I am trying to retrofit an existing ASP.NET web app into our business's MobileFirst environment while using as much of the same code base as possible between the 2 projects.
The issue that I am running into is that while, the browser app is mostly a single page, it rests within a sub folder (Views/ControllerPath). Therefore to link to any sources (js, imgs) around 95% of links are preceded with a '../'. My issue is that in the MobileFirst project, you can't seem to change the directory of where the mainFile is (defaults to /common/index.html).
Just so you are aware, I did find the mainFile tag in the application-descriptor.xml file and I can change it to a different path so my file in the subfolder does come up. But on preview, MobileFirst injects some js/css dependencies that it cannot find (I'm guessing because it is created in the 'common' folder). Is there any way that I can change where to search for these MobileFirst dependencies?
The answer is no.
The mainFile value must be the index.html that is placed in the common folder.
Changing this value (which we would actually love to remove it from application-descriptor.xml so you won't ever see it and be able to touch it) is unsupported.
The only other option for this element is to point it to a remote server for WebSphere Portal support. Other than that, modifications are not supported.
I'm working on an IBM MobileFirst Platform 7.1 project where there are many name value pairs in the worklight.properties file.
Say for example,
HOST_NAME = www.google.com
I access these variables form the MobileFirst adapter.
var hostName = WL.Server.configuration["HOST_NAME"]
There will be cases where I'll have to change the HOST_NAME in the worklight.properties to a different value. But sometimes, even after the value is changed in the worklight.properties file, they are not getting updated in the adapter.
Every time when I change the values I do the following,
Clean the project
Restart the server
Deploy the adapter again
Nothing seemed to change the value.
I suspect, the MobileFirst server caches the values and reuses the old values without updating the new ones. I say this because, I tried deleting the values in the worklight.properties file, and even tried deleting the file itself. Still the adapter was using the old value.
I tried deleting the MobileFirstServerConfig Folder in my workspace. Even that didn't work.
It would be great if someone could help me clear the cache or find a work around to this issue. Thanks in advance.
I kind of followed the above method but initially it didn't work.
But later I tried to follow these steps in this exact order and it seemed to work.
Stop Worklight Server.
Remove your project from Mobile First Development Server.
Go to the "bin" directory and remove your project war.
Clean and Build the entire workspace.
Start the server
Deploy the adapters
Run your app.
The worklight.properties file is embedded into the project runtime WAR file. So, if you change anything in worklight.properties, you must rebuild the WAR file and redeploy it. Based on your description, it sounds like you're only building the adapter (and not the app). At minimum, I would suggest to remove the runtime WAR file from the project "bin" directory (just to ensure that it gets rebuilt) and build all app environments. That should build / redeploy the WAR file and restart the server, and then what you're doing should work.
Here are the steps to follow:
1. If worklight server is up and running, stop it or restart your system.
2. Clear bin folder.
3. Do Clean Project and Build for enviournment.
4. Open Mobile first Console(Start server)
5. Deploy All adapters
6. Run your app.
If wlq or wl error is comming we can give an alert message 'test' in our main file where we have all the javascript files.
I need to update my Windows Phone application tile by downloading and parsing JSON. So I'm using Microsoft HTTP Client Libraries.
And I've always got the exception Use of networking APIs requires the ID_CAP_NETWORKING capability to be defined in the application manifest when I'm trying to debug background task.
But my manifest included ID_CAP_NETWORKING as required (screenshot https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t31.0-8/10750111_821340111262044_6461333323674658178_o.jpg).
I don't know what to do. I tried rebuild or recreate the app, but this didn't help. Also I can't find any documentation or an answer on the internet.
Can you please write, what can I do to solve this problem?
This is demo project http://1drv.ms/1yjHm49 with reproduced problem (project's name is 'Meduza. Windows Phone').
I debug my application on Lumia 720 (if it can help).
I re-downloaded your project and now I get your error. So I thought, I must of done something before launching your project that fixed it.
It took me while, but I can get your project to work by doing this
Unzip project to directory
Open Project
Clean Project
Add Internet (Client and Server) in Package.appxmanifest file (make sure you save it before exiting)
Put the break points in your background task
And it works. So a combination of Clean Build + editing the Package.appxmanifest did the trick for me.
