Pandas MAX formula across different grouped rows - pandas

I have dataframe that looks like this:
Auction_id bid_price min_bid rank
123 5 3 1
123 4 3 2
124 3 2 1
124 1 2 2
I'd like to create another column that returns MAX(rank 1 min_bid, rank 2 bid_price). I don't care what appears for the rank 2 column values. I'm hoping for the result to look something like this:
Auction_id bid_price min_bid rank custom_column
123 5 3 1 4
123 4 3 2 NaN/Don't care
124 3 2 1 2
124 1 2 2 NaN/Don't care
Should I be iterating through grouped auction_ids? Can someone provide the topics one would need to be familiar with to tackle this type of problem?

First, set the index equal to the Auction_id. Then you can use loc to select the appropriate values for each Auction_id and use max on their values. Finally, reset your index to return to your initial state.
df.set_index('Auction_id', inplace=True)
df['custom_column'] = pd.concat([df.loc[df['rank'] == 1, 'min_bid'],
df.loc[df['rank'] == 2, 'bid_price']],
>>> df
Auction_id bid_price min_bid rank custom_column
0 123 5 3 1 4
1 123 4 3 2 4
2 124 3 2 1 2
3 124 1 2 2 2

Here's one crude way to do it.
Create maxminbid() function, which creates a val= MAX(rank 1 min_bid, rank 2 bid_price) and assign this to grp['custom_column'], and for rank==2 store it with NaN
def maxminbid(grp):
val = max(grp.loc[grp['rank']==1, 'min_bid'].values,
grp.loc[grp['rank']==2, 'bid_price'].values)[0]
grp['custom_column'] = val
grp.loc[grp['rank']==2, 'custom_column'] =
return grp
Then apply maxminbid function on Auction_id grouped objects
Auction_id bid_price min_bid rank custom_column
0 123 5 3 1 4
1 123 4 3 2 NaN
2 124 3 2 1 2
3 124 1 2 2 NaN
But, I suspect, there must be some elegant solution than this one.

Here's an approach that does some reshaping with pivot()
Auction_id bid_price min_bid rank
0 123 5 3 1
1 123 4 3 2
2 124 3 2 1
3 124 1 2 2
Then reshape your frame (df)
pv = df.pivot("Auction_id","rank")
bid_price min_bid
rank 1 2 1 2
123 5 4 3 3
124 3 1 2 2
Adding a column to pv that contains the max. I"m using iloc to get a slice of the pv dataframe.
pv["custom_column"] = pv.iloc[:,[1,2]].max(axis=1)
bid_price min_bid custom_column
rank 1 2 1 2
123 5 4 3 3 4
124 3 1 2 2 2
and then add the max to the original frame (df) by mapping to our pv frame
df.loc[df["rank"] == 1,"custom_column"] = df["Auction_id"].map(pv["custom_column"])
Auction_id bid_price min_bid rank custom_column
0 123 5 3 1 4
1 123 4 3 2 NaN
2 124 3 2 1 2
3 124 1 2 2 NaN
all the steps combined
pv = df.pivot("Auction_id","rank")
pv["custom_column"] = pv.iloc[:,[1,2]].max(axis=1)
df.loc[df["rank"] == 1,"custom_column"] = df["Auction_id"].map(pv["custom_column"])
Auction_id bid_price min_bid rank custom_column
0 123 5 3 1 4
1 123 4 3 2 NaN
2 124 3 2 1 2
3 124 1 2 2 NaN


Allotting unique identifier to a group of groups in pandas dataframe

Given a frame like this
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[1,2,3,4,6,3,7,3,2,11,13,10,1,5],'B':[1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,4,4],
I want to allot a unique identifier to multiple groups in column B. For example, going from top for every two groups allot a unique identifier as shown in red boxes in below image. The end result would look like below:
Currently I am doing like below but it seems to be over kill. It's taking too much time to update even 70,000 rows:
b_unique_cnt = df['B'].nunique()
the_list = list(range(1, b_unique_cnt+1))
slice_size = 2
list_of_slices = zip(*(iter(the_list),) * slice_size)
counter = 1
df['D'] = -1
for i in list_of_slices:
df.loc[df['B'].isin(i), 'D'] = counter
counter = counter + 1
You could do
df['new'] = df.B.factorize()[0]//2+1
#(df.groupby(['B'], sort=False).ngroup()//2).add(1)
A B C new
0 1 1 1 1
1 2 1 1 1
2 3 1 1 1
3 4 2 1 1
4 6 2 1 1
5 3 2 1 1
6 7 2 1 1
7 3 3 2 2
8 2 3 2 2
9 11 3 2 2
10 13 3 2 2
11 10 3 2 2
12 1 4 3 2
13 5 4 3 2

