CQRS - options around "get or create" - oop

I'm putting something together using a CQRS pattern (no event sourcing, nor DDD, but a clear difference between command and query).
The operation I'm trying to model is a "get-or-create", given a set of parameters. The item being created (or gotten) is effectively a unique communications link ID. Either of two parties can say "get-or-create comms link between me and the other" and a new temporary random ID is returned (which would be valid between them both). They can then send/receive messages using that ID (a PostMessage command or GetRecentMessages query). This temporary ID can be passed around, but can also be centrally invalidated, controlled, etc. Different sessions between the two parties should be recorded separately.
I know that the more typical "insert-then-get-me-the-ID-back" is handled by the command having a GUID parameter. But this doesn't seem to apply here because of course the item might already exist..
My options, I believe:
Execute a GetOrCreateCommsLink command followed by a GetActiveCommsLinkId query, i.e. command, then query. Feels wrong because commands are supposedly typically asynchronous (though not in my simple prototype so far), and is it right to wait for a command then run a query in my service layer?
Run a GetExistingOrNewActiveCommsLinkId query, which will either return an existing session ID, or create and return one. Feels wrong because it's a dirty cheat, both reading and mutating state in a query..
Don't use CQRS for this part of the app
Have each client use their own ID for the session - NotifyCommsLinkIdentifier command from each side specifies the parameters and their own ID, which is linked internally to the actual ID by the command. Then run a GetUnderlyingCommsLinkId query, given the identifier previously specified, to uncover the ID if needed. Feels wrong to because inventing this extra concept seems to be only because of the CQRS pattern, rather than any actual domain/business need
I suppose my question in general is how to deal with potential get-then-act, or act-then-get scenarios. Should I simply chain them together in my service layer, as per option 1.
Is there a standard approach, or standard approaches, to this?

So you are talking about CQS, not CQRS. Basically you are trying to find workarounds in order to strictly implement CQS pattern for something that naturally may not really be an asynchronous command.
My advice is: don't try to apply a pattern because of the pattern, but because it makes sense. Does it make sense in your case? What would be the benefit? Remember that you are not Amazon. Do you really need it?
That said, what I typically do is not the purist way, but allowing a command to return a simple ID if it's needed. This will make your architecture a lot more simple; and you still separate commands from queries which to me is the most important advantage.


Bulk POST request without enumerating objects

I'm trying to let my API clients make a POST request that bulk modifies objects that the client doesn't have their IDs.
I'm thinking of implementing this design but I don't feel good about it, are there any better solutions than this?
POST url/objects/modify?name=foo
This request will modify all objects with the name foo
This can be a tricky thing to do with an API because it doesn't age very well.
By that I mean that over time, you might introduce more criteria for the data stored on resources (e.g., you can only set this field to "archived" if the create_time field is older than 6 months). When that happens, your bulk updates will start to only work on some resources and now you have to communicate that back to the person calling the API.
For example, for any failures you need to explain that the update worked for some resources (and list them out) but failed on others (and list them out) and the reason why for each failure (and remember you might have different failure conditions for different resources).
If you're set on going down this path, the closest thing I can think of is the "criteria-based delete" method shown here: https://google.aip.dev/165.

When and how to assign unique id to an entity in DDD?

The best example would be an User entity which needs to be persisted. I have the following candidates to assign unique identifier to an user:
Assign keys provided by back-end (NDB, MySQL etc.).
Hand crafting unique identifier through some service (like system clock).
Properties like emailId.
Taking a simple example of a detailed view, we often have a detailed display of an user like some/path/users/{user_id}, if we keep emailId as the unique id then there are chances that an user may change its email id one day and breaks it.
Which is a better approach to identify the same entity?
Named UUID.
UUID, because it gives the identifier a nice predictable structure, without introducing any semantic implications (like your email id example). Think surrogate key.
Named UUID, because you want the generated id to be deterministic. Deterministic means reproducable : you can move your system to a test environment, and replay commands to inspect the results.
It also gives you an extra way to detect duplicated work - what should happen in your system if a create user command is repeated (example: user POSTs the same web form twice). There are various ways that you can guard against this in your intermediate layers, but a really easy way to cover this in your persistence layer (aka in your system of record) is to put a uniqueness constraint on the id. Because running the command a second time produces a "new" user entity with the same id, the persistence layer will object to the duplication, and you can handle things from there.
Thus, you get idempotent command handling even if all of your intermediate guard layers restart during the interval between the duplicated commands.
Named UUID gives you these properties; for instance, you might build the uuid from an identifier for the type of the entity and the id of the command (the duplicated command will have the same id when it is resent).
You can use transient properties of the user (like email address) as part of the seed for your named uuid if you have a guarantee that the property won't ever be assigned to someone else. Are you sure vivek#stackoverflow.com won't be assigned to another user? Then it's not a good seed to use.
Back end key assignment won't detect a collision if a command is duplicated - you would need to rely on some other bit of state to detect the collision.
System clock isn't a good choice, because it makes reproducing the same id difficult. A local copy of the system clock can work, if you can reproduce the updates to the local clock in your test environment. But that's a bunch of extra effort your don't want if time isn't already part of your domain model.
https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4122.txt (Section 4.3)
http://www.rfc-editor.org/errata_search.php?rfc=4122&eid=1352 (Errata for the example in the spec)
Generating v5 UUID. What is name and namespace?
I agree with #VoiceOfUnreason but only partially. We all know that UUIDs are terrible to spell and keep track of. All methods to use incremental and meaningful UUIDs resolve only parts of these issues.
An aggregate is being created with some id that is already available to the creating party. Although UUID can be generated without involving any external components, this is not the only solution. Using an external identity provider like Twitter Snowflake (retired) is an option too.
It is not very complicated to create very simple and reliable identity provider that can return incrementing long value by being given an aggregate type name.
Surely, it increases the complexity and can only be justified when there is a requirement to generate sequential unique numeric values. Resilience of this service becomes very important and needs to be addressed carefully. But it can just be seen as any other critical infrastructure component and we know that every system has quite a few of those anyway.

