VBA ActiveX dynamic ComboBox reduces ListRows to 1 - vba

I am trying to get a VBA ComboBox to dropdown and display only those items which match or partially match the typed string.
For this purpose, I have set up a ComboBox KeyUp event manager, as follows:
Public Sub TempCombo_KeyUp(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
Select Case KeyCode
Case 9
'If TAB is pressed, then move one place right
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Activate
Case 13
'If Enter is pressed, then move one place down
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
Case Else
'Otherwise, filter the list from the already entered text
Dim x As Long
OriginalValue = Me.TempCombo.Value
'Remove items from the ComboBox list
If Me.TempCombo.ListCount > 0 Then
For i = 1 To Me.TempCombo.ListCount
Me.TempCombo.RemoveItem 0
End If
'If any part of any element from the 'FullSource' array matches the so far typed ComboBox value, then include it in the list for dropdown
For x = 1 To UBound(FullSource)
Typed_Value = "*" & LCase(OriginalValue) & "*"
If LCase(FullSource(x)) Like Typed_Value Then
Me.TempCombo.Object.AddItem FullSource(x)
End If
Me.TempCombo.Value = OriginalValue
Me.TempCombo.ListRows = 12
End Select
End Sub
The code seems to do the filtering fine. But the dropdown list height is only one unit tall. I have to scroll through this small box, using the mouse buttons.
Why the dropdown list reduces in size is a mystery to me, and I'd appreciate if any light can be thrown on this. Perhaps there is some setting that I am overlooking.

You can use Me.TempCombo.Height = 15 to set the height.
If it doesn't work, you are probably running into ActiveX control instability issues. Refer to Excel VBA ComboBox DropDown Button Size--changed itself to use form controls instead of ActiveX.
Dynamically adjusting the width of a combobox in Excel VBA for more details on setting this dynamically.


Sortable List in VBA?

Is there a way to create a VBA user interface that will allow user to order items? See example image taken from a pdf editor.
I want my users to be able to order data in a popout window or list and output their order to a different location. Data is a list of buildings.
For this solution I used a UserForm with a ListBox and a SpinButton control.
I put a list of cells I wanted in my listbox in Column A of Sheet1. I have a generic Building 1, Building 2, etc. through Building 19 so that my data is contained in the range A1:A19 of Sheet1. This is arbitrary and you should change to suit your needs.
This code basically stores the original RowSource that contains the items in the ListBox, deletes the RowSource from the ListBox, rearranges the underlying source data and then re-applies the RowSource to the ListBox in the new order after the user clicks either up or down on the SpinButton
I did not change the default control names (UserForm1, SpinButton1, ListBox1).
Open the VB Editor (either Developer tab --> Visual Basic or press ALT+F11
Right click Microsoft Excel Objects --> Insert --> UserForm
Add a SpinButton and a ListBox so the UserForm looks like so
In the VB Editor, right click UserForm1 under Forms --> View Code
Paste the following code in
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'Populate the UserForm with data from range A1:A19 (arbitrary, change to suit your needs
ListBox1.RowSource = Sheet1.Range(Sheet1.Range("A1"), Sheet1.Range("A1").End(xlDown)).Address
End Sub
Private Sub SpinButton1_SpinDown()
With ListBox1
If .ListIndex = .ListCount - 1 Then Exit Sub 'No item selected or we are in the last position
lCurrentListIndex = .ListIndex + 1 'Get the current position of the item
strRowSource = .RowSource 'Get the current row source
strAddress = Range(strRowSource).Address 'Address of the row source range
strSheetName = Range(strRowSource).Parent.Name 'Grab the parent sheet name
.RowSource = vbNullString 'Empty the listbox
'Re-arrange the underlying data
With Range(strRowSource)
.Rows(lCurrentListIndex + 2).Insert Shift:=xlDown
End With
'Re-apply the row source
.RowSource = strRowSource
'For continuity, select the previously selected element in its new position
.Selected(lCurrentListIndex) = True
End With
End Sub
Private Sub SpinButton1_SpinUp()
Dim lCurrentListIndex As Long
Dim strRowSource As String
Dim strAddress As String
Dim strSheetName As String
With ListBox1
If .ListIndex < 1 Then Exit Sub 'No item selected or we are in the first position
lCurrentListIndex = .ListIndex + 1
strRowSource = .RowSource
strAddress = Range(strRowSource).Address
strSheetName = Range(strRowSource).Parent.Name
.RowSource = vbNullString
With Range(strRowSource)
.Rows(lCurrentListIndex - 1).Insert Shift:=xlDown
End With
.RowSource = strRowSource
.Selected(lCurrentListIndex - 2) = True
End With
End Sub
I tried to add comments to clarify what I am doing. It is a slightly cumbersome method, and was adapted from code available here. If you click the Debug (looks like play) button the form should display and populate with the values of cells A1:A19 of Sheet1. You can then select an item in the ListBox and press the up or down buttons of the SpinButton in order to move items up or down the list. An important assumption is that MultiSelect is disabled on this ListBox.
Ordinarily I would not post such an in-depth solution without seeing what you tried, but this problem piqued my curiosity.

