Is there any way to allow admin to edit the user password in Orchard CMS? - passwords

Is there an extension i can use to allow the admin to edit the user password in orchard? Because, when i go to Settings>Users>Edit User, i have options only to change the user name, email or roles?
And if no there are no extensions in the gallery, any suggestions how to custom do it?
Thank you in advance.

I have used the Change Password module from Gallery. It lets you change passwords to every user and show a new tab in the Users category.


How to set permissions so a user (Role) can Edit Content but not Change View

I have a user in the Role "Content Manager". The Role "2sxc Designers" exists and the user is not in that role.
My hope or expectation was that they would be able to edit Content but not change the view. Am I missing something? What are the steps needed so that a Content Manager can edit the content but not see/use the the Change View option? I realize I can code it in the View (Razor), but this seems like a common use case, no?
I believe this specific option would require that you use content-type or item permissions. So basically DNN would believe that the user doesn't have edit permissions, then you set the permissions you want on either the content-type (if a user is allowed to edit all BlogItems) or specific items (for example, if registered-users may create, and people who created may edit).
then in your template you would have to enable editing with Edit.Enable(). You'll need to google it a bit, but it's a common use case.

Manually approving the account in shopify after registration

Whenever the user register on my Shopify website i want that account to be disabled until admin enable it from back-end panel. Currently when user is registered, his account is enabled by default.
Have searched various forums even tried Shopify support but still no luck.
There are two options. why you are not putting "request membership" sign up form instead of sign in form (disable from here)? You could use the contact page for that if you wanted. Then you get an email when they fill that out. You would create the account (just copy and paste the info) and email them an invitation. They click the link in the invite to make the password. (I think it will be a tedious task for you)
Otherwise, let them create the account, but hide the pages with the Locksmith app. Then after you approve them you would apply a "tag" to the customer account so they can see the pages and products locked with Locksmith.

Joomla, assing menu-item to particular user

I am designing a photographers website.
What i need to do is allow every logged in user to view -ONLY- his portfolio and no other.
Since i haven't found any extension that does that in style, i decided to use a general portfolio extension, and create a portfolio for each user.
Then i need to find a way so that when a user logs in, with his username/password, a menu-item will appear that will hold -ONLY- his portfolio.
So my question is, how can i do that???
Assign a single menuitem to a single user.
Thank you.
The only idea I have in mind is to use user groups here. Create the user, create the user group, assign the user to the group and assign that group to the object you want to protect.
If it's just about showing images I have another idea.
I build that user group specific handling into Event Gallery, a Joomla! gallery component:
Doing this make creating different menu items unnecessary. Once the user logs in he can see his content. In addition the content is protected. A simple menu item might not do that trick.

Avoid Sending Email when User Post New Listing

I am new to OSClass, right now when user publish a listing an email has been sent to user's email id, in which user can activate that listing, admin can also activate that listing.
But I want that only admin should have control to activate the listing, so if somehow I can control that if I skip that step of sending email to user's email account.
Is there any solution?
You can remove the email sending removing the hooks.
Edit your oc-load.php file and add this lines:
osc_remove_hook('hook_email_new_item_non_register_user', 'fn_email_new_item_non_register_user');
osc_remove_hook('hook_email_item_validation_non_register_user', 'fn_email_item_validation_non_register_user');
osc_remove_hook('hook_email_item_validation', 'fn_email_item_validation');
If you doubts of hooks you can take a look at
you can create a plugin for this and this way you don't modify the osclass core files, you can check how here

rails_admin: control on admin users signup

I installed rails_admin first with model name as rails_admin_user.
The first time I logged in, I clicked 'sign up' and created admin user account.
Now every time I want to login; there is a 'sign up' link still there.
Seems that anyone can create account for admin interface of rails_admin.
If this is true, please let me know how to restrict admin user creation process.
Hey, here is how you do it. Go to your user or member model, depending on how you set up devise, and remove registerable from devise attributes. This way the sign up link will disappear.
Late but still good to share I think. You could do this to show signup for first user only, which will hopefully be you.
devise :registerable if User.empty?