Select from two tables and set null column - sql

I have two tables
scheduleID DriverID ScheduleDate
11 1 2015-05-20
22 2 2015-05-20
33 NULL 2015-05-21
44 NULL 2015-05-21
ID Fname Lname
1 jack miller
2 kelly moore
3 mark sam
4 tom hanks
I want to select from these two tables based on ScheduleDate and show the driver full name from Employee table and show null columns.
The result should be like:
scheduleID Fname Lname
I used:
select row_number() over (order by scheduleID desc) as schedule, scheduleID, Driver_ID,FirstName,LastName
From Schedule, Employee
where scheduleDate= '2015-05-21' AND EmployeID=Driver_ID;
It works well if " scheduleDate= '2015-05-20' "
but I need to show null Columns too!
any help!

You need a left join for this -- just emphasizing why you should never using implicit join syntax. Simple rule: Always use explicit join syntax. Never use commas in the from clause.
select row_number() over (order by scheduleID desc) as schedule, scheduleID,
Driver_ID, FirstName, LastName
From Schedule left join
on EmployeID = Driver_ID
where scheduleDate = '2015-05-21';


Display DISTINCT value on SQL statement by column condition

i'm introducing you the problem with DISTINCT values by column condition i have dealt with and can't provide
any idea how i can solve it.
So. The problem is i have two Stephen here declared , but i don't want duplicates:
The problem:
id vehicle_id worker_id user_type user_fullname
9 1 NULL external_users John Dalton
10 1 16 employees Mike
11 1 1 employees Stephen
12 2 173 employee Nicholas
13 2 1 employee Stephen
14 1 NULL external_users Peter
The desired output:**
id vehicle_id worker_id user_type user_fullname
9 1 NULL external_users John Dalton
10 1 16 employees Mike
12 2 173 employee Nicholas
13 2 1 employee Stephen
14 1 NULL external_users Peter
I have tried CASE statements but without success. When i group by it by worker_id,
it removes another duplicates, so i figured out it needs to be grouped by some special condition?
If anyone can provide me some hint how i can solve this problem , i will be very grateful.
There are no duplicate rows in this table. Just because Stephen appears twice doesn't make them duplicates because the ID, VEHICLE_ID, and USER_TYPE are different.
What you need to do is decide how you want to identify the Stephen record you wish to see in the output. Is it the one with the highest VEHICLE_ID? The "latest" record, i.e. the one with the highest ID?
You will use that rule in a window function to order the rows within your criteria, and then use that row number to filter down to the results you want. Something like this:
select id, vehicle_id, worker_id, user_type, user_fullname
from (
select id, vehicle_id, worker_id, user_type, user_fullname,
row_number() over (partition by worker_id, user_fullname order by id desc) n
from user_vehicle
) t
where t.n = 1

I am struggling with a SQL query in SQL Server

From one table (i.e. tblCases), I can count and group each protocol based on its ID for a given date interval:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_CountAndGroupByProtocol]
(#startDate datetime, #endDate datetime)
COUNT(C.protocolID) AS total, protocolID
tblCases C
C.dateOpened BETWEEN #startDate and #endDate
total DESC
EXEC [dbo].[sp_CountAndGroupByProtocol] '2015-01-01', '2016-08-01'
And I get the correct result:
total protocolID
1 60 3860
2 43 5829
Each protocol is linked to one scientist (i.e namePI). tblProtocols:
ID protocol_ID namePI
1 3860 1
2 5829 5
ID firstName lastName
1 John Smith
2 Davis Emma
I would like to add the person's last name and first name for each protocol:
total protocolID lastName firstName
1 60 3860 Smith John
2 43 5829 Davis Emma
I know that join should work, but wherever I put "JOIN", I get
error: incorrect syntax near JOIN
Is it because I am using SQL Server?
I would greatly appreciate the community's feedback. Thank you!
This should be what you want, but if you post your code that is erroring out we can likely give you a precise reason for it.
SELECT COUNT(C.protocolID) AS total, c.protocolID, lastName, firstName
FROM tblCases C
INNER JOIN tblProtocols P on P.Protocol_ID = C.ProtocolID
WHERE C.dateOpened BETWEEN #startDate and #endDate
GROUP BY C.protocolID, lastName, firstName
ORDER BY total desc

Aggregate Functions To Pull More Record Field Data

I would like to know what would be the best way to get the data from a specific row when I use a Group By query. The real query is more complex than the example I'm providing here so I'm looking for something other than a sub-select on the Sales table.
I'm using MSSQL 2008 and I would like something that allow me to get the date field from the Sales record that has the max(amount).
select uid, firstName, lastName, AmountFromTagetedRow, DateFromTargetedRow,
from users u inner join
sales s on u.uid = s.custID
group by uid, firstName, lastName
order by uid
uid firstName lastName
1 Sam Smith
2 Joe Brown
3 Kim Young
sid Custid date amount ...
1 1 2016-01-02 100
2 3 2016-01-12 485
3 1 2016-01-22 152
4 2 2016-02-01 156
5 1 2016-02-02 12
6 1 2016-03-05 84
7 2 2016-03-10 68
uid firstName LastName amount date
1 Sam Smith 152 2016-01-22
2 Joe Brown 156 2016-02-01
3 Kim Young 485 2016-01-12
Your posted query doesn't match your amount but something like this should get you pointed in the right direction.
with SortedResults as
select uid
, firstName
, lastName
, AmountFromTagetedRow
, DateFromTargetedRow
, ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by u.uid order by AmountFromTagetedRow desc) as RowNum
from users u inner join
sales s on u.uid = s.custID
group by uid
, firstName
, lastName
select *
from SortedResults
where RowNum = 1
order by uid