VBA - Excel Showing form after double click on a Cell

I've encountered a strange Problem. I have an Input Form for the User in Excel.
This Form provides basic CRUD functions to edit a List in a Table. Now this Userform also has a ListBox which shows all the entrys with Id and some basic infos (so you know which entry is which ). Now what I want is, that if you select a row in the normal excel table, and then open the InputForm, the selected row in the table should also be selected in the listBox of the InputForm.
I do this like this:
If Selection.Row >= StartRow() Then
ListBoxAll.listIndex = Selection.Row - StartRow()
ListBoxAll.listIndex = 0
End If
This works great if I open the Ui per Button click. But if I try to open the form with the Before Double Click Event. I got an Offset.
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
End Sub
Now for the strange part. If I check what value the Selection.Row has, by showing it with a MessageBox, it all works fine! But as soon as I remove the MessageBox its broken all over again.
If Selection.Row >= StartRow() Then
ListBoxAll.listIndex = Selection.Row - StartRow()
MsgBox Selection.Row
ListBoxAll.listIndex = 0
End If
It does not matter where in the if I put the Messagebox.
So the Question has anybody ever got the same Problem ? And does anybody know a solution or a workaround to it ? (I don't want to show a Messagebox!)
So I added some screenshots to make it easier to understand.
Update I think it has something to do with the Focus after a double click, which is (maybe) on the doubleclicked Cell. And gets changed if I put out a MsgBox
(I'll write this as an answer but this is only a part of the code... :)
Oh, german ^.^
I believe each time you call your userform you'll have to compare the selected data to the listbox data. As you have a multicolumn listbox you could do this by the following (I believe, but untested):
Dim ThisRow As Integer
ThisRow = ActiveCell.Row
Dim ThisValue As String
ThisValue = ActiveWorkbook.Sheet("Tabelle1").Cells(ThisRow, 1).Value
This "1" should be the column which contains the same kind of information as is displayed in the first column of your listbox.
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 to UserFormInput.Listbox1.Listcount
If UserFormInput.Listbox1.List(i, 0).Value = ThisValue Then
End If
Next i

