InMemoryConnection for unit-testing Elasticsearch projects - nest

Is it a good practice to use the InMemoryConnection class for unit-testing our Elasticsearch projects?
This class is being used in the actual source code for unit-testing. But the reason I am asking is because it derives from HttpConnection I am not quite sure if it opens any HTTP connection. Our unit tests go to a build server so I would like to avoid that. Thank you for the help.

If you look at the implementation of InMemoryConnection, you'll see that it overrides DoSynchronousRequest and DoAsyncRequest (the methdods of HttpConnection that are responsible for actually executing the HTTP request), and simply returns a fake ElasticsearchResponse. No HTTP connections are open and no requests are made, so you are safe to use it in your unit tests.

There is however a NuGet package for real integration tests from c#:
(I'm the author)


Is there a way to call a SignalR Hub from classes that aren't able to inject the HubContext via DI?

The SignalR documentation has a part where it explains how to use .NET's DI to inject the IHubContext into a controller/middleware, but is there any way to get a reference to/instance of a Hub from just any plain class? Does it have to specifically be a service or whatever else the DI requires in order to make this work?
To give a very contrived (and possibly wrong) example: Say we have a TestHub and a static List<Whatever>. Whenever a client connects to TestHub, we create a new Whatever and add it to the static list. Each Whatever does one thing: asynchronously waits a random amount of time, and then somehow calls TestHub to send a message to all clients.
Now, this might completely be an architectural issue, seeing as the static List can just as well be a Singleton service that can use DI, but the idea is that the List doesn't govern when the messages are sent, instead the Whatever objects do that, with the random wait abstracting some nondeterministic logic.
If this scenario makes any sense, how can the Whatever call the TestHub?
If it doesn't, please let me know what I'm getting wrong. I'm very new to this, so I'm not really sure if the use case makes much sense in general.
Thanks in advance.
Nope, no statics allowed. Put the class in DI and inject the IHubContext is the way to go! You can also consider using a background service.
PS: Of course, you can create your own static but that's not a route I would recommend.

Testing microservices?

I know this question is a little subjective but I am lost on what to do here. At the moment I am using Go + Go-kit to write some microservices. I'd like to test the endpoints of these microservices in an integration test type fashion but I am unsure how to go about it. The only thing I can think of is to have shell scripts that hit the endpoints and check for responses. But this seems like kludge and not a real smart practice. I feel like there should be a better way to do this. Does anyone have any suggestions?
An alternative approach to end-to-end testing is Consumer-Driven Contract (CDC).
Although is useful to have some end-to-end tests, they have some disadvantages like:
the consumer service must know how to start the provider service. This sounds like unnecessary information, likely difficult to maintain when the number of services start ramping up;
starting up a service can be slow. Even if we’re only talking a few seconds, this is adding overhead to build times. If a consumer depends on multiple services, this all starts adding up;
the provider service might depend on a data store or other services to work as expected. It means that now not only the Provider needs to be started but also a few other services, maybe a database.
The idea of CDC is described shortly as:
The consumer defines what it expects from a specific request to a service
The provider and the consumer agree on this contract
The provider continuously verifies that the contract is fulfilled
This information is taken from here. Read more on this article, it can be useful even if it is specific to Java.
You can do this in a standard Go unit test using the httptest package. This allows you to create mock Request and ResponseWriter objects that can be passed to any Handler or HandleFunc. You create the appropriate Request, pass it to your handler, then read the response out of the ResponseRecorder and check it against the expected response.
If you're using the default mux (calling http.Handle() to register handlers) you can test against http.DefaultServeMux. I've used it for microservices in the past with good results. Works for benchmarking handlers, routing, and middleware as well.
You should always use golang's native unit testing framework to test each individual service (please, no shell script!). httptest seems fine, but I would argue it is helpful to have finer-grained test boundaries -- you should really have one _test.go for each functional block of your code. Smaller tests are easier to maintain.
In terms of overall integration tests that involve multiple microservices, you shouldn't do them at development time. Set up a staging area and run the tests over there.
My 2 cents.

Fake http responses with cucumber

Say, I have a feature in my app that relies on an external API - I provide an interface, which makes calls to my server, and the server, relying on that, makes some calls to some external API and responds something to client. If I wanna write an acceptance test with cucumber for that, how can I stub the calls to that external API, so, e.g. any GET call to would just immediately return some-predefined JSON response with some predefined headers, any POST request to that url would return a response with some predefined status and headers, etc. How do you do it for acceptance tests if you're using cucumber?
We use WireMock or MockServer for this. You can implement them to stub API calls.
Also, I'd recommend using a framework like Jackson to generate json from domain objects. The benefits of this are not having to maintain json Strings/docs in your code base, and compile time checks on whether you created valid domain objects in your test.
I would probably write my own stub that was able to fake an implementation of the response with the expected content and headers set. If the response object is defined with an interface, then have your hand rolled stub to implement that interface.
Using Mockito for this would probably be to cumbersome in my opinion. Mockito is great, but setting up a complex return value like this may be messy. Hard coding the responses in an implementation of a response interface may be easier.
I would check the actual integration towards the external service using other tooling than Cucumber.