Clean the data based on condition pandas

I have a data frame as shown below
ID Unit_ID Price Duration
1 A 200 2
2 B 1000 3
2 C 1000 3
2 D 1000 3
2 F 1000 3
2 G 200 1
3 A 500 2
3 B 200 2
From the above data frame if ID, Price and Duration are same then replace the Price by average (Price divided by count of Such combination).
For example from the above data frame from row 2 to 5 has same ID, Price and Duration, that means its count is 4, so the new Price = 1000/4 = 250.
Expected Output:
ID Unit_ID Price Duration
1 A 200 2
2 B 250 3
2 C 250 3
2 D 250 3
2 F 250 3
2 G 200 1
3 A 500 2
3 B 200 2
Use GroupBy.transform with GroupBy.size for Series with same size like original filled by counts, so possible divide by Series.div:
df['Price'] = df['Price'].div(df.groupby(['ID','Price','Duration'])['Price'].transform('size'))
print (df)
ID Unit_ID Price Duration
0 1 A 200.0 2
1 2 B 250.0 3
2 2 C 250.0 3
3 2 D 250.0 3
4 2 F 250.0 3
5 2 G 200.0 1
6 3 A 500.0 2
7 3 B 200.0 2
print (df.groupby(['ID','Price','Duration'])['Price'].transform('size'))
0 1
1 4
2 4
3 4
4 4
5 1
6 1
7 1
Name: Price, dtype: int64

Pandas get order of column value grouped by other column value

I have the following dataframe:
srch_id price
1 30
1 20
1 25
3 15
3 102
3 39
Now I want to create a third column in which I determine the price position grouped by the search id. This is the result I want:
srch_id price price_position
1 30 3
1 20 1
1 25 2
3 15 1
3 102 3
3 39 2
I think I need to use the transform function. However I can't seem to figure out how I should handle the argument I get using .transform():
def k(r):
return min(r)
tmp = train.groupby('srch_id')['price']
train['min'] = tmp.transform(k)
Because r is either a list or an element?
You can use series.rank() with df.groupby():
srch_id price price_position
0 1 30 3.0
1 1 20 1.0
2 1 25 2.0
3 3 15 1.0
4 3 102 3.0
5 3 39 2.0
is this:
df['price_position'] = df.sort_values('price').groupby('srch_id').price.cumcount() + 1
srch_id price price_position
0 1 30 3
1 1 20 1
2 1 25 2
3 3 15 1
4 3 102 3
5 3 39 2

which rows are duplicates to each other

I have got a database with a lot of columns. Some of the rows are duplicates (on a certain subset).
Now I want to find out which row duplicates which row and put them together.
For instance, let's suppose that the data frame is
id A B C
0 0 1 2 0
1 1 2 3 4
2 2 1 4 8
3 3 1 2 3
4 4 2 3 5
5 5 5 6 2
and subset is
I expect something like this:
id A B C
0 0 1 2 0
1 3 1 2 3
2 1 2 3 4
3 4 2 3 5
4 2 1 4 8
5 5 5 6 2
Is there any function that can help me do this?
Thanks :)
Use DataFrame.duplicated with keep=False for mask with all dupes, then flter by boolean indexing, sorting by DataFrame.sort_values and join together by concat:
L = ['A','B']
m = df.duplicated(L, keep=False)
df = pd.concat([df[m].sort_values(L), df[~m]], ignore_index=True)
print (df)
id A B C
0 0 1 2 0
1 3 1 2 3
2 1 2 3 4
3 4 2 3 5
4 2 1 4 8
5 5 5 6 2

Pandas count values inside dataframe

I have a dataframe that looks like this:
1 1 8 3
2 5 4 3
3 5 8 1
and I want to count the values so to make df like this:
1 2
3 2
4 1
5 2
8 2
is it possible with pandas?
With np.unique -
In [332]: df
1 1 8 3
2 5 4 3
3 5 8 1
In [333]: ids, c = np.unique(df.values.ravel(), return_counts=1)
In [334]: pd.DataFrame({'total':c}, index=ids)
1 2
3 2
4 1
5 2
8 2
With pandas-series -
In [357]: pd.Series(np.ravel(df)).value_counts().sort_index()
1 2
3 2
4 1
5 2
8 2
dtype: int64
You can also use stack() and groupby()
df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[1,8,3],'B':[5,4,3],'C':[5,8,1]})
0 1 5 5
1 8 4 8
2 3 3 1
df1 = df.stack().reset_index(1)
1 2
3 2
4 1
5 2
8 2
Other alternative may be to use stack, followed by value_counts then, result changed to frame and finally sorting the index:
count_df = df.stack().value_counts().to_frame('total').sort_index()
1 2
3 2
4 1
5 2
8 2
using np.unique(, return_counts=True) and np.column_stack():
pd.DataFrame(np.column_stack(np.unique(df, return_counts=True)))
0 1
0 1 2
1 3 2
2 4 1
3 5 2
4 8 2