SQL Server - store datetime and decimal - sql

I'm developing a change history table where I'll basically record the old and new value for changes in fields of two types: decimal and datetime.
To make it simple, I was thinking about create a string field and convert the values to string before store in the table.
My problem is that later I'll have to create a field in the report to show the difference between the changes (like if the date as changed from 01/20/2015 to 01/27/2015 the difference will be 7 and so on). I do not want to create a field in the table to record the difference between the fields, I want to do it in the report side.
My question is:
Is there any way to store those two kind of data (decimal and datetime) to make it simple to do comparisons later? Cause if I have it in string type I'll have to convert it two times - one before create the record in DB and the other to see what is the difference between them.

I believe the best approach would be what I like to call the never delete, never update approach.
Basically, you add a column to your source table for the record status, that can be either current, historic or deleted (Use a tinyint for that, just be sure to have it linked to a row status table for readability). then instead of deleting a record you update it's status to deleted, and instead of updating it, you change it's status to historic and then insert a new record with the new data.
Naturally, this approach has it's price, since you will have to write an instead of update trigger, but that is a small price to pay comparing to other approaches of keeping history data.
Also, if your primary key is not an identity column, you will need to add this column to your primary key (and any other unique constraints you might have).
You also might want to add a filter to your non-clustered indexes so that they will only index the records where the status is current.


Informix select trigger to update column

Is it possible to increase the value of a number in a column with a trigger every time it gets selected? We have special tables where we store the new id and when we update it in the app, it tends to get conflicts before the update happens, even when it all takes less than a second. So I was wondering if it is not possible to set database to increase value after every select on that column? Do not ask me why we do not use autoincrement for ids because I do not know.
Informix provides the SERIAL and BIGSERIAL types (and also SERIAL8, but don't use that) which provide autoincrement support. It also provides SEQUENCES with more sophisticated autoincrements. You should aim to use one of those.
Trying to use a SELECT trigger to update the table being selected from is, at best, fraught with problems about transactions and the like (problems which both the types and sequences carefully avoid).
If your design team needs help making effective use of these, ask a new question outlining what you want to achieve.
Normally, the correct way to proceed is to make the ID column in each table that defines 'something' (the Orders table, the Customer table, …) into a SERIAL column and either not insert a value into the ID column or insert 0 into it. The generated value can be retrieved and used when creating auxilliary information — order items, etc.
Note that you could think about using:
CREATE TABLE xyz_sequence
and using:
INSERT INTO xyz_sequence VALUES(0);
and then retrieving the inserted value — in Informix ESQL/C, you'd use sqlca.sqlerrd[1], in other languages, other techniques. You can also delete the newly inserted record, or even all the records in the table. You can afford to ignore errors from the DELETE statement; sooner or later, the rows will be deleted. The next value inserted will continue where the prior ones left off.
In a stored procedure, you'd use DBINFO('sqlca.sqlerrd1') to get the inserted value. You'd use DBINFO('bigserial') to get the value if you use a BIGSERIAL type.
I found out possible answer in this question update with return value instead of doing it with select it seems better to return value directly from update as update use locks it should be more safer even when you use multithreading application. But these are just my assumptions. Hopefully it will help someone.

