MS SQL Merge two queries to get One Result - sql

I am implementing a vehicle management system. I have two different queries, one for fetching all vehicles of an agency and one for fetching drivers. Every vehicle is has a driver assigned to it at a time.
Now I want to merge these two queries to returns vehicles details along with details of the driver assigned to the vehicle.
1st query to get drivers and their names:
SELECT UserInfo.Name
FROM DriverInfo INNER JOIN UserInfo ON DriverInfo.Email = UserInfo.Email
INNER JOIN Agency ON UserInfo.AgencyID = Agency.AgencyID
WHERE (UserInfo.AgencyID = 1)
ORDER BY DriverInfo.DriverId DESC
2nd query to get vehicles details:
SELECT Vehicle.VehicleRegNum AS [Registration Number],
Vehicle.EngineNum AS [Engine Number],
Vehicle.FileRef AS [File Refrence],
Type.Name AS Type,
Make.Name AS Make ,
Vehicle.DriverID AS DriverID
FROM Vehicle INNER JOIN Type ON Vehicle.Type = Type.TypeId
INNER JOIN Make ON Vehicle.Make = Make.MakeId
WHERE (Vehicle.Approve = 1)
AND (Vehicle.AgencyId = 1)
AND (Vehicle.Maintained = 1)
In this query, I am getting the DriverID
and in the DriverInfo:
DriverId, LicenseType, AppointmentDate, LicenseExpiryDate, ContractExpiryDate, Email

Just add on the additional tables in your join.
SELECT Vehicle.VehicleRegNum AS [Registration Number],
Vehicle.EngineNum AS [Engine Number],
Vehicle.FileRef AS [File Refrence],
Type.Name AS Type,
Make.Name AS Make,
FROM Vehicle
ON Vehicle.Type = Type.TypeId
ON Vehicle.Make = Make.MakeId
ON Vehicle.DriverID = DriverInfo.DriverId
ON DriverInfo.Email = UserInfo.Email
ON UserInfo.AgencyID = Agency.AgencyID
AND Vehicle.AgencyID = Agency.AgencyID
WHERE (Vehicle.Approve = 1)
AND (Vehicle.AgencyId = 1)
AND (Vehicle.Maintained = 1)

I believe the following will work, depending on your requirements you might wanna change the JOIN type of DriverInfo:
SELECT Vehicle.VehicleRegNum AS [Registration Number]
,Vehicle.EngineNum AS [Engine Number]
,Vehicle.FileRef AS [File Refrence]
,Type.NAME AS Type
,Make.NAME AS Make
,UserInfo.NAME AS Driver
FROM Vehicle
INNER JOIN Type ON Vehicle.Type = Type.TypeId
INNER JOIN Make ON Vehicle.Make = Make.MakeId
LEFT JOIN DriverInfo ON DriverInfo.DriverID = Vehicle.DriverID
LEFT JOIN UserInfo ON DriverInfo.Email = UserInfo.Email
AND (UserInfo.AgencyID = 1)
--Agency is never used, so don't join?
--LEFT JOIN Agency ON UserInfo.AgencyID = Agency.AgencyID
WHERE (Vehicle.Approve = 1)
AND (Vehicle.AgencyId = 1)
AND (Vehicle.Maintained = 1)


Access Query and attributes

The setup is this: every location has many different accounts. Some are supplier only accounts, some are not. Each account has many bills associated with it.
I need to do one of two things:
Create a dynamic attribute in the location table that will tell me if the location is associated with an account (or many) that are supplier only. Should be a true/false attribute.
Create a query that will return all the bills for all the locations that are associated with a supplier only account. I do not want a query that only returns bills from supplier only accounts.
Thanks for you help!
Here's the answer:
Location3PS Query:
SELECT DISTINCT Locations.Number
FROM Locations INNER JOIN Accounts ON Locations.Number = Accounts.[Location Num]
WHERE (((Accounts.[Supplier Only?])=True));
Final Query to Get Bills:
SELECT Bills.*, Location3PS.*
Locations INNER JOIN
Accounts INNER JOIN Bills
ON Accounts.[Account Number] = Bills.[Account Number]
ON Locations.Number = Accounts.[Location Num]
ON Location3PS.Number = Locations.Number;
You can accomplish this without involving the Locations table, e.g.:
select b.* from
(bills b inner join accounts a on b.[account number] = a.[account number])
inner join
(select distinct c.[location num] from accounts c where c.[supplier only?] = true) l
on a.[location num] = l.[location num]
Alternatively, you can use a correlated subquery, e.g.:
select b.*
from bills b inner join accounts a on b.[account number] = a.[account number]
where exists
(select 1 from accounts c where c.[location num] = a.[location num] and c.[supplier only?] = true)

