trouble with string to date conversion - sql

Greetings StackWarriors....
I am in need of some help.
I have this SQL Select statement:
SELECT GEOID, cast(LEFT(PP.PurchaseDate,4) + RIGHT(Left(PP.PurchaseDate,6),2) as integer) AS Month
FROM PropertyParametersNew PP
join PropertyTracts PT on PP.ParcelID = PT.PARCELID
PP.PurchaseDate >0
and convert(datetime, PP.PurchaseDate, 112)>= DATEADD(MONTH,-1,getdate())
The intent in this query is trying to get GEOID, and the year/month associated in the PurchaseDate Column.
and I'm getting this error:
Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 1 The conversion of a varchar data
type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
I realized that inside that column, I have yyyymmdd formatted dates that have 00's in the mm and dd. Examples include 20130000 and 20120300.
I am trying to rephrase the sql query to handle those entries.
My owners say that 0000 should reflect January 1, and 00 should reflect the 1st of the month.
How can I restructure this SQL statement to reflect this value, so I can get Year/Month combo without the conversion failure?

You can use REPLACE to fix values in PurchaseDate, then simply use fixed field in its place:
(edit made after correct remark by #t-clausen)
cast(LEFT(x.PurchaseDate,4) + RIGHT(Left(x.PurchaseDate,6),2) as integer) AS Month
FROM PropertyParametersNew PP
THEN LEFT(PP.PurchaseDate, 4) + '0101'
WHEN RIGHT(PP.PurchaseDate, 2) = '00'
THEN LEFT(PP.PurchaseDate, 6) + '01'
ELSE PurchaseDate
END) x(PurchaseDate)
JOIN PropertyTracts PT on PP.ParcelID = PT.PARCELID
PP.PurchaseDate >0
and convert(datetime, x.PurchaseDate, 112)>= DATEADD(MONTH,-1,getdate())
If, for example, PP.PurchaseDate is equal to 20130000, then the above query sets x.PurchaseDate equal to 20130101 and uses this value inside CONVERT as well as in SELECT clause.
For all this to work PP.PurchaseDate must be of fixed length (8 characters).

Best senario would be fixing the data to date second best would be changing your dates to be valid dates as char(8).
But your question is how to write your select.
You should not convert the purchase date to datetime, you should go the other way and convert the getdate() to char(8). This will give you a better performance. Then there is the issue of the varchar being 20130000. You can compensate by subtracting 1 from the date and ask for a greater value instead of greater equal.
The answer is quite simple and improves performance because you don't have a conversion on your column:
PP.PurchaseDate >0
and PP.PurchaseDate >
CONVERT(char(8),DATEADD(MONTH,-1,getdate())-1, 112)


How to get start and end of month in numeric type for SQL where clause

I want to run a query monthly to look for records from the previous month. The where clause will be greater or equal to the 1st day of the month and less or equal to the last day. The difficultly I am having is the dates are stored as numbers in a column with a numeric data type. The format being used is yyyymmdd. We are currently manually changing the where clause, so e.g. show me any records with dates >=20201001 to <=20201031, but we need to automate this process. I have tried a few ways to try and solve this but need some guidance.
So far I've tried:
select concat( CONCAT(cast((Year(DATEADD(month, -1, getdate()))) as numeric),cast((Month(DATEADD(month, -1, getdate()))) as numeric)),'01')
Returns error message operand data type numeric is invalid for concat operator. Works in separate query window returning format yyyymmdd.
SELECT DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, (DATEADD(month, -1, getdate()))), 0)
Returns error message arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type date time. Works partly in separate query window but returns yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss:ms
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The real solution is fix the design; don't store dates in a datatype other than a date and time data type.
What you can do, however, is convert the value of GETDATE() to a numerical value of the same format:
FROM ...
WHERE NumericalDate >= CONVERT(varchar(8),DATEADD(DAY, 1, EOMONTH(GETDATE(),-1)),112)
AND NumericalDate < CONVERT(varchar(8),DATEADD(DAY, 1, EOMONTH(GETDATE())),112)
For today, this would return rows where NumericalDate is in November 2020 (specifically on or after 20201101 and before but not on 20201201).
Note, I don't "bother" to CAST/CONVERT the varchar to a Numerical data type, as it'll be implicit cast due to data type precedence.
You can use artihmetics like so:
where dates >= year(getdate()) * 10000 + month(getdate()) * 100 + 1
and dates < year(dateadd(month, 1, getdate())) * 10000 + month(dateadd(month, 1, getdate())) * 100 + 1
Compare the month and forget the days.
BETWEEN 20201000 and 20201099 finds the same rows as your example >=20201001 to <=20201031
That means that you do not have to figure out how many days are in the month.