API interface design - toggle or 2 different interfaces

I am studying interface design.
Here is what I curious about.
Some of open API support 2 different interfaces to implement toggling. i.e. instagram like interface. It separates like interface(like, cancel like)
What is the advantage of separate those two.(separating into two interfaces makes end-user more complicated in my view)
I question this, since it could be implemented with toggle.
i.e. user send item_id and user_id. server check database(this item is already liked or not), and update.
Thanks for answer!
The real benefit to having two interfaces for toggling is that it doesn't require the user to know the current state of the thing they are attempting to change (i.e. it doesn't require me to first query for the state).
If I am a consumer of an API, typically I will want to perform actions such as like-ing something. Very rarely can I think of a case where I would want to perform the action of do the opposite of what I did previously (unless I'm feeling like flip-flopping). If you didn't have two endpoints for like and unlike then you'd first have to poll the API to get the current status, and then perform the toggle that you're talking about if needed.
This situation introduces more logic into your code, requires that you make 1-2 calls to the API, and assumes that the state didn't change between calls; whereas having two endpoints reduces the logic, limits your API calls to 1 per action, and you don't have to worry about the state changing unexpectedly.
In the case where you try to like something that the user has already liked, then the API would simply return a successful result and not alter the underlying data.
One reason to prefer an interface where you specify the desired state explicitly is that it will be idempotent. That is, the resulting state is the same even if the request is made multiple times.
This is a pretty contrived example, but if two different people sharing the same account tried to like the same thing within a small enough window, you could end up with it being un-liked instead.

RESTful implementation for "archiving" an entry

Say I have a table for machines, and one of the columns is called status. This can be either active, inactive, or discarded. A discarded machine is no longer useful and it only used for transaction purposes.
Assume now I want to discard a machine. Since this is an entry update, RESTfully, this would be a PUT request to /machines/:id. However, since this is a very special kind of an update, there could be other operations that would occur as well (for instance, remove any assigned users and what not).
So should this be more like a POST to /machines/:id/discard?
From a strict REST perspective, have you considered implementing a PATCH? In this manner, you can have it update just that status field and then also tie it in to updating everything else that is necessary?
I think the most generic way would be to POST a Machine object with { status: 'discarded' } to /machines/:id/.
Personally, I'd prefer the /machines/:id/discard approach, though. It might not be exactly in accordance with the spec, but it's more clear and easier to filter. For example, some users might be allowed to update a machine but not "archive" it.
Personally I think post should be used when the resource Id is either unknown or not relevant to the update being made.
This would make put the method I would use especially since you have other status types that will also need to be updated
Message body

In Symfony2, should I use an Entity or a custom Repository

I am creating a new web app and would like some help on design plans.
I have "store" objects, and each one has a number of "message" objects. I want to show a store page that shows this store's messages. Using Doctrine, I have mapped OneToMany using http://symfony.com/doc/current/book/doctrine.html
However, I want to show messages in reverse chronological order. So I added a:
* #ORM\OrderBy({"whenCreated" = "DESC"})
Still I am calling the "store" object, then calling
Now I want to show messages that have been "verified". At this point, I am unsure how to do this using #ORM so I was thinking I need a custom Repository layer.
My question is twofold:
First, can I do this using the Entity #ORM framework?
And second, which is the correct way to wrap this database query?
I know I eventually want the SQL SELECT * FROM message WHERE verified=1 AND store_id=? ORDER BY myTime DESC but how to make this the "Symfony2 way"?
For part 1 of your question... technically I think you could do this, but I don't think you'd be able to do it in an efficient way, or a way that doesn't go against good practices (i.e. injecting the entity manager into your entity).
Your question is an interesting one, because at first glance, I would also think of using $store->getMessages(). But because of your custom criteria, I think you're better off using a custom repository class for Messages. You might then have methods like
$messageRepo->getForStoreOrderedBy($storeId, $orderBy)
Now, you could do this from the Store entity with methods like $store->getMessagesWhereVerified() but I think that you would be polluting the store entity, especially if you need more and more of these custom methods. I think by keeping them in a Message repository, you're separating your concerns in a cleaner fashion. Also, with the Message repository, you might save yourself a query by not needing to first fetch your Store object, since you would only need to query to Message table and use its store_id in your WHERE clause.
Hope this helps.