How sort by counter , but haven't counter - SQL server

I have one query like
SELECT COUNT(ShoppingProductFeature.ShoppingFeatureId) as countShow,ShoppingProductFeature.ShoppingFeatureId as valueId, ShoppingProductFeature.ShoppingParentFeatureId as attrId, ShoppingFeatureLanguage.Title as attrName, ShoppingFeatureLanguage_1.Title AS valueName
FROM ShoppingFeatureLanguage INNER JOIN ShoppingProductFeature INNER JOIN ShoppingFeatureLanguage AS ShoppingFeatureLanguage_1 ON ShoppingProductFeature.ShoppingFeatureId = ShoppingFeatureLanguage_1.ShoppingFeatureId ON ShoppingFeatureLanguage.ShoppingFeatureId = ShoppingProductFeature.ShoppingParentFeatureId INNER JOIN ShoppingFeature ON ShoppingProductFeature.ShoppingFeatureId = ShoppingFeature.ShoppingFeatureId
INNER JOIN Product ON ShoppingProductFeature.ProductId = Product.ProductId
INNER JOIN Company ON Product.CompanyId = Company.CompanyId
GROUP BY ShoppingProductFeature.ShoppingFeatureId, ShoppingProductFeature.ShoppingParentFeatureId, ShoppingFeatureLanguage.Title, ShoppingFeatureLanguage_1.Title, ShoppingFeatureLanguage_1.LanguageId, ShoppingFeatureLanguage.LanguageId, ShoppingFeature.isConfirmed,Product.MoneyId,Product.TypeId , Company.GeoId , Product.ShoppinGroupId
HAVING (ShoppingFeatureLanguage_1.LanguageId = 2) AND (ShoppingFeatureLanguage.LanguageId = 2) AND (ShoppingFeature.isConfirmed = 1) and (Product.TypeId = 11) and Product.ShoppinGroupId like N'mn%' and Company.GeoId like N'aa%'
As it clear I have to sort it by countShow and I have to call COUNT(ShoppingProductFeature.ShoppingFeatureId) to select because I can't add it to Order By
So the result is something like this
enter image description here
How can I distinct data or sort them without duplicate data
Try some thing like below..
COUNT(ShoppingProductFeature.ShoppingFeatureId) as countShow,ShoppingProductFeature.ShoppingFeatureId,.....
FROM ShoppingFeatureLanguage
INNER JOIN ShoppingProductFeature
INNER JOIN ShoppingFeatureLanguage AS ShoppingFeatureLanguage_1 ON ...
INNER JOIN Product ON ShoppingProductFeature.ProductId = Product.ProductId
GROUP BY ShoppingProductFeature.ShoppingFeatureId,.....
HAVING (ShoppingFeatureLanguage_1.LanguageId = 2) AND (ShoppingFeatureLanguage.LanguageId = 2) AND (ShoppingFeature.isConfirmed = 1) and (Product.TypeId = 11) and Product.ShoppinGroupId =5 and Company.GeoId=45

How to use group by only for some columns in sql Query?