Insert & Delete from SQL best practice

I have a database with 2 tables: CurrentTickets & ClosedTickets. When a user creates a ticket via web application, a new row is created. When the user closes a ticket, the row from currenttickets is inserted into ClosedTickets and then deleted from CurrentTickets. If a user reopens a ticket, the same thing happens, only in reverse.
The catch is that one of the columns being copied back to CurrentTickets is the PK column (TicketID)that idendity is set to ON.
I know I can set the IDENTITY_INSERT to ON but as I understand it, this is generally frowned upon. I'm assuming that my database is a bit poorly designed. Is there a way for me to accomplish what I need without using IDENTITY_INSERT? How would I keep the TicketID column autoincremented without making it an identity column? I figure I could add another column RowID and make that the PK but I still want the TicketID column to autoincrement if possible but still not be considered an Idendity column.
This just seems like bad design with 2 tables. Why not just have a single tickets table that stores all tickets. Then add a column called IsClosed, which is false by default. Once a ticket is closed you simply update the value to true and you don't have to do any copying to and from other tables.
All of your code around this part of your application will be much simpler and easier to maintain with a single table for tickets.
Simple answer is DO NOT make an Identity column if you want your influence on the next Id generated in that column.
Also I think you have a really poor schema, Rather than having two tables just add another column in your CurrentTickets table, something like Open BIT and set its value to 1 by default and change the value to 0 when client closes the Ticket.
And you can Turn it On/Off as many time as client changes his mind, with having to go through all the trouble of Insert Identity and managing a whole separate table.
Since now you have mentioned its SQL Server 2014, you have access to something called Sequence Object.
You define the object once and then every time you want a sequential number from it you just select next value from it, it is kind of hybrid of an Identity Column and having a simple INT column.
To achieve this in latest versions of SQL Server use OUTPUT clause (definition on MSDN).
OUTPUT clause used with a table variable:
declare #MyTableVar (...)
DELETE FROM dbo.CurrentTickets
WHERE <...>;
INSERT INTO ClosedTicket
Select * from #MyTableVar
Second table should have ID column, but without IDENTITY property. It is enforced by the other table.

rebuild/refresh my table's PK list - gap in numbers

I have finished all my changes to a database table in sql server management studio 2012, but now I have a large gap between some values due to editing. Is there a way to keep my data, but re-assign all the ID's from 1 up to my last value?
I would like this cleaned up as I populate dropdownlists with these values and then I make interactions with my database with the assumption that my dropdownlist index and the table's ID match up, which is not the case right now.
My current DB has a large gap from 7 to 28, I would like to shift everything from 28 and up, back down to 8, 9, 10, 11, ect... so that my database has NO gaps from 1 and onward.
If the solution is tricky please give me some steps as I am new to SQL.
Thank you!
Yes, there are any number of ways to "close the gaps" in an auto generated sequence. You say you're new to SQL so I'll assume you're also new to relational concepts. Here is my advice to you: don't do it.
The ID field is a surrogate key. There are several aspects of surrogates one must be mindful of when using them, but the one I want to impress upon you is,
-- A surrogate key is used to make the row unique. Other than the guarantee that
-- the value is unique, no other assumptions may be made concerning the value.
-- In particular, no meaning may be derived from the value as to the contents of
-- the row or the row's relationship to any other row.
You have designed your app with a built-in assumption of the value of the key field (that they will be consecutive). Already it is causing you problems. Do you really want to go through this every time you make changes to the table? And suppose a future feature requires you to filter out some of the choices according to an option the user has selected? Or enable the user to specify the order of the items? Not going to be easy. So what is the solution?
You can create an additional (non-visible) field in the dropdown list that contains the key value. When the user makes a selection, use that index to get the key value of the selection and then go out to the database and get whatever additional data you need. This will work if you populate the list from the entire table or just select a few according to some as yet unknown filtering criteria or change the order in any way.
Viola. You never have this problem again, no matter how often you add and remove rows in the table.
However, on the off chance that you are as stubborn as me (not likely!) or just refuse to listen to the melodious voice of reason and experience, then try this:
Create a new table exactly like the old table, including auto incrementing PK.
Populate the new table using a Select from the old table. You can specify any order you want.
Drop the old table.
Rename the new table to the old table name.
You will have to drop and redefine any FKs from other tables. But this entire process
can be placed in a script because if you do this once, you'll probably do it again.
Now all the values are consecutive. Until you edit the table again...
You should refactor the code for your dropdown list and not the PK of the table.
If you do not agree, you can do one of the following:
Insert another column holding the dropdown's "order of appearance", make a unique index on it and fill this by hand (or programmatically).
Replace the SERIAL with an INT would work, make a unique index on the column and fill this by hand (or programmatically).
Remove the large ids and reseed your serial - the code depending on your DBMS
This happens to me all the time. If you don't have any foreign key constraints then it should be an easy fix.
Remember a DELETE statement will remove the record but keep the identity seed the same. (If I remove id # 5 and #5 was the last record inserted then SQL server still stores the identity seed value at "6").
TRUNCATING the table will reset the identity seed back to it's original value.
INSERT_IDENTITY [TABLE] ON can also be used to insert the correct data in the correct order if tuncating cannot happen.
INTO #tempTable
FROM [TableTryingToFix]
TRUNCATE TABLE [TableTryingToFix];
INSERT INTO [TableTryingToFix] (COL1, COL2, COL3, ETC)
FROM #tempTable