WCF ChannelFactory vs generating proxy

Just wondering under what circumstances would you prefer to generate a proxy from a WCF service when you can just invoke calls using the ChannelFactory?
This way you won't have to generate a proxy and worry about regenerating a proxy when the server is updated?
There are 3 basic ways to create a WCF client:
Let Visual Studio generate your proxy. This auto generates code that connects to the service by reading the WSDL. If the service changes for any reason you have to regenerate it. The big advantage of this is that it is easy to set up - VS has a wizard and it's all automatic. The disadvantage is that you're relying on VS to do all the hard work for you, and so you lose control.
Use ChannelFactory with a known interface. This relies on you having local interfaces that describe the service (the service contract). The big advantage is that can manage change much more easily - you still have to recompile and fix changes, but now you're not regenerating code, you're referencing the new interfaces. Commonly this is used when you control both server and client as both can be much more easily mocked for unit testing. However the interfaces can be written for any service, even REST ones - take a look at this Twitter API.
Write your own proxy - this is fairly easy to do, especially for REST services, using the HttpClient or WebClient. This gives you the most fine grain control, but at the cost of lots of service API being in strings. For instance: var content = new HttpClient().Get("").Content; - if the details of the API change you won't encounter an error until runtime.
Personally I've never liked option 1 - relying on the auto generated code is messy and loses too much control. Plus it often creates serialisation issues - I end up with two identical classes (one in the server code, one auto generated) which can be tided up but is a pain.
Option 2 should be perfect, but Channels are a little too limiting - for instance they completely lose the content of HTTP errors. That said having interfaces that describe the service is much easier to code with and maintain.
I use ChannelFactory along with MetadataResolver.Resolve method. Client configuration is a bother, so I get my ServiceEndpoint from the server.
When you use ChannelFactory(Of T), T is either the original contract that you can get from a reference in you project or a generated contract instance. In some projects, I generated the code from a Service Reference because I could not add a reference to the contract dll. You can even generate an asynch contract with the service reference and use that contract interface with ChannelFactory.
The main point of using ChannelFactory for me was to get rid of the WCF client config information. In the sample code below, you can see how to achieve a WCF client without config.
Dim fixedAddress = "net.tcp://server/service.svc/mex"
Dim availableBindings = MetadataResolver.Resolve(GetType(ContractAssembly.IContractName), New EndpointAddress(fixedAddress))
factoryService = New ChannelFactory(Of ContractAssembly.IContractName)(availableBindings(0))
accesService = factoryService.CreateChannel()
In my final project, the availableBindings are checked to use net.tcp or net.pipe if available. That way, I can use the best available binding for my needs. I only rely on the fact that a metadata endpoint exist on the server.
I hope this helps
BTW, this is done using .NET 3.5. However it does work also with 4.0.
Well in order to use ChannelFactory<T> you must be willing to share contract assemblies between the service and the client. If this is okay with you then ChannelFactory<T> can save you some time.
The proxy will build async functions for which is kind of nice.
My answer is a kind of summary of Keith's and Andrew Hare's answers.
If you do not control server, but have only WSDL/URL- generate proxy using Visual Studio or svcutil. (Note that Visual Studio sometimes failed, when svcutil works better).
When you control both server and client, share interfaces/contracts and call ChannelFactory
It's not just a matter of time saved. Using the WSDL generated proxy is dangerous because if you forget to update the service reference you can leave the solution in an inconsistent state. Everything compiles but the service contract is broken. I definetly suggest to use a ChannelFactory whenever possible, you make your life much easier.
A possible alternative could be to write a prebuild script that calls the SVCUtil utility to create the proxy everytime you build your project, but anyway ChannelFactory is much more neat and elegant.

How to unit test a WCF server/client?

I have a WCF server that is a library assembly. (I am writing it so I can mock the level below it) It is called var a client helper class that is in a different assembly. As the data that is transferred is complex and the server has to send call-backs to the clients I wish to test the WCF code in isolation.
(I am only interested in the TCP channel or NamePipe channel)
I do not wish to mock WCF, as the risk I am trying to control is my usage of WCF.
It there a easy way to
Load my WCF server into a different app domain
(I could load the WCF server into the main app domain, but then I it harder to prove that the objects were serialized correctly rather than just pointer moved about.)
Setup all the WCF config so the client class can call it (most likely named pipes or TCP)
And use it in some nunit test
I rather not have my unit tests depending on config file.
I expect (hope) that there are some util classes for setting up WCF unit test that I can just pass the type of my server class to and will give me back a client factory that connects to the server.
Am I going about this the wrong way, e.g there a better way of testing my communication layer and usage of WCF?
It is by far the easiest approach if you spin up the service in-proc, because then you don't need to write a lot of complex synchronization code to determine when the service is running and when it isn't.
Don't worry about pointers being passed around - they won't (unless you choose the new in-proc binding in WCF 4). It's the binding that determines how and if objects are serialized. Named pipes are excellent for this purpose.
I always spin up a new ServiceHost in each test case inside a using statement, which effectively guarantees that the host is running before calls are being made to it, and that it is properly closed after each test. This last part is important because it ensures test independence.
You may also want to look at a series of blog posts I wrote about a very similar subject.
You can use SOA Cleaner for testing your WCF. Take a look at
no installation is needed. It's not unit testing, but it can be very helpful (you can have it run on your build, as it supports command line too).