Grafana installs successfully but interface is missing on Mac OS Yosemite - osx-yosemite

I try to install the grafana and followed the instruction
git clone
cd grafana
brew install node
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install
grunt build
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Entering Localhost:8080 shows the following rather than grafana interface:


upgrade yarn seems to work but doesn't, with nvm installed

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Ubuntu 18.04
I've got nvm installed and I'm using node v10.24.1, npm v6.14.12, and I'm trying to upgrade yarn from 0.32 to 1.x
When I run npm install -g yarn I get
> yarn#1.22.15 preinstall /home/pmweeks/.nvm/versions/node/v10.24.1/lib/node_modules/yarn
> :; (node ./preinstall.js > /dev/null 2>&1 || true)
/home/pmweeks/.nvm/versions/node/v10.24.1/bin/yarn -> /home/pmweeks/.nvm/versions/node/v10.24.1/lib/node_modules/yarn/bin/yarn.js
/home/pmweeks/.nvm/versions/node/v10.24.1/bin/yarnpkg -> /home/pmweeks/.nvm/versions/node/v10.24.1/lib/node_modules/yarn/bin/yarn.js
+ yarn#1.22.15
updated 1 package in 1.851s
but then I run yarn --version and I get 0.32 still. I can run npm install -g yarn again and it will act like it's upgrading it again.
I've also tried sudo apt install yarn and sudo apt update \ sudo apt upgrade and still I'm on yarn 0.32
How can I upgrade yarn to 1.x with nvm installed? I suspect that the problem is something to do with nvm but I don't want to uninstall or switch node version managers if there's an easier way
Managed to get yarn version 1.x installed and working by following the instructions in the top answer to this question

How do I install NPM on a Chromebook?

I installed NodeJS (via Linux terminal) but it doesn't seem to come bundled with NPM:
:~$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
:~$ node -v
:~$ v10.23.1
:~$ npm -v
:~$ -bash: npm: command not found
I have an Acer Chromebook R 13 with an ARM processor.
Installing NodeJs
sudo apt-get install curl gnupg -y
curl -sl | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
In my case I didn't have the install script for npm, so got it externally
curl -L | sudo sh
nvm is recommended on the install page, and nvm has installation instructions of using an install script.
Open the Terminal app on Chromebook.
curl -o- | bash
nvm install node
npm is now ready.
Due to trying to answer in comments i will attempt to give a complete answer here.
You need to first aquire the correct package for your architecture. As you have noted you are using the Acer Chromebook R13. This uses the MediaTek MT8173C processsor which utilizes ARMv8 instruction set.
following these commands should get you up and running.
#first, download the proper package for your architecture
mkdir myNodeJS
cd myNodeJS
tar -xf node-v14.15.5-linux-arm64.tar.xz
cd node-v14.15.5-linux-arm64
cd bin
sudo cp node /usr/local/bin
cd ..
cd /lib/node_modules/npm/scripts
That should be it, if you have problems, you can resort to the first link that i sent for install instructions

How to install PhantomJS on vps?

I tried to use pip install, but it tells cannot find such package.
I also see someone say we can use brew and nodejs to install. This is what I tried to install brew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
It returns that ruby doesn't found.
I have no idea about nodejs.
Anyone knows how can I install PhantomJS in the server?
Meet npm!
Npm stands for Node Package Manager.
You can install packages for using them from the CLI or from your nodejs app.
You can install NPM from here.
If node isn't installed yet, you can use NVM, which makes it really easy -
$ curl -o- | bash
For your question,
See this specific package.
You can install it via:
$ npm install phantomjs-prebuilt
And then you should be able to: $ bin/phantomjs [phantom arguments] to run phantomJS from the terminal.
PhantomJS is a standalone application with its own website which has binaries for all major platforms and documentation. You don't really need pip or npm or bundler to install it, just do it manually.
Go to
Choose the appropriate binary (Linux x32 x64 / OSX / Windows), download archive, extract it and run the binary.
For example you have a x64 Linux distribution.
Log in to your server via ssh.
Go to your home directory:
cd ~
Download PhantomJS binary:
Extract archive:
tar xvf phantomjs-2.1.1-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2
A new directory is created: phantomjs-2.1.1-linux-x86_64. The PhantomJS binary is phantomjs-2.1.1-linux-x86_64/bin/phantomjs. You can run it right now:
~/phantomjs-2.1.1-linux-x86_64/bin/phantomjs --version
(If it says "not found " instead that means you chose the wrong distribution, e.g. x64 instead of x32).
But this way of running it is inconvenient. It would be way better to be able to just type phantomjs script.js in any directory. To make it so add a link to a directory where binaries are kept by default:
sudo ln -s ~/phantomjs-2.1.1-linux-x86_64/bin/phantomjs /usr/bin/phantomjs
Then you can call PhantomJS from anywhere:
cd /var/www/
phantomjs --version

How do I change the version of yarn used?