Stop dropdown selection from autofilling combobox

I have an ActiveX combobox that has a dropdown which is populated and filtered when a user types characters into the combobox. The dropdown items are from cLst. So the dropdown will be open, but as soon as the user hits the arrow down, the combobox populates with the first dropdown item and all of the other items in the dropdown disappear, because it then tries to filter the dropdown by the item in the combobox, which is an exact match for one item in the dropdown (the one that was highlighted upon arrow down).
How can I avoid this autofilling behavior when arrowing down through the dropdown, and have the user hit enter on the selection they want to populate the combobox instead?
If the user avoids using the keyboard, the mouse works fine to scroll through and highlight, then click, and only populates the combobox upon the click. I would like the scroll wheel to work if possible to scroll through the dropdown.
Private Sub newCmb_Change()
filterComboList Tool.newCmb, cLst
End Sub
Private Sub newCmb_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger)
End Sub
Private Sub newCmb_GotFocus() 'or _MouseDown()
End Sub
Public Sub filterComboList(ByRef cmb As ComboBox, ByRef dLst As Variant)
Dim itm As Variant, lst As String, sel As String, rng As Range
With Worksheets("Database")
Set rng = Application.Intersect(.UsedRange.Rows(2), .Cells.Resize(.Columns.Count - 1).Offset(1))
End With
Application.EnableEvents = False
With cmb
sel = .Value
If IsEmpty(cLst) Then cLst = rng
For Each itm In cLst
If Len(itm) > 1 Then If InStr(1, itm, sel, 1) Then lst = lst & itm & "||"
If Len(lst) > 1 Then .List = Split(Left(lst, Len(lst) - 2), "||") Else .List = dLst
End With
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
I was dealing with the same issue, and ended up finding some info on a Microsoft Help-site thread that let me play around with it. I posted an answer here which seems to work for me. It is a stripped down version of what I use in a sheet for this same concept.
The basic idea involves the newCmb_KeyDown() event (though should be similar to KeyPress in overall behavior) in the sheet that the combobox is located in, which snags the arrow key presses and sets a flag. The keys' actions are canceled by setting the KeyCode value to 0 and changing the newCmb.ListIndex value by +/-1 to change the selection, and using a flag in the newCmb_Change() event you can prevent the ComboBox from changing the linked cell value due to the up and down arrows. Once you get to the end of your KeyDown or KeyPress event, you can reset the flag for when you want changes to occur.
Hope those help, there is a link in that answer to the thread I found, which has some general ideas (though focused on UserForms instead of spreadsheets). Good luck!
Note: Those parts of code were what seemed to control this behavior in my sheet, but if you have an issue with getting it to work, I can look at it again.

Populating a dropdown box with already-existing options in VBA?

I'm making an add records form for a spreadsheet of mine, and let's say that I want one of the controls to be a dropdown that is populated by unique entries under a certain column "type". However, I want to also make it such that the dropbox always has a initial option to "add new type" and upon such selection, it becomes a regular text box. How would I do this in VBA?
You cannot change a control type at run time. The easiest thing to do is create a combo box and a text box. Set the text box visibility to false. Then in the onchange event of the combo box your code will unhide the text box and hide the combo box. You will also need a save button so that when it is clicked it will add the option to the drop down, clear the text box, hide the text box, hide the button and unhide the drop down.
Okay, so here's my idea of how to tackle this.
Create 2 hidden elements (Visibility = False), one a TextBox and one a CommandButton.
Populate your ComboBox with the values from the sheet under column "type"
Add one more entry AddItem with wording such as "Add new item..."
When the user selects "Add new item...", change the Visibility of the TextBox & CommandButtons to True
When the user clicks the CommandButton, add the phrase to the column and add a new element to the ComboBox
I have created a mockup UserForm and code that does a little more than just this; it also styles the user entry to sentence case (consistency purposes) and checks to make sure the value isn't already in the column.
Excel Sheet with "type" column
UserForm with name labels
UserForm Code
Private Sub bAdd_Click()
Dim str As String
Dim rng As Range
Dim ro As Integer
'Makes sure there is an entry, adds it to the Sheet and then updates the dropdown
If Len(Me.tbNew) > 0 Then
'Converts user entry to "Sentance Case" for better readability
str = StrConv(Me.tbNew, vbProperCase)
'Finds out if the entry already exists
Set rng = Sheets(1).Range(Sheets(1).Cells(2, 1), Sheets(1).Cells(Sheets(1).Cells(Sheets(1).Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, 1))
On Error Resume Next
Err.Number = 0
'Searches for duplicate; if found, then ListIndex of cbColor is modified without inserting new value (prevents duplicates)
ro = rng.Find(str, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole).Row
Debug.Print Err.Number
'Ensures a user doesn't add the same value twice
If Err.Number > 0 Then
Sheets(1).Cells(Sheets(1).Cells(Sheets(1).Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1, 1) = str
Me.cbColor.AddItem StrConv(Me.tbNew, vbProperCase), Me.cbColor.ListCount - 1
Me.cbColor.ListIndex = Me.cbColor.ListCount - 2
Me.cbColor.ListIndex = ro - 2
End If
'Resets and hides user form entries
Me.tbNew = vbNullString
Me.tbNew.Visible = False
Me.bAdd.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub bClose_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cbColor_Change()
'Visibility is toggled based on if the user selected the last element in the dropdown
Me.bAdd.Visible = Me.cbColor.ListIndex = Me.cbColor.ListCount - 1
Me.tbNew.Visible = Me.cbColor.ListIndex = Me.cbColor.ListCount - 1
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'Populate from the sheet
For a = 2 To Sheets(1).Cells(Cells(Sheets(1).Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, 1).Row
Me.cbColor.AddItem Sheets(1).Cells(a, 1)
'Add option for new type
Me.cbColor.AddItem "Add new type..."
End Sub