SQL Schema design question - delete flags

in our database schema, we like to use delete flags. When a record is deleted, we then update that field, rather than run a delete statement. The rest of our queries then check for the delete flag when returning data.
Here is the problem:
The delete flag is a date, with a default value of NULL. This is convenient because when a record is deleted we can easily see the date that it was deleted on.
However, to enforce unique constraints properly, we need to include the delete flag in the unique constraint. The problem is, on MS SQL , it behaves in accordance to what we want (for this design), but in postgresql, if any field in a multi column unique constraint is NULL, it allows the field. This behavior fits the SQL standard, but it makes our design broken.
The options we are considering are:
make a default value for the deleted field to be some hardcoded date
add a bit flag for deleted, then each table would have 2 delete related fields - date_deleted and is_deleted (for example)
change the date_deleted to is_deleted (bit field)
I suspect option 1 is a performance hit, each query would have to check for the hardcoded date, rather than just checking for IsNUll. Plus it feels wrong.
Option 2, also, feels wrong - 2 fields for "deleted" is non-dry.
Option 3, we lose the "date" information. There is a modified field, which would, in theory reflect the date deleted, but only assuming the last update to the row was the update to the delete bit.
So, Any suggestions? What have you done in the past to deal with "delete flags" ?
Thanks to everyone for the super quick, and thoughtful responses.
We ended up going with a simple boolean field and a modified date field (with a trigger). I just noticed the partial index suggestion, and that looks like the perfect solution for this problem (but I havent actually tried it)
If just retaining the deleted records is important to you, have you considered just moving them to a history table?
This could easily be achieved with a trigger.
Application logic doesn't need to account for this deleted flag.
Your tables would stay lean and mean when selecting from it.
It would solve your problem with unique indexes.
Option 3, we lose the "date"
information. There is a modified
field, which would, in theory reflect
the date deleted, but only assuming
the last update to the row was the
update to the delete bit.
Is there a business reason that the record would be modified after it was deleted? If not, are you worrying about something that's not actually an issue? =)
In the system I currently work on we have the following "metadata" columns _Deleted, _CreatedStamp, _UpdatedStamp, _UpdatedUserId, _CreatedUserId ... quite a bit, but it's important for this system to carry that much data. I'd suggest going down the road of having a separate flag for Deleted to Modified Date / Deleted Date. "Diskspace is cheap", and having two fields to represent a deleted record isn't world-ending, if that's what you have to do for the RDBMS you're using.
What about triggers? When a record is deleted, a post-update trigger copies the row into an archive table which has the same structure plus any additional columns, and an additional column of the date/time and perhaps the user that deleted it.
That way your "live" table only has records that are actually live, so is better performance-wise, and your application doesn't have to worry about whether a record has been deleted or not.
One of my favourite solutions is an is_deleted bit flag, and a last_modified date field.
The last_modified field is updated automatically every time the row is modified (using any technique supported by your DBMS.) If the is_deleted bit flag is TRUE, then the last_modified value implies the time when the row was deleted.
You will then be able to set the default value of last_modified to GETDATE(). No more NULL values, and this should work with your unique constraints.
Just create a conditional unique constraint:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i_bla ON yourtable (colname) WHERE date_deleted IS NULL;
Would creating a multi column unique index that included the deleted date achieve the same constraint limit you need?
Alternately, can you store a non-NULL and check that the deleted date to the minimum sql date = 0 or "1/1/1753" instead of NULL for undeleted records.
Is it possible to exclude the deleted date field from your unique index? In what way does this field contribute to the uniqueness of each record, especially if the field is usually null?