The following query returns 550 records, which I am then grouping by some columns in the controller via linq. However, how can I achieve the "group by" logic in the SQL query itself? Additionally, post-grouping, I need to show only 150 results to the user.
Current SQL query:
l.Id AS LoadId
, l.LoadTrackingNumber AS LoadDisplayId
, planningType.Text AS PlanningType
, loadStatus.Id AS StatusId
, loadWorkRequest.Id AS LoadRequestId
, loadStatus.Text AS Status
, routeIds.RouteIdentifier AS RouteName
, planRequest.Id AS PlanId
, originPartyRole.Id AS OriginId
, originParty.Id AS OriginPartyId
, originParty.LegalName AS Origin
, destinationPartyRole.Id AS DestinationId
, destinationParty.Id AS DestinationPartyId
, destinationParty.LegalName AS Destination
, COALESCE(firstSegmentLocation.Window_Start, originLocation.Window_Start) AS StartDate
, COALESCE(firstSegmentLocation.Window_Start, originLocation.Window_Start) AS BeginDate
, destLocation.Window_Finish AS EndDate
AS Number
FROM Domain.Loads (NOLOCK) AS l
INNER JOIN dbo.Lists (NOLOCK) AS loadStatus ON l.LoadStatusId = loadStatus.Id
INNER JOIN Domain.Routes (NOLOCK) AS routeIds ON routeIds.Id = l.RouteId
INNER JOIN Domain.BaseRequests (NOLOCK) AS loadWorkRequest ON loadWorkRequest.LoadId = l.Id
INNER JOIN Domain.BaseRequests (NOLOCK) AS planRequest ON planRequest.Id = loadWorkRequest.ParentWorkRequestId
INNER JOIN Domain.Schedules AS planSchedule ON planSchedule.Id = planRequest.ScheduleId
INNER JOIN Domain.Segments (NOLOCK) os on os.RouteId = routeIds.Id AND os.[Order] = 0
INNER JOIN Domain.LocationDetails (NOLOCK) AS originLocation ON originLocation.Id = os.DestinationId
INNER JOIN dbo.EntityRoles (NOLOCK) AS originPartyRole ON originPartyRole.Id = originLocation.DockRoleId
INNER JOIN dbo.Entities (NOLOCK) AS originParty ON originParty.Id = originPartyRole.PartyId
INNER JOIN Domain.LocationDetails (NOLOCK) AS destLocation ON destLocation.Id = routeIds.DestinationFacilityLocationId
INNER JOIN dbo.EntityRoles (NOLOCK) AS destinationPartyRole ON destinationPartyRole.Id = destLocation.DockRoleId
INNER JOIN dbo.Entities (NOLOCK) AS destinationParty ON destinationParty.Id = destinationPartyRole.PartyId
INNER JOIN dbo.TransportationModes (NOLOCK) lictm on lictm.Id = l.LoadInstanceCarrierModeId
INNER JOIN dbo.EntityRoles (NOLOCK) AS carrierPartyRole ON lictm.CarrierId = carrierPartyRole.Id
INNER JOIN dbo.Entities (NOLOCK) AS carrier ON carrierPartyRole.PartyId = carrier.Id
INNER JOIN dbo.EntityRoles (NOLOCK) AS respPartyRole ON l.ResponsiblePartyId = respPartyRole.Id
INNER JOIN dbo.Entities (NOLOCK) AS respParty ON respPartyRole.PartyId = respParty.Id
INNER JOIN Domain.LoadOrders (NOLOCK) lo ON lo.LoadInstanceId = l.Id
INNER JOIN Domain.Orders (NOLOCK) AS o ON lo.OrderInstanceId = o.Id
INNER JOIN Domain.BaseRequests (NOLOCK) AS loadRequest ON loadRequest.LoadId = l.Id
--Load Start Date
LEFT JOIN Domain.Segments (NOLOCK) AS segment ON segment.RouteId = l.RouteId AND segment.[Order] = 0
LEFT JOIN Domain.LocationDetails (NOLOCK) AS firstSegmentLocation ON firstSegmentLocation.Id = segment.DestinationId
LEFT JOIN dbo.Lists (NOLOCK) AS planningType ON l.PlanningTypeId = planningType.Id
LEFT JOIN dbo.EntityRoles (NOLOCK) AS billToRole ON o.BillToId = billToRole.Id
LEFT JOIN dbo.Entities (NOLOCK) AS billTo ON billToRole.PartyId = billTo.Id
WHERE o.CustomerId in (34236) AND originLocation.Window_Start >= '07/19/2015 00:00:00' AND originLocation.Window_Start < '07/25/2015 23:59:59' AND l.IsHistoricalLoad = 0
AND loadStatus.Id in (285, 286,289,611,290)
AND loadWorkRequest.ParentWorkRequestId IS NOT NULL
AND routeIds.RouteIdentifier IS NOT NULL
AND (planSchedule.EndDate IS NULL OR (planSchedule.EndDate is not null and CAST(CONVERT(varchar(10), planSchedule.EndDate,101) as datetime) > CAST(CONVERT(varchar(10),GETDATE(),101) as datetime))) ORDER BY l.Id DESC
//Get custom grouped data
var loadRequest = (from lq in returnList
let loadDisplayId = lq.LoadDisplayId
let origin = lq.OriginId //get this origin for route
let destination = lq.DestinationId // get this destination for route
group lq by new
RouteId = lq.RouteName,
PlanId = lq.PlanId,
Origin = lq.OriginId,
Destination = lq.DestinationId
into grp
select new
RouteId = grp.Key.RouteId,
PlanId = grp.Key.PlanId,
Origin = grp.Key.Origin,
Destination = grp.Key.Destination,
Loads = (from l in grp select l)
}).OrderBy(x => x.Origin).ToList();
I'm guessing you want to Group By column 1 but include columns 2 and 3 in your Select. Using a Group By you cannot do this. However, you can do this using a T-SQL Windowing function using the OVER() operator. Since you don't say how you want to aggregate, I cannot provide an example. But look at T-SQL Windowing functions. This article might help you get started.
One important thing you need to understand about GROUP BY is that you must assume that there are multiple values in every column outside of the GROUP BY list. In your case, you must assume that for each value of Column1 there would be multiple values of Column2 and Column3, all considered as a single group.
If you want your query to process any of these columns, you must specify what to do about these multiple values.
Here are some choices you have:
Pick the smallest or the largest value for a column in a group - use MIN(...) or MAX(...) aggregator for that
Count non-NULL items in a group - use COUNT(...)
Produce an average of non-NULL values in a group - use AVG(...)
For example, if you would like to find the smallest Column2 and an average of Column3 for each value of Column1, your query would look like this:
Column1, MIN(Column2), AVG(Column3)
group by