I have created a cocoa application primarily to run on OS 10.6.8. to convert certain types of proprietary legacy files. The app looks at the legacy files creator code and processes it accordingly if it is a known type. Once the file is identified, I call an external legacy app (which I have added to the project) using [NSWorkspace openFile: withApplication: ]to open the droplet and process the file conversion.
The application works just like it is supposed to until I archive it and try to run it from the application bundle. Actually, it will continue to work but it is using the converter app from the project. If I delete the converter in the project area, then the app in the app bundle can not open the external app in that location. One work around is to delete the external app from the bundle after its archived and replace it with a copy of the one in the project area.
I would appreciate any suggestions on resolving this. I'm not sure if the problem is in some Xcode build setting I can change to include an external apps resource fork when archiving, or if this is a launch services issue with apps hidden in packages, or , something I'm not even considering.
Try setting the "Preserves HFS Data" (COPYING_PRESERVES_HFS_DATA) build setting.
I have a Worklight 6.0 project that uses the new Dojo 1.9 libs, I created an external dojo project, like the documentation suggested, then, in the main project properties, under "Dojo toolkit", it references this dojo19 project.
The project works on the local server, then I did "Run As" | "Build for Remote Server...", and entered the correct domain:port and context path, clicked Build, the *.wlapp files were updated. (I've also updated the settings for publicWorkLightHostname / publicWorkLightPort / publicWorkLightProtocol in the "Environment Entries for Web Modules" in the installed war to match the remote server names/port/protocol.)
But, after deploying both war and -all.wlapp file, accessing the app I get JS errors when it tries to refer to the dojo19 library:
The page at
https://<myIP>:9443/<myproject>/apps/services/www/ /mobilewebapp/default/IODMobile.html
ran insecure content from http://localhost:64441/dojo19/<myproject>/IODMobile/mobilewebapp/dojo/nls/core-web-layer_en-us.js.
The dojo19 is the project name in my Worklight developer workspace that I referred to above.
Why is it trying localhost? Seems there's a missing step here in deploying the dojo library project into Worklight.
Where are you trying to preview the application when you get the error message?
See the changes in Dojo in Worklight 6.0
If launching the application in emulator/simulator/device, see Billy Rowe's answer in this question
Partial copy/paste:
Step 1: Verify your application works in the Mobile Browser Simulator
with Provide Library Resources checked. If the Console log is showing
resources being served from the server, then these have to be copied
to your application before deploying to AVD or a device
Step 2: After you think you have all Dojo/resources within your
project, uncheck Provide Library Resources and test it again in MBS.
If it fails in MBS, then something is missing in your application that
is in the library/server. You can check Provide Library Resources and
retest to see if it shows you what that is. Not all resources are
shown, e.g. if there's a missing CSS file.
Also I would suggest to do all of this in the Development environment (that is, in Eclipse) before starting to deploy the .war file and .wlapp file etc... (which, BTW, I hope you're doing based on the new instructions for Worklight 6.0)
In the information center, it will show you how to uncheck the Provide Library Resources in the Console Log.
I think what you're running into is:
1) Something is being served from the Dojo Library/Server
2) A bug in 6.0 that used "localhost" instead of the IP of the host (your machine running eclipse). This is fixed in the 6.0 iFix. With this fix, you can run your app external to Studio and still use the Dojo Library/Server. Without this fix, you must have everything you need within your app.
Can you install the iFix and let us know if that fixed the problem?
First time MSBuild/CI setup. I've got all my class libraries building, but am getting hung up on a web deployment project. This requires several binaries that are to be copied from a sibling folder. The folder contains other binaries that I do not want copied; I just want what it needs and nothing more.
The csproj files specify the binaries with a handy "hintpath" so I can point them to the right place. This doesn't seem to be present in the wdproj.
My preference is not to add them to subversion in the web site's bin directory.
What's the secret sauce?
I hesitate to answer my own question this way but since nobody else seems to have any ideas... I switched the site being compiled from a Web Site to a Web Application Project. That's introduced its own problems, but at least now I don't have to keep a bin folder in subversion.