have the ssh key set up with rhv setup. Made a private key with Puttygen and can connect via Putty.
I checked if all the code has been uploaded to the openshift server with Putty
But my website gives a 500 Internal Server error.
What am i doing wrong ?
Edit: I connected to the server via ssh and found this error
PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'class' (T_CLASS), expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or '{' or '$' in /var/lib/openshift/558bfb764382ec89c3000084/app-r oot/runtime/repo/public/index.php on line 50
Edit 2: On exploring the code on line 50 This is supported only on PHP5.5 or above. So i guess this is the problem ?
$kernel = $app->make(Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel::class);
Is there any fix ?
How to fix this ?
You should try checking out the laravel 5 quickstart on the OpenShift Hub (, check out the source code and see what modifications were made to make it run correctly on OpenShift and then incorporate those changes into your application.

IBM Worklight 6.0 - Error accessing Worklight Server

I am trying to run this sample code provided by IBM, but when I run it I get this error:
So I understand the HTTP 403, but where should I make neccesary changes to make this thing work? I saw this SO question: Jetty returning 403 Forbidden but no luck; I could not find that parameter anywhere in any file in my project.
Sometime earlier I got this error too Error 404: SRVE0190E: File not found: /
So lame, I had to deploy the adapter first then I deployed the native api, made neccessary changes voila I am good to go.

Hosting a WCF Service

So i am new to WCF Services and I need to create a dulplex service (working on it) however I cannot figure out where/how to host it (external). Right now I am using for my hosting, which works fine, but i am having trouble geting a wcf service application working.
I found this example which i will be using to help get my service working. I tried to just upload the service to aspspider, but i get an error.
Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.
Parser Error Message: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.
Source Error:
Line 29: ASP.NET to identify an incoming user.
Line 30: -->
>>>Line 31: <authentication mode="Windows"/>
Line 32: <!--
Line 33: <customErrors> section enables configuration
The service works fine locally, so i just need help to get it working on aspspider (or if you have a better option).
I use as my host and never had any issues with them.