Add a filter parameter to ssrs report

I have a query that I need to update to allow user to filter out pending applications. I have created the parameter and tried to implement using case but it is not working or giving any error messages on how to correct it. The code is:
select distinct pers.person_fname,
le.nationalprovidernumber NPN,
lic.licensenumber LICENSE_NUMBER,
adr.address_line1 ADDRESS1,
adr.address_line2 ADDRESS2,
adr.address_line3 ADDRESS3, CITY,
sp.state_province_name STATE,
adr.postal_code ZIP_CODE,,
rtp.residencetype_name RESIDENCY,
ltp.licensetype_name LICENSE_TYPE,
lic.expirationdate DATE_OF_EXPIRATION
from odilic_admin.license lic
inner join odilic_admin.licenseststimeline lst
on lic.license_id = lst.license_id
inner join odilic_admin.licenseststype lstp
on lst.licenseststype_id = lstp.licenseststype_id
inner join odilic_admin.licensedef ldef
on lic.licensedef_id = ldef.licensedef_id
inner join odilic_admin.licensetype ltp
on ldef.licensetype_id = ltp.licensetype_id
inner join odilic_admin.residencetype rtp
on ldef.residencetype_id = rtp.residencetype_id
inner join odilic_admin.licensingentity le
on lic.licensingentity_id = le.licensingentity_id
inner join odilic_admin.individual ind
on le.licensingentity_id = ind.licensingentity_id
inner join odidir_admin.person pers
on ind.person_id = pers.person_id
left outer join odidir_admin.person_address_rel par
on pers.person_id = par.person_id
left outer join odidir_admin.address adr
on par.address_id = adr.address_id
left outer join odidir_admin.address_type atp
on adr.address_type_id = atp.address_type_id
left outer join odidir_admin.state_province sp
on adr.state_province_id = sp.state_province_id
left outer join
(select pr.person_id, em.email_id,
from odidir_admin.person pr,
odidir_admin.person_email_rel pe, em
where pr.person_id = pe.person_id
and pe.email_id = em.email_id
and email_type_id = 2) eml
on pers.person_id = eml.person_id
ltp.licensetype_id in (:License_type)
and lstp.licenseststype_name = 'Active'
and atp.address_type_name = 'Mailing Licensing'
and (lic.expirationdate >= current_date and
trunc(lic.expirationdate) = :Expiration_Date)
and sysdate between lst.periodbegindate and lst.periodenddate
order by lic.licensenumber
In order to get applications that are pending I need to access the table odilic_admin.licenseappl and filter out all licenses with appststype = 2 (pending). To do this I added a join to the query before the last left outer join andt hen a case at bottom for when this parameter is selected.
select distinct pers.person_fname,
le.nationalprovidernumber NPN,
lic.licensenumber LICENSE_NUMBER,
adr.address_line1 ADDRESS1,
adr.address_line2 ADDRESS2,
adr.address_line3 ADDRESS3, CITY,
sp.state_province_name STATE,
adr.postal_code ZIP_CODE,,
rtp.residencetype_name RESIDENCY,
ltp.licensetype_name LICENSE_TYPE,
lic.expirationdate DATE_OF_EXPIRATION
from odilic_admin.license lic
inner join odilic_admin.licenseststimeline lst
on lic.license_id = lst.license_id
inner join odilic_admin.licenseststype lstp
on lst.licenseststype_id = lstp.licenseststype_id
inner join odilic_admin.licensedef ldef
on lic.licensedef_id = ldef.licensedef_id
inner join odilic_admin.licensetype ltp
on ldef.licensetype_id = ltp.licensetype_id
inner join odilic_admin.residencetype rtp
on ldef.residencetype_id = rtp.residencetype_id
inner join odilic_admin.licensingentity le
on lic.licensingentity_id = le.licensingentity_id
inner join odilic_admin.individual ind
on le.licensingentity_id = ind.licensingentity_id
inner join odidir_admin.person pers
on ind.person_id = pers.person_id
left outer join odidir_admin.person_address_rel par
on pers.person_id = par.person_id
left outer join odidir_admin.address adr
on par.address_id = adr.address_id
left outer join odidir_admin.address_type atp
on adr.address_type_id = atp.address_type_id
left outer join odidir_admin.state_province sp
on adr.state_province_id = sp.state_province_id
**left outer join odilic_admin.licenseappl appl
on lic.licensingentity_id = appl.licenseappl_id**
left outer join
(select pr.person_id, em.email_id,
from odidir_admin.person pr,
odidir_admin.person_email_rel pe, em
where pr.person_id = pe.person_id
and pe.email_id = em.email_id
and email_type_id = 2) eml
on pers.person_id = eml.person_id
ltp.licensetype_id in (:License_type)
and lstp.licenseststype_name = 'Active'
and atp.address_type_name = 'Mailing Licensing'
and (lic.expirationdate >= current_date and
trunc(lic.expirationdate) = :Expiration_Date)
and sysdate between lst.periodbegindate and lst.periodenddate
**case :pending when = yes then appl.applststype_id !=2
order by lic.licensenumber
Instead of the case I have also tried using an IF with the same result. This looks like:
if :Pending = 1
and appl.applststype_id != 2;
end if;
Any help to get me past this is greatly appreciated and I will be sure to vote and select most correct answer to help me solve this.
Assuming that your :pending parameter is a numeric where a value of 1 indicates that pending licences are to be excluded and you only want to exclude licence applications that are pending, try adding the following condition in place of your existing case clause:
and (:pending <> 1 or appl.applststype_id !=2)