SQl Server Converting to Date fails , DateTime works

I have a table with a varchar(25) column that holds a date value. A typical value is '11/04/2017'.
This query returns 0 rows
select *
from myTable
where isdate(inputDate) = 0
I am trying to find a max on this, using a date sort.
This query returns the expected result
;with gooddates as
medcomfolder, PatientId, PatientBirthday, InputDate
isdate(inputDate) = 1
select max(convert(datetime, inputDate))
from gooddates
This query returns an error.
;with gooddates as
medcomfolder, PatientId, PatientBirthday, InputDate
isdate(inputdate) = 1
select max(convert(date, inputdate))
from gooddates
This is the returned error
Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 274
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string
The difference between the 2 queries is that the first is converting to a dateTime while the latter is converting to a date.
At this point, I can move forward w/ the dateTime option, but I am left wondering what I am missing.
I have checked that there are no embedded spaces, and all the columns have a len(InputDate) = 10 (there is NO time data included)
I selected distinct values,put them in excel, and did a date function on each row. I was hoping to get a #VALUE on 1 row. All the rows worked.
So there is nothing silly like '02/31/2019' going on.
How can a dateTime conversion pass when a simple date conversion does not?
My guess is that you have values that include a time stamp following the date (based on the fact that isdate() is always zero).
If so, one simple solution would be to use convert(date, left(inputdate, 10)). Another solution uses try_convert():
try_convert(date, inputdate)
To find the offending values:
select inputdate
from dwhFuData
where try_convert(date, inputdate) is null and inputdate is not null;

Find data with specific date and month only

I am trying to find a data with specific where clause of date and month but I am receiving an error can anyone help me with this?
select *
from my_data
where date BETWEEN '11-20' AND '12-15'
MS SQL Server Management Studio
I am receving an error
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string
Most databases support functions to extract components of dates. So, one way of doing what you want is to convert the values to numbers and make a comparison like this:
where month(date) * 100 + day(date) between 1120 and 1215
The functions for extracting date parts differ by database, so your database might have somewhat different methods for doing this.
The conversion is failing because you are not specifying a year. If you were to specify '11-20-2015' your query would work just insert whatever year you need.
FROM my_data
WHERE date BETWEEN '11-20-2015' AND '12-15-2015'
Alternatively if you wanted data from that range of dates for multiple years I would use a while loop to insert information in a # table then read from that table, depending on the amount of data this could be quick or sloooowww here is an example.
DECLARE #mindatestart date, #mindateend date, #maxdatestart date
SET #mindatestart = '11-20-2010'
SET #mindateend = '12-15-2010'
SET #maxdatestart = '11-20-2015'
SELECT top 0 *, year = ' '
INTO #mydata
FROM my_data
WHILE #mindatestart < #maxdatestart
SELECT *, YEAR(#mindatestart)
FROM my_data
where date between #mindatestart and #mindateend
SET #mindatestart = DATEADD(Year, 1, #mindatestart)
SET #mindateend = DATEADD(Year, 1, #mindateend)
This will loop and insert the data from 2010-2015 for those date ranges and add a extra column on the end so you can call the data and order by year if you want like this
SELECT * FROM #mydata order by YEAR
Hopefully some part of this helps!
FROM my_data
WHERE DAY(RIGHT(date, 5)) between DAY(11-20) and DAY(12-15)
The reason '11-20' doesn't work is because its a character string which is why you have to input it between ' ' What the Month() function does is take whatever you put between the () and convert it to an integer. Which is why you're not getting anything back using the method in the first answer, the '-Year' from the table date field is being added into the numeric value where your value is just being converted from 11-20 you can see by using these queries
SELECT MONTH(11-20) --Returns 12
SELECT MONTH(11-20-2015) -- Returns 6
SELECT MONTH(11-20-2014) -- Returns 6
Using RIGHT(Date, 5) you only get Month-day, then you date the day value of that so DAY(RIGHT(DATE, 5) and you should get something that in theory should fall within those date ranges despite the year. However I'm not sure how accurate the data will be, and its a lot of work just to not add an additional 8 characters in your original query.
Since you only care about month and day, but not year, you need to use DATEPART to split up the date. Try this:
select *
from my_data
AND (DATEPART(m, date) >= 11 AND DATEPART(d,date) >= 20)
AND (DATEPART(m, date) <= 12 AND DATEPART(d,date) <= 15)