oracle duplicate rows based on a single column

How can I find out duplicate rows based on a single column. I have a table in oracle which has data as given below and it has duplicates. I'm trying to select and view all rows with duplicate employee ids as explained below
EMP table:
EmpId Fname Lname Mname Jobcode Status exp_date
1 Mike Jordan A IT W 12/2014
1 Mike Jordan A IT A 12/2014
2 Angela ruth C sales P 12/2015
2 Angela ruth C IT W 12/2015
3 Kelly Mike B sales W 12/2015
From the above table i want to select all rows which duplicate empids such as below
EmpId Fname Lname Mname Jobcode Status exp_date
1 Mike Jordan A IT W 12/2014
1 Mike Jordan A IT A 12/2014
2 Angela ruth C sales P 12/2015
2 Angela ruth C IT W 12/2015
How can I do this? thank you!
FROM TableName a
FROM TableName
) b ON a.EmpID = b.EmpID
SQLFiddle Demo
Another way, although I prefer above, is to use IN
FROM TableName a
FROM TableName
SQLFiddle Demo
Here's another option using a subquery and COUNT OVER PARTITION BY since you're using Oracle 11:
SELECT EmpId, Fname, Lname, Mname, Jobcode, Status, exp_date,
FROM TableName
) T
WHERE EmpCount > 1
SQL Fiddle Demo (Borrowed from JW)

Select query which returns exect no of rows as compare in values of sub query

I have got a table named student. I have written this query:
select * From student where sname in ('rajesh','rohit','rajesh')
In the above query it's returning me two records; one matching 'rajesh' and another matching: 'rohit'.
But i want there to be 3 records: 2 for 'rajesh' and 1 for 'rohit'.
Please provide me some solution or tell me where i am missing.
NOTE: the count of result of sub query is not fix there can be many words there some distinct and some multiple occurrence .
Your requirements are not clear, and I'll try to explain why.
Let's define table students
ID FirstName LastName
1 John Smith
2 Mike Smith
3 Ben Bray
4 John Bray
5 John Smith
6 Bill Lynch
7 Bill Smith
Query with WHERE clause:
FirstName in ('Mike', 'Ben', 'Mike')
will return 2 rows only, because it could be rewritten as:
FirstName='Mike' or FirstName='Ben' or FirstName='Mike'
WHERE is filtering clause that just says if existing row satisfy given conditions or not (for each of rows created by FROM clause.
Let's say we have subquery that returns any number of non distinct FirstNames
In case if SQ contains 'Mike', 'Ben', 'Mike' using inner join you can get those 3 rows without problem
Select ST.* from Students ST
Inner Join (Select name from …. <your subquery>) SQ
Result will be:
ID FirstName LastName
2 Mike Smith
2 Mike Smith
3 Ben Bray
Note data are not ordered by order of names returning by SQ. If you want that, SQ should return some ordering number, eg.:
Ord Name
1. Mike
2. Ben
3. Mike
In that case query should be:
Select ST.* from Students ST
Inner Join (Select ord, name from …. <your subquery>) SQ
Order By SQ.ord
And result:
ID FirstName LastName
2 Mike Smith (1)
3 Ben Bray (2)
2 Mike Smith (3)
Now, let's se what will happen if subquery returns
Ord Name
1. Mike
2. Bill
3. Mike
You will end up with
ID FirstName LastName
2 Mike Smith (1)
6 Bill Lynch (2)
7 Bill Smith (2)
2 Mike Smith (3)
Even worse, if you have something like:
Ord Name
1. John
2. Bill
3. John
Result is:
ID FirstName LastName
1 John Smith (1)
4 John Bray (1)
5 John Smith (1)
6 Bill Lynch (2)
7 Bill Smith (2)
1 John Smith (3)
4 John Bray (3)
5 John Smith (3)
This is an complex situation, and you have to clarify precisely what requirement is.
If you need only one student with the same name, for each of rows in SQ, you can use something like SQL 2005+):
;With st1 as
Select Row_Number() over (Partition by SQ.ord Order By ID) as rowNum,
from Students ST
Inner Join (Select ord, name from …. <your subquery>) SQ
Select ID, FirstName, LastName
From st1
Where rowNum=1 -- that was missing row, added later
Order By ord
It will return (for SQ values John, Bill, John)
ID FirstName LastName
1 John Smith (1)
6 Bill Lynch (2)
1 John Smith (3)
Note, numbers (1),(2),(3) are shown to display value of ord although they are not returned by query.
If you can split the where clause in your calling code, you could perform a UNION ALL on each clause.
SELECT * FROM Student WHERE sname = 'rajesh'
UNION ALL SELECT * FROM Student WHERE sname = 'rohit'
UNION ALL SELECT * FROM Student WHERE sname = 'rajesh'
Try using a JOIN:
FROM Student s
SELECT 'rajesh' AS sname
SELECT 'rohit'
SELECT 'rajesh') t ON s.sname = t.sname
just because you've got a criteria in there two times doesn't mean that it will return 1 result per criteria. SQL engines usually just use the unique criteria - thus, from your example, there will be 2 criteria in IN clause: 'rajesh','rohit'
WHY do you need to return 2 results? are there two rajesh in your table? they should BOTH return then. You don't need to ask for rajesh twice for that to happen. What does your data look like? What do you want to see returned?
Hi i am query just as you give above and it give me all data that matches in the condition of in clause. just like your post
select * from person
where personid in (
order by FirstName
and its give me all records which fulfill this Criteria