sql query sum bringing back different results

I have the following two queries below, the Total is coming back different, but I am adding the sums in each of the query the same way. Why is the total coming back different?
select [Total Children] = (SUM(demo.NumberOfPreschoolers) + SUM(demo.NumberOfToddlers) + SUM(demo.NumberOfInfants)),
County = co.Description
from ClassroomDemographics as demo
inner join Classrooms as c on demo.Classroom_Id = c.Id
inner join Sites as s on c.Site_Id = s.Id
inner join Profiles as p on s.Profile_Id = p.Id
inner join Dictionary.Counties as co on p.County_Id = co.Id
where co.Description = 'MyCounty'
Group By co.Description
select [Number Of DLL Children] = SUM(cd.NumberOfLanguageSpeakers),
[Total Children] = (SUM(demo.NumberOfPreschoolers) + SUM(demo.NumberOfToddlers) + SUM(demo.NumberOfInfants)),
County = co.Description
from ClassroomDLL as cd
inner join Classrooms as c on cd.Classroom_Id = c.Id
inner join Sites as s on c.Site_Id = s.Id
inner join Profiles as p on s.Profile_Id = p.Id
inner join Dictionary.Counties as co on p.County_Id = co.Id
inner join ClassroomDemographics as demo on c.Id = demo.Classroom_Id
where co.Description = 'MyCounty'
Group by co.Description
Just a quick glance over the two querties, I would presume that:
inner join ClassroomDemographics as demo on c.Id = demo.Classroom_Id
in the second query is excluding results that are in the first query, therefor the aggregated values will be different.
Your join to the Classrooms table is joining with an extra table in the 2nd query.
Query 1:
from ClassroomDemographics as demo
inner join Classrooms as c on demo.Classroom_Id = c.Id
Query 2:
from ClassroomDLL as cd
inner join Classrooms as c on cd.Classroom_Id = c.Id
inner join ClassroomDemographics as demo on c.Id = demo.Classroom_Id
My bet is that the ClassroomDLL table has less data in it, or has rows with a null for one of the join criteria columns, either of which could exclude rows from the results and throw your aggregate totals off.