finding data lying between a specific date range in sql

I want to find records from my database which lie between any user input date range(say between 10/2/2008 to 26/9/2024). I tried using
convert(VARCHAR(20), EXP_DATE, 103)
but with this query i need to enter perfect date range which is available in my database, it is not giving me data lying in between any date entered.
Thanks in advance
Since it is a poolr designed schema there isnt going to be any decent/Efficient solution for this.
In sql server if you are storing Date or Date & Time data. Use the Data or DATETIME datatypes for your columns.
In your case you are trying to compare a string with passed date. and even when you tried to convert the string (Date) into date datatype you didnt do it correctly.
My suggestion would be Add new columns to your table with Date datatype and update these columns with existing date/string values.
For now you can convert the Date(string) into date datatype using the following code.
SELECT query....
FROM TableName
This solution will get you the expected results but very inefficient method. It will not make use of any indexses on your EXP_DATE Column even if you have a very buffed up index on that column.

Converting m/d/y strings to datetime yields conversion error

Here is the code I'm using:
,Value /*Convert date to the first of the selected month*/
FROM [Oasis].[dbo].[vw_SALES_SalesItemDetails]
AND FieldName = 'Estimated Ship Date'
(I'm selecting just those PKs because those are all the rows in the query.)
This is the error I receive:
The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted
in an out-of-range value
Below is a sample of the data returned from my view. The final solution actually converts the values to the first of their respective months. But an error is thrown either way.
When I remove the WHERE, it works fine. So there's something strange going on there I can't seem to figure out so far. Any ideas?
Odds are, either the date is being interpreted as d/m/y (and the first row fails because there is no 18th month), or you have a piece of data in there where the first part (month) is > 12.
To find offending rows:
SELECT Value FROM [Oasis].[dbo].[vw_SALES_SalesItemDetails]
WHERE SalesItemPK IN (1425,1225,1556,1589,1599,1588,1590)
AND ISDATE(Value) = 0;
(And if you find offending rows, obviously, fix them.)
You can also make sure the values are interpreted as m/d/y (and won't fail on other garbage in the column) using:
SELECT SalesItemPK, FieldName, Value,
FirstOfMonth = CASE WHEN ISDATE(Value) = 1 THEN
FROM [Oasis].[dbo].[vw_SALES_SalesItemDetails]
WHERE SalesItemPK IN (1425,1225,1556,1589,1599,1588,1590)
AND FieldName = 'Estimated Ship Date'
ELSE NULL END >= '20100101';
Also note that just because you perform a WHERE clause on the PK values, does not mean SQL Server has to evaluate that condition first. It could try to convert every row in the view (heck, every row in the source table) to a DATETIME first. Which is why I also added a CASE expression to the SELECT list, just in case. No pun intended. I also offered my suggestion on how to calculate the first of the month easily (a lot of people tend to do really strange things, like convert to string).
Do you have any idea how much simpler this query would be if the view exposed a separate column as datetime, e.g.
, DateValue = CASE WHEN ISDATE(Value) = 1 THEN CONVERT(DATETIME, Value, 101)
Then the query could be:
SELECT SalesItemPK, FieldName, DateValue,
FirstOfMonth = DATEADD(DAY, 1-DAY(DateValue), DateValue)
FROM [Oasis].[dbo].[vw_SALES_SalesItemDetails]
WHERE SalesItemPK IN (1425,1225,1556,1589,1599,1588,1590)
AND DateValue >= '20100101';
In fact the view could also expose the FirstOfMonth calculation for you too.
These are some of the many, many, many reasons why you should never, ever, ever store date/time data as strings. At the very least, change the view to present these strings as a completely language-, dateformat- and region-neutral string (yyyymmdd) instead of mm/dd/yyyy.
Its probably one of your date values is not in correct format. Try the following query to find list of values that cant be converted as date.
select value from [Oasis].[dbo].[vw_SALES_SalesItemDetails] where isdate(value) = 0