Add additional text to an existing string in SQL? - sql

I have a SQL table with a column named "FileLink" and I need to add the domain name at the end of the server name for all the existing records in the table. So it would be like this:
So I need to add "" to the link. Is there a sql statement to do this?

If you need to modify only one domain and this value is unique you can use REPLACE:
update Table
set Column = REPLACE(Column, 'ServerName', '')

If you don't want to use the replace statement you can do it like this:
#SrvName as varchar(50)
Set #SrvName = '\\ServerName'

If the servername is the same for each record you could do it with the replace statement. Otherwise you might want to use patindex to find the first occurence of a '\' starting from position 3 to determin the place you need to insert the extra text.

If you want to prevent any issue if you run the query against old and new records, you should use
REPLACE(FileLink, '\\ServerName\', '\\\')
Which gives:
SELECT REPLACE(FileLink, '\\ServerName\', '\\\') AS FileLinkUpdated
FROM MyTable
SET FileLink = REPLACE(FileLink, '\\ServerName\', '\\\')
Note that this is assuming you don't have a link with only \\ServerName


UPDATE column with VARCHAR(2) 4000 byte value

I want to update a table with complex entries in a column and just a clause in the column without effecting other values.
Want to update #Rule number=0# to #Rule number=1# but without affecting other values in the column. Is this possible?
Are you looking for replace()? If dynamic_attributes is a string:
update t
set dynamic_attributes = replace(dynamic_attributes,
'#Rule number=0#',
'#Rule number=1#'
where dynamic_attributes like '%#Rule number=0#%';
Note: Strings may not be the best way to store such a list. You should consider a table with one row per customer_id and dynamic attribute.
Here it is:
SET A.dynamic_attributes = REPLACE(A.dynamic_attributes,'#Rule number=0#','#Rule number=1#')
FROM yourtable AS A
WHERE A.dynamic_attributes LIKE '%#Rule number=0#%'

Oracle Update table to set specific attribute value in semicolon separated values

I have a column where I have values like:
Now I want to update New_eMail attribute for all rows which has Y to N without affecting anything else.
Please advise.
i hate it but...
update table
set column = replace(column,'New_eMail+Y','New_eMail+N')
where column like '%New_eMail+Y%'
you don't need the WHERE clause but if you put a functional index on the table it may be quicker with it
Since it may be the only place in the string where '+Y;' occurs the following statement may do the trick:
update <your_table>
set <your_column> = replace(<your_column>,'+Y;','+N;')
where instr(<your_column>,'+Y;')>0
This solution differs from the others provided because it does not depend on the value of the email address.
My answer is a slight improvement over the answer from user davegreen100
Since they don't allow me to post it as a comment, I add it here.
update <<tablename>>
set <<columnname>> = replace(<<columnname>>,';New_eMail+Y;',';New_eMail+N;')
where <<columnname>> like '%;New_eMail+Y;%'

How to store part of a field value in another column in SQL

So I'm trying to get a part of a value from a column and insert that part into another column - new column. BOTH columns are in the same table. So what i want should look something like this:
id newColumn oldColumn
1 12 123 some text
2 24 246 some text
I know how to get 12 and 24 using SUBSTR, but how do i enter the data for each row in the table. Should i be using self-join or something else?
First you have to add new col using following command:-
After that execute this command:-
I think this might help you.
No need to join, it's just a plain UPDATE:
update tablename set newColumn = substring(oldColumn from 1 for 2)
substring is ANSI SQL, some dbms have substr and other versions.
The question is why you are doing this? What do you expect to find in newColumn if someone later updates oldColumn to another value? Maybe you should have a view instead, where newColumn always has up to date values?
Please get into the habit of ALWAYS specifying the DB engine you are using... It helps us to help you - we can provide more relevant answers.
You might want to consider using a calculated column as opposed to storing the information again.
In SQL Server you could do something like this
ADD new_column as SUBSTRING(old_column, 1, 2);
This way you don't need to insert or update this column it is always consistent with the original column. and you just use it in your select statement in the usual way.
select new_column from YourTable

What is the following sql statement giving an error?

I get an error when i try to do this using SQL. ftp.server is the key whose value i would like to change:
UPDATE OL_PREF SET ftp.server=''
If the column name is really ftp.server, then the correct Oracle syntax for updating it should be
UPDATE OL_PREF SET "ftp.server" =''
In Oracle, double quotes are the correct way to handle column names that have non-standard characters, including lower-case letters and the period. Note that you must have the exact correct column name for this to work, including case.
You can verify the column name with:
SELECT column_name FROM user_tab_columns WHERE table_name='OL_PREF' ORDER BY column_name;
If what you really mean is that you have a table that stores key-value pairs, and that 'ftp.server' is a key, then you probably want an update like the one in Mark Wilkins' answer.
UPDATE OL_PREF SET [ftp.server]=''
UPDATE OL_PREF SET [ftp].[server]=''
if ftp is a schema and server is the fieldname.
You can't put the column name in quotes.
You could use brackets, which have the same functionality as quotes.
UPDATE OL_PREF SET [ftp.server] =''
Also, it's a good idea to use "two part naming", specifying the schema as well:
UPDATE dbo.OL_PREF SET [ftp.server] =''
SET ftp.server =''
no '' for column names
SQL Update
'ftp.server' is in quotes. (and that should not be)
Are you getting the error ORA-00904 string : invalid identifier?
If so read this
I did a quick test on this
SQL> create table t_tab_1 ( tname varchar2(3), "ftp.service" varchar2(20) );
Table created.
SQL> insert into t_tab_1(tname,"ftp.service") values('21','ftp://fila');
1 row created.
SQL> update t_tab_1 set "ftp.service"='';
1 row updated.
If there is more than I row in your table remember to use the where clause in your update statement.

How can I update many rows with SQL in a single table?

I have a table and one of the columns holds web addresses like: 'http://...' or 'https://...'.
The problem is that there are some invalid entries, like 'shttp://...' or '#http//...' (the first character is invalid) and I want to correct all of them.
I use the following SQL statement:
'SELECT [...] FROM MyTable WHERE WebAddress LIKE '_http%'
and I successfuly get the problematic rows.
But how am I going to change/correct all of them using an UPDATE statement?
If you have some other solution please share it!
Simply change the SELECT to an UPDATE (of course, with some syntax changes) with a "fix" expression
WebAddress = SUBSTRING(WebAddress, 2, 8000)
WebAddress LIKE '_http%'
You Can use Sub string property as you can trim odd letters .Also like '_word start' suitable for your question