Android notifications not work when sent through Amazon SNS - google-cloud-messaging

We have been sending messages through Amazon SNS and Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) to an Android device. This is the raw SNS json message we are entering into the SNS send message function:
"GCM": "{\"data\":{\"someData\":62},\"notification\":{\"body\":\"Body message\",\"title\":\"A Title\"}}",
"default": "My default message"
For some reason the Notification section with it's title and body appear to be ignored. No notification is appearing on the device.
Can anyone confirm that notifications can be sent through SNS or is there (as we suspect) some limitation where only the data{...} part of the json is understood?

I have updated the json format and i get the notification sent from SNS on my android device.
"GCM": "{ \"notification\": { \"body\": \"hello....\", \"title\": \"title123\" } }"

Notifications will not show up in the tray if the app happens to be running in the foreground. However, the data should still be available. Here are the docs:


How do I fix the problem behind "THIRD_PARTY_AUTH_ERROR" when using Google's API Explorer to send a Firebase Cloud Messaging message?

I am trying to create a very simple Web app that can send and receive messages (including Push notifications) via Firebase Cloud Messaging. I want to try testing the ability to receive test messages sent from the Google API Explorer. However, I am running into a curious error as just about any API call from the relevant API URL will return the following error:
"error": {
"code": 401,
"message": "Auth error from APNS or Web Push Service",
"details": [
"#type": "",
For reference, here is the message that I am trying to send:
"message": {
"token": "[FCM_TOKEN]",
"notification": {
"title": "New Notification",
"body": "Sample Text"
I also note that when I add "validate_only": true to the message, that the error goes away and the send request succeeds (though this is of no help, as that disables actually sending the message).
I am stumped, becuse the hint that pops up suggests that my OAuth2 credentials are invalid, though I leave the OAuth2 credential option checked and go through the authorization popup to provide my credentials.
Are you running the web app on Firefox, perhaps?
I have been running around my tail with this same issue for days now, and today I've found that there is an issue on Firefox, while this does work on Chrome:
Similar stack overflow question
The issue on the Firebase repository on Github
Although not a proper answer, I hope this helps.

Is it available to pass interruption-level (iOS) through firebase cloud message?

Trying to send push notification throug FCM using
Is a way to send interruption-level to aps on push notification?
According to the HTTP API spec you can provide the APNS payload via apns key in JSON with the appropriate values:
"apns": {
"payload": {
"aps": {
"interruption-level": "active"
... other APNS-specific keys such as alert, title
... your other keys such as targeting
Note that for some interruption-level values to work (critical or time-sensitive) you need to have the app signed with the correct entitlements.

Which attribute should I use when push message in Firebase Cloud Messaging, 'text' or 'body'?

I have been using push notification in Google Firebase Cloud Messaging API since 2016. But I got issue on 7th of January in 2020, and since then it doesn't work.
I'm finding right attribute for the API parameter.
Previously : 'notification' => ['text'=> $action]
Changed (work) : 'notification' => ['body'=> $action]
Is body the right parameter?
If not how can I find the right parameter ?
The documentation shows this example of a message body:
"body":"This is an FCM notification message!",
"title":"FCM Message"
So it looks like body is indeed the proper name for the property to use.

Why Icinga2 telegram notification fails in specific services?

I have created custom telegram notification very similar to email notifications. The problem is that it works for hosts and most of the services but not for all of them.
I do not post the *.sh files in scripts folder as it works!
In constants.conf I have added the bot token:
const TelegramBotToken = "MyTelegramToken"
I wanted to manage telegram channels or chat ids in users file, so I have users/user-my-username.conf as below:
object User "my-username" {
import "generic-user"
display_name = "My Username"
groups = ["faxadmins"]
email = ""
vars.telegram_chat_id = "#my_channel"
In templates/templates.conf I have added the below code:
template Host "generic-host-domain" {
import "generic-host"
vars.notification.mail.groups = ["domainadmins"]
vars.notification["telegram"] = {
users = [ "my-username" ]
template Service "generic-service-fax" {
import "generic-service"
vars.notification["telegram"] = {
users = [ "my-username" ]
And in notifications I have:
template Notification "telegram-host-notification" {
command = "telegram-host-notification"
period = "24x7"
template Notification "telegram-service-notification" {
command = "telegram-service-notification"
period = "24x7"
apply Notification "telegram-notification" to Host {
import "telegram-host-notification"
user_groups = host.vars.notification.telegram.groups
users = host.vars.notification.telegram.users
assign where host.vars.notification.telegram
apply Notification "telegram-notification" to Service {
import "telegram-service-notification"
user_groups = host.vars.notification.telegram.groups
users = host.vars.notification.telegram.users
assign where host.vars.notification.telegram
This is all I have. As I have said before it works for some services and does not work for other services. I do not have any configuration in service or host files for telegram notification.
To test I use Icinga web2. Going to a specific service in a host and send custom notification. When I send a custom notification I check the log file to see if there is any error and it says completed:
[2017-01-01 11:48:38 +0000] information/Notification: Sending reminder 'Problem' notification 'host-***!serviceName!telegram-notification for user 'my-username'
[2017-01-01 11:48:38 +0000] information/Notification: Completed sending 'Problem' notification 'host-***!serviceName!telegram-notification' for checkable 'host-***!serviceName' and user 'my-username'.
I should note that email is sent as expected. There is just a problem in telegram notifications for 2 services out of 12.
Any idea what would be the culprit? What is the problem here? Does return of scripts (commands) affect this behaviour?
There is no Telegram config in any service whatsoever.
Some telegram commands may fail due to markdown parser.
I've encountered this problem:
If service name has one underscore ('_'), then parser will complain about not closed markdown tag and message will not be sent

Firebase Cloud Messaging topic send, message does not show in Notifications and is never sent

I am using the REST api and I am trying to send to a topic. I know the topic exists because I can see in the Notification console that the topic is there. And I can send a test message through the console and that works.
However, when I use the REST api, I get an http status 200 response with json {"message_id":8769790390495267408} which looks like a successful send. However, the message does not show up in Notifications and the message is not sent to subscribed clients.
My message looks like, which is from the docs
"to": "/topics/foo-bar",
"data": {
"message": "This is a Firebase Cloud Messaging Topic Message!",
And I am using the "Server key" and not the Web api key.
Thanks for any help.
For iOS, try using notification instead of data. Then add in the priority and set it to high. The payload should look something like this:
"to": "/topics/foo-bar",
"priority": "high",
"notification" : {
"body" : "great match!",
"title" : "Portugal vs. Denmark",
"icon" : "myicon"