Need advice: SignalR support for Windows XP (.NET 4.0) - .net-4.0

I am developing some kind of communication and data-interchange system to use in various applications that my company is producing. There will be SignalR hub for messaging and WCF service for file streaming.
I was thinking of developing a Hub library in .NET 4.5. Also I plan to enable Hub hosting in some windows process and IIS.
Thing that bothers me is that I have to support Windows XP clients, so I cannot use .NET 4.5 for developing a client library.
My question is: Are there bad effects of providing a .NET 4.0 client library for all clients, even though there are more clients with Windows 7 or Windows 8? My concern is about performance and features - am I going to lose any of that if I go with .NET 4.0 client?


Windows 10 IoT - Supported bindings

According to
the Windows Universal Platform supports the NetHttpBinding. In Visual Studio, I can develop a simple WCF client using this binding, without errors. I can use the NetHttpBinding class of the ServerModel namespace. When I deploy the client to a Raspberry Pi 2, a
Which WCF bindings are really supported by Windows 10 IoT?
There is almost no information available public about WCF client profile for windows 10 IoT, but I think it's very easily for you to test them. It's still a prerelease preview, so it's really possible.
To move forward, I think you can use HttpClient in System.Net.Http namespace to consume restful service. check Jeff Sanders's blog.

Can remote (http communication protocol) XP clients consume services hosted in IIS 7?

I'm quite new to WCF currently studying Learning WCF. Maybe I missed something while reading about hosting, but it's not very clear to me if XP clients can consume services hosted on IIS 7 (windows 7 machine).
Does the operating system of the client play any role when it comes to consuming services hosted in different enviroments?
Yes they can consume them, no the OS should not matter.
The reasons being that the services are served using platform independent mechanisms, such as returning data in SOAP/XML/other standardised formats.

System Requirements for to host the wcf service in iis?

i am developing the wcf services in .net framework 4.0.for to host the service in server what are the minimum requirements of the system i.e minimum iis version etc.
what are the minimum requirements the system should have?
WCF is part of the .NET Framework as of 3.0. I would assume that any Windows system that can run .NET 3.0 should be able to run WCF. Having said that, a little googling provides the following information:
For minimum requirements, I would say (based on experience and some googling):
Windows XP SP2/Windows Server 2003 R2/SP1
IIS 5.1
WCF System Requirements
However, with versions of IIS prior to version 7.0 - the absence of WAS will prevent you from using any of the non-HTTP bindings. This could be a significant limitation, depending on what bindings you intend the service to use.
Hosting in Internet Information Services

WCF service problem with Windows XP client

I have a program for Windows Application with the Bank uses a WCF service.
Several Windows 7 client using this service are working well, one of the Windows XP client, and when the service is connected and started working, service to any of the other client does not respond; until Windows XP client relationship is discontinued.
Thanks and respect.

WCF for mobile: what's the difference

We will write WCF service for our windows mobile client. Although we have the experience in WCF development, we know there are some difference when developing wcf for mobile.
Can you tell me where I can find the difference. Thank you.
See Windows Communication Foundation (Compact Edition) and the story of the Lunch Launcher and Write an IM App with the .NET Compact Framework