I used Homebrew to install yarn. Running yarn -v shows that I currently use 0.23.2. I ran brew upgrade yarn to get the latest version, which is 0.24.6.
After Homebrew successfully upgrades yarn, I run yarn -v again, but the version is still 0.23.2. How can I change the version of yarn that I am running?
yarn policies set-version <version number>
You can use homebrew and yarn formula URLs to install older versions of yarn, then brew switch between yarn versions as needed. Works perfectly! Credit to github user robertmorgan.
First off, if you already have a version installed, unlink it from brew running the brew unlink yarn command in your terminal.
Next, in a web browser, find the Pull Request that has been merged which contained the formula (version) of
that you want to install.
View the files changed in that Pull Request - there should be one for Formula/yarn.rb.
Click the "View" button for the Formula/yarn.rb file to see the whole contents of the file for that commit.
Click the button to view the "Raw" version of that file. This will open a url which should start with
This is the URL that you will need for the next step - so copy the complete URL to your clipboard.
Back in your terminal window, use the command brew install followed by the URL that you've copied.
e.g. to install v1.6.0 of yarn it would be:
brew install
You can then verify the versions available to Homebrew by running:
brew list --versions yarn, and switch between versions using brew switch yarn VERSION_NUMBER
I found an answer. It's not the prettiest, but since yarn always tell me what the most update-to-date version is, I can use npm to just install the latest version.
If the latest is 0.24.6
npm install --global yarn#.24.6
According to yarn's official documentation, the way to install/upgrade is:
brew install yarn
brew upgrade yarn
Your best bet would be to use a yarn version manager.
curl -fsSL | bash
Single usage:
yvm exec <version> <command>
Or to switch your currently running yarn version
yvm use <version>
yarn --version
UPDATE Dec 2021:
Sadly brew switch is deprecated in Homebrew 2.6.0 (December 2020)
$ brew switch
Error: Unknown command: switch
TLDR, to switch version:
brew unlink yarn
brew link yarn#<new_version>
Old solution:
Assuming that you have the other version installed, you can run
brew switch yarn <old_version>
To list the versions you have installed:
brew list --versions yarn
You can use
yarn set version <version>
For example, if you want the latest version, you can run
yarn set version latest
You can also set it to a specific number, for example,
yarn set version 1.22.1
You can view the full documentation at the official website.
Note 1: A bug stops you from switching from yarn 2 to yarn 1. There are solutions to this in this GitHub issue.
Note 2: I don't use brew, but this solution should still work.
Easily install and switch between any number of yarn versions.
Here's a way to do it with only curl and bash:
curl -o- -L | bash -s -- --version 0.24.6 # or another version
This works whether you have yarn installed or not.
For updating version on macOS use below command:
$ brew upgrade yarn
Some of the above answers don't seem to work anymore. Here is how I was able to install a different version in April 2021:
brew unlink yarn#1.6.0 (If you already have a version installed)
brew extract --version 1.22.4 yarn homebrew/cask
brew install yarn#1.22.4
yarn -v

PhantomJS: getting "Killed: 9" for anything I'm trying

Just installed phantomjs, mac os x yosemite. Whenever I run /bin/phantomjs, with any parameter, I get Killed: 9. Any idea?
Install UPX. UPX is an executable packer and unpacker
$ brew install upx
Unpack the phantomjs executable
$ upx -d phantomjs-2.0.0-macosx/bin/phantomjs
Run the phantomjs executable
$ ./phantomjs-2.0.0-macosx/bin/phantomjs
re: running phantomjs on osx yosemite, download the build/fix found at:
original issue:
The eugene1g release and UPX install didn't work for me on El Capitan. What did work for me was installing PhantomJS using the phantomjs2 NPM package:
npm install phantomjs2
# Optional: symlink in a dir that's on my PATH:
ln -s /usr/local/lib/node_modules/phantomjs2/lib/phantom/bin/phantomjs /usr/local/bin/phantomjs
$ npm install -g phantomjs worked for me on El Capitan.
The npm package isn't "official", it's maintained by a contributor, but it works.
Blunt re-install using brew
Whatever is in /usr/local/bin/phantomjs has stopped working for you.
If you've got ~30mins to spare you can reinstall and relink using brew:
# unlink old version
brew unlink phantomjs
# reinstall phantomjs
brew update && brew install phantomjs
# (You may wish to make a refreshing herbal tea or similar beverage here...)
# Update link to usr/local/bin
brew link --overwrite phantomjs
If you want to test what brew will do with overwrite you can run
brew link --overwrite --dry-run phantomjs
Sometimes this happens when your current shell process is killed.
I was in tmux using brew update, and brew updated tmux and bash, then bang! Everything in tmux just returns Killed: 9.