Fixing DB Inconsistencies - ID Fields

I've inherited a (Microsoft?) SQL database that wasn't very pristine in its original state. There are still some very strange things in it that I'm trying to fix - one of them is inconsistent ID entries.
In the accounts table, each entry has a number called accountID, which is referenced in several other tables (notes, equipment, etc. ). The problem is that the numbers (for some random reason) - range from about -100000 to +2000000 when there are about only 7000 entries.
Is there any good way to re-number them while changing corresponding numbers in the other tables? At my disposal I also have ColdFusion, so any thing that works with SQL and/or that I'll accept.
For surrogate keys, they are meant to be meaningless, so unless you actually had a database integrity issue (like there were no foreign key contraints properly defined) or your identity was approaching the maximum for its datatype, I would leave them alone and go after some other low hanging fruit that would have more impact.
In this instance, it sounds like "why" is a better question than "how". The OP notes that there is a strange problem that needs to be fixed but doesn't say why it is a problem. Is it causing problems? What positive impact would changing these numbers have? Unless you originally programmed the system and understand precisely why the number is in its current state, you are taking quite a risky making changes like this.
I would talk to an accountant (or at least your financial people) before messing in anyway with the numbers in the accounts tables if this is a financial app. The Table of accounts is very critical to how finances are reported. These IDs may have meaning you don't understand. No one puts in a negative id unless they had a reason. I would under no circumstances change that unless I understood why it was negative to begin with. You could truly screw up your tax reporting or some other thing by making an uneeded change.
You could probably disable the foreign key relationships (if you're able to take it offline temporarily) and then update the primary keys using a script. I've used this update script before to change values, and you could pretty easily wrap this code in a cursor to go through the key values in question, one by one, and update the arbitrary value to an incrementing value you're keeping track of.
Check out the script here: http://vyaskn.tripod.com/sql_server_search_and_replace.htm
If you just have a list of tables that use the primary key, you could set up a series of UPDATE statements that run inside your cursor, and then you wouldn't need to use this script (which can be a little slow).
It's worth asking, though, why these values appear out of wack. Does this database have values added and deleted constantly? Are the primary key values really arbitrary, or do they just appear to be, but they really have meaning? Though I'm all for consolidating, you'd have to ensure that there's no purpose to those values.
With ColdFusion this shouldn't be a herculean task, but it will be messy and you'll have to be careful. One method you could use would be to script the database and then generate a brand new, blank table schema. Set the accountID as an identity field in the new database.
Then, using ColdFusion, write a query that will pull all of the old account data and insert them into the new database one by one. For each row, let the new database assign a new ID. After each insert, pull the new ID (using either ##IDENTITY or MAX(accountID)) and store the new ID and the old ID together in a temporary table so you know which old IDs belong to which new IDs.
Next, repeat the process with each of the child tables. For each old ID, pull its child entries and re-insert them into the new database using the new IDs. If the primary keys on the child tables are fine, you can insert them as-is or let the server assign new ones if they don't matter.
Assigning new IDs in place by disabling relationships temporarily may work, but you might also run into conflicts if one of the entries is assigned an ID that is already being used by the old data which could cause conflicts.
Create a new column in the accounts table for your new ID, and new column in each of your related tables to reference the new ID column.
ALTER TABLE accounts
ADD new_accountID int IDENTITY
ADD new_accountID int
ALTER TABLE equipment
ADD new_accountID int
Then you can map the new_accountID column on each of your referencing tables to the accounts table.
UPDATE notes
SET new_accountID = accounts.new_accountID
FROM accounts
INNER JOIN notes ON (notes.accountID = accounts.accountID)
UPDATE equipment
SET new_accountID = accounts.new_accountID
FROM accounts
INNER JOIN equipment ON (equipment.accountID = accounts.accountID)
At this point, each table has both accountID with the old keys, and new_accountID with the new keys. From here it should be pretty straightforward.
Break all of the foreign keys on accountID.
On each table, UPDATE [table] SET accountID = new_accountID.
Re-add the foreign keys for accountID.
Drop new_accountID from all of the tables, as it's no longer needed.