Can we install Shopify on localhost for development? - shopify

Can we install shopify on localhost for development ?
like: we download opencart and can install on localhost for development.
IS there any way for shopify ?

No, you can't download "anything" from Shopify core like you would do with OpenCart. Shopify is a fully hosted SAAS solution.

Yes. Sign up as a partner. You can then create as many test shops as you wish. A test shop is fully enabled with all the possibilities of Shopify. You can test out front-end code. You can write and install Apps for backend manipulations. And you can run all your Apps on localhost, connecting to your shop. As well, your theme can be localhost too with a file watcher keeping you sync'd to your dev shop.

You can use Shopify Theme Kit to download your app to a local work station and perform live updates from your local station


Pass Data From Shopify App To The Shopify Front-End

I am starting to create my first app using PHP laravel and osiset.
I have created a partner account and created an app as well. I have integrated the library also. Done with app installation and authorization.
Now I am stuck for the next step. I don't understand how can I link my code and settings implemented on my app to Shopify frontend. How can I link the app database to Shopify website?
I save all the customized data in the app and how can I link that data with Shopify website?
I am able to make a standalone app with PHP but don't understand how its data can be linked to Shopify website. How my app database can be used in shopify website?
I am new here. Any help is very much appreciated.
You have two main choices in 2022.
App Proxy
Theme App Extension
Also, Post-Purchase extensions, for checkout stuff, but I digress. You should have no trouble injecting your special content using #1 or #2.

Is there a way to edit the embedded checkout as used on an external site in BigCommerce?

I'm using the BigCommerce embedded checkout on an external site and want to know if there's a way to alter it?
I edited the theme files in the browser via the admin panel as well as following this tutorial to edit the Checkout SDK. In each case the changes showed up on the checkout of my BigCommerce site but not on the embedded checkout of my external site.
An embedded checkout is rendered separately from the respective store's built-in checkout so changes made via the Checkout SDK aren't supported. The Storefront Web APIs don't currently support CORS and because of that this library only functions on BigCommerce storefronts.

How to check if an app is installed to my Shopify Store

I can see all of my installed apps in shopify admin/apps, but i want to check it using some code behind (from my rails app).
Is there any way to list all the installed apps in my Shopify Store
or check specific app if it's installed or not?
Thank you.
check specific app if it's installed or not?
You can use ShopifyAPI::Shop.current. If the shop is not installed you'll get a ActiveResource::UnauthorizedAccess exception.
You'll also see ActiveResource::ClientErrors for shops that are suspended (e.g. credit card expired) and ActiveResource::ResourceNotFound for dead shops.

Install an App in unpublished theme in shopify store

I want to install some Apps in my unpublished theme (development theme) without impacting published (live) theme.
I have searched in google but couldn't find any solution. If anybody have done this type of task then please help me. Thanks in advance!
If the app provides an option for choosing a theme then yes you can, but otherwhise you can't.
Most APPs now install scripts that inject some content. Those scripts are tied directly to the live theme and if there is no option to choose a specific theme you can't change that functionality.
So you don't have a lot of options, if the APPs are not paid you can create a separate dev store where you can do your testing or styling and transfer the theme to the live store once you are done. But if the APPs are paid you will need to communicate with your client that there is a chance that the app may modify some of the current theme functionality and this may be visible on the live site.
The different apps are as follow:
Has an option for choosing a theme
Modify the theme files directly
Includes a script that will inject content and functionality to the front-end
Mash up of the above
Have in mind that all of the above indicates that these apps will modify the front-end in some way, there are APPs that extend the back-end and doesn't modify the front-end.

How to test a BigCommerce app or plugin before submission

Is there any way to test your app or plugin before submitting for approval?
Or is there any sandbox for BigCommerce to test the apps prior?
How were the developers of the apps that are presently in the BigCommerce store able to test during the development phase?
You can test your app in a free trial store.
You can do this by:
Setting up a developer account
Logging in to the Apps section
Adding a draft app
Logging in to any Bigcommerce store (preferably a trial store) where you are an admin
Go to Apps then My Drafts
Install your app & test away
See for more info.
To test your app on local, use to create a https url that tunnels to your localhost