Access 2010 VBA Forms - Automatic Form Resize

I have complete my form to use around the office, however, when opened on different computers the form doesnt resize.Instead, the scroll bar appears. How can i make the form and controls automatically resize ?
Here is some VBA code you could add to your form that will keep the form looking the same no matter how large or small the user has made the window on their monitor or what their monitor resolution is.
Also you can make the text larger or smaller by holding the Ctrl key and scrolling the mouse wheel up and down (or, alternatively, holding the Shift key and hitting the + key or the - key.)
To use this functionality, just open Access and open your form in design view. First, right-click on the image of the form and add the Form Header/Footer.
If you don't add the header and footer to the form, the code below will error out. However, you can shrink the height of both the header and the footer to nothing if you don't want them to appear on your form.
Select the Form itself by clicking the little box at the top left of the form, just below the tab:
This will make sure we are looking at the properties for the form itself when we view the Property Sheet.
To view the Property Sheet for the form (if it isn't visible already), hold the Alt key and press the Enter key.
Choose the Event tab.
You'll then need to add the literal text [Event Procedure] to the following five events behind the form itself:
On Load
On Key Up
On Key Down
On Resize
On Mouse Wheel
You can either type the literal text [Event Procedure] into the text box next to these events, or click the ellipsis (...) button next to each event and choose Code Builder from the pop up menu.
It will look something like this:
Also, at the bottom of the list of events, you'll also need to change the Key Preview property to Yes:
Finally, you'll probably want to turn Scroll Bars off on the form so that they don't overlap any content. To do this, go to the Format tab of the Property Sheet for your form in design view and change the Scroll Bars property to Neither.
Now, to add the VBA code, hold Alt and hit F11 to view the VBA editor.
Once inside the VBA editor, double click on the Form_YourFormName option under the Microsoft Access Class Objects folder:
If you do not see the Microsoft Access Class Objects folder, then go back to the form in design view and click the ellipsis (...) next to the literal text [Event Procedure] on any of the events you just modified.
This will take you back to the VBA editor and you should now be inside the Form_YourFormName code area. There will already be some code there, but you can erase all of it before proceeding to the next step.
Then in the main part of the screen on the right, just copy and paste the code below and you're done.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
'Set an unchangeable variable to the amount (10% for example) to increase or
'decrease the font size with each zoom, in or out.
'Create the fontZoom and ctrlKeyIsPressed variables outside of
'the sub definitions so they can be shared between subs
Private fontZoom As Double
Private ctrlKeyIsPressed As Boolean
'Create an enum so we can use it later when pulling the data out of the "Tag" property
Private Enum ControlTag
FromLeft = 0
End Enum
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Set the font zoom setting to the default of 100% (represented by a 1 below).
'This means that the fonts will appear initially at the proportional size
'set during design time. But they can be made smaller or larger at run time
'by holding the "Shift" key and hitting the "+" or "-" key at the same time,
'or by holding the "Ctrl" key and scrolling the mouse wheel up or down.
fontZoom = 1
'When the form loads, we need to find the relative position of each control
'and save it in the control's "Tag" property so the resize event can use it
SaveControlPositionsToTags Me
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
'Set the height of the header and footer before calling RepositionControls
'since it caused problems changing their heights from inside that sub.
'The Tag property for the header and footer is set inside the SaveControlPositionsToTags sub
Me.Section(acHeader).Height = Me.WindowHeight * CDbl(Me.Section(acHeader).Tag)
Me.Section(acFooter).Height = Me.WindowHeight * CDbl(Me.Section(acFooter).Tag)
'Call the RepositionControls Sub and pass this form as a parameter
'and the fontZoom setting which was initially set when the form loaded and then
'changed if the user holds the "Shift" key and hits the "+" or "-" key
'or holds the "Ctrl" key and scrolls the mouse wheel up or down.
RepositionControls Me, fontZoom
End Sub
Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
'PURPOSE: Make the text on the form bigger if "Shift" and "+" are pressed
'at the same time and smaller if "Shift" and "-" are pressed at the same time.
'NOTE: Using the "Ctrl" key instead of the "Shift" key conflicts with Access's
'default behavior of using "Ctrl -" to delete a record, so "Shift" is used instead
'Was the "Shift" key being held down while the Key was pressed?
Dim shiftKeyPressed As Boolean
shiftKeyPressed = (Shift And acShiftMask) > 0
'If so, check to see if the user pressed the "+" or the "-" button at the
'same time as the "Shift" key. If so, then make the font bigger/smaller
'by the percentage specificed in the FONT_ZOOM_PERCENT_CHANGE variable.
If shiftKeyPressed Then
Select Case KeyCode
Case vbKeyAdd
fontZoom = fontZoom + FONT_ZOOM_PERCENT_CHANGE
RepositionControls Me, fontZoom
'Set the KeyCode back to zero to prevent the "+" symbol from
'showing up if a textbox or similar control has the focus
KeyCode = 0
Case vbKeySubtract
fontZoom = fontZoom - FONT_ZOOM_PERCENT_CHANGE
RepositionControls Me, fontZoom
'Set the KeyCode back to zero to prevent the "-" symbol from
'showing up if a textbox or similar control has the focus
KeyCode = 0
End Select
End If
'Detect if the "Ctrl" key was pressed. This variable
'will be used later when we detect a mouse wheel scroll event.
If (Shift And acCtrlMask) > 0 Then
ctrlKeyIsPressed = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
'Change the ctrlKeyIsPressed variable to false when
'any key is let up. This will make sure the form text does
'not continue to grow/shrink when the mouse wheel is
'scrolled after the ctrl key is pressed and let up.
ctrlKeyIsPressed = False
End Sub
Private Sub Form_MouseWheel(ByVal Page As Boolean, ByVal Count As Long)
'If the "Ctrl" key is also being pressed, then zoom the form in or out
If ctrlKeyIsPressed Then
Debug.Print ctrlKeyIsPressed
'The user scrolled up, so make the text larger
If Count < 0 Then
'Make the font bigger by the percentage specificed
fontZoom = fontZoom + FONT_ZOOM_PERCENT_CHANGE
RepositionControls Me, fontZoom
'The user scrolled down, so make the text smaller
ElseIf Count > 0 Then
'Make the font smaller by the percentage specificed
fontZoom = fontZoom - FONT_ZOOM_PERCENT_CHANGE
RepositionControls Me, fontZoom
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub SaveControlPositionsToTags(frm As Form)
On Error Resume Next
Dim ctl As Control
Dim ctlLeft As String
Dim ctlTop As String
Dim ctlWidth As String
Dim ctlHeight As String
Dim ctlOriginalFontSize As String
Dim ctlOriginalControlHeight As String
For Each ctl In frm.Controls
'Find the relative position of this control in design view
'e.g.- This control is 5% from the left, 10% from the top, etc.
'Those percentages can then be saved in the Tag property for this control
'and used later in the form's resize event
ctlLeft = CStr(Round(ctl.Left / frm.Width, 4))
ctlTop = CStr(Round(ctl.Top / frm.Section(ctl.Section).Height, 4))
ctlWidth = CStr(Round(ctl.Width / frm.Width, 4))
ctlHeight = CStr(Round(ctl.Height / frm.Section(ctl.Section).Height, 4))
'If this control has a FontSize property, then capture the
'control's original font size and the control's original height from design-time
'These will be used later to calculate what the font size should be when the form is resized
Select Case ctl.ControlType
Case acLabel, acCommandButton, acTextBox, acComboBox, acListBox, acTabCtl, acToggleButton
ctlOriginalFontSize = ctl.FontSize
ctlOriginalControlHeight = ctl.Height
End Select
'Add all this data to the Tag property of the current control, separated by colons
ctl.Tag = ctlLeft & ":" & ctlTop & ":" & ctlWidth & ":" & ctlHeight & ":" & ctlOriginalFontSize & ":" & ctlOriginalControlHeight
'Set the Tag properties for the header and the footer to their proportional height
'in relation to the height of the whole form (header + detail + footer)
frm.Section(acHeader).Tag = CStr(Round(frm.Section(acHeader).Height / (frm.Section(acHeader).Height + frm.Section(acDetail).Height + frm.Section(acFooter).Height), 4))
frm.Section(acFooter).Tag = CStr(Round(frm.Section(acFooter).Height / (frm.Section(acHeader).Height + frm.Section(acDetail).Height + frm.Section(acFooter).Height), 4))
End Sub
Public Sub RepositionControls(frm As Form, fontZoom As Double)
On Error Resume Next
Dim formDetailHeight As Long
Dim tagArray() As String
'Since "Form.Section(acDetail).Height" usually returns the same value (unless the detail section is tiny)
'go ahead and calculate the detail section height ourselves and store it in a variable
formDetailHeight = frm.WindowHeight - frm.Section(acHeader).Height - frm.Section(acFooter).Height
Dim ctl As Control
'Loop through all the controls on the form
For Each ctl In frm.Controls
'An extra check to make sure the Tag property has a value
If ctl.Tag <> "" Then
'Split the Tag property into an array
tagArray = Split(ctl.Tag, ":")
If ctl.Section = acDetail Then
'This is the Detail section of the form so use our "formDetailHeight" variable from above
ctl.Move frm.WindowWidth * (CDbl(tagArray(ControlTag.FromLeft))), _
formDetailHeight * (CDbl(tagArray(ControlTag.FromTop))), _
frm.WindowWidth * (CDbl(tagArray(ControlTag.ControlWidth))), _
formDetailHeight * (CDbl(tagArray(ControlTag.ControlHeight)))
ctl.Move frm.WindowWidth * (CDbl(tagArray(ControlTag.FromLeft))), _
frm.Section(ctl.Section).Height * (CDbl(tagArray(ControlTag.FromTop))), _
frm.WindowWidth * (CDbl(tagArray(ControlTag.ControlWidth))), _
frm.Section(ctl.Section).Height * (CDbl(tagArray(ControlTag.ControlHeight)))
End If
'Now we need to change the font sizes on the controls.
'If this control has a FontSize property, then find the ratio of
'the current height of the control to the form-load height of the control.
'So if form-load height was 1000 (twips) and the current height is 500 (twips)
'then we multiply the original font size * (500/1000), or 50%.
'Then we multiply that by the fontZoom setting in case the user wants to
'increase or decrease the font sizes while viewing the form.
Select Case ctl.ControlType
Case acLabel, acCommandButton, acTextBox, acComboBox, acListBox, acTabCtl, acToggleButton
ctl.FontSize = Round(CDbl(tagArray(ControlTag.OriginalFontSize)) * CDbl(ctl.Height / tagArray(ControlTag.OriginalControlHeight))) * fontZoom
End Select
End If
End Sub
Here are some screenshots of what a form looks like when shrunk.
Also, you can make the text larger by holding the Ctrl key and scrolling the mouse wheel up (or, alternatively by holding the Shift key and pressing the + key.)
And, you can make the text smaller by holding the Ctrl key and scrolling the mouse wheel down (or, alternatively by holding the Shift key and pressing the - key.)
A few notes:
Have a look at how to anchor controls to the form so they can resize with the form.
Design your forms so they display properly on the smallest screensize that your users have.
It's important that you think about how your users will interact with your application. You cannot expect Access to magically reflow and resize everything, it's something you, as the designer of the application, need to think about.
So limit the number of controls on your form, and keep them small enough that they display correctly on whatever is the smallest reasonable screen resolution in your office.
If you do not want bars to appear, look at the form's scrollbars properties.
Look into the various form styles you can use: in Access 2007 and above, you can use forms in tabs. You can also make them popup, and prevent them from being resized.
Look into the following form properties and play around the various combinations to